The time has come for us to return to stores for some well-deserved retail therapy. It’s been a tough year and being locked up at home didn’t make it any easier. Finally, stores have reopened to the delight of shopaholics everywhere waiting for a good shopping spree.
Shopping experts Opening Times researched the most popular stores for post-lockdown retail therapy by closely analysing Google data. Were we drawn to luxury brands or looking to shop on a budget?
Read on to find out if Brits were ready to splurge on luxury items or if we went for budget retail therapy after the lockdown. We’ve put together the most popular stores for post-lockdown therapy and the areas Brits searched for them most.
What are Brits’ most popular stores for post-lockdown retail therapy?
Brits’ most popular stores for post-lockdown therapy were Primark, IKEA, Matalan, Dunelm, Next, Sports Direct, TK Maxx, John Lewis, Debenhams, and Card Factory.
Brits’ most popular stores are then mainly budget-friendly ones. Only John Lewis and Debenhams are higher-end options in demand for our post-lockdown retail therapy.
Keep on reading to find out how many searches for these stores’ opening times earn them their spots as most popular for post-lockdown retail therapy.
Primark has received 74,000 searches for its opening times in April. When we first left the lockdown, it was the most popular destination for retail therapy.
Primark’s popularity comes with no surprise. This budget-friendly fashion, beauty, and homeware store was closed throughout lockdown. Since they didn’t offer the option to shop online, we eagerly waited for them to open.
Brits Googled IKEA’s opening times 60,500 times in April. Their searches make IKEA the second most popular store for post-lockdown shopping in England.
We couldn’t get enough of IKEA’s affordable homeware. Although Brits could place orders for their staple Scandinavian-style products, there’s nothing like having a browse in store.
40,500 searches for Matalan opening times earn its status as one of Brits’ most popular stores for post-lockdown retail therapy.
This family-friendly store got many of us browsing for fashion and homeware in person as soon as it opened to the public. Matalan’s new range made it a popular destination for budget shopping.

Dunelm received 33,100 Google searches for its opening times in April. Dunelm had as many searches as Next, Sports Direct, and TK Maxx. Its popularity shows just how eager Brits were to give their homes an affordable makeover.
Dunelm offered us the chance to go on a home decor spree as soon as the lockdown ended. They have a furniture and garden range made for every taste. So, they were the perfect destination for post-lockdown retail therapy for homeowners.
Brits looked up Next’s opening times 33,100 times when the lockdown lifted. So Next stores were as popular as Dunelm, Sports Direct, and TX Maxx when it comes to post-lockdown shopping.
Next made for a great fashion shopping spree after months spent returning clothes through the post if they didn’t make the cut. Even though they had an online store for Brits’ fashion and homeware needs, Next’s stores were trendy post-lockdown. Their new range came right in time for hot summer days.
Sports Direct
Sports Direct received 33,100 searches for their opening times on Google. This high volume makes it as attractive for post-lockdown retail therapy as Dunelm, Next, and TK Maxx.
Sports Direct was a popular destination for activewear and gear right in time for gyms opening with a range made for our return to healthy routines. Their online stores were open to the public throughout lockdown, but that didn’t mean we weren’t ready for a real-life splurge on sports gear.
TK Maxx
33,100 Google searches for TX Maxx’s opening times post-lockdown places this store up there with Dunelm, Next, and Sports Direct.
There’s something special about a browse through TK Maxx’s range of products. We missed it. So their popularity post-lockdown comes without question. We could shop for affordable fashion, homeware, and kitchen favourites once again.
John Lewis
John Lewis opening times were looked up 14,800 in April by Brits. Their popularity shows that higher-end products were on the mind of Brits even when budget-friendly shopping was more in demand.
A browse through John Lewis’ range of fashion and homeware was well-welcome after the months spent inside. Their new line, ANYDAY, attracted us all to check out what John Lewis had in store for us.
Debenhams received 9,900 searches for its opening times post-lockdown. So did Card Factory, although their products couldn’t be more different.
Debenhams’ popularity skyrocketed right as stores were to close down again. This time, they were closing for good. So Brits took their chance to have one last shopping spree in Debenhams. Their beauty, fashion, and homeware products made for the perfect post-lockdown retail therapy session.
Card Factory
With 9,900 searches for their opening times in April, Card Factory is as successful as Debenhams for post-lockdown shopping.
Card Factory is the perfect destination for gift shopping, and it’s not only because of their cards. Brits could finally go shopping for gifts in person. Their popularity is then a given since hand-picked presents are the most personal gift we could offer.
Where are Brits’ most popular stores’ locations for post-lockdown retail therapy?
Brits’ most popular stores’ locations for post-lockdown retail therapy are IKEA in Croydon and Warrington, Primark in Birmingham, and John Lewis in Cheadle and Kingston.
Since we had a look at Brits’ preferences when it comes to post-lockdown retail therapy, we decided that the most popular stores’ locations also mattered. They show that Brits do like to mix budget shopping with luxury splurges after the lockdown.
Read on to find out how many searches the country’s three most popular post-lockdown retail therapy locations received.
IKEA’s stores in England received the most searches in two different locations, IKEA Croydon and IKEA Warrington.
IKEA Croydon opening times were Googled 6,600 times by Brits as soon as the lockdown lifted in April. So were IKEA Warrington opening times, which reached 6,600 searches too. IKEA’s popularity shows how eager Brits were for an affordable home makeover.
Primark Birmingham was the most popular Primark location in the country. This location is the second most popular post-lockdown retail therapy in England and shares the spotlight with two John Lewis stores.
Primark Birmingham opening times were looked up 1,900 times in April when we were free to go on a shopping spree in person. They’re known for their budget-friendly fashion and homeware, so we’re not surprised.
John Lewis
John Lewis’ stores in Cheadle and Kingston were just as popular as Primark’s store in Birmingham. Their stores complete the country’s top three most popular locations for post-lockdown retail therapy.
John Lewis Cheadle opening times received 1,900 Google searches post-lockdown. So did John Lewis Kingston opening times, which were also looked up 1,900 times by Brits.
Brits’ shopping trends after the lockdown shows a preference for affordable retail therapy. After all, the lockdown has pushed many of us into career changes and calculated spending. We’ve had to adapt to different budgets. But this doesn’t mean luxury brands are entirely out of our minds. Our most popular stores for post-lockdown retail therapy come in a varied range. They include affordable and higher-end fashion, homeware, and beauty shopping.