Saturday, September 7, 2024

What Is A Good Engagement Rate For Your Publications?

How do you calculate engagement rate? It’s a question that many people struggle with, and it can be difficult to find the right answer. This question can be answered in many different ways, depending on the type of publication. For example, if you are a daily newspaper, then any number over 10% would be considered a good engagement rate. If you are an online news source that publishes articles once per week or less often than that, anything over 50% would be considered a good engagement rate.

Truth be told, engagement rates can be a tricky thing to calculate. You’d want to know how many people are actually reading our content, but there is no good way to measure this. Some people only read the headline and then make a judgment about whether or not they will read it in full, while others might skim through the article and leave without any interaction at all.

If you are interested in improving this metric for your website, visit to learn more about increasing the engagement rate for your publication.

What Is An Engagement Rate?

An engagement rate is a metric that measures how much users participate with your content. Essentially, it is a formula that measures the amount of interaction your social content earns relative to different audience figures and reach, including click-throughs, mentions, direct messages, saves, shares, comments, likes, and reactions, among other things.

When it comes to social media, engagement will depend on the social network and actions that are more active than passive.

Engagement rate can be broken down into three types: impressions, clicks, and time spent on site. You want to have the highest possible engagement rates for all of these metrics because they all measure different things about your audience’s experience with your post.

Impressions show potential readers that you are posting quality content, clicks show actual interaction, and time on site shows how well people are able to get through your article.

To help you understand engagement rates more fully, we have compiled some information on what is considered “good” for your publications.

What is an ideal engagement rate for a publication?

As said earlier, depending on the publication, anything that falls between 10%-50% would be considered a good engagement rate.

For example, if you are publishing articles once per week or less often than this, then any number over 30% would be considered a good engagement rate.

If you are writing content daily and have over 30% of your audience reading the articles, or you have more than 50 followers on social media, anything over 60% would be considered good.

This is because in both cases, there are many people who engage with your content.

Things to consider when measuring engagement rates

To measure the engagement rate of your publication, you need to understand the impact of your marketing channels. For example, if you are posting on Facebook once per day and only a few people “like” your post, then this would be considered less engagement than someone who posts to their page every hour and has 100% of the audience liking it.

A metric like impressions is also something that needs to be included when measuring an engagement rate because they show potential readers that you are posting quality content.

There is no right answer to what an ideal engagement rate for a publication would be, but the main thing is to know how your audience interacts with your posts and use this information to create better ones in the future!

With that said, there are different marketing channels that can help determine the engagement rate of your publications. They include:

Direct Traffic

After you publish an article, the direct traffic rate is how many people end up on your site via a bookmark or search. This doesn’t include social shares, so it will be less than what we see with impressions and visitors.

If you are looking at your analytics for a specific post, direct traffic will be within the “referrers” section, and this is what should be used when measuring engagement rates because it will provide an idea of how many people actually read your content.

For instance, if 200 readers came to your site via direct traffic but only 100 of them read your content, then this would show an engagement rate of 50%.

Paid Search

This will show you how many readers came from paid ads, such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.

The most important thing when using this method is it’s more likely for someone who clicked on an ad to view full articles than just click on the title.

This is because they have already seen an advertisement and then clicked on a link that leads to your site. So it’s more likely for them to read what you posted, even if this was just one article in particular.

When reading these metrics, make sure not to confuse paid search with direct traffic or impressions, as it will have a much higher number.

Social Media

This is the most popular way for people to get information nowadays because of how easy it is to share content via social media.

If you are trying to calculate engagement rates, consider which social media platform(s) you use and how often you share your content.

For example, if you are using Twitter and posting content every day, then a 0.045% engagement rate is normal.

However, for Instagram, this would be considered high because it is more engaging than Twitter. With that said, the average engagement rate for Instagram is considered to be 4.59%.

It’s important to take into account how often someone posts and their audience size when looking at an engagement rate. For example, if you have 100 followers on Instagram, then it wouldn’t be fair for you to compare yourself with someone who has 1000 followers.


The engagement rate can tell you a lot about your audience and what posts are working. In order to get the best measurement, take into account how often you are posting as well as your marketing channels.

It’s also important to know that it might be difficult for publications with smaller audiences to have high engagement rates because of competition from other brands.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
Sam heads up Cheshire-based PR Fire, an online platform that has already helped over 10,000 businesses to grab widespread media coverage on their news at an extremely accessible price point.

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