Saturday, September 7, 2024

Imagin From Caixabank Attracts 400000 Clients In Six Months

Imagin, the digital services and lifestyle platform for millennials, a CaixaBank subsidiary, has reached three million users at the end of 2020.

The imaginers community has grown at double digits in the last six months, adding 15% more than new users, which means incorporating more than 400,000 people since last June, the date on which Imagin launched its new concept of a digital community aimed at young people with a focus on lifestyle, according to data provided by the entity.

These data separate Imagin from the rest of the digital financial platforms, by adding a market share of 14.6%, according to the latest study by Smartme Analytics, which places the platform as a leader.

The CaixaBank subsidiary is followed by Bnext, with a 7.3% share; Revellion Pay, with 6.8%, and Openbank, Revolut and N26, with shares of 5.8%, 5.5% and 5.2%, respectively.

The registered growth responds to Imagin’s new strategy of promoting the loyalty of its users through the creation of digital, financial and non-financial services, which, unlike traditional banking, do not necessarily imply registration as a bank customer, he explains. this bank by mobile.

In addition to growing in new users, Imagin has increased the loyalty of those who were already imaginers. In recent months, more than 50% of Imagin users access the app more than four times a week.

As a significant figure of the volume of activity, on January 4, 1.4 million accesses to the application were registered, which represents a historical record of use of the app, add sources from this platform.

According to Imagin data, the most common client profile is that of a woman (52%), with an average age of 24 years and a resident of a large city (62% is distributed between Madrid and Barcelona).

As a novelty in 2021, integration with the international startup Almond, based in London and considered one of the most effective technological solutions to combat climate change, has been deployed.

It is a system that helps the user to reduce and offset their own carbon footprint. Thanks to it, the imaginers will be able to estimate what CO2 emissions they are generating with their daily activity and will be offered the possibility of offsetting them.

CaixaBank, on the other hand, closed 2020 as Bizum’s leading entity in the number of registered users, with more than 3 million customers (22.7% of the total), which represents a 156% growth compared to the last quarter of 2019 , according to data from the bank of Catalan origin.

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