Saturday, September 7, 2024

How to Properly Disinfect The Floors of Your Home

In order to maintain the proper hygiene, you not only keep yourself clean and sanitized, you also need to keep every inch of your home clean and disinfected. There are places at your home that you directly touch with your hands, and you might be aware of the full process to maintain the sanitizing process of those places. But on surfaces where you don’t usually touch with your hands, you might be kind of incautious about the hygiene of those surfaces, as it is really easy to not care about those place’s hygiene.

The floors of your home are such kinds of surfaces, where you just walk on, and your furniture is kept on it. But if you want to maintain the proper health for all the members of your home, you need to take care of the floor’s hygiene too. As germs and different bacteria can easily reside on the floor, they can easily spread from the floor to other places and to the members of your household too.

And in addition, if you have babies or pets in your home, then they will be bound to stay on the floor and play on it a lot. Then you’ll have to be more careful in keeping the floor completely clean and disinfected. And not to mention, with the recent outbreak of coronavirus, it has become all the more important to keep your home and all the surfaces including the floors properly disinfected. So that you can keep your family and yourself safe from getting affected by this deadly virus.

So, first, you need to make a plan for disinfecting the floors. Like, if you have babies or pets or both in your home, you’ll need to disinfect the floors more frequently, as they like to stay on the floor a lot and their immune systems are not strong enough to fight different viruses and bacteria. So, if the floors aren’t properly disinfected, they might get affected easily.

Furthermore, if people in your home go out a lot, then the floors need to be cleaned more often. Also, you don’t need to sanitize every floor in the home every day. Places that are more at risk of getting infected, such as the places near the door where you put on and take off your shoes every day, or the places where mud and other dirt can pollute the area easily.

How to Disinfect The Floors

First of all, you can implement some ground rules in your home to minimize the chances of the floors getting infected as much as possible. You can implement a ‘no outside shoes’ rule in your house to prevent the spread of various germs. There needs to be a specific point for the shoes. You can maintain a routine for cleaning the floors regularly and clean all the parts by going through a chained process. So, without much problem, you’ll be able to disinfect the whole house properly. Also, keep your family members clean, so they themselves don’t infect the floors. Here are the two most beneficial ways how you can disinfect the house-

Using Steam Cleaners

You can go for a steam mop if you’re looking forward to deep cleaning the entire home on a regular basis. It is appropriate for most floor types. Especially if you have tiled floors in your home, then they are a really great way to clean the floors. Then again, most floors are tiled these days, just the type of the tiles varies from floor to floor. Steam cleaners easily work on different types of tiles such as ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, mosaic tiles, metal tiles, etc.

The steam cleaner produces extreme heat and kills bacteria with it. Steam cleaners produce around 200 degrees of temperature on average, and according to the CDC, different respiratory viruses like flu get killed if there’s a heat of more than 167 degrees. However, if you have carpets, then you’ll need heated carpet cleaning machines that can easily sanitize carpets and rugs.

Using DIfferent Floor Cleaning Products

You can just use a regular mop to clean and disinfect your tiled floors. In that case, you’ll need to use a floor cleaning product to clean that floor. Even regular floor cleaners that are not disinfectant by definition can work to disinfect your floor to a great extent. Regular floor cleaning materials have surfactants in their components, which can loosen the germs and bacteria from the floor surface. And then you can just mop them away, and your floor will get completely clean. Just make sure that your cleaning product is compatible with the type of tiles of your floor.

You can also follow up the cleaning process by using a disinfecting solution on your floor. The solution can be either a wipe or spraying disinfectant, or isopropyl alcohol, or a diluted mixture of bleach. Just make sure that whatever you are using is compatible with your floor so that your floor doesn’t get damaged. Perfectly check which components have been used in the cleaner and disinfectant.

If you can get your hand on a cleaning product with disinfectant components in it, then you can also use that very conveniently. However, you need to keep your pets and kids away from the floor until they’re completely dried, as these chemicals can be harmful to them.

Final Words

Keeping your whole home clean and germ-free must be one of your top priorities, as the health of your family members depends on it a lot. And keeping the floor clean and disinfected is a part of that, and especially during the time of Covid, it has become even more important. So, make sure that you are taking proper measures to keep your floor disinfected.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
Sam heads up Cheshire-based PR Fire, an online platform that has already helped over 10,000 businesses to grab widespread media coverage on their news at an extremely accessible price point.

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