Saturday, September 7, 2024

5 Talent Agencies That Help Black Women Find a Job

The labor market is becoming more demanding. That’s why we often find ourselves in need of professional help related to job applications and interviews. The situation is even harder for black women, statistics say. They often experience a higher percentage of unemployment compared to women of other races.

The problem behind this phenomenon is unclear. American companies have declared their anti-discrimination policies. They do everything to prove that they select candidates based on their professional qualities. Yet, employment rates for Black women and women of other races are still incomparable.

Why is it so that black women are outperformed by all other minorities then? Probably they are less aware of tactics to apply in the job search or are not properly involved in networking. 

Talent development organizations try to resolve this problem. Most of them were created by women who faced similar problems hoping to grant better access to the workplace to members of their community. And we should say this strategy indeed helps. Also, there is a major help from the best resume writing services that black women can use to get a dream job. 

Here are several talent agencies that help black women find a job:


We’ll start with a company offering resume and LinkedIn writing services to people who get poor feedback on their existing resumes. Before you start sending out your applications, invest in your career by crafting a bot-beating resume. Skillhub specialists know how to do it.

Do not forget that your online presence also matters. That would mean that eliminating any information that can compromise you online is a great step to landing a job. Believe it or not, if you google your name and find Facebook pictures of you partying with your friends, that’s not something you’d like a hiring manager to see first.

Even more importantly, you need to create a great LinkedIn profile for others to notice. At the very least, that will allow you to keep track of catchy LinkedIn headlines and job opportunities. In addition, LinkedIn profile writing services help you create a professional profile for recruiters to locate and send offers to.

People of Color Careers

People of Color Careers was created by Sharon Smith-Akinsanya in 2018 to help Black professionals in Minnesota in their job search. The platform has been successfully growing since that day. Today, it is a top hiring network for professionals that helps connect employers with the right candidates.

Basically, what the organization does is help with applications and job consultations and locate great job opportunities based on the analysis of candidates’ information. The place promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion and expects employers to do so as well.

Mintech Agency

Karen Williams founded Mintech knowing that the traditional way of finding and hiring candidates does not work for people of color. This organization came out as a solution to the problem. Based in Nashville, it has become a startup for women and minority recruiting.

The goal of this company is to provide people with the opportunity to land new, interesting jobs that meet their qualification level and compensation expectations. Black professionals should have an opportunity to advance their careers just like any other specialist does.

Mintech has earned a reputation as a networking platform for well-established professionals. Yet, it also helps with a career launch after graduation or long career gaps. There is no easy way when it comes to work, but it definitely gets better when one finds help.


Ify Walker of Nigerian origin established this company to provide leaders with access to executive roles. Female CEOs are still outnumbered by male CEOs. When it comes to Black CEOs, both male and female, they are outnumbered by all other races several times.

This misrepresentation leads to serious distortions. Not only does it create a perception that a Black girl cannot become a chief executive but also makes Black professionals think less of their worthiness.

Offor reshapes job search for Blacks, aligning the candidate’s skill set with targeted jobs. It gets done to give them confidence and to prove that they can get an interview and actually ace it.


What started as a flash mob has grown into a platform successfully advocating for employment opportunities for Black women. Today, HireBlack is dedicated to tackling systemic obstacles at getting employed. Now when the market is getting more competitive, talented women who started this movement look for ways to provide support to the overlooked and underpaid ones.

HireBlack is quite successful in its mission. They’ve been able to draw attention to the problem and unite companies in their efforts to resolve it. For example, they have been able to coordinate over 300 resumes to top companies, thus helping dozens of qualified Black women to land well-paid jobs.

HireBlack is not limited to Black women – it is especially effective in driving positive change for females. Intended to fight false assumptions about the role of Black women at home and about their educational level, HireBlack helped many talents grow by empowering them to stand up for themselves.


Unfortunately, all these efforts do not resolve the problem of employment for Black women. There is still a huge percentage of unemployed women among Black communities. Moreover, it’s been growing for the previous two years because of the pandemic.

However, the fact that these organizations exist sets a perfect example of how women can unite to lobby their ideas and help each other. It all gets surprisingly easy when people realize their power and know that they are not alone.

Therefore, if you find it hard to design your employment strategy or if you lack resources to start a job hunt, ask around for such platforms. It’s always better to have someone to rely on when things get difficult.

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