Monday, September 16, 2024

How to Avoid Being Among the 80% of Founders Who Never Sell Their Business

Rachel Murphy, an accomplished entrepreneur, knows firsthand the challenges that come with growing, scaling, and selling a business. With two successful exits under her belt, including the sale of her last business for £13.3 million in 2020, Rachel now dedicates her expertise to helping other entrepreneurs navigate this complex journey. Through her company, The Grafter, Rachel aims to support founders in maximising their business value and achieving their dreams of a successful exit.

Rachel’s entrepreneurial journey began with the realisation that there is a significant gap in support for entrepreneurs beyond the accelerator phase. While the initial stages of growing and scaling a business can be relatively straightforward, planning for an exit and preparing a business for sale is a different story. Rachel experienced this firsthand during her second business venture. Despite her previous success, she found the process of getting her business prepared for an exit to be particularly challenging. This inspired her to create a solution for other entrepreneurs facing similar hurdles.

What sets Rachel and The Grafter apart in the industry is their unique blend of experience and expertise. Having personally been through the exit process twice, Rachel brings invaluable insights to the table. Moreover, The Grafter has assembled a team of seasoned “Exiteers™,” each with a proven track record of building and selling multiple businesses. Their collective expertise spans various industries, including professional services, healthcare, data, recruitment, cyber, FMCG, and financial services. This diverse skill set enables The Grafter to provide comprehensive support tailored to the specific needs of each entrepreneur.

One of the core missions of The Grafter is to address a startling statistic: 80% of business owners in the UK never manage to sell their businesses. This often stems from a lack of understanding about what it takes to get a business ready for sale and how to maximise its value. By offering targeted guidance and support, The Grafter is committed to lowering this percentage and helping the UK economy grow.

In recent years, The Grafter has achieved notable success in this mission, assisting several founders in securing seven and eight-figure exits. One particularly memorable success story involves a former boss who had given Rachel her first Chief Information Officer role nearly 20 years ago. This anecdote underscores the importance of maintaining professional relationships and networks, which can play a crucial role in the entrepreneurial journey.

Looking ahead, Rachel envisions The Grafter as the go-to resource for founders aiming to effectively grow their revenue, scale their businesses, and become exit-ready. Her ambition extends beyond individual success stories; Rachel is passionate about changing the dynamic for female founders in the UK, where only 13% of founders are women. As a third-time founder herself, Rachel is determined to inspire and support more women in their entrepreneurial pursuits.

The main message Rachel Murphy and The Grafter wish to convey is clear: if you are looking to sell your business, they are the ultimate destination for UK founders. By leveraging their extensive experience and holistic approach, The Grafter aims to transform the daunting process of selling a business into a manageable and rewarding endeavor.

For entrepreneurs ready to embark on this journey, The Grafter offers not only expertise, but also a dedicated partnership. Rachel Murphy represents the power of perseverance, strategic planning, and the right support network. With The Grafter, founders can turn the dream of a successful business exit into a reality, contributing to their personal success and the broader growth of the UK economy.

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