Thursday, September 19, 2024

Utilita Energy Unveils New Power Pricing List

  • Nearly 70% of Energy Bill Payers Unsure of Running Costs for Home Electrical Items
  • Average Household Has 8 Unused Electrical Items Plugged In
  • UK’s First ‘Power Price List’ Discloses Running Costs for Common Household Appliances
  • Energy Expert Believes New Tool Will Help UK Households Maximize Their Energy Spend

Utilita Energy has launched the UK’s first Power Price List, a web-based tool that details the running costs of 76 commonly used household electricals. Designed to help the seven in ten UK households who are uncertain about the cost of running their electrical items, this list aims to maximize energy efficiency this winter.

Organized by room, the Power Price List reveals average costs per minute, per average use, per cycle, and for standby mode of various household appliances. The list is accessible at Utilita Power Price List and will be available starting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

With households typically leaving eight electrical items on standby throughout the year, the financial and environmental savings highlighted by the list could range from tens to hundreds of pounds. Utilita’s data shows that around 20% of the energy households pay for is wasted.

Bill Bullen, Founder and CEO of Utilita Energy, comments:

“Energy suppliers have a crucial role in helping households stretch their energy budget further. As we approach the colder months, our research indicates that many households could save significantly by understanding the running costs of their electrical items. We believe the Power Price List will be a key tool for consumers looking to make meaningful changes.”

Ella Jones, Utilita’s Sustainability Manager, adds:

“Our Power Price List is a groundbreaking resource, developed by top energy efficiency experts over two years. It will be updated every three months to reflect the latest price cap data. We’re eager to track its usage and incorporate feedback to enhance the tool over time.”

The Power Price List provides detailed information for 76 common household appliances, including:

  • Average purchase cost
  • Average cost/carbon generated per minute
  • Average cost/carbon generated per use/cycle
  • Average cost/carbon generated in standby mode
  • Equivalent carbon emissions in miles driven by a standard car

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