Sunday, September 22, 2024

High Digital and Cold Solutions Start Innovative Analytics and ESG Reporting Project

The data-led digital agency High Digital has agreed (Oct 2023) an 18-month contract with east Africa's leading temperature-controlled storage service, Cold Solutions, to build...

Fintech Digital: Empowering the Next Generation of CMOs

In the dynamic landscape of fintech, Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are often tasked with the formidable challenge of marketing challenging esoteric financial products. Navigating...

Do I Need a Gas Safety Certificate?

Have you ever wondered if you need a gas safety certificate, whether you are a homeowner or a renter? It's a common question, especially...

Triumph Against Odds: The Story of a Visionary Entrepreneur’s Journey in ‘The Underdog Founder’

In the inspiring book "The Underdog Founder," Edrizio De La Cruz, co-founder of Arcus, shares a profound narrative on the distinct challenges and triumphs...

Captivating Corporate Nomads: Attracting Business Travelers to Your Vacation Rental Property

A common goal of vacation rental platform hosts is to attract travelers and adventurers into their space. In particular, many hosts hope to attract...

Josh Haines

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