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Problems and Solutions of Working Through Quarantine


In the current trying times there are different approaches from various companies on how to tackle working from home. In this press release we will describe our experience in the matter along with examples of other companies.

Private and state companies

When we talk about companies and organizations, we focus mostly on office workspaces. In accordance with the local rules, offices are allowed to have people working as long as distance and disinfection restrictions are obeyed. This gives advantage to workspaces with vast square footage that can afford some separation between their workers.

Many offices went a different way by putting their employees on long-distance work. Communication between the employees is usually carried by third-party software like Telegram, Zoom and similar IM and video conferencing programs. Some companies even went as far as closing their premises for an unforeseeable future and donating their furniture to employees for more comfortable conditions for working from home.

This approach has proven that many of the meetings in offices without any substantial losses could be calls or e-mails, which might be a reason to reevaluate our approaches to business and working from offices when everything will be over. Some businesses could even go as far as to keep home working on a permanent basis.

However, the disadvantages to this are also numerous and tend to compound depending on the size of the company. When the global quarantine was first announced, large companies had to severely reevaluate how they do things daily. To allow their employees to work from home, they had to provide them with working computers along with access to the company’s network and software. IT specialists and security operations had to work overtime to solve all these problems. With hundreds of such users, it was a distinct bottleneck that required immediate attention. Because, when over five hundred of users suddenly are after your help, it makes you want to crawl into a tight space and cry. We have an acquaintance in a banking IT team who had to work for the first couple of months of the quarantine nearly around the clock to provide everyone in the branch with a necessary level of support.

The network access problem was compounded by the fact that some of these entities have an inner network inaccessible from the outside world. This was particularly true for state organizations that allow their workers to operate only on a selected set of machines dedicated to a particular task. Some of the organizations had to either limit the amount of users per machine per room, or to raid their warehouses for hardware that could be repurposed for working from home.

As to SeoBrothers, we had decided to split the difference: some people are working from home, some people come into offices. The choice is personal and depends on convenience, transportation and other factors.

New approach to retail

From our point of view, the most interesting outcome of the quarantine was a steady rise of delivery and online store services. Whilst online purchases may be an everyday reality for some of us, many retail services were forced to explore these opportunities to not go out of business, franchise stores included. For the first couple of weeks of the quarantine, for example, one of the biggest retail franchises in Latvia was so overwhelmed with delivery requests that you had to wait in the queue for full five days before your order was delivered. To somewhat counteract this volume of demand they had to rapidly expand their park of machines and move some of their employees to delivery.

The same was also true for smaller shops and businesses that had to hastily look for online commerce solutions. As the restrictions tightened, the shops had to shift their focus somewhere else – to the Internet. The height of the quarantine saw a steady rise of local delivery companies that entered into contract with shops and restaurants to provide the population with a service on demand. As the working hours of public places were tightened by the government, they were into a hibernation of sorts by still keeping places open only to people that placed orders online and came to collect the order from the point of origin.


“Survival of the fittest” is described in the Darwinian evolutionary theory as a mechanism of natural selection based on adaptation for existing conditions. What likely will come out of all this when things will finally get back to relative normal, is a new equilibrium. Many places and offices will go to business as usual, but some useful and modern practices will and should stay. Not having a fully-supported online business platform likely hurt a lot of businesses without them even realising it, and this quarantine might just be the wake up call for them to rectify that particular situation.

About SeoBrothers

SeoBrothers is an international company that operates in SEO-based projects in multiple languages and project teams. Its websites have hundreds of thousands of unique visitors every month. If you want to learn more about the company, you can visit its social media at our Facebook, Twitter and Telegram. Read also our news about projects in Serbia https://seobrotherslv.com/news/the-launch-of-serbian-mightytips/

Ideas To Shine Money This Year


The financial year will begin tomorrow, Monday, January 4, when the bell rings in the markets and the first prices of the exercise are crossed. The vaccine approaches the return to normality after the nightmare of the covid-19 .

In addition, fiscal and monetary stimuli will remain in force. These three ingredients should be enough to guarantee investors another good harvest. However, nothing is as simple as it seems (and less in the world of money), so you will have to know how to read the game very well to get some polish from your savings.

The Stock Exchanges, as a leading economic indicator , have already discounted during 2020 part of the recovery expected for 2021; For its part, in the fixed income market, especially in the sovereign debt segment, there is little left to scratch with negative interest rates in a large part of the yield curve after the decision of the central banks to open the floodgates and provide liquidity to mansalva.

The market will continue to provide good opportunities, but returns could be lower than those of 2020. That is why experts advise highly diversified portfolios, both in assets and geographically, and an active management of investments because volatility will continue to be the dominant trend.

“The markets reacted very positively in November to the result of the elections in the United States and the advances in vaccines. Global stock indices ended the year positive, led by Wall Street and Japan, and the debt markets, both public and private, also posted gains for the year as a whole.

This scenario is better than expected six months ago, but on the other hand, it complicates the management of portfolios in the short and medium term, since the valuations are now more demanding ”, describes Óscar del Diego, investment director at Ibercaja Management.

Equities remain the favorite choice of managers and analysts for 2021. The question that many ask in their strategy reports is whether the equity market is not starting to be expensive after the impressive rebound accumulated since March.

And the most common answer is that it may be in historical terms, but not when compared to the other investment options. “Valuations are a source of concern. Everything seems to be expensive right now, but what is expensive may also seem cheap for some reason.

The possibility of a recovery in corporate profitsit is grounded in light of the economic outlook. Valuations do not usually spoil the stock market party while corporate profits rise, ”they argue in Julius Baer.

The coronavirus crisis has caused a huge spread. The balance of 2020 leaves clear winners and losers in the Stock Market. The performance differences are considerable both by country and by sector. In the case of the countries, the United States, China and Japan were the clear winners.

The US Dow Jones index reached December 30 (the day of this edition) with an annual increase of 6.89%, the Japanese Nikkei had a 16.01% gain and the Chinese CSI 300 a 24.83% .

On the other hand, in Europe the general trend, except in Germany and Italy, was the red numbers. The Ibex 35 once again led the stock exchange caboose with a decline of 14.53%. Nor was it a good year for Latin American parks.

Will this geographical dichotomy continue in 2021? “It makes sense to be overweight in equities, but the regional allocation will have to adapt throughout the year to reflect the new context. It is logical to bet on the most lagging Stock Exchanges , but it is also important to have an active management.

Greater economic stimuli or a rapid immunization of the population will favor Europe, Latin America and South Asia. However, the United States, China or Japan will continue to function as a safe haven, ”says Joseph Little, chief strategist at HSBC Global AM.

The other great dispersion that occurred in 2020 was the sectoral one. The lockdowns accelerated the digital transformation and the clear winners were the technological values. Proof of this was the impressive rise in the Nasdaq ( 43.62%).

On the other hand, the industries most linked to tourism, services and leisure dragged on like a lost soul. For this reason, the great debate that divides analysts at the moment is whether the supremacy of growth stocks (read above all technology) will remain over value stocks (more mature sectors) or linked to the economic cycle.

Allianz Global Investors believes that it is necessary to seek “a balance” in a stock market that appears uncertain. “It is possible that value stocks will begin to regain ground versus growth stocks”, They say in the German manager.

Opinion shared by Scott Glasser, Chief Investment Officer, ClearBridge: “The cyclical and value-oriented sectors that have suffered the most from the pandemic shutdowns are the most attractive.”

On the other hand, Santander Wealth Management & Insurance advises taking positions at the two ends of the spectrum of corporate profit growth, maintaining exposure to the values ​​favored by new future trends, but rotating from those that increased the most in 2020 towards less business. explored.

“We also advise progressively increasing exposure to the industries hardest hit by covid-19 to benefit from a recovery scenario and return to normalcy,” they add in the Santander division.

If equities continue to be the preferred investment option for 2020, it is not only due to its own merits (improved profits, economic growth environment) but because of the little way that experts see their natural alternative: fixed income.

The bond market is distorted by the intervention of central banks, a circumstance that will continue into the new year. The profitability offered by government bonds – it must be remembered that in debt the profitability moves inversely to the asset price – is at historical lows.

Furthermore, in developed countries, this profitability is negative in almost all cases, which, together with forecasts of interest rates equal to or slightly higher, lead BBVA AM to recommend underweight these bonds in portfolios. “However,

The diversification that a year as complex as the one that has just started requires advises investors, always in doses linked to their degree of risk tolerance, to consider the option of private debt to incorporate it into their portfolios.

Of course, you will have to be very selective because, as with stocks, the valuation of corporate credit no longer offers bargains. In March, when the virus spread globally and panic gripped the market, corporate bonds became a very attractive financial asset in terms of risk-adjusted expected returns.

Since then, the credit spread has been narrowing; the asset has had very positive returns, and therefore now the expected return for the next twelve months is moderate or even low.

Where analysts see the greatest potential – not without warning of its danger because until the economic recovery is consolidated, the probability of default or suspension of payments will be high – is in the issues of those companies with a worse credit rating.

Also known as junk bonds, they offer a higher yield than other fixed income issues (in return, the investor assumes a higher risk of default.) “The high liquidity of central banks supports the search for profitability in the high yield segment.

However, it must be done in a selective way, as there are still reasons to be cautious in some companies affected by the coronavirus ”, they explain from Deutsche Bank.

A key aspect to achieve maximum profitability is always the subject of currency. There are instruments in the market to hedge the fluctuations in exchange rates, but they also carry a cost. In general, experts believe that in 2021 the weakness of the dollar that was already seen during 2020 will consolidate.

In the worst of the pandemic, the greenback asserted its reputation as an active refuge, however, as strict confinements are They were rising, the euro was appreciating against the dollar, a trend that accelerated after the victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential elections.

Since March, the American currency has gone from almost touching parity to changing to 1.22 dollars per euro. “The magnitude of the Federal Reserve’s economic response to the economic challenge of the coronavirus is unmatched by any other postwar intervention.

Most importantly, the U.S. central bank has changed its commitment to price stability by promising that it will tolerate higher inflation from now on. In our opinion, all these circumstances speak in favor of the currencies of Europe, Japan and China ”, appreciate the experts of Julius Baer.

It is striking how in the investment strategies that fund managers, investment banks and analysis houses have sent to their clients in recent weeks there are numerous calls to try to anticipate long-term trends. Many of these structural changes have been accelerated by the pandemic. The most obvious is that of the energy transition.

More and more money is seeking to invest in sectors that contribute to curbing climate change. “It has been really encouraging to see the profitability of sustainable investment products in 2020. Which shows us that this type of investment is no longer considered a luxury or something that savers can only afford to think about during a bull market,” he says Nicholette MacDonald, from Schroders.

Another of the investment trends that has taken hold has to do with the digitization of the economy. “The growth rates of companies that had a digital advantage were extraordinary last year. When the pandemic comes to an end, we may see slower growth rates in this sector, but I don’t think many people will cancel their Netflix subscriptions or return their Peloton bikes, ”argues Chris Buchbinder, manager of Capital Group.

The other big long-term growth pole for experts is China. “It has prevented the new waves of contagion of the virus that have emerged in other countries.

In addition, the Government’s five-year plan is committed to the transition to growth driven by domestic consumption. If we add to that that its capital markets have become more mature, we think that this could be the decade of Asia in terms of profitability in the market, similar to the role played by the United States during the last cycle ”, they conclude from JP MorganAM

What is the Best Way to Sell Your House


Selling a house can be a very stressful time especially as it often happens out of our control. Life challenges might be forcing you to sell unfortunately. Alternatively, perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones who’s upgrading with an ever-growing family. Either way, you’re dealing with a stressful time, possibly even with children, dogs or cats in tow. You therefore want to make sure you choose a good Realtor Vancouver professional who can be both a business partner and advisor.

Whether you do your own market research or not, you should be able to rely on your Realtor Vancouver professional to explain the ins and outs of the process. Of course it’s always good to have some background information but it’s not an absolute necessity. However, you can rest assured that you are protected from any fraud because the industry is regulated. You can even look up your agent and their brokerage in the Real Estate Council of British Columbia.

Set up your Process

Selling a house is a process, just like any other major change or decision in your life. The more you structure your process, the more likely you’ll avoid surprises and any mishaps. The main steps are summarized below:

  • Define your needs and ti1meline
  • Research and choose your Realtor Vancouver professional
  • Determine price and timing of listing
  • Get Your House Ready for Viewings
  • Negotiate and Sign

Define your Needs and Timeline

Is this an urgent sale to help your finances or family situation? Alternatively, perhaps you have all the time in the world. Many people need to juggle selling one house to then use that money to buy the next one. As luck would have it, you often find your next house before you’ve sold the first one. Talk to your Realtor Vancouver professional though and get their thoughts on timing. Perhaps they can even help you with your next purchase and manage those timings more seamlessly.

Research and Choose your Realtor Vancouver professional

The easiest way to do this is to walk around your area and walk into the different real estate offices. You’ll also get a sense of style and potential relationships more quickly. However, we can’t forget the online world and many agents now have a bigger online presence than a physical one.

When choosing a Realtor Vancouver professional, make sure you understand their approach to listing your property and negotiating prices. Ask them questions about the state of the market and what buyers are looking for. You can then compare answers from the different Realtor Vancouver professionals you’ve spoken to and get a sense of who knows their stuff and who doesn’t.

Determine Price and Timing of Listing

Once you’re happy with the Realtor Vancouver professional you’ve chosen then ask for their recommendations on price. Remember that it’s not about the highest price but it’s about the right price, especially if timing is an issue for you. It’s worth pointing out though that you can devalue a property simply by pricing it too high and letting it just sit on the listings with no changes. People quickly see these things and start distrusting the property. They quickly make judgements and assumptions that no one wants it and that’s something’s wrong with your property.

Get your House Ready for Viewing

Now that you’ve set the price and the date of the listing with your Realtor Vancouver professional, you can start cleaning. Oh joy! However, it’s so critical and you basically need to make sure that your house looks like something out of a catalogue. Remove any clutter and make your shelves look neat and tidy. Some even suggest taking family photos down so that potential buyers can imagine their own family photos in position. The hardest part about this phase is that your house should be ready for viewing at any time because you often get last minute requests. Make sure all toys and questionable dog blankets are safely stowed away.

At this stage, you might also want to get a professional decorator to make some small adjustments. Ask your Realtor Vancouver professional for advice on this one. However, you’d be surprised what a small change in light or furniture arrangement can do to a room. Finally, you might also want to get your home appraised professionally by an inspector.

Negotiate and Sign

The last exciting step is finally here. Let your Realtor Vancouver professional do everything for you at this stage. You can always play good cop at some point if they feel that will make a difference. However, let the expert guide you although it’s always wise to read everything for yourself before you sign something. You just never know.

Final Words on Selling your House with a Realtor Vancouver Professional

Selling a house is one of the most stressful milestones of our lives. Whether it’s the first time or the tenth time, it’s still a stressful process. Therefore, work with your Realtor Vancouver professional and let them guide you and do the stressful thinking for you. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare your house for viewings and don’t forget your own self-care and personal time-out throughout the process. The happier you are, then, the more this will rub off on potential buyers who’ll want to invest in your space. 

5 Photo Collage Templates to Promote a Clothing Store


When you look around you, it is evident that clothes are not mere vanity but a necessity. If you’re in this business, congratulations because you are fulfilling a need! Clothes protect the body and sense of privacy. At the same time, it possesses the power to represent a person’s personality. It also tells a lot about the character even if the mouth stays shut. Unfortunately, you have many other competitors vying for the same market.If you are clueless about the design, fret not! Have you tried promo.com’s free collage maker?

 If you want your clothes to get picked for that perfect OOTD (outfit of the day), then you must have stunning product galleries. Luckily, you can count on Promo.com’s collage maker to make stunning visual displays. 

Why Use Visuals to Sell Clothes?

You must display stunning images of your clothes in-store and online. Remember, people also want to see what your clothes look like when people wear them. So whether you have a brick and mortar store or an e-shop, you must use a variety of beautiful pictures to showcase your clothing collection. Besides, human eyes are naturally drawn to pretty objects. Your pic collages will surely be a treat for your clients’ eyes, hooking them to your store and NOT your competitors. You can use your photo collages for the following:

  • Create in-store signage and displays to draw the eye
  • Creating wayfinding posters to increase foot traffic to your boutique 
  • Crafting website product photos to show many clothing angles
  • Accompanying pictures for blog articles
  • Sprucing up your announcements for social media and your profile itself
  • Improve your e-newsletters, e-vites, and e-coupons
  • Printing materials like flyers, in-store inserts, packing materials, or freebies like calendars

Photo Ideas Using Top 5 Collage Maker Template

You save money with this free photo collage maker because you can get by WITHOUT hiring an expensive graphic designer. And even if you’re a total newbie, you can still use this platform because of the very easy to use interface. With our templates, just drag your best photos to your desired location and you’re finished. Best of all, we make photo uploads easy from your phone, FB account, or Google Dropbox. If you are feeling unsure, consider these top 5 design ideas using our templates to promote your clothing store.

  1. Use Social Media Templates to Make Your Profile Stand Out

With so many competitors selling the same clothes, you must rely on social media marketing to rev up your sales. Today’s modern people use social media daily to connect with loved ones, interact with strangers, read the news, or find entertainment. If you want to grow your brand, you need to rely on FB, IG, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Remember, more than 5 billion people own a mobile device, and within each gadget are at least two social media apps. 

To help you create social media marketing materials, use Promo.com’s collage maker template like FB covers or Twitter headers. They also have image resizers for all the platforms mentioned above. With these tools, you can create amazing backgrounds and posts to make your profile stand out. Pay close attention to your profile header because this is the first thing people see when they check out your page. As such, you must make a good impression.   

To illustrate this, the FB cover template allows you to use 7 images in your profile in one go. Even if there is limited space, you can maximize its multiple pictures. You can also rest easy knowing your work will not get distorted, whether in landscape or portrait view. 

  1. Create 15 Ways to Wear a Product Using a 15 Grid

Why not try a simple grid to create an infographic teaching your clients how to wear one product in 15 ways? Customers love seeing how they can style the stuff they buy from you. So go ahead and provide them with this pictorial guide to encourage them to buy. As its name suggests, this grid allows you to use 15 images. You can choose to add words or stickers to make your project loads of fun!

  1. Hype Up Posts With The Highest Quality Template 

You will love this collage maker’s highest quality template because it allows you to use 9 pictures in one go. This is perfect for making in-store displays, newsletters, packing materials, and blog photos. As the owner, of course, you want your clients to know that you sell quality merchandise. Authentic and premium pieces offer better durability, longevity, and versatility. Show your clients that they get a better cost per wear using this template. Check out the benefits of using a free multi-image maker like Promo.com:

  • Fits the size of your medium
  • Uses multiple photos in one frame
  • Attracts more followers on social media
  • Creates a good first impression online and in-store
  • Encourages audience engagement promoting website AND foot traffic
  1. Show Guarantee With a Money-Back Template 

Anyone who has ever bought anything online knows that it can be tricky. First, the clothes may not fit. Second, you may be disappointed with the material. Third, it doesn’t meet your expectations. There are more possible excuses. But here’s the thing: as a business owner, you know that your customer is the KING. 

As such, if they are dissatisfied with their purchase, they should be able to return it without glitches. Show your guarantee using this 9 grid Money Back Template that you can customize with fonts, stickers, and colors. Through this, you’ll encourage more clients to buy your products because they know you will refund or allow returns in case the clothes don’t meet their “expectations versus reality!”

  1. Show Promos with a Special Offer Template

Fashionistas love the word SALE! You must use our Special Offer template to attract buyers to your promos. This template allows you to use 4 pictures, and in the middle of the image, you’ll find a cute promo sticker. How fun! We will keep our eyes glued to the front and center of your announcement online, through email messages, in-store posters, or promotional flyers. Everyone loves a good sale, so make this bold announcement so your customers can take advantage of your hottest deals. 

Final Wrap Up

Many of our followers declare that our digital solution is a godsend. Just imagine what we can do with your clothes! Unlike premium software which you have to pay for, you can use Promo.com for free, with no hidden charges. You also don’t have to pay a designer, upgrade your PC or buy a separate hard disk to save those images. Our cloud takes care of those high megabytes so you can craft your heart out anytime, anywhere! 

The Importance of Cybersecurity to SEO


According to data from Statista, the United Kingdom is projected to spend US$25,070m on online adverts in 2021, that’s a 13.6 per cent rise on the previous year and placed the UK firmly in one of the top countries worldwide in regards to online marketing spend.

Plus with 84 per cent of adults in the country logging in to the internet from a mobile device every day, there’s never been a better time for digital marketers to upsell their client base or onboard new clients who need to optimize their sites for mobile.

What many of us forget in our eagerness to perform SEO wonders for our clientele, is to keep an eye on cybersecurity. Or wrongly assume a basic SSL certificate is enough.

The reasons to carefully attend digital security are two-fold: Firstly, if a website is hacked or otherwise compromised, its SERP ranking is knocked significantly, not to mention the off-putting warnings users receive. Secondly, digital marketers need to protect their own business too, making errors with your client’s users’ data could cost you, your client, and their clients more than you expect.

How a breach affects SEO

Here are a few of the impacts on your company and brand you can expect if a breach occurs.

Dreaded downtime

Downtime means it’s not business as usual. Clients, whether a small e-commerce operation or a major multinational, want their websites back up and running as fast as possible. Depending on the type of attack, sites can be down for hours, days, or even longer.

In terms of SEO, a site that’s always online and running obviously pleases web crawlers more than the site suffering downtime or critical issues on multiple pages. If a bot crawls a site and finds everything down, rankings won’t be immediately affected, the bot might return later and try to re-crawl. But prolonged periods of downtime can result in serious issues and start causing SERP dropdowns.


404 Errors appear when content that was once online is now missing. Users might only know 404 errors are attached to a site when they try to view the content in question, but web crawlers notice these errors. Google is quite relaxed when it comes to 404s, but too many and your SEO will start to suffer.


Since hacked websites are dangerous, Google and other search engines want to stop users from suffering after viewing a compromised site. Long-term SEO penalties are an unfortunate reality for many sites after a hacking incident.


If attackersinject JS, HTML, or PHP redirect codes to a site’s pages, users can face redirects to malicious content or sites containing viruses and malware. Ultimately, this will result in the site’s blacklisting. To safeguard its users’ devices, Google’s Safe Browsing helps detect dangerous websites and blocks visitors from accessing them.

How can digital marketers help with cybersecurity?

While SEO and cybersecurity are viewed as quite separate roles, there are plenty of crossover points. Digital marketers who have little knowledge of technical cybersecurity will do well to educate themselves on this field. As an added bonus to providing better service to clients, marketers who can run perform open port scans and IP block mapping, for example, also command a much higher fee.

In the absence of your own technical cybersecurity skills, ask the client you’re working with to pair you up with a cybersecurity pro. After all, if all the hard work and expense that goes into optimizing a site is lost because of security issues, the client won’t be impressed. If you suspect security issues but the client isn’t so sure, run a vulnerability scanner on the site and share the results.

Before rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck into the nitty-gritty of a site’s SEO, consider how secure your own device is. It’s always a good idea to encrypt digital transmissions, particularly when working on sites that may contain sensitive data. Using a VPN in the UK secures your device and closes off potential access points.

A survey by Ping Identity revealed that 78 percent of consumers would stop engaging with a brand online if that brand had suffered a breach. Losing customers or losing the ability to garner new ones is a real threat to digital marketers, which is also one that’s avoidable with greater attention to cybersecurity.

The Different Supply Chain Models Explained


Supply chain management is crucial for any business manufacturing electronic devices such as computers and smartphones. The effectiveness of your strategy impacts your profits, the speed of delivery, working capital requirements, production speed and delivery to your customers who use an online marketplace to buy electronic components. Understanding the primary supply chain models can assist you in determining which one to implement for your company.

Efficient supply chain model

As the name implies, this model is focused on lowering costs and maximizing asset utilization. Commonly adopted by commoditized industries such as steel and cement, this approach works best for highly competitive sectors where production is scheduled on the basis of expected sales. With this, your company will need tools that would optimize each function with the application of effective collaboration processes that improve the supply chain and connect all of its branch departments.

The fast supply chain model

When businesses order trendy products to meet fad-based needs, they need their items quickly to accede to capricious consumer demand. Therefore, the time lapse between idea and end user must be speedy, with as few kinks and interruptions as possible.

The continuous flow model

Stable, mature industries often rely on this model. The focus is on providing a steady supply of items while keeping inventory surpluses to a minimum.

The agile supply chain model

Many manufacturers provide customized products to their clients that meet unique specifications. This model is suited for their needs, employing make-to-order techniques and producing small batches of these “boutique” items.

The custom-configured supply chain model

This approach combines the continuous flow and agile supply chain models and is particularly suited for companies that manufacture products whose parts can be assembled in a variety of different ways. Before the product is configured into its various iterations, this model operates using the continuous approach. Employing agility priorities takes precedence downstream after configuration happens.

The flexible supply chain model

Industries that experience high peaks of demand followed by periods of downtime need a supply chain model that matches this climate. The flexibility that characterizes this approach is needed when companies must adapt their manufacturing processes to accommodate changing and often sporadic customer requirements. Along with nimbleness, companies employing this model must also respond rapidly, possess an array of technical assets in order to solve unpredictable and complex problems and have an adaptable process flow that allows for adept pivoting.

For many manufacturers, there are appealing benefits in some or all of these different models. Consequently, procurement teams and other managers frequently question whether it would be advantageous for the manufacturer to implement a supply chain that simultaneously incorporates more than one of these approaches. Although this impulse is reasonable and reflects a desire for maximum efficiency, speed and flexibility, the reality is that there is a more tenable solution. Instead of weighing down one supply chain with numerous and sometimes warring requirements, it is often preferable to set up parallel chains that meet different yet compatible company needs. Ultimately, it is the organization that devotes a combination of mission-driven efficiency and creativity that leaves with the most effective supply chain hybrid or model.

Haircare Craze: Why Every Woman Needs Almond Oil for Hair Growth


Getting all the appropriate amount and set of nutrients isn’t a piece of cake. You need a consistent, well-balanced, and healthy diet to gain everything you need for growth and development. However, you won’t get all the necessary vitamins and minerals in just one meal. When you don’t get enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins, your body will be forced to prioritize the most vital physiological functions, leaving little to no nutrients for other activities such as hair growth. 

Besides improving your everyday diet, it is also essential for you to boost your nutrition. By taking dietary supplements, you can ensure that your tresses get all the hair growth vitamins and minerals that they need. For instance, you can obtain such essentials from almonds which have been far known as an abundant source of hair growth nutrients. Its extract is also potent with vitamins and minerals, which makes it as an ingredient for many hair growth products.

Do you want to know more? Check out the following nutritional and hair growth benefits that you can get from the almond oil. 

Almond Oil as Your Go-to Source of Hair Growth Nutrients

Using processes that involve heat and chemicals, almond oil can easily be extracted from almond seeds. Fortunately, this oily substance has been a go-to source of various vitamins and minerals. Below are some of the essential hair growth nutrients that you can get from the almond extract.

1. Almond oil has omega-3 fatty acids.

Fatty acids are vital in providing energy for innumerable physiological activities. They are also essential in keratin synthesis for hair growth. Among the various types of fatty acids, omega-3 is one of the healthiest forms. However, your body doesn’t produce omega-3 fatty acids, which is why you need to get them from external sources such as almond oil. 

2. You can obtain an adequate dose of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is also needed to keep your tresses moisturized. As a matter of fact, it is necessary to have enough of this fat-soluble vitamin to regulate the production of natural oils on your scalp, which helps coat your hair cuticles for moisture retention. Vitamin A is also an essential asset in cellular reproduction, which you need to grow healthy hair cells. Studies have shown how vitamin A helps prevent the growth and development of cancer cells. Here’s the good news: you can get much vitamin A from the almond oil. 

3. It is a potent source of good cholesterol.

Most supplements need nutrients that would cater to your cardiovascular health’s needs. With almond oil, you can get your fair share of high-density lipoprotein, commonly known as good cholesterol. According to research, people with heart diseases have a higher risk of suffering from hair loss problems. Medications used to stabilize blood pressure may have an adverse side-effect on hair growth, causing thinning and baldness.

4. Almond oil has antioxidants.

People should eat as many antioxidant-enriched foods as you can to prevent free radicals from damaging their hair follicles. Instead of using canola oil for cooking your meals, you may want to add almond oil instead. This almond nut extract is a potent vitamin E source, one with strong antioxidant properties. Vitamin E helps protect your tresses against any oxidative activity.

Keep your Tresses on Point with the Help of Hair Growth Vitamins from Almond Oil.

It’s not sufficient to wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner only. It would be best to prioritize nourishing yourself with ample nutrients that you need for healthy hair growth. What happens on the inside reflects outside. Therefore, always include the best foods in your everyday diet and take supplements enriched with hair growth vitamins to get the best hair growth results. 

Are sports betting companies a safe investment in 2021?


There is an age-old saying when betting, be it sports or casinos; the house always wins. So you would expect betting companies to be, well, a safe bet when it comes to investing. Although, the market does have a tendency to swing dramatically, as with many industries, for the past few years, the companies have generally been seen as a sound investment. As the online gambling community has grown consistently in popularity alongside traditional betting routes, the market has also increased in value accordingly.

However, 2020 took a toll on the entire stock market, it comes as no surprise that some of the biggest gambling firms were included in this. With Brexit on the horizon and COVID-19 hitting the economy hard, it was no surprise that the stock market value of said firms fell by more than £500m. Those with physical facilities have faced the difficulties not only of their premises being closed for large portions of the year but sporting events themselves being cancelled across the country.

Big players like William Hill saw a drop of 8% whilst others such as Entain plc, owners of Ladbrokes and Coral, fell by 7%. Even smaller companies weren’t safe from this slashing with almost all areas of the stock market seeing a significant downturn at least once during the year.

That is not to say this is all bad news, other companies such as Gamesys Group plc managed to reach a high of 1,322.04 in October 2020. Following Gamesys’ trend, we can see that this swiftly dropped in November 2020 but has continued to rise since then with only the slightest downturn in the past week. A positive growth in the face of economic crisis.

Looking once more at William Hill, we can see that despite the initial swift downward trajectory this has steadied from the latter half of 2020 onwards. Whilst there is still a general downward movement it is nowhere near the lows seen in November 2020. We may, of course, be seeing the annual New Year’s bump, where stocks see a spike around the turn of the year. However, after the year we’ve just had – steady is by no means a bad thing.

Sports Betting Performance

Under COVID restrictions it appears that, despite initial setbacks, the sport betting industries have found solace in their online facilities, enticing customers with new signup offers and other online exclusive means. A fact that has not been ignored by overseas companies, particularly American based firms who are looking to capitalise on the legalisation of sports betting in the US. A recent takeover of William Hill by US firm Caesars Entertainment, owners of the world-renowned Caesar’s Palace, to the tune of £2.9billion gives some indication of the worth of the UK companies.

An interesting one to watch is Entain plc as they have just refused a takeover attempt from US-based MGM Resorts International that offered a bid of £8.1billion for the company. In a statement addressing this, Entain said that the price “significantly undervalues the Company and its prospects” and urged shareholders to “take no action”. This caused a surge in the price of Entain’s shares pushing it to higher than that of MGM itself, suggesting people may be watching and waiting for another, more agreeable, bid from the Americans.

It would be a fool’s statement to say categorically any share is a safe bet as the market right now is still struggling to find its feet. Plus with the suggestion that further lockdown restrictions will soon hit the UK, it is unlikely companies that work primarily in the high street and other offline capacities will find a speedy recovery. However, those who have online facilities may find, particularly with everyone stuck at home that foreign bodies are lying in wait to give the market a much-needed boost, as evidenced by the MGM/ Entain offer.

It is, unfortunately, a waiting game to see what 2021 brings as until the uncertainty of the UK lockdown is lifted and the true impact of Brexit is felt, we can do little but watch closely. If the American interest is anything to go by, however, do not underestimate the value of the UK betting market.

How to Exercise for Free


Combining fitness goals with affordability can be challenging, especially with recent trends suggesting that expensive machines, cleanses, and training equipment are the quickest ways to reach your goals. While there is of course a positive return on investment from purchasing items to assist you on your journey towards healthy living, there is also a significant return on investment from taking advantage of free outlets as well. The best plan is the one that you will execute, you can spend a ton of money, or no money, either way your results will be determined via your dedication to reaching your goals. If you are new to fitness, or simply looking for ways to switch up your current routine, finding ways to exercise for free is a great addition to overall healthy living.


There is no shortage of free content online, easily accessible and on demand. Using your computer or smartphone to find workouts that can be done in your own home, or inside a gym is like having your very own personal trainer, for free. Since it is now Lockdown 3.0 in the UK and gyms are closed finding ways to maintain your fitness at home has become quite essential.

Social media is another great way to take advantage of free workouts. Trainers, influencers, and even boutique gym owners are constantly adding content to their accounts to stay relevant in uncertain times. Many apps you probably already have on your phone and utilize daily hold the keys to unlocking new tips and tricks, free for the taking. Finding free online communities through social media that you can join is another way to discover free workouts. Professionals on pause have started to hold online classes both live and on demand via social media to show their support for the fitness community and continue to nurture their passions for teaching healthy living.

Get Outside

Using the outdoors as your gym is not a new or novel idea, it is however both forever free and a current necessity. In pre-pandemic times public spaces serve as a blank canvas for creative workout routines. While outdoor gym equipment is free, it can be used for all ranges of fitness from the leisurely beginner to the advanced professional. This equipment can also be used for target training or full body workouts. Although you cannot use this equipment currently it is still beneficial for you to take note of the exceptional workout opportunities it can provide you once restrictions are lifted.

Outdoor exercise also has health benefits that reach beyond the physical. Fresh air can help with everything from mood to blood pressure. Incorporating a daily walk or run into your life will also help to keep you active even on rest days from more vigorous workouts.  If you feel that you may not be stimulated enough by the suggestion of simply walking, research scenic trails or routes local to you and take advantage of the opportunity to see new landscapes. You may be surprised to find that a temporary supplement may become a beloved addition to your routine.

Is It Beneficial To Buy Tiktok Followers And Likes?


TikTok, the platform where you make videos for the people to watch and  become famous, has broken a new popularity peak in COVID19. Of Course, for a platform to be called popular, it has to be highly saturated, which means that hundreds of thousands of content creators are trying to make it to the front row every day. Due to the stiff competition on the app, you need to play it smart; only then will you be one step ahead of your competitors. Therefore, any TikToker who wants to make it big should buy TikTok likes and fans, for an improved social media presence.

Many people think that purchasing followers/likes won’t do them any good, today you’ll learn that it’s not true, and buying TikTok engagement boasts many advantages. Many Tiktok celebrities started their journey by buying followers and likes so their pages would get the initial boost they needed. If the hottest TikTok stars did so, you should try it too and reap the benefits of buying Tiktok followers and likes today. Here are some amazing benefits of buying Tiktok Followers and Likes:

The Benefits Of Buying Tiktok Followers And Likes

  • They contribute to your credibility on the platform.
  • By buying followers and likes, you also attract authentic followers to follow suit.    
  • High-end brands might contact you and initiate a collaboration for seeing that your TikTok page is so trending.

So how does a beginner content creator such as yourself make it in the spotlight? Because let’s be honest, no one likes to view creators’ videos with only a few hundred followers. It just doesn’t seem very legit. And that’s where our answer to the question comes in: it is beneficial to buy TikTok Followers and Likes.

What’s the right way to get TikTok followers and likes?

Make it seem legit

Everyone will spot the sudden rise in followers from 0 on day 1 to 1k on day 3. Don’t ever do that when you buy followers, but rather, get them at a steady pace. For instance, 100 on day 1 and another couple hundred on day 3. This way, it makes it seem legit. No one will bother to check your followers because nobody has got that much time.

Keep the likes in check.  

Of course, 100K followers with only 1k likes smells fishy. No one will even bother checking your followers’ list because everyone knows that such a big gap is only shown in fake followers. Therefore, always remember to buy Likes when you decide to buy followers. Buying likes and followers will assure your audience that the person in the discussion has actual followers; hence there will always be almost zero suspicions. Also, it’s a nice idea to buy comments as well. However, you should be careful with these because most of the comments can be complete spam. This gives a big bright green signal to the audience that you have fake followers.

Know your final goal

You shouldn’t buy followers, likes, and comments forever. Most of the people on TikTok pursue fame or commission from companies, or both. We assume the same goals for you as well. To become famous and to unlock such opportunities on TikTok, all you have to do is show your TikTok page is 100% legit, and that you gain followers daily. Remember that social media is highly affected by the herd effect, namely that pages with many followers are likely to get more followers because they make a great first impression, and vice-versa.

I really want some! Where should I buy TikTok followers and likes?

That’s one of the most burning questions regarding TikTok engagement. We know it’s not easy to find sources that are both reliable, cheap, and deliver their products at lightning-fast speed, but luckily, we have the ultimate solution for you. Buy TikTok followers with paypal from Tik-Boost, to establish a prominent social media presence. Alternatively, you can buy TikTok likes.


One thing most TikTokers don’t understand is that by buying followers, people are more likely to check out your page as it’s impressive to see TikTok pages with many followers. And the same is true for companies; prepare to receive some good marketing opportunities once you’ve set up your TIkTok page with new followers and likes. 

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