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How to Improve Your Finance: Follow These Easy Steps


Personal finances can often end up being a bit of a mess. This is mostly because most people ignore finances until they fill the sting of not having just enough money, which is where your first mistake begins. You need to be always on top of what your money looks like. Even though it may look a little petty to put down every penny and keep your spreadsheets updated, a few good habits can be taught and picked up easily.

Just treat your finances the same way you would pick top bingo sites. You want to make sure that the bingo you end up picking offers plenty of great tickets, promotions, and other recreational games. This is often the result of meticulous research.

Well, take this meticulous research and apply it to your personal finances. For your comfort, we have prepared several easy steps to follow to improve your finances and always find a way to save a little more.

#1 Keep Track of Your Spending

Step one is quite simple. It requires you to look at your spending and just monitor where you put your money in. Many people accumulate bills and receipts without even realising it. Some people may be too busy to participate in a hobby actively, but they still keep buying.

Others tend to spend a little too much when there is no necessity to. For example, some people are too busy to read books, and they end up with dozens, and often hundreds of books they don’t need, or at least not immediately.

The same applies to food. We often tend to buy too much and end up throwing a lot. But, imagine you treated and saw your food in monetary value. You would never throw money down the drain, and so you should probably start focusing on how you spend money. The easiest way to get started is taking a look at your current spending.

#2 Cut Down on Excess Expenses

What constitutes an excess expense? This will vary from person to person. Some people may be investing too much in their cars, for example, buying unnecessary accessories or changing their tires. Others may like watches and end up buying too many of those, even though other expenditures are stacking up.

The key to being successful is to look at your budget and what you own and make the most of it. You don’t want to get stuck with a pile of debt because you are too proud to let go of your vanity.

Instead, focus on long-term objectives. Securing a home will come with you taking reasonable full control of your finances in the first place. You may be thinking that an excessive expenditure here and there doesn’t matter, but they all add up.

They add up enough for you to be able to afford a home in just the space of five years, for example.

#3 Buy Smartly

Buying smart is definitely a great thing to do, and you should pursue it in full. What does purchase smart mean in the first place? Many people go for bulk buying or for purchasing “on promotion.”

These things can help your personal finances a great deal, and we will admit as much. However, smart buying is about knowing what to buy. This is where something as simple as a list will do.

You want to stay on top of your expenses. You want to buy the things you need to buy. Often when wandering through markets, buying other things can result from distraction or not being too sure what to buy. This is why making a list of all the products you want to get to the market place is often easy and simple.

It will protect you against overspending and give you a lot to work around with.

#4 Sometimes Cheap Works

Some people buy expensive because they fear that something cheap is necessarily bad. This is not always the case. It’s good to study and experiment. Take a risk with slightly less expensive products and don’t worry too much.

After a few purchases, you will have a lot of viable info about saving even more by buying something cheaper for the same quality. There are many opportunities you will discover by just shopping between brands.

It always helps to do some research online, but don’t go too crazy on the “save from quality” thing. It should come naturally.

Need For Financing Autonomies Will Break A Record In 2021


The autonomous communities will need more money than ever to finance themselves next year : about 50,000 million euros, according to the estimates of the Afi consultancy.

This amount includes both the maturities and repayments of the debt that the regions must satisfy in 2021 as well as the largest deficit that they will have to finance due to the pandemic, 1.1% of GDP according to the Government’s forecasts.

The figure also includes the bill incurred during the previous financial crisis, a burden that continues to weigh on the autonomies after more than a decade.

Spend, spend and spend. The slogan was clear: in the midst of an unprecedented crisis, with restrictions on activity and in view of the need to strengthen health systems and public benefits, we must not skimp on outlays.

This maxim has permeated the policies of all the major economies of the world, which have mobilized millionaire resources to prevent the virus from causing structural damage to the productive fabric.

Spain has also jumped on the expansive bandwagon and, for now, the countercyclical measures are plugging the bleeding. But the scar that the pandemic will leave on public accounts will be deep and will take time to heal, since it will not be easy or fast to get rid of the mountain of debt and deficit that the Public Administrations have accumulated to face the biggest blow since the Civil War. .

The recently approved Budgets foresee net Treasury emissions of 110,000 million in 2021. This figure, which is always calculated with caution based on estimates of new expenses, income or needs of the communities, will also take into account next year arrival of European aid and will be added to the huge amount of liabilities already put into circulation this year.

According to the Government, the debt-to-GDP ratio will go from 95.5% in 2019 to 118.8% in 2020, the highest in a century. Even so, the forecast is that the average cost of debt will continue to fall next year thanks to ultra-low rates, which will prevent it from becoming, for the moment, an unsustainable burden.

The communities, in the front line to contain the health emergency, will need more than 50,000 million to finance themselves in 2021, according to provisional calculations by International Financial Analysts (Afi).

Some 36,600 million correspond to maturities and amortizations, a figure similar to that of 2020, 14,000 million to cover the largest deficit and about 900 million to the negative settlements of 2008 and 2009 that the regions dragged from the previous financial crisis.

Catalonia, the Valencian Community and Andalusia will be, for yet another year, the regions that will require the most resources in 2021; Navarra, Cantabria and La Rioja the least. “It is a historical record of gross debt, but the deficit component is uncertain and will depend on the economic evolution,” says César Cantalapiedra, partner of the consulting firm.

The Government, in line with the decision of Brussels to freeze the Stability and Growth Pact in the face of the virulence of the crisis, has suspended the fiscal rules for 2020 and 2021. Instead of approving a mandatory path – which marks the maximum limit of imbalance -, has set non-binding reference rates.

In the case of the communities, this is 2.2% of GDP by 2021, although the Treasury has promised to assume half of the gap through an extraordinary transfer of 13,486 million.

This year, communities have enjoyed an unprecedented flow of money to ensure critical services without cash strain. In fact, the Treasury kept the amount of installments on account – which advances to the regions based on expected income – calculated before the outbreak of the pandemic, 115,662 million.

To this figure must be added other extraordinary transfers, such as the covid-19 fund of 16,000 million that will not have to be reimbursed to the State. In 2021, regional financing will provide slightly less resources (113,729 million), but the difference will be more than compensated with the aforementioned provision to cover part of the deficit and other funds from European aid.

The adjustment will come in 2022, when the accounts will have to be balanced. The current financing model foresees that every two years it is reviewed if the communities received more or less resources than they owed, depending on whether the income has been higher or lower than the forecasts.

If these have fallen short, the regions have a positive settlement; on the contrary, if the performance has been worse than expected, they return the excess received to the State.

The fact that the Government kept the tap open in 2020 – the resources were calculated based on a rise in GDP of 1.6%, when the fall now forecast by the Executive is 11.2% – will imply that in 2022 the communities return to the State what they have received too much.

Airef has already put numbers to this reimbursement: about 5,000 million. The question is how that money will be refunded. In the case of the Great Recession, the repayment was stretched over time, and therefore in 2021 the regions continue to pay the negative settlements of 2008 and 2009.

China Limits Its Tech Companies


Xi Jinping is not used to giving instructions in vain. In September of last year, the Chinese leader stressed the importance of making “efforts to unite the private sector around the Party”, with the aim of “promoting its healthy development.”

These words began an antitrust campaign in the digital sector aimed at limiting both structural risks and the power of its actors. The big hit has been Alibaba , the first technology company in the country and the ninth company in the world by market capitalization.

The first blow came in mid-November, when the authorities halted the Ant Group IPO , destined to be the largest in history, with just 48 hours notice. The financial services firm was already poised to rake in $ 34.5 billion (€ 29.5 billion) through a simultaneous debut in the Hong Kong and Shanghai parks , an amount that would dwarf Saudi Aramco’s $ 29 billion peak. in December 2019 .

Ant is one of the most innovative organizations in the world , to the point of having no equivalent outside of China. Its primary service is Alipay, an electronic payment platform with a huge social implantation. This represents the gateway to a colossal ecosystem fed by the huge amount of data generated by each transaction.

Ant can thus offer personalized loans, investments or insurance. The firm is proud to use a scheme named 310 : when contracting any financial product, 3 minutes are enough to fill out a form, which is approved in 1 second by the intervention of 0 human beings. Alibaba still owns a third of the company that was once its subsidiary.

The mathematics of its IPO would have put Ant in a position to outperform the first state banks. With the ambition and the capacity, in addition, to control a significant percentage of the national credit; thanks to the ubiquity of its telephone application in the 1,560 million mobile phones in the country and the simplicity of its services.

The Government understood that this possibility posed an intolerable risk, and at the last minute interrupted its dairy accounts, modifying the legal requirements.

Since then the corrections have been constant. The latest took place this week, when the People’s Bank of China provided a new public slap on the wrist in the form of a statement .

After a meeting with Ant managers, the central bank assured in its text that it must “return to its origins” as an electronic payments company and “rectify errors” made “in key business areas”, even demanding “an implementation schedule ”.

Ant, with his head down, has already taken steps to demonstrate his compliance, such as limiting the credit available to his users. Eric Jing, its CEO, has assured that he “listens carefully” to criticism from “regulators and customers.”

The mother house has not been unscathed either. Last week the State Administration for Market Regulation announced the opening of an investigation against Alibaba, accused of monopolistic practices.

Provincial authorities in Zhejiang, where the tech giant is based, have already searched its headquarters, questioned employees and requisitioned documents. As a result of its collision with the Party, Alibaba has lost almost a quarter of its share price since the end of October, equivalent to the evaporation of 260 billion dollars (213 billion euros).

Government harassment also has an ad hominem dimension . What happened shows the fall from grace of Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba and one of the best-known faces in the country. “If the Government needs Alipay, I will give it to them,” he said solicitously in 2013.

Just before Ant’s failed IPO – of which he is the majority shareholder – he unchecked himself with controversial statements criticizing the legislation. financially and their “pawn shop” mentality. Whoever was the richest man in China has seen how in recent months his wealth has decreased from 51,000 million euros to 40,000, according to data from Bloomberg.

The future is not rosy for the businessman and philanthropist: the authorities have instructed him not to leave the country, according to different media.

Despite the fact that the Chinese model remains nominally communist, private companies have been the engine of its economy for many years. These have gone from adding 443,000 in 1996 to 15.6 million in 2018, to constitute 84% of the total.

One of the items on Xi’s domestic agenda is to increase the Party’s control over them and align them with state priorities. The first step was the issuance in mid-September by the Central Committee of the General Office of the Chinese Communist Party of a document entitled “Opinion on Strengthening the Work of the United Front of Private Economy in the New Era.”

Its purpose was “to enhance the focus of wisdom and strength of entrepreneurs in the goal and mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” To do this, he aspired to create “a column of reliable and available businessman at key moments.”

The government targeted the digital sector in this way. Not only because it is a strategic area, but also because it is one of the industries whose actors have accumulated greater social preponderance thanks to lax regulation. But that is over.

In November, the competent authorities published the initial draft of new antitrust guidelines on the Internet. Two weeks later, the Central Economic Work Conference, the annual meeting of this body, in charge of setting the course in financial and banking matters, concluded.

The resulting document contained an epigraph in which the institution agreed to strengthen control over financial services and electronic commerce companies, with the intention of “strengthening antitrust and preventing a disorderly expansion of capital.”

This resulted in two rounds of fines. The first in mid-December against Alibaba itself, China Literatura – of which Tencent is the majority shareholder – and Hive Box for “not reporting on past agreements for the evaluation of the authorities.”

The second this week, due to “irregular pricing.” The victims on this occasion were JD – the second e-commerce company in the country -, Tmall – owned, again, by Alibaba – and Vishop.

All the sanctions were set at 500,000 yuan (62,700 euros), a modest amount despite exceeding the maximum established by the 2008 Antitrust Law. This step, however, marks the first time that institutions have acted against Internet companies, anticipating a growing trend that goes to show that in China nothing is above the Party. And this, in turn, is increasingly indistinguishable from Xi Jinping’s word.

Fish Agonize Entangled In Eternal Arguments


It could be said that it has been one of the many planetary failures of 2020. For two decades, the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been negotiating the elimination of subsidies that promote overfishing and illegal fishing without having managed to To close a deal.

The deadline was met on December 31 and the 164 countries sitting at the table have given each other an extension in 2021 that, to the despair of the Colombian ambassador Santiago Willis,Chairman of the negotiating group, it will not be free.

“The new rules for fisheries subsidies are a kind of debt to the world community that we were supposed to pay before the end of the year. The fact that we are not paying it on time does not mean that it has disappeared.

On the contrary, the debt increases with each passing day and the urgency is increasing. As we speak, fish populations continue to decline ”, he lamented after the pact was shelved.

According to the 2020 FAO report on the state of world fisheries, the fraction of fish stocks that are within biologically sustainable levels has fallen from 90% in 1974 to 65.8% in 2017. In contrast, it has been increased percentage of exploited stocksat biologically unsustainable levels, which is now a worrying 34.2% of the total.

That same work indicates that of the 10 most caught species on the planet (anchovy, Alaskan pollock, Atlantic herring, Atlantic cod, Pacific starling, Chilean horse mackerel, Japanese sardine, skipjack, South American sardine and capelin), a third are overexploited.

At the same time, fishing countries spend $ 19 billion annually on expanding and modernizing fleets without taking into account the levels of maximum sustainable yield from fisheries (the maximum amount that can be fished without weakening fish stocks).

From Geneva and by videoconference, Willis regrets that “the perfect storm” has occurred, for failure: the pandemic has limited contacts, the WTO is going through delicate moments (still without a director after the resignation in summer of Roberto Azevedo, and thanks to the Trump’s blockade of consensus candidate Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala), and there is a lot of pressure from countries to keep fisheries subsidies that end up in the wrong hands.

“You have to keep pushing hard because on some issues the positions are still far away,” he believes.

The discussions have been very difficult. The analysis by David Voces, CEO of Europêche, the European association that groups together fishing companies, begins with the content: “What is illegal fishing?

There is no definition as such, but we have criteria from the FAO and in the EU we have the toughest and most effective law on the matter, with capacity limits that are measured in the space of the ship and the power of the engine.

However, we see that there are other countries that do not have standards, nor capacity limits, not even an adequate fleet registry ”. As an example, he points to a recent study that says China’s long-haul fleet, the world’s most powerful, is five to eight times larger than previously documented.

“What kind of actions contribute to overcapacity?” Voces continues: “We are talking about construction, renovation, modernization of the fleet … there are several lines that can be taken into account. In the EU, the new European Fisheries Fund has just been approved and it is guaranteed at all times that there is no increase in capacity.

And even if there is an increase in space on the ship, it must have been previously compensated with the suppression of the same unit of space on the other hand. This does not happen neither in China nor in Russia, which is giving 30% subsidies to new construction of ships of more than 100 meters in length, with very large capacity ”, he denounces.

China, which defines itself as a developing country in this matter, is fighting in the WTO for exceptions to its fleet to be recognized, as is the case with India. Something that forces you to juggle.

“Differential treatment has to generate a very important balance between least developed countries and the rest, but without violating the principle of the agreement, which is to eliminate unsustainable subsidies”, Willis frames. Javier Garat, secretary of the Spanish employers’ association Cepesca, analyzes it in the same way

“There is 30% of stocksoverexploited and without any doubt it is necessary to put measures. This usually happens in fisheries in developing countries and clearly we must try to help those countries to take the appropriate measures ”.

But doing so cannot jeopardize the ultimate goal of the WTO: to prevent countries from depleting the oceans causing irreparable damage, as is happening now.

Ignacio Fresco, a marine policy consultant and sustainability expert, believes that the countries that grant the most subsidies are those that have to make the most efforts, such as India, China, Korea and also the European Union.

And he contradicts the employers by pointing out that the new European Maritime Fund “indirectly reintroduces subsidies to construction. The initial position of the EU in this negotiation defended by Cecilia Malmström was very ambitious, but the reintroduction of subsidies weakened its position because it lost credibility.

The EU has requested that subsidies can continue to be given if there are fisheries management plans. But the objective of the agreement is not to promote fisheries management, but to eliminate a tool that encourages overfishing ”, he criticizes.

How cloud accounting works?


With cloud accounting, you manage your accounts online, which makes your data available to you anytime and anywhere.

But apart from the obvious fact that cloud-based accounting means all your records are online, what does it offer to SMEs, and why do accountants use it?

Cloud accounting explained

When you use cloud-based accounting, you subscribe to a service as a user, which then gives you access to various accounting tools, and the means to organise and manage your accounts through a dedicated online app.

You can process financial transactions rapidly and efficiently, while automating your accounting.

This saves a lot of time you would otherwise spend administering your accounts. And the automated aspect of cloud accounting helps eliminate human error, to ensure you keep your books accurately and consistently.

The increasing appeal of cloud-based accounting is shown in how much business in this area has increased. For example, Xero has seen 51% increases in its UK business.

Cloud accounting vs traditional accounting

Using traditional accounting software has its limitations, and there is the potential for errors and omissions to creep into your accounting:

  • Information is only up-to-date on one machine or device
  • It requires regular software updates, which can be costly
  • You may require additional licences for more than one user
  • It can be difficult to access remotely
  • Backups can be costly and complex, and may get missed altogether
  • If you move data from location to location physically, this poses potential security risks.

By contrast, cloud-based accounting offers these advantages:

  • It offers fast and simple data entry, helping eliminate human bookkeeping and accounting errors
  • It stores all your accounting information ins a secure, centralised database, that you can view in real-time
  • This means you have instant access, in detail,  to accurate financial reporting for your business
  • It saves time when you approve invoices and make payments
  • And it can reduce your accounting staff costs.

Unlike traditional accounting software, cloud accounting software is readily scalable without you having to purchase expensive upgrades or new packages.

It will grow with you, and provide you with all the capabilities you need to manage your business finances.

There are various customisable options too, so it’s not simply a case of having to work with something off-the-shelf.

Is cloud accounting software secure?

The short answer is very secure. It may seem a big step to move all your vital accounting data into the cloud, but cloud-based accounting software comes with high levels of built-in security:

  • It runs daily backups of business information
  • It encrypts this data and stores it in several locations, rather than on one central server
  • Industry-standard transport layer security (TLS) protects data with a secure encryption protocol
  • Encryption applies to data when it is transferred, but also when it is sitting at rest, stored on servers
  • These servers are located in physically secure hosting facilities with high-level security.

Why use cloud accountants

Cloud accountants are on the rise, in the same way as cloud-based accounting software is spreading.

This is because accounting professionals recognise the benefits that the cloud can bring, and that they can pass these benefits on to their clients.

Advanced accounting packages, such as those provided by Xero, make it easier for accountants to do their job more efficiently, while offering greater clarity to their clients.

The benefits that accountants can pass on from cloud-based accounting software include:

  • Automatic data flow from business bank accounts and specialist data capture tools
  • Powerful tools for processing accounting data
  • Instant reviews of client data and information, making analysis and recommendations more rapid
  • Accounting teams can access the same information simultaneously
  • The software’s capabilities are expandable, growing to meet the client’s needs.

Why choose cloud-based accounting services

It’s important that the cloud accountant you choose has a proactive and progressive approach to cloud-based accounting software.

They should be able to show how much they recognise its potential when applying its tools to support your business.

Using cloud technology enables them to not only keep pace with your business development but also anticipate your future business needs, and have the ongoing capability to serve them.

Cloud accountants offer efficient, effective accounting solutions that:

  • Save you time and money
  • Offer greater flexibility
  • Are reliable and secure, and
  • Provide you with complete clarity about your accounts.

Using a cloud accountant you get the best of both worlds:

  • You benefit from professional expertise and a close, professional relationship that can help your business strategically
  • You also have all the advantages that state-of-the-art cloud accounting software can give you.

Go with the right cloud-based accounting firm

Whether you’re a start-up or an established small business, you want the right kind of core business support that will enable your enterprise to grow.

SME cloud accounting provides that support, helps keep your data secure but accessible, and offers scalable solutions when it comes to managing your accounts.

Offering cloud accounting services to businesses throughout the UK, Venn Accounts thoroughly integrates cloud-base accounting software into how they work because they know it provides excellent, technology-driven support for our clients. At the same time, their personalised service puts a very human face on this technology.

For more information about their cloud-based accounting services, please give Venn Accounts a call on 020 8088 2590.

Counteracting Lockdown Boredom


As the New Year begins in circumstances that can only be described as extraordinary, the threat of Covid19 hangs over us changing the way we live, work, and source our entertainment. The social distancing measures in place mean that the majority of us except those that are key workers are spending most of the day at home.

This enforced stay at home can prove very boring for a great many people, luckily we have the internet which has proved to be a virtual life-line for shopping for goods and services, staying in contact with friends and family and sourcing our entertainment.

Life Online

For those industries and companies that made sure they had an online presence in the early days has meant that they have become well established and have built up their reputations over time – and for those companies and industries the social distancing measure have meant increased traffic as physical shops and venues close.

One of those industries that has always pioneered new ideas and technology is the gambling industry which has led to numerous online gambling sites including casinos, bingo, slots, virtual sports and sports betting appearing on our pages. Being able to have a bet or wager online at any time we wish and from anywhere that has a good internet connection ticks a lot of boxes for many people.

Before Lockdown many people led very busy lives so being able to play when and where they chose was a great stress buster, and although Lockdown is keeping us at home being able to have a bet or wager on the outcome whilst enjoying our favourite games adds to the entertainment quality.

Where to Find the Best Quality Online Sites

With more people turning online more sites are also appearing on our pages on a daily basis and the sheer volume of new sites can prove to be a little daunting when you are new to playing at an online casino or slots site, however there are a few things you can put in place to make sure that the online casino you are playing at is one that is safe and secure and provides only the most popular, high-end games for  your enjoyment.

Firstly remember that the online gambling market is very competitive which means that if a site has stood the test of time it is doing something right. Listening to its players and delivering what they ask for lies at the core of www.fruityking.co.uk which was launched back in 2015.

Well respected within the industry FruityKing offers its players games developed by only the major players in the online casino software industry which means that every game is full of fun and entertainment and sure to add that casino thrill whilst playing them.

Not only does FrutiyKing offer a full range of slots, casino games and instant games supplied by names like Microgaming and NetEnt the site also has a great selection of live games on offer.

Live games are about as close as you can get to actually being inside a land-based casino with games taking place in real time, streamed for a physical venue and hosted by a human croupier or dealer. Fun and very exciting it‘s always worth putting a little of your bankroll to one side to try the live games on offer.

Being in Lockdown can be incredibly boring and bringing in some fun and entertainment into your day can really help towards combating this feeling, but remember, alway stake only what you can afford and if you ever begin to chase any losses it is time to walk away and find something else to do.

Non Gamstop Casinos – Why They Became Popular


It’s undeniable that Non Gamstop casinos are on the rise across the world. A look at the most popular search terms on the biggest search engines reveals the extent to which this term has been trending – especially over recent months – illustrating how the appetite for this form of online gaming experience continues to grow.

Of course, online gaming is generally a growth industry across the board, with the UK Gambling Commission reporting a gross yield of over £3.2 billion in 2019 alone. And amid this booming time for online casino gaming, more and more internet users are searching for non Gamstop casinos.

What is Gamstop?

So what is Gamstop anyway? And how could it affect online casino players in the United Kingdom?

Most online gaming operators offer responsible gaming tools that enable players to limit or restrict their gambling activity. Whether that means enforced cooling off periods, limits on deposits, restricted stakes or other options, these measures are designed to protect players. Gamstop offers a further level of protection, blocking users from all UK-licensed gaming sites – even if they are not yet a customer of any particular site.

This can be very helpful for those lacking the self-control to moderate their own activity, but at the same time many find Gamstop’s across-the-board approach to be over-reaching and heavy-handed. What’s more, a Gamstop ban is irreversible; if a player’s situation changes, or they change their mind after enacting a Gamstop ban, there is no way for them to resume playing at any UK-licensed gaming site.

Yet many casino sites now are not on Gamstop, allowing players to continue to play. With this in mind, it’s easy to see how they have become more and more popular online.

What are non Gamstop Casinos?

The United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC) is the industry body responsible for licensing online gaming sites for UK players. A reputable and established organisation, the UKGC ensures that gaming licenses are only awarded to operators who meet extremely high standards of reliability and responsibility. Every bookmaker you see on a British high street, or advertised at a sporting event or on a football kit, will be licensed by the UKGC and bound to adhere to its rules. And so will their online platforms.

One of those rules is to sign up to the Gamstop scheme, meaning that a player with a Gamstop exclusion will be automatically blocked from ALL UK-licensed casino sites.

But where does this leave players seeking online casinos not on Gamstop?

The surprising answer is that a wide variety of non Gamstop casinos are available to UK players, and it is not illegal to use them – even if you have an active Gamstop ban. These sites are still licensed and regulated, just not by the UKGC. Other jurisdictions such as Curacao, Costa Rica and Panama feature industry regulators and licensors which are able to grant licenses to casino sites outside the UK.

These sites will not typically offer the same stringent responsible gaming tools that you will find at UK licensed sites, but will usually feature the same types of games and activities that prove so popular in all online casinos.

Why are non Gamstop Casinos trending?

Online casinos not on Gamstop will not be featured in UK advertising, as that would not be permitted without a UKGC licence. Yet finding an online casino site casino-sistersite.co.uk that accepts Gamstop players from the UK is quick and simple using any regular search engine.

As a result, UK players seeking a non-UK casino site are flocking to search sites like Google to find the best alternatives to UK casinos. And with all those searches going on, it’s easy to see why the term has been trending so much!

But why do players continue to search out these sites? The truth is, they offer certain benefits that can make them attractive even for UK players with active accounts at UKGC sites. Benefits such as:

  • Their approach to bonuses, free spins and loyalty schemes can be dramatically different to UK sites, due to restrictions imposed by the UKGC. As a result you may find more generous bonuses available at non Gamstop sites.
  • Deposit limits, as well as gameplay limits, almost always tend to be more relaxed at non Gamstop casinos. Players seeking higher stakes action, therefore, will head for these offshore casinos.
  • Sites offer a plethora of payment options, which may even include cryptocurrencies.
  • Higher limits when playing slots.
  • Greater scope for anonymity when playing online.

Drawbacks for UK players on Casinos not on Gamstop

So is it all good news for UK players when it comes to using non Gamstop casino sites? As with all things in life, there’s a balance to be found.

Yes, there are a great many benefits to using a non UK casino, such as bigger bonuses and fewer restrictions, but as with any online casino you should ensure you do your homework before taking the plunge. So, what are the potential downsides?

  • Fewer responsible gaming tools at your disposal. The UKGC’s licensing requirements means that any UK online casino will offer a suite of these tools to help you manage your gambling activity. Non UK casinos do not have this requirement, or if they do they may not have standards as high as those imposed by the UKGC.
  • Some providers may not be available. It’s pretty safe to assume that whatever activity you’re looking for – from slots to table games, sports betting or poker – you will be able to find it at a non Gamstop casino. And yet you may not be able to find a specific game, as not all providers work across all operators. Many big name games and slots are available, but you should be aware that some of your favourites may be missing from the list.

Support may take a hit. As with responsible gaming tools, the UKGC expects a certain level of customer support from those operators to whom it grants licences. Regulators in other jurisdictions such as Curacao or Costa Rica may hold their operators to different standards, so you may experience a lower level of customer support than you would at the site of a recognisable, UK high street bookmaker, for example.

The future of non Gamstop Casinos UK

Like all online gaming operators, non Gamstop casino sites are experiencing something of a boom time. But what does the future hold in store for these non UK sites?

Gamstop is a valuable service, but while there are players out there who find its measures, restrictions and limits to be too extreme for their liking, there will always be an alternative to UKGC-licensed sites.

Gamblers love choice, and just like whether to bet on red or black, the decision on where to play ultimately rests with you, the player. We are not directing anyone to play at any one site over another, but merely bringing you the information you need to make a more informed choice.

The truth is that for most players, UK casinos provide everything they need, with their gambling falling within the stakes permitted by the UKGC. However, some players will always be seeking higher stakes, and for those players it’s easy to see why non Gamstop casinos continue to hold such strong appeal.

9 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need Medical Practice Loans


Providing the best care for patients while managing the business aspect of your medical practice is not a walk in the park. For a successful medical practice, medical business owners need to strike a balance between the two. But with overhead expenses and daily operational costs, it can easily become overwhelming to manage these expenses on your own. Healthcare professionals apply for medical practice loans to bridge gaps in cash flow.

But before you start your application, it’s important to understand why you need to apply for one. In this way, you’ll be able to determine the best type of loan depending on your needs. Here are nine reasons why you should consider applying for medical practice financing:

1.    Better Care for Your Patients

Every medical practice owner wants nothing but the best for his/her patients. The funds from a medical practice loan can help you provide better care for your patients. You can purchase the latest and the most advanced equipment, hire the best medical professionals, and improve your interior. This increases the quality of care you provide and, in turn, improve the reputation of your practice and boost your bottom line.

2.    Hire Qualified Medical Healthcare Professionals

Your staff is the backbone of your medical practice. If you don’t have enough staff members in your practice, you won’t be able to cater to as many patients. With medical financing, you can hire highly qualified nurses, doctors, medical technicians, and support staff to help you run your practice. Having a team of talented and experienced professionals can easily take your business to the next level.

3.    Open More Practices

Growth and expansion is an exciting time for business owners. However, business growth can be financially draining. If you use up all your working capital to put up another practice, you’ll risk running out of cash to pay for operational expenses. With a medical practice loan, you can use the funds to open a new medical practice and extend your services to more people. Once you have a new practice up and running, you can look forward to growth and profits as your clients increase.

4.    Spruce Up Your Clinic

Nobody wants to walk into a rundown clinic. When your patients visit your clinic, make sure to make them feel as comfortable as possible. If you have an outdated, shabby, or dirty clinic, chances are, your patients will most likely go for a different medical professional. Fortunately, you can use the funds from a medical practice loan to spruce up your clinic. Update the interiors, purchase new furniture, repaint your waiting area, and invest in additional amenities your patients can enjoy while waiting for their turn.

5.    Provide More Services

There are numerous factors you need to consider if you plan to offer more services. You may need to purchase new medical equipment, hire additional staff members, and pay additional overhead costs. With medical business loans, you can provide new services and procedures without worrying about working capital.

6.    Follow Industry Regulations

Industry regulations require medical practice to follow stringent and specific criteria. If your medical practice doesn’t have the right medical supplies and equipment to stay compliant with industry regulations, this can put your practice in danger of closing. A medical practice loan allows you to purchase the necessary supplies and equipment to follow industry regulations.

7.    Invest in New Medical Technologies

Having the latest medical equipment not only makes your job easier, but it also improves the overall customer experience. The type of technology you should invest in depends on your practice’s specialty, so make sure you do your research to determine which type of technology is worth purchasing.

Aside from industry-specific technologies, you can also pursue other updates. You can invest in an app or website where your patients can schedule appointments, submit important documents, receive test results, and pay for their procedures. Additionally, you can use the funds to purchase tablets for your patients to use instead of manually filling out forms.  puryee’. aint your waiting area, and invest in additional amenities your

8.    Purchase Supplies and Equipment

Having high-quality supplies and equipment is a must-have for every medical practice. If you don’t have the right equipment, this can deter you from doing your job. If you have access to additional working capital, you can pay for the supplies and equipment your business needs.

9.    Manage Day-to-Day Operations

Managing the day-to-day operations and taking care of your patients can easily become overwhelming if you don’t have the right support. A medical practice loan gives you a sense of security and funding that many medical practice owners need. In this way, you wouldn’t have to worry about paying for utilities, equipment, payroll, and more.

Apply for Medical Practice Loans Today!

Applying for medical practice loans can help take your practice to the next level. If you want to know more of the different medical business loans, check out SMB Compass so you can figure out the best type of loan for your needs.

Firemind Achieves Advanced Consulting Partner Status in The AWS Partner Network


Firemind, a Kent-based cloud, data & analytics focused cloud solutions consultancy has announced that it has achieved Advanced Consulting Partner Status in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) after rapid growth since being founded in December 2018 by Directors Ahmed Nuaman and Charlie Hudson. 

The APN is the global community of Partners who leverage AWS to build solutions and services for customers.  Out of 10,000+ partners in the APN, only a small fraction have achieved the Advanced Consulting Partner status. 

“Firemind are very proud to become an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, having started our journey only two years ago. I would like to give a huge thank you to the entire AWS team, everyone at Firemind and all of our customers.” –Charlie Hudson, Managing Director.

This new APN status further validates the in-depth expertise provided by the engineers at Firemind, and its continued commitment to adoption and innovation in the cloud.  Our clients’ continued demand for support with design, migration, application development, managing data, analyticsand artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) solutionsis continuing the rapid growth of the business. 

About Firemind

Firemind, is a digital engineering consultancy specialising in managing data, analytics, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) and accelerating innovation.  Leveraging deep technical expertise, agile methodologies and data-driven intelligence to modernisation. Our customer centric engagement and managed services framework deliver enhancements wherever they are in their digital lifecycle.  The company is headquartered in Kent, United Kingdom and is an AWS Advanced Partner and ISO 27001 certified organisation.

For more information, visitwww.firemind.io. Follow us onLinkedIn.

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Email:press@firemind.io, Call+44 (0) 20 3468 1670

 Notes to editors

For more information please contact:

Charlie Hudson

Email: press@firemind.io

Visit the newsroom of: Charlie Hudson


Alternative Payment Solutions For Online Gambling


In the UK online gambling continues to be a hugely popular pastime. Since 2005 the industry has been regulated by the UK Gambling Commission who set standards in safety and security that operators must adhere to. These standards don’t just refer to the games, but also the cashier and payment services that facilitate deposits of funds and withdrawals of winnings. There are now many different payment solutions available. The most frequently used are debit cards, but in the last decade alternatives, including cryptocurrencies, have become more popular.

Here are three recommendations to try next time you gamble online.

Bitcoin Payments

Bitcoin Casinos are still a fairly niche part of the UK slots and casino market, but thanks to the high profile the currency enjoys, more operators are now offering this solution. For many gamblers the idea of switching to a digital currency can be daunting, but in fact it fits well with the gambling experience. The process of funding a casino account with Bitcoin is fairly straight forward – players must set up a bitcoin wallet address and then move coins from an exchange to the wallet as normal. From a wallet, players simply move bitcoins into their casino account at no charge.

Bitcoin payments at casino sites have the same advantages as anywhere else – they are free, they are totally secure because they are on the peer to peer network with no sharing of personal data, and they can be moved more quickly than traditional currencies are between banks and businesses. The obvious disadvantage is that the volatile nature of Bitcoin means that the value of your winnings may be compromised when it comes to making withdrawals.

You can read more about bitcoin here.

Paypal Payments

Next to bank cards, Paypal has been the most popular payment solution for online gamblers for some time now. It is one of the world’s most popular eWallets, used by millions every day to pay for goods and services online. Many gambling sites in the UK accept this solution and it is advantageous for players for a few reasons. Firstly, like Bitcoin, it offers a level of anonymity because the user does not need to share their bank details directly with the operator. Instead, they only need to log in with their Paypal username and password to initiate the transfer. Paypal is also usually free for payments made within the UK. But above all, it is a very simple, quick and convenient way to fund a casino account.

The only disadvantage to using Paypal, besides setting up the Paypal account on their site, which takes just a matter of minutes, is that not all operators accept it. To find a gambling site which accepts this eWallet, check this list of Paypal Casino Sites.

Paysafecard Payments

A third option for gamblers looking to deposit online without using a debit card is the prepaid service, Paysafecard. This is another service that allows players to fund an account without having to share any bank details with the operator. Paysafecard is a voucher system that can be topped up online or at high street shops. Users receive a simple PIN code worth between £10 and £100 that can be used to deposit or pay for goods at any site that accepts Paysafecard. It is possible in offline retailers to purchase vouchers using cash so there is no need to have a bank card at all if you want to use the service.

Like Paypal, Paysafecard is not accepted by all casino operators, but it is a convenient and safe option where it is accepted. You can find out more about how it works on the Paysafecard website.

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