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The Best Ways to Make Money Online


The internet taking over everything was never in doubt, it was just the timeline that was a bit hazy. We had no idea how quickly it would change workplaces and work routines. Now that so much more can be done from a phone in your pocket anywhere on earth, you can forget the office and the typical nine-to-five hours that come with it. 

While this has sensibly thrown a lot of older business models into a crisis, it also means it can be an opportunity for people willing to put the time in and spend more of their lives in this virtual world.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Anything

It’s no surprise that the publishing industry has taken a big hit since the rise of the internet, as people have pivoted from reading paper to reading screens (and essentially for free). One popular book that we must remember forlornly is the Yellow Pages, as it was a great source for local business advertising, completely replaced by the Google search. 

While it has become easier to search for anything on earth, however, one thing that still remains a challenge is ‘finding good help nowadays’. Recommendations for things like doctors, plumbers, and cleaning help are still trusted more when a friend is doing it, rather than a search result. This is why if you have one of these trade talents you have to definitely have one foot in the real world and the other in the digital. 

Even if you don’t have a particular trade, starting out as a delivery person or doing odd-jobs in your community, even helping escort seniors on their daily errands, just to help your favourability ranking. This is not just a way to grow your bank account, but to grow your reputation as well, and that is still worth its weight in gold. 

Sometimes the gripe people have with buying or hiring someone via the internet is that they don’t truly know what they’re getting until the product or person is on their doorstep. However, if you are able to have people talk about you in glowing terms – as well as write about you in glowing terms on a review site – you are well on your way to starting a valuable services company. The good thing about this sort of work is that it is very hard for advances in technology to master a friendly smile.

Stream Yourself

If you have a bit of showmanship inside you, and you don’t mind playing the master of ceremonies of your own life in front of a camera on your laptop, then consider streaming. What was once a vlog (a video blog) for five-minute chunks of whatever you wanted to talk about has now become hours and hours of living your life and addressing all the people peering in. 

How you spend your time can range from playing video games (with all the people commenting in real time about your skill or lack of it), watching other videos and reacting to them (don’t be afraid to act extra shocked for your take to go viral), or just talking about how you’re feeling. 

The biggest website for this is Twitch, an Amazon-owned property that mainly focuses on watching people play video games, but has branched out recently and now features streamers broadcasting yoga classes, cooking sessions, or ‘just chatting’, which is rapidly becoming the most popular category. The key to making money here is to get popular enough that other site users congregate during your broadcasts and ‘cheer’ you on with an in-site currency called bits, which can be exchanged by you for real money. 

If you get enough people watching, you can become a Twitch Affiliate and then a Twitch Partner, both of which allow you to get a chunk of the subscription fees that advanced members pay. You can also play ads during your stream from time to time to add more ‘bits’ to your wallet (but if you play too many, you may scare users away). If you have hundreds or thousands of people tuning to whatever you are planning to do, then it’s possible that sponsorships and brand deals can increase your revenue.

The challenge then is becoming popular on this platform, as you are in competition with tens of thousands of other people who are competing for the same pairs of eyeballs and the bits in their digital pockets. Having a regular streaming schedule can help, and if you do have a flair for the dramatic, editing some of the videos you’ve made into shorter pieces and putting them on other video sites like YouTube as advertisements can help as well.

Just Ask For It

Do not mistake this for digital begging. Just as artists have long had patrons and entrepreneurs have had wealthy investors, there are methods to present your talents, abilities and grand plans to the world, and let them send you money to support them. 

Websites like Patreon and Ko-Fi allow you to set up an account as a content creator (you can decide what the content is) and have people put money towards your goal. You can set an amount of whatever you like, and you reward these donors by giving them swag or maybe a behind the scenes look at development. Sometimes the donations can be a monthly subscription you are making regular content, or a lump sum if you are trying to create a product that can be purchased by the wider community.

It’s become a hot topic for plenty of Wall Street insiders since it can be a good way to discover new talent. In some sense, this is like the world’s largest (and longest) episode of Dragon’s Den, where you can hope that someone with deep pockets and an eye for good ideas might come across your profile page and decide that what you are shilling is a good fit for their business.

Domestika’s Online Courses For A Safe Returning To School


The online courses Domestika are a great option to complement training in this strange return to the school.

With the shadow of a new confinement over our heads due to the rebound in COVID-19 cases throughout the Spanish geography, online training is configured as an option to take into account.

With thousands of courses of all kinds at very low prices, Domestika allows training to be carried out at the pace of each person, making it perfect to combine with the workday or university studies.

At a time when we probably have to stay more at home than we would like, taking advantage of our free time to learn about the things we are most passionate about is a fantastic opportunity to make the new normal more bearable.

Due to the wide variety of courses available , surely there are some that we are interested in following, either to improve our employability or simply to find a new hobby or a creative skill on which to focus our time.

What is Domestika?
Domestika is much more than an online course platform . At the beginning, Domestika was simply a community of members of the creative industry in all its different fields.

These creative professionals shared their knowledge and learned from each other to become one of the communities with the greatest growth and projection.

While their forums became places of shared knowledge and the most interesting projects were shared, some of the best job offers also began to emerge that gave rise to the current section, one of the most interesting to find jobs in the creative sector .

Continuing with the founding idea, a few years ago Domestika began to design and produce different online courses with its best professionals. Currently, the Domestika community is the largest community of online creatives who participate in the project through their online courses, by offering jobs or sharing their experiences and creative processes.

To this day, Domestika is the largest creative platform in Spain with courses of all kinds, projects and offers that allow you to learn from home with all the facilities.

One of the advantages of Domestika’s courses for this back to school is its 100% online nature. These courses are carried out directly from the Domestika user profile, so to do them it is only necessary to have a good internet connection.

Also, once you purchase a course, you can do it whenever you want. The courses Domestika not expire and you will always have the material at your disposal if you need to keep an eye on anything.

This means that there are no deadlines or dates, you can start, pause or continue the course at any time, depending on your availability.

For this reason, Domestika courses are highly demanded by professionals and parents. They are courses that adapt to the little free time they have, being able to do more or less according to the personal circumstances of each one.

This is not to say that there is no feedback. Each course has its own internal community, which allows interaction and learning with the rest of the students who have acquired it at some point and with the teacher himself. This creates an ideal place to exchange ideas, ask for advice, share work or even publish the final project of the course.

The teachers are professionals from the creative sector with extensive experience in what they teach. Their job will be to guide the student through different online lessons in which there will be space to share their knowledge, influences, techniques and even their career.

Through video lessons, homework and explanatory texts, you will have all the necessary resources and complementary documents to carry out the final project of each course.

As we have already mentioned, the only requirement is to have a profile in the community , which is very easily created through Facebook, Google or with a username and password, to have a device with an internet connection.

Although for some courses it is more convenient to do it on a PC, there are also others that you can do without problem from your mobile phone or tablet, through the Domestika app .

How to take free courses at Domestika?
Due to the current situation with the coronavirus, Domestika has made different free courses available to users under its # QuédateEnCasa initiative .

In the previous link you have the available courses, which are changing, and which allow you to learn about different aspects within the creative and digital field.

For example, at the time of writing this article, the basic techniques of gastronomic photography course , the creation of 3D animated short films for social networks or the digital illustration course: create from your imagination , among other different options, is available.

Unlike paid courses, these courses do not require registration and you can directly access their videos. Of course, in return they do not allow access to the certificate, forums or direct contact with teachers.

To do this, you will have to buy the course, getting all the material in perpetuity.

In any case, they are a good opportunity to get closer to this creative platform and have a first contact with the content at no cost.

In this way we can check how the courses are and see if we are interested in acquiring these or similar ones for payment, to enjoy all their great additional benefits.

The online courses Domestika are divided into categories, areas and software, so that the user can easily find the courses of interest by filtering the option that interests you.

Regarding the categories , Domestika has nine different options: illustration, marketing and business, photography and video, design, 3D and animation, craft, architecture and spaces, technology and calligraphy and typography.

The areas , meanwhile, are divided into illustration, photography, digital illustration, animation, fine arts, graphic design, 3D, character design and drawing.

Finally, the programs section offers courses in the following software : Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Lightroom, Cinema 4D, Maya, Camera Raw, Adobe InDesing and Procreate.

Looking at all the categories, areas and software available we can realize the great variety of fields that are touched within the creative industries, with many learning options adaptable to each profile.

In addition, in the description of each course you can see the level, if it is a beginner, medium or advanced course, so that you can choose the one that corresponds to your level of knowledge.

400 courses at a maximum price of € 11.90
If there are any of these categories that interest you especially, you are in luck because the second Domestika sales are currently underway.

There is a selection of 400 different courses for a maximum price of € 11.90, so it is very economical to find one to learn what we need.

Some of the most interesting options right now in the field of editing are the Introduction to Avid Media Composer course or the Introduction to Sketch course , both for € 9.90.

Smart Homes Save Up To 30% On Energy Bills


The era of the “smart home” is here. The determined commitment of the technological corporate giants to smart speakers and the needs detected in homes during the long months of confinement have given new impetus to a business that anticipates its great definitive leap forward with the massive deployment of 5G .

The smart home is synonymous with safety, comfort, energy efficiency and energy management. And something that is sometimes forgotten, financial savings .

“The first thing home automation does is make your life easier, but it is proposed so that your home can give you money,” says Guzmán Navarro , director of the Master in Home Automation at the University of Malaga (UMA). Smart homes are homes that have home automation, that is, their automated systems are integrated .

«It is the technology that scares but everyone wants. And today we know that it is necessary to have it by joining the concept of home automation to that of energy efficiency “, he points out.

This intelligent control of homes is a technology whose use and application is on the rise. According to the most recent data from the market study that the Spanish Association of Home Automation and Real Estate (Cedom), the turnover of manufacturers of control systems and automation of homes and buildings in 2018 amounted to 79 million euros , 40 % more than the previous year.

The functions most in demand are those related to energy management (climate control, ventilation, lighting, consumption monitoring), followed remotely by those related to comfort . Thirdly, the functions related to technical alarms, access controls and security are grouped together .

“It is observed that the systems that integrate all the functions are gaining weight in the market, since many of them are modular or scalable”, indicates Jordi Sabaté , technical secretary of Cedom.

Home automation is a transparent technology adaptable to the aesthetics of any building, and that provides multiple benefits.

Among them, it allows efficient use of energy, achieving annual savings in the energy bill of up to 30% ; provides both preventive security, through presence simulation, and action, through alarms connected to remote control panels; the system can be controlled both locally and remotely and facilitates maintenance by detecting faults immediately.

«With the incorporation of a consumption monitoring system, the user can become aware of energy consumption and modify habits to reduce spending», Says the technical secretary of Cedom. The services can be integrated through indoor and outdoor communication networks, wired or wireless that can be controlled from the home or from outside.

With the confinement we spent more time at home, something that showed on our electricity, heating and cooling bill. “For this reason, many families have chosen to implement home automation and control systems that, in many cases, do not require major works “, emphasizes Jordi Sabaté.

According to Professor Guzmán Navarro, « nowadays it is cheaper to set up home automation than not , you save on materials and labor. It is a shame that this is not passed on to the user but it will end up being standard.

He also directs the Institute for Home Automation and Energy Efficiency, and in it they are conducting various lines of research for low-cost installations “because this is not just for the rich». It is regretted that architects do not have training in Domotics although at their university they have managed to make it a subject for all Engineering.

Eduardo Suller , director of the Master in Intelligent Architecture at UCAM, also believes that it is necessary to take a turn when talking about home automation, “stop serving luxury homes and develop solutions for what is needed.”

He believes that there is still a long way to go in the field of home automation, starting with having “trained teachers and centers with spaces to do internships. A revision is needed, and it is a very broad subject that must be well studied ».

He used to say to young architects when they design houses that “technical knowledge is very important but often you need your brain.” There is still a change in culture . “The developers sell houses with luxury finishes but basic facilities.

On the other hand, the client requires that the car have all the automated systems incorporated and it is not surprising to buy a house where the blind is raised by hand. There’s a long way to go, ”Suller muses. Trust that over time home automation will improve the comfort of the elderly at home.

« The pandemic has allowed us to see the existing digital divide. Work is being done so that the elderly can benefit from telemedicine or video calls on television. Home automation can help them improve their lives ”, he points out.

Experts point out that the great balance ahead for connected homes will come with voice technology , increasingly implemented in our lives through different devices.

“This technology is the most natural interface for human beings”, highlights Nacho de Pinedo , CEO of the Higher Institute for Internet Development (ISDI) from which a study on its use in Spain has been promoted.

The results indicate that 54% of the population already uses voice technology, although at the moment the most common use is “listening to music, listening to the radio and looking for information . “

Smart speaker penetration is still limited to 15%. The report highlights the growth opportunity that this market has, but calls for a value proposition around this technology.

As Nacho de Pinedo points out, “the logics of the voice are different from the logics of the keyboard or the screen, a different algorithm is generated.” That is why he believes that both companies and consumers “must understand how they work to be present and not be left out.”

He believes that new technological devices such as Alexa will appear and that the normal thing will be to “centralize everything in mobile technology.”

Sweden Warns World That No Sign Herd Immunity Contains Pandemic


There is little evidence that herd immunity is helping Sweden fight the new coronavirus, according to the country’s top epidemiologist.

“The issue of herd immunity is complicated,” Anders Tegnell agreed at a press conference in Stockholm on Tuesday.

“We do not see signs of an immunity in the population that is slowing down the infection at this time,” he remarked.

Swedes have been more exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus than their Nordic neighbors, and one in three Stockholm residents who have been tested has antibodies , according to figures released this week. That happens after the country chooses not to implement containment measures, preferring instead to rely on voluntary measures.

Tegnell has already said that herd immunity is difficult to quantify and even questioned the official figures. Swedish authorities have made it clear that immunity is not a political goal, but the country’s exposure to the virus makes it an obvious test case to test the theory.

In a recent study by the Organization, Sweden consistently ranked among the most affected countries in Europe , in terms of rates of infection and relative mortality from COVID-19. It was also the slowest to contain the spread.

Sweden was recently forced to readjust its strategy against the virus after the daily case rate surpassed 7,000. In what Prime Minister Stefan Lofven this month called an “unprecedented” move, the government ruled that Swedes will no longer be able to meet in public in groups larger than eight . The sale of alcohol is now also prohibited after 10pm.

In a rare televised speech, Lofven pleaded with his compatriots to do more on Sunday.

” The health and lives of people are still in danger , and that danger is increasing,” he said.

The new restrictions come amid warnings that Sweden’s intensive care beds are filling up fast. Meanwhile, authorities in the country warn against placing too much responsibility on a possible future vaccine.

“We are still seeing an increase in patients needing intensive care and care,” said Thomas Linden, department head of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, in Tuesday’s briefing.

“The fact that a vaccine is only months away should not be taken as a sign to be careless with measures .”

“In a third wave, the health care system will be even more strained than it has been until now,” he said.

Alegra.com Has Initiated A Free Online Store For Panamanian Msmes


The technology company with more than 365,000 users in Latin America, will offer the functionality for its paid users at no cost.

2020 was the year in which e-commerce was positioned as the # 1 purchase option for people in Latin America, according to Statista the region will close with 267 million buyers and projects growth to 2024 of 351 million buyers in Latin America.

Latin America has had an increase of more than 230% in revenues through Internet sales for this year, demonstrating the great importance of electronic commerce in the economy of the region. According to PayU Latam, Internet transactions have increased by 42.6% in Latin America.

Taking into account this panorama Alegra.com, the technology company with accounting, administrative and electronic invoicing solutions in the cloud joins the world of electronic commerce with “Alegra Tienda” an internet sales solution for more than 364,000 users who they have handled its accounting, administration and billing.Glad . com , the technology company with accounting, administrative and electronic invoicing solutions in the cloud joins the world of electronic commerce with “Alegra Tienda” an internet sales solution for more than 364,000 users who have taken their accounting, administration and billing.

“We are committed to giving superpowers to Panamanian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), this year 2020 has been the year of digital transformation, electronic commerce is a key element for the growth of MSMEs in the country and the national economy ”, Says Jorge Soto, CEO of Alegra.com.Glad . com .

“With Alegra Tienda, entrepreneurs will be able to sell their products, keep their sales accounting, business administration and billing in one place, each time simplifying processes and thus increasing business productivity”, Soto points out.

Alegra Tienda was created under the Lean Startup methodology, this gives the opportunity to design products or services that meet the needs of people, without the need to make large financial investments and that allows the product to be adapted according to the feedback of the people who use the service.

It is expected that by the end of 2020 there will be more than 2,000 stores configured by Latin American SMEs.

Russia Says Sputnik V Vaccine Is More Than 91% Effective


The center responsible for the development of the Russian vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus has assured that the treatment has demonstrated an efficacy of 91.4 percent within 28 days of administering the first dose to more than 14,000 volunteers in the third phase of clinical trials , while it has announced that the price of each of the two doses that compose it will be less than ten dollars (about 8.4 euros per dose).

In a statement, the Nikolai Gamaleya Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology noted that preliminary data obtained 42 days after the volunteers were given the first dose and 21 days after the second “indicate a vaccine efficacy of more than 95 percent. ”.

The analysis of the preliminary data obtained 28 days after the administration to more than 14,000 volunteers of the first dose of the vaccine and seven days of the second places the efficacy at “91.4 percent”, as reported by the developer center of the drug in a statement.

Estimates are based on data collected from second checkpoint testing of volunteers given the first and second doses of the vaccine or placebo “according to clinical trial protocols.”

The Gamaleya Center has said that the preliminary data will be published in a leading medical publication in the sector and has said that when the third phase of clinical trials is completed, it will give access to the full report on the tests.

Currently 40,000 volunteers are participating in the third phase of clinical trials using the double-blind method, administering the first dose to more than 22,000 volunteers and the first and second to more than 19,000.

At the moment, according to the Gamaleya Center, no unexpected adverse reactions have been recorded during clinical trials.

“The experts from the Gamaleya Center have once again confirmed the high efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine, the first coronavirus vaccine registered in the world and based on a well-studied platform of human adenovirus vectors,” he highlighted.

Bitcoin: Digital Gold with Better Risk-Reward Potential


Despite the title of Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper, Bitcoin has always been more than just a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.” This year, amid near-infinite monetary expansion to combat Covid-19, Bitcoin’s digital gold narrative finally hit the front pages.

For centuries, gold has been used as a reliable store of value, hedge against inflation and other macroeconomic risks. Gold’s investment appeal comes from its limited supply. Asteroid mining aside, there’s simply not that much gold around. Its scarcity is further reinforced by how expensive and slow the process of gold mining is. For instance, it takes between ten and twenty years, on average, for a gold mine to become fully operational and start producing material that can be refined. This scarcity is increasingly appealing in the world where fiat currencies are being printed at will by global central banks.

However, according to the United States Geological Survey, gold reserves are estimated at 57,000 metric tons, relative to be the 187,000 metric tons of gold that have been produced. Roughly 3,300 tons are mined every year, adding to the global supply. While gold inflation has averaged 1.2% between 2016 and 2019, according to Fitch Solutions, it’s expected to accelerate to 2.5% between 2020 and 2029.

Bitcoin exhibits some of the more attractive characteristics of gold while improving on its drawbacks. Like gold, Bitcoin is a scarce asset. Its maximum supply is 21 million coins, and roughly 18.5 million have already been mined. Unlike gold, Bitcoin’s supply is embedded in its source code and therefore not dependent on any external variable, like price or demand. New coins are generated approximately every 10 minutes and awarded to Bitcoin miners in the form of a block reward. Every four years, in what is known as halving, the size of a block reward is reduced by 50%. The most recent halving occurred on May 11, reducing block reward form from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC per block. This puts the current inflation rate of the Bitcoin network at approximately 1.8%, which is programmed to decline over time.

In addition to the preferential new supply and inflation dynamics, the maximum supply of Bitcoin could be 20% less than the hardcoded 21 million. This is an outcome of lost private keys, burnt coins, and other user mistakes associated storing and sending Bitcoin. Analysis by Coin Metrics shows that the current free float is around 14.4 million, relative to the 18.5 million current supply. Bitcoin also improves on several other functions, essential for a store of value asset. It’s easier to transport, easier to store, highly portable and is divisible down to 8 decimal places.

While Bitcoin could be a better version of gold than gold itself, it is still a relatively small asset. Its market cap of under $350 billion is a fraction of gold’s estimated market cap of around $9 trillion. However, there are signs of meaningful institutional capital flows into Bitcoin with investors increasingly choosing Bitcoin over gold to hedge inflation, currency, and macroeconomic risks. Joel Zamel, start-up investor and founder of Wikistrat, a crowdsourced consulting firm, agrees. The Australian-born political powerbroker believes that Bitcoin and gold can protect against downward forces, such as a weakening US dollar and stock volatility, as the pandemic continues down its destructive path. Yet Zamel’s shift into crypto currency may have more to do with global politics than simple finances. His crypto-focused investments are geared towards North American bitcoin mining operations that help distribute and pivot operations away from China.

The macro economic trends of 2020 will likely continue in 2021, driven by further global monetary stimulus and fears of fiat currency devaluation. During 2020, global central banks added a record amount of assets to their balance sheets, effectively monetizing sovereign debt of their governments. The incoming Biden Administration is likely to push for further stimulus, hoping to pass a relief package of between $2 trillion and $3 trillion.

Many professional investors are beginning to recognize the potential of Bitcoin in this environment. Stan Druckenmiller, for instance, told CNBC that “if the gold bet works, the Bitcoin bet will probably work better.” A November report by JP Morgan notes that “some investors that previously invested in gold ETFs such as family offices, may be looking at Bitcoin as an alternative to gold.” And BlackRock’s CIO of fixed income Rick Rieder, recently remarked that Bitcoin could “replace gold to a large extent.”

Growth of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, often used as a barometer of institutional sentiment, is another signal that the narrative is changing in favor of Bitcoin. The latest update from Grayscale shows total asset under management (AUM) for the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust of $10.4 billion, up from around $0.8 billion at the end of 2019.

Company treasuries are relatively new to Bitcoin investing, but there’s a growing trend of treasury allocation to Bitcoin. MicroStrategy and Square are two of the more notable examples. After initially investing $425 million in Bitcoin, MicroStrategy recently announced a $400 million convertible bond offering, with net proceeds going into Bitcoin purchases. Due to overwhelming demand, the offering was upsized to $550 million a few days later.

For corporate treasuries, Bitcoin might be one of the very few good investment ideas. Government and corporate bonds are yielding next to nothing, with negatively yielding debt at an all-time high. Cash is consistently losing purchasing power due to inflation. At the same time, Bitcoin volatility, often cited as an impediment to corporate adoption, has been coming down and recently hit an all-time low relative to gold.

Over the next several years, Bitcoin will likely continue to take market share from gold as the go-to safe haven and store of wealth asset. Its scarcity is mathematically defined and verifiable. Its network metrics, from hashing power to number of active accounts, are flashing green. Considering Bitcoin’s relatively small market cap, accelerating institutional and retail adoption could mean attractive risk-reward for investors.

Ways To Grow Traffic Via SEO On Your Website


Every entrepreneur wants to set up an all-essential website that acts as a digital storefront in this digital era. People would come in, surf around, add products to cart, and checkout, eliminating the need for a brick-and-mortar store. Today, you only need virtual visitors – the people who have an interest in your product and service offerings. The question is, how to captivate the online audiences towards your webpage?

Although web developers can build a website, they don’t know how to drive traffic to that digital destination. In the SEO world, traffic is another name for visitors coming to your site. It improves the webpage’s ranking on the search engine, making your site visible to more audiences. However, an influx of traffic with decreasing conversion rates won’t do any good to your business. After all, you are bringing audiences who don’t have any interest in your offerings.

Therefore, the aim should be to generate relevant traffic with potential lead and conversion prospects. And unsurprisingly, nothing beats SEO in this regard. The ever-changing algorithms help you come up with brilliant strategies, boosting traffic and rankings. Do you know how? If not, let us help you dig right into it. Here are six waysfor generating traffic to your website through SEO.

1. Build Backlinks

Are you aware of referral traffic? These are the people who come to your domain from other sites by clicking on backlinks. It is a link to your webpage on a different site, getting your brand in front of larger audiences. You can create blog posts with backlinks and publish them on high-authority webpages. Otherwise, feel free to generate backlinks through resource pages. Google picks up these backlinks as a sign of trust since other pages are linking to your site.

Thus, the more backlinks directing towards your website, the higher the traffic and rankings. However, in the rush of generating backlinks, don’t sacrifice quality because Google blacklists websites that have spammy and poor-quality links. Utilize a reliable online tool to check backlinks and close doors for Google’s penalties and negative rankings. Likewise, focus on building on trust with Google to enjoy higher rankings and more traffic.

2. Target Long-Tail Keywords

Although short-tail keywords have a high search volume, it is quite challenging to rank them on the search engine. On the other hand, targeting long-tail keywords give you an incredible chance of ranking higher. For instance, if you are using ‘how to find the best lawyer in California,’ people can find answers to their queries through your webpage. As a result, Google increases rankings and puts your site on the top results. Moreover, with emerging technologies, virtual shoppers are using voice assistants to search online. Since these devices can comprehend complex phrases and expressions, long-tail keywords come in handy.

3. Utilize Online Directories

These days, people turn to online directories and review sites when they need information about a business. Hence, look up online directories with high domain authority to ensure you are adding your business details on a credible site. Similarly, build a niche directory as online buyers have different requirements. It makes visitors more confident about their decision as they believe you are running a resource to fulfill their needs.

People usually make buying decisions based on what they hear from others. Therefore, businesses have to opt for directories that allow customers to rate, review, comment, and give feedback. As every brand profile links to their webpage, people can immediately crawl onto the site and start shopping.

4. Examine Analytics Data

When it comes to achieving traffic through SEO, one can’t overlook analytics. Google Analytics is a free tool that gives rich insights into your website performance. The number of clicks leads prospects to the time people spend on the site – it helps streamline SEO strategy. You can determine your weak points, fix the glitches, and drive more traffic to your site.

Besides this, utilize tracked links for every marketing campaign and regularly monitor your website analytics. It will help you apprehend which tactics are driving results and which ones are burning money. Also, keep a close eye on visitor data to see how and from where your site traffic is coming. For instance, if the social media followers’ ratio is high, you have to invest more resources.

5. Create Compelling Blogposts

Do you have a content marketing strategy? Even in the 21st century, content offers an opportunity to captivate online audiences. Thus, start creating some compelling articles and blog posts that are relevant to your niche. If you are running a gym, choose topics about fitness, health, or the importance of the physical activity. Insert your keyword naturally and add a backlink to direct people to your site. In addition to increasing traffic, it reflects your brand as an authority figure.

Simultaneously, get in touch with reputable bloggers or influencers. It will help in securing guest posts on reputable sites, increasing chances for traffic further. Likewise, you can request the blogger to mention your brand on their round-up posts. Although the blogger doesn’t charge money for mentions, you have to collaborate with mutual benefit. Above all, make sure your content is meaningful to the publisher’s audience.

6. Focus On Mobile Usability

According to Oberlo, two out of every three dollars spent on online purchases is through a mobile device. With increasing access to smartphones, Google urges all webpages to have a mobile-friendly design. Hence, every business must ensure a responsive design to save visitors from the hassle of zooming in and out. You can look into Google’s page insight tool to assess your site’s mobile layout.

Once your site is ready-to-use on mobile devices, you will automatically witness an influx of traffic. People will start engaging with content while navigating the page in search of products and services. As people spend more time on your webpage, it leaves a good impression on Google, boosting rankings, and increasing traffic. Besides this, pay attention to the site’s loading page. If it is taking forever to load, the leads prospects and traffic might step back.

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, there are no magic tools or buttons that can generate traffic in minutes. Therefore, marketers and business owners have to develop unique and smart techniques to keep their webpage busy. So, why not leverage SEO? Optimizing your webpage for the search engine can help you bag higher ranking, which increases traffic. Look into the primary ranking factors – backlinks, long-tail keywords, content, and utilize them to generate traffic.

How can social media proxies improve your SMM KPIs


Social media is a valuable tool for marketing and is an excellent way to reach new markets and access data. However, the restrictions imposed by social media platforms make scaling marketing strategy challenging.

Residential proxies are the answer to managing a number of accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other major platforms. Those who use proxies for marketing research find scaling social media strategy easy. Safe and affordable.

Why Social Media Marketing Is Important

The rush for data has been made easier by the plethora of User Generated Content (USG) available on social media. In the past, surveys and focus groups were the mainstays for getting a sense of what consumers really felt about certain products and brands. Now people spontaneously post about restaurants they visit, experiences on websites, and products they buy.

Not only is USG free advertising, but analyzing social media posts provide useful insights into consumer behavior. Interacting with customers directly on social media platforms creates effective customer service and inspires brand loyalty. Since posts on social media change daily, data retrieval should be updated regularly to get the freshest, most relevant information. Not only should every company have a social media strategy in place, but it should also be scalable.

The Challenges of Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are aware that social media marketers open accounts to reach customers conveniently. There is nothing wrong with this, but the platforms are also aware that plenty of unscrupulous parties hold fake accounts for illegal purposes. As a result, they place restrictions and obstacles in the path of anyone who attempts to open multiple accounts, even for legal purposes, such as marketing.

Most social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok, limit the number of accounts that are allowed to operate from a single IP address. Bans on additional accounts or blacklists of certain IP addresses altogether are common. Similarly, accessing one account from several IP addresses could lead to suspended accounts. This creates problems for social media marketers who need access to their clients’ accounts.

How a Proxy Can Bypass Social Media Restrictions

These problems can be solved by using a residential proxy which provides access to clients’ internet connection and IP address. This method allows the safe management of tens or hundreds of accounts, each with a specific IP address. The platforms will recognize the activity as coming from a single IP address, even if several people are accessing it. This prevents having an IP address or account blocked.

The Advantage of Automating Social Media Marketing

Social media managers often have many clients for whom they create original posts and updates daily. It can be difficult to post specific content in a consistent time frame manually, especially if a marketer is dealing with dozens of clients.

Automating the process is essential for creating timely posts according to clients’ specifications.  Automation also makes it easier to stagger the timing of updates. If a marketer focuses on a certain industry, updating all posts within minutes of each other can create competition for attention among clients, so scheduling posts at different times prevents this from happening.

Automating updates gives marketers more time to work on refining strategy and tweaking content. Additionally, automated tools take care of chat and create lifelike interaction with potential clients. Chatbots answer questions and provide information that drives customer conversions.

Choosing the Right Proxy Provider

A proxy is a must for marketers who manage multiple social media accounts. The commands from the user are routed through another server, and the social media platform detects an IP address that is assigned by the proxy. This allows the actual user to post anonymously and avoid bans.

However, it is important to choose the right kind of proxy provider. Social media platforms are vigilant about attempts to bypass restrictions and may ban or suspend an IP address that appears to be associated with a proxy.

Using a residential IP connected to a single IP address will appear less like a proxy than those that change addresses. Many proxies use IP addresses that are shared among many users. This will tip off a platform right away that the IP address associated with certain accounts are proxies.

To avoid having access disrupted, a residential proxy associated with one address is the best choice for social media marketing. It is a good practice to have a residential proxy and separate IP addresses for every social media account.

Safe, Scalable Social Media Marketing

The last thing a marketer needs is to get banned by Facebook or Instagram while managing client accounts. Using residential IPs that will open access to social media accounts will prevent this from happening.

Ideally, marketers aim for scalability, but social media platforms have conflicting goals and restrict single users’ accounts. Getting past these restrictions safely with a residential proxy is a necessity for social media marketers.

Most Profitable Ideas to Start Business in the UK


With the regular cycle of economic growth coming up on the horizon, there has never been a better time to start up a business in the UK. With that in mind, remember that the most important factor of a successful business is the idea.

As prospective entrepreneurs and enterprising investors, your first priority is to select the best premise possible. There are a few ways to do this.

  • Examine recent trends to figure out what ideas or start-ups have been performing well.
  • Study current events to see what goods or services might be needed in the near future.
  • Check if there is demand for a particular good or service that nobody else is fulfilling.

Even with all that in mind, there are so many different opportunities! Here are some ideas for a burgeoning entrepreneur to get started with:

An Online Retail Store

Currently, there is great demand for online goods and services. Apparel, tools and essentials are all being sold online in great volumes. Nearly 40% of all retail sales in the UK are made online – the highest of any country in the world. Despite that, there are many parts of the country where online services are not fully realized.

An Online Betting Platform

For about 47% of the UK’s adult population, betting or gambling is a regular thing. The gambling industry in the UK is currently worth more than £14 Billion. An online betting platform has a great deal of potential. Using a platform like NuxGame for betting products is an excellent, safe and reliable way of making returns on your investment, as it is one of the fastest-growing markets in the country.

A Construction Company

Building construction is one of the most profitable industries in the UK. According to statistics, various forms of construction and contracting brought in more than £50 Billion in profits in the last year. While the financial costs of investment are quite high, the rewards are suitably high. Thus, construction and contracting may be suitable for investors looking for high-risk-high-reward opportunities.

A Computer or IT Consultancy

Many other businesses and services are shifting online. In order to ensure that this transition is smooth, a multitude of IT consultants is necessary. At the moment, the demand for network administrators, specialists and other consultants is at an all-time high. In such an environment, investing in an IT consultancy could be an extremely smart move financially, as it can easily become a reliable source of long-term returns.

A Courier Delivery Service

Even when businesses and shops shift their operations online, goods still have to be physically transported. In fact, increasing digitalization has led to increased demand in services for delivering parcels and goods timely. With some wise financial investments, a courier service could easily become extremely widespread and profitable. There is a lot of potential for such a business to expand and gain major local and multinational corporations as clients.

A Tutoring or Coaching Service

Students of all ages feel the pressure of exams around the year. In order to supplement their learning at school, many students will look for tutoring or coaching services. If one invests carefully by deciding on a good location and tutor for a tutoring business, it can draw a large crowd. Word of mouth is particularly strong among this demographic, so the business could make a tidy profit even with minimal investment in marketing.

A Mobile Game Developer

More than a third of the global population plays mobile games. It accounts for about 50% of the video gaming market. The mobile gaming market in the UK recently passed £1 Billion in revenue. A well-designed mobile game can bring in massive amounts of revenue for a modest investment.

While developing a high-quality game can be expensive, there are many ways for mobile games to maximize profit, such as by using subscription models and micro transactions.

To Conclude

Right now would be a great time for an entrepreneur to invest in an up-and-coming business or start-up. Whether you decide to invest in an online betting platform using a provider like NuxGame, or build your own mobile gaming company from the ground up, or invest somewhere else, there is plenty of potential for profit!

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