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What are Run Flat Tyres and How Could They Save You Money?


Imagine that you’re driving along and your tyre ruptures. You’re forced to pull over to the side of the road to perform an awkward switch. That is, if you’ve got the expertise necessary to do so – you might instead be forced to pay for a roadside callout.

Run-flat tyres are a means of avoiding this situation. They’re built to keep working even after you’ve suffered a puncture – albeit for a limited distance and at a limited speed. They’ll buy you the little bit of leeway that you need to get home, or to a garage.

How do Run-flat Tyres work?

Within a run-flat tyre, you’ll find a rubber insert which is built to support the weight of the vehicle in the event of a puncture. The sidewall is effectively reinforced, which protects the alloy. If you were to attempt to drive on a blown-out tyre without this reinforcement, then you’d risk inflicting further (and more costly) damage on the alloy and the structures to which it’s attached.

Tyres of this sort remove the need for a spare tyre to be stored in the boot. This will reduce the weight of your vehicle, and by extension increase its fuel-efficiency. If your vehicle was originally designed for run-flats, then it won’t have a space for the spare tyre – so you’ll effectively have no choice but to continue with run-flats.

Are there any downsides?

The first problem with run-flat tyres is that they’re inherently more expensive than standard tyres. They require more materials, more manufacturing time and expertise, and they’re more complex. All of this is reflected in the price. Secondly, run-flat tyres don’t tend to last for as long as their equivalents – though this will vary depending on the manufacturer. Thirdly, run flats can’t be repaired; they need to instead be replaced.

Subjectively, you may find that the ride is a little bit harsher and less pleasant when you’re driving on run-flats, since the stiffened sidewalls allow for less absorption when you’re travelling over the top of bumps, and you’re going around corners. Tyres of this sort might also do their job too well; you might find that it’s difficult to tell when you have a puncture and when you don’t. If you’re driving a car with a built-in system to detect problems, this won’t be something you have to worry about; if you’re not, it’s worth consider

Psychometric Tests – A-to-Z You Need To Know Before Appearing


The labor market is more candidate-driven than employer-driven, and the success of the business depends solely on selecting the right people in the team. Further, when thinking about the time involved in recruiting, finding the right employee for the organization is not that easy. Competency-based interview questions are the need of the hour to select employees. Additionally, more companies are implementing a psychometric test in the recruitment assessment process.  

Psychometric tests help measure all the aspects of mental ability and personality to determine whether the candidate is fit for the company. Also, it involves testing of intelligence, cognitive ability, and aptitude. Besides, it checks whether the candidate is confident enough for a face to face interview or not.  

Why are these tests held?

Psychometric test is unique as they help identify the candidate’s suitability to perform their role in the company.

Likewise, they offer an objective to test a person’s personality and intelligence. It reduces the work of the HR department by hiring professionals out of the very best. The test is entirely objective, proving as a way to test candidates against each other.

Moreover, the results help the employers choose like-for-like comparisons that are essential for the company’s success.

Levels of the test

There are two types in the test:

  • Aptitude test

An aptitude test involves a task to allow the candidate to show the field in which he is exceptionally good. For example, if the candidate is applying for the HR position, there will be a writing task.

On the other hand, if the candidate is applying for a financial position, you might be given some finance-related tasks to solve. The duration of test will depend on the job role the candidates are applying for.

  • Personality test

This next set of tests defines the behavior of aspiring candidates. Likewise, it also forecasts how well the selected candidate will perform during certain situations in the workplace. 

It can be either in the format of the questions, either the written or verbal way. There is no such right or wrong answer; therefore, all aspiring candidates should give their best.

Tips to pass the test easily

The employers reduce their work by narrowing down the candidates which they are planning to take. Tips help to pass psychometric tests preferably and with good numbers. 

  • Understand the type of aptitude questions asked

Check out earlier question papers to know the type of aptitude questions give. Further, verbal and numerical papers are MCQs that require to be completed in a short time. Some questions can be from topics like physical, biological sciences, business-related, etc. There is no specific knowledge of the subjects provided there. Get familiar with the type of questions for the competitive edge.

  • Find what the employer is looking for in the right candidate

All employers want to choose only the best, and it’s all about hiring who is the best fit for the job. These tests offer behavioral patterns, with the other tests being conducted separately. Therefore, before you take the test, either research or call the attributor to understand the skills, he/she is looking for. 

  • Practicing the tests online

The best part is – you can practice psychometric test online with various research materials available on the World Wide Web. Practicing the test papers online gives insight into the frameworks for solving the problems and improving the results. As most of the tests are online registered, you have to get the same medium used in the real tests conducted online.

  • Find the question papers that you need to practice

Not all jobs have the same level of test questions. Likewise, the level of difficulty and complexity of the tests change based on the job you are applying for. A test for the management position will be likely to be difficult than maybe for any simple position. Just be sure that you are practicing for the right test.

  • Increase English vocabulary

Start building the vocabulary by reading an English newspaper or any industry-specific information. Likewise, read regarding the job you have applied for. Increase the vocabulary if you want to grasp the Verbal Aptitude test questions. Answer all the questions faster to improve the score.

  • Planning of time and set the milestones

All of the tests are times appropriately, and reports suggest that only about 1 to 2 % of people can pass the test. You don’t have to complete all the questions to help you with the booking part. The best thing is to set the milestones and opt for all the easy questions before. If you don’t know the particular question, just leave it and move on to the next topic.

Facts employers need to know before conducting psychometric tests

Although a well-designed test ensures the right hiring of employees for almost all organizations yet there are a few facts which an employer must know and understand.

  • The test helps in ensuring the fit person for the company

It’s not about aptitude but aptitude and culture fit. Also, personalizing the person helps the company to access the perfect fit for the organization. Likewise, all the issues of the company will be solved over time.

  • About 80% of Fortune 500 uses the Psychometric Test

Over 80% of the users have done the test before. Secondly, the majority make use of objective writing by understanding all the tools that are there for. Many SMEs use the testing to enhance the recruitment processes where they are in.

  • Not all the tools are made similar

Companies carry out the test using the tools. Further, some tools might fit perfectly to the needs of the company but not all. The test requires a great deal of research regarding the information. Choose a procedure to validate reliability and integrity.


These tests are conducted to reveal the real strengths and weaknesses of the candidates. Likewise, it helps to define the role for which you are applying. For the aptitude test, you have to score a higher mark for the benchmark. It is so useful for the future to understand what can be done with the test. 

Plagiarism Remover – AI-Based Free Plagiarism Remover Tool


Paraphrasing is a skill used by many writers regularly. Paraphrasing is the key to removing plagiarism from the content. There is no doubt that you can get rid of all sorts of duplications and replications with paraphrasing, but not everyone is an expert paraphraser. The paraphrasing technique can take years to master if you practice it regularly.

If you need to remove plagiarism immediately, then you might need help from modern technological tools. You can find many plagiarism remover tools working under the banner of paraphrasing online services or article spinner.

In this guide, we are going to tell you about the best rewriter or online paraphrasing tools that can help you remove plagiarism!

Best plagiarism remover tools found in 2020

Out of hundreds of free and paid paraphrasing services, only a handful of tools are reliable. The reason is that not all tools use AI to rephrase your duplicate content. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in rewriting new content.

Almost every paraphrasing tool found on the web can remove plagiarism from your content by spinning words. But the spinning of words is not enough if you want to create good quality content. To create readable and seo unique, friendly content, you have to use the best paraphrasing tools that are powered by AI.

Paraphrasing Online tool by PlagiarismDetector.net

This paraphrasing tool is known to be one of the most reliable duplication remover on the web. People usually think that this utility site can only help them in finding and screening content for plagiarism but the online paraphrasing services by this rewrite tool are reliable as the scanner. AI powers this online article rewriter and this is why you need to try it out. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any experience in rewriting, you can make fresh and good quality content with this article Spinner like a pro even if it’s your first time.

You have to enter content in this paraphrasing tool and click the ‘paraphrase’ button to create new content. This word changer can accept a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 2000 words as input in one go.

Paraphrasing tool by SST

The paraphrasing tool by smallseotools is another plagiarism remover service powered by AI. This online tool is also free and very friendly, like all other services offered by SST. Even a non-specialist can learn how to create new content with this spinner program. The working of this tool is based on cloud and AI so you need a strong web connection to use it on your browser. When you add duplicate content in the tool, it would, first of all, analyze it. After reading and extracting the main idea of the input text, it will start generating fresh content from scratch. There are no limitations to the use of this tool. You can create as many articles as you want to with this spinner.

Quill Bot

This is another paraphrasing tool that is best for removing plagiarism and also for creating fresh content for websites and blogs. You do not have to sign or register yourself with this tool for its free use. You need to open the tool on your browser and start entering the content that you need to paraphrase. If you want to get immediate results, then this is the right service for you. You can rephrase the content in less than five seconds with complete accuracy with this tool. You don’t have to edit or check the output results for any errors, which is a big plus!

Paraphrasing tool by Duplichecker

The paraphrasing tool by Dupli is another plagiarism remover service connected with the scanner. Suppose you have found plagiarism in your work while checking it. In that case, you can easily help yourself in changing and rephrasing the content using the spinner. This article rephraser tool is also free and easy to use. You have to enter your input and click on the ‘paraphrase’ button to start the spinning. This tool also uses AI to remove plagiarism and create good quality content, so you don’t have to worry about accuracy. You can spin or rephrase the same content as many times as you want, you will get a new output every time!


This is another plagiarism remover website that can help you rephrase duplicate content into a new one. This paraphrasing tool is a complete package. You cannot only paraphrase your work, but you can also add keywords to it, you can check it for human errors and remove them, and you can also create new content based on deliberately copied sources. This plagiarism remover tool is very easy to use, and the services it provides are accurate and efficient.

All of these online plagiarism remover tools are powered by AI so you must try using them to get new and reader-friendly content!

10 Common Questions About Taxes People Ask


The tax code is quite complicated, even experts agree so. Changing tax laws do not make the situation any better. The amount of information one is required to grasp to keep the IRS from knocking is colossal. 

That gives rise to hordes of tax-related questions that people keep asking. If you find yourself asking such, there is no need to feel inadequate. Even experts ask and that is why they keep getting better at it.

Here are some common questions and answers. 

  1. How Does One Know They Have To File Tax Returns?

This is where it all starts. As simple as it might seem to some, many people do not know how to determine if they are required to file. To further clarify, filing does not mean you will pay.

Factors to consider include whether you are someone’s dependent, age and filing status. It gets a bit complicated when gross income comes in as a consideration.

People below the age of 65 and earning $12400 or more are required to file tax returns. If they are dependents, they might have to file returns, whether their gross income meets the threshold. For instance, self-employment earnings of $400 or more need filing.

There are also provisions on those earning untaxed tips. Other considerations are donations from tax-exempt churches. For clarity in these and more, consult the IRS Publication 501.

  1. Which Incomes Are Taxable?

The IRS lists income as either money, services or property. All incomes are taxable unless explicitly exempted by law. Thus, all incomes should be indicated on tax returns.

Various taxable incomes get treated differently. For example, earned incomes get taxed at varying rates. Unearned incomes go untaxed, while some get taxed at low capital gains rates.

In some cases, even the exempted taxes should get listed as you file your returns. For a deeper understanding of that and more consult the IRS Publication 525.

  1. What is My Tax Bracket and Tax Rates?

The tax system in the U.S is progressive in nature. That means that not all of your income gets taxed at the same rate. To determine what is taxed at what rate, there are tax brackets.

The Tax Law currently in effect has seven tax brackets. To know where you fall and determine your rates, you need to know what you earn. Then, use the IRS Tax Rate Schedules for your current taxable year.

  1. Which Tax Filing Status Best Suits Me?

When filing taxes, your status dictates how you get treated. You need to inform the IRS on the status of choice beforehand. There are five statuses:

  • Single
  • Married filing jointly
  • Married filing separately
  • Head of household
  • Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child

The IRS pegs tax rate, standard deductions, deductions and credits eligibility on these statuses. While the status choice might seem straightforward, the IRS offers a tool to help determine where you fall.

  1. Which Tax Form Suits Me?

Prior to the taxable year 2018, there were three forms, 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ. Now there is only one form for all, 1040, making filing returns quite easy. 

The new 1040 form is precise, taking much less of your time. Only taxpayers with complexities require additional forms. The additions are called schedules and seldom will you require them.

  1. What is The Difference Between a Tax Credit and Deduction?

Both tax credits and deduction help reduce your tax bill. Many confuse the two, while some think they are the same. 

Credits present a dollar for dollar reduction on the amount of tax owed. Meanwhile, deductions reduce the amount of taxable income. Both reduce tax paid but in different ways.

Take a situation where your taxable income is $20000 at a 20% rate. Should you take a $1000 deduction, that saves you $200 in taxes.

A credit, reduces the exact amount. If you owed $4000 in taxes, a credit of $1000 would mean you now owe $3000.

  1. Which Tax Credits and Deductions are Applicable?

Deductions one is eligible for depend on the situation. Here are some deductions you can make:

  • 50% of self-employment taxes
  • Out-of-pocket health savings 
  • Student loan interests of up to $2500
  • Individual retirement contributions (401(k)s, IRAs, Simple IRAs, and SERP-IRAs)
  • Tuition fees totaling to $4000, so long as you are within given income limits

The following deductions only apply if itemized:

  • Charitable contribution deductions that do not go beyond set income percentages
  • Medical expense deductions costing at least 7.5% of your income
  • $1 million in home mortgage interests for loans taken before Dec. 15, 2017, and $750000 for those taken after that
  • $10000 maximum deductions for state and local tax aggregate payouts (SALT taxes)

Some credits claimable are:

  • Lifetime learning credit that maxes out at $2000 annually for postsecondary study costs
  • American opportunity credit maxing out at $2500 applicable to eligible students for the first four years of postsecondary studies
  • Child and dependent care credit maxing out at $3000 per person and capped at 20-35% of allowable care expenses
  • Child tax credit provision of 2018-2024 allowing up to $2000 per child with $1400 of it refundable

The above are just some tax credits and deductions. You should stay on the lookout as new provisions could mean changes or a repeal of some. Better still, it may come with fresh additions.

  1. Do I Have Dependents?

Dependents are people whose care is your responsibility. That makes you eligible for child tax credits explained above. Any child under 19 years you care for or below 24 years but attending school full time, qualifies. 

Further to this, the child should live with you more than half of the year. They should also provide less than half of their expenses. They are also prohibited from filing joint tax returns unless when claiming refunds.

Relatives can be dependents under some conditions. First, they should not be claimed as dependent by other people. Then, they should have lived with you the whole year and earn too little to warrant support.

  1. How Should I File a Tax Return?

Filing taxes is possible through multiple means:

  • DIY: You can file taxes on your own by using free tax preparation softwares
  • IRS e-file: This system is free for those with incomes below $72000
  • Online Tax Filing: There are many online tax filing services
  • Mail: You can mail in your returns to various state-dependent addresses as listed by the IRS
  • Through paid professionals: If you find the process hard or have complexities, professionals are out there to help you

Whichever way you choose to go, remember electronically filed taxes are convenient. The IRS handles them first increasing your chances of getting your refunds sooner, where applicable. 

  1. What Happens If I Cannot Afford Taxes Owed?

If you cannot afford to pay tax owed, you need to file returns first. Then, you can make arrangements to pay instalments owed at a later date. Failure to file returns and make payments on time attracts interests and penalties.

Should you have some of the amount owed, the IRS provides for installment payments. Take note though, even under such an arrangement you still owe interests and sometimes penalties. Accruing costs depend on the period and means through which you make the installments application.


The common questions we just answered form the very basics of tax returns filing. It is important to note that most answers depend on various factors. Your income, tax rates, whether you have dependents among others.

Many of the answers are not rigid. Policies and taxation laws keep on changing. Therefore, it is important to keep abreast of such changes.

Spain Has Shortage Of Cybersecurity Specialized Professionals


The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has served as the engine of the digitization of companies. A great leap has been made at the technological level.

Five months have been equivalent to five years of progress, but the leap has been too fast to properly lay the foundations of computer security . SMEs have been the major victims of a crisis that has highlighted the need for professionals in security matters. And, although there are, Spain has a lack of experts in cybersecurity .

“In Spain, in terms of cybersecurity, we have many strengths, such as existing regulations and legislation that are very detailed and a very good service industry, although we have weaknesses: we do not produce technology and there are shortages of expert personnel,” Luis lamented this Monday Jiménez, deputy director general of the National Cryptological Center (CCN), during STIC CCN-CERT conferences, the most important cybersecurity event in Spain, organized by the National Cryptological Center (CCN), attached to the National Intelligence Center (CNI).

Experts agree on the existence of many factors that affect the shortage of computer security professionals. “Technology evolves very fast, and keeping in-depth knowledge of the security nature of technology is not easy.

Maintaining our knowledge capacities in engineers is not easy because it changes at great speed, “added Jiménez, who also highlighted that knowledge in this field has never been treated in a regulated manner. “You find professionals not in the academic world but in the business or independent world.”

For Juan Carlos López Madera , head of the Cybersecurity Coordination Office, Spain has an internationally recognized capacity. “We have a solid and recognized governance model, we have very advanced state security forces in the prosecution of cybercrimes very advanced,” he acknowledged while making clear a need: “We need more public-private coordination.”

During the coronavirus pandemic, the need to strengthen the security of computer equipment has become evident. Threats have multiplied by four in the last nine months, according to various reports consulted by ABC.

Because they have more resources, large companies have been able to contain them by having experienced technical departments, but SMEs have been the main affected. The experts agreed that ” more sophisticated and more virulent elements have been detected by cybercriminals .”

For Francisco Javier Roca , 2nd commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command, the nature of the threats remain the same in the pre-pandemic scenario, but they have increased in danger. “The reality is that there are multiple actors who have the ability to alter cyberspace and alter our way of life,” he said.

A reality that has resulted in the increasingly frequent existence of government-financed cyber militias. «The attacks we face are not the result of a young man in front of the computer who infiltrates or taking advantage of his knowledge.

We are faced with organizations with many resources, superior to some states. They have a greater capacity than many countries, “he stressed.

Of all the types of attacks, data hijacking or “ransomware” has been the threat that has grown the most, but they have not only affected SMEs, but the entire health sector . “The ‘ransomware’ has exploded during the Covid-19 pandemic, assuming a before and after,” insisted the deputy director of the CCN.

A situation that, in his opinion, “has led to a series of changes and measures that will last forever.” It has also had its implications for public institutions. “The pandemic has turned out to be a phenomenon that has had to update us public bodies.”

Experts have agreed that the hyperconnectivity that the deployment of fifth-generation mobile networks, known as 5G, will bring in the coming years, will force containment measures to be reinforced.

“The new services and possibilities associated with the Internet of Things are tremendous challenges from the security point of view because we have to be prepared to determine the security requirements to be implemented in these 5G-based networks,” added Jiménez .

The CCN spokesperson believes that from now on it will be necessary to have prepared “higher demands” for 5G with “the ability to evaluate this technology” and “be able to implement it safely” in order to take advantage of its benefits but without putting the population or public infrastructure at risk.

During her speech, Rosa Díaz , director of Incibe, considered that the appropriate steps are being taken so that citizens and SMEs are aware of cybersecurity. “This pandemic situation has taken a step forward. We have many challenges ahead and many things to do, especially in SMEs.

They have to be aware that they have to be protected. All data is important to cybercriminals, but it can be the gateway to larger companies, “he added.

For his part, Miguel Ángel Ballesteros , director of the Department of Homeland Security, said that the pandemic has forced companies of any size to telecommute but they have had to develop safe systems to work.

“And that has also allowed citizens and workers, managers, to become more aware of what this has. The strength of the entire structure gives it the weakest point of the structure. although much progress has been made in the culture of cybersecurity, “he said.

‘The levels of awareness are similar to the rest of Europe. We have made great strides in raising awareness of the problem of cybersecurity. Public Administrations have been the engine of cybersecurity, but the next step is to raise the levels of training for public employees. now he has to have skills to face the challenge of security, “said the deputy director general of the CCN

The Tyranny Of Algorithms


They live with us, even though we don’t see them. They are there, every minute, without us repairing them. Wherever the eye can see. They have more influence on us than our mother.

Which is saying. The economy of algorithms has permeated in recent years a business culture that seeks to constantly monitor the steps of Internet users. Subjected under an iron fist in the form of complex mathematical sequences and operations. They are behind the digital services that we consult on a daily basis, but they are increasingly being extended to all businesses.

They are among us. There are algorithms to predict the weather, traffic jams and even love. There are those who compose music and paint pictures as if it were Van Gogh . Others, on the other hand, are behind the creation of fake news and are able to predict who will win in an election.

As citizens cede power to machines, the more concerned is what is beyond their control. Are algorithms useful? Should they be auditable? They are sometimes thought of as the Coca-Cola formula:secret, opaque, lucrative. In reality, they are still instructions that serve the machines their power of decision.

They feed on data given by users, adjusting and personalizing user experiences. Yes, they have a lot of potential for decision making. An entrepreneur of the future will have (if he does not already have it) a machine at his disposal that will offer him the most optimal results when faced with a problem.

No, no, machines will not rise up against humans, but there is, in a way, a tyranny of algorithms in today’s societies as they are present around us. That also wants to put a stop to regulatory bodies and authorities. The goal of today’s visionaries is to equip it with ethics so that it does not disengage from social justice for decades to come.

That is, reducing gaps rather than opening them further. «An algorithm is an information system. Information generates knowledge that, by definition, is positive for us: you know more about things.

Another thing is how you use it. The technology is not good or bad, it depends on its use, ”says Xavier Ferràs, professor in the Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences at Esade in a telephone conversation with ABC .

Those famous algorithms are the instruction book of the great digital services that have conquered society in recent times. Netflix, the multimedia content “streaming” platform, knows perfectly at all times the programs that best suit a given consumer .

And the implemented software itself encourages, precisely, to take out that television thirst. He changes captures of his series when one has given the lug. ” Lady’s Gambit, ” for example, stars the stunning actress Anya Taylor-Joy .

Now, one of his (minor) appearances has been reinforced with his image to capture interest: “Peaky Blinders.” Its algorithm is capable of recommending some series and not others.

The same happens on other platforms like Spotify. The most earthly example is Facebook: what you see is the product of your imagination. Edgerank, as it is called, decides the content that appears on your profile.

Any modification, no matter how small, has an impact. If not that they tell the media, they have suffered a notable loss of traffic due to the decision to give more visibility to the publications of friends. “Many of the things that happen to us do not escape the control of algorithms.

And, no matter how much they come to us from intelligent machines, there are always incredible things, “says Marta García Aller , author of” The Unpredictable: Everything that technology wants and cannot control by video call.»(Planet, 2020).

Advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence are reaping great achievements for the economy and, by extension, humanity. There are countless examples of how companies and businesses apply it on a daily basis to improve their industrial processes.

And they achieve harmony with efficiency. An AI, without going any further, is helping African farmers in Zambia get instant information on plant diseases and weather patterns, previously only sourced from agricultural experts and meteorologists.

There are also systems that indicate the fastest route to a certain point. Thanks to these computer resources, new exoplanets have been discovered. There is an endless stream of examples of the opportunities this emerging technology has provided. “There is a new generation of information systems that are capable of learning about themselves, which is a matter inherent to the human being,” says Ferràs.

In this sense, experts consider that machines should be seen more as companions than as natural substitutes. It will always take intuition and creativity, something inherent in the human condition. The machines, from what they can provide us, is information.

That otherwise would be impossible to profess, but “artificial intelligences” can. Whoever decides what is fair or good or bad has to be a human. “That algorithms turn society into a more just, democratic or authoritarian society does not have to portray algorithms as a dictatorship.

We need electricity, but we do not say that it is a dictatorship», Adds García Aller. Ferràs wonders, in that sense, if technology creates or destroys jobs. His argument: “It depends on whether you do it or you consume it. If you are a mere consumer, you may be a passive element of the economy.

AI is going to permeate all aspects of everyday life. We do not realize how necessary it is. García Aller makes it clear: «He is going to transform human relationships, love, work; Little by little it is transforming everything, but what we have to ask is that the companies that design them, which are corporations, be more transparent in their calculations.

Because they are not neutral, they have an end And we know that machines lack ambition. What these algorithms are looking for is what a human has wanted. For Ferràs, this technology has impressive applications in all areas. Now machines can recognize voices, faces, images. They can understand the patterns of word meaning, strategic movements in a game,

What Drives Companies To Use Low Code?


Low-code represents complicated software with a simple user interface that even the unskilled line-of-business employees can easily understand, modify and even use. They make it possible for any unskilled user with no IT experience to develop and customize business software and make them directly usable in business.

Because the cost of hiring IT experts remain high, small companies that are not in a position to pay hire levies for application development use low-code platforms. These allow business and tech professionals without any coding experience to seamlessly build and deploy apps. According to creatio, nearly 60% of custom applications are currently built without involvement of the IT department with 30% of the work done by workers with no technical skills in coding or app development.

A number of companies are therefore considering migration into low-code development platforms and other new business innovation alternatives. Some of the main reasons for this migration are discussed below.

Faster Speeds In Development

Study shows that nearly half of software development projects are late. This may be attributed to the general thought that requirements of IT projects usually grow longer as the project grows. While it will take almost equal amount of time to gather project requirements, low-code platforms use pre-built templates that appreciably shorten the time taken in app building. This is one of the key reasons why companies use new technologies.

Lower IT Costs

In 2018, software developers received an average salary of over 105,000 dollars, not mentioning other expenses such as the cost of hiring, training, onboarding, healthcare and 401(k) contributions.

This kind of budget makes it very costly to hire a software developer particularly for smaller companies with low budget muscle and lack IT expertise. In addition, it may not be cost effective in the long term for companies that intend to build applications on needs basis only to hire full time IT staff.

Low-code leverages these problems by lowering demands on internal IT departments and giving more power to non-tech users as to be able to automate a bigger percentage of the building process.

Generally, a high-quality low code platform is much cheaper than the cost of hiring a single professional software developer. This helps smaller companies to save and be able to re-direct budgets into more demanding departments for accelerated growth.

High Agility In Business

Want to use low code to grow your company? Increase the efficiency of developers using this platform.

Engineers are able to work faster on projects and spare more time for other assignments while working with these tools. By making app development quicker, business processes are executed much faster making businesses more flexible and agile.

On the other hand, if your company works in a project with a third party, it becomes more difficult and takes longer time to finalize or even make changes to the project. This process is equally more expensive as additional hidden costs may be involved in the process of engaging your partner. Low-code however makes the process of developing applications easier and cheaper as you can easily adjust your projects, save time, money and effort.

User Experience

Companies want platforms that deliver unbeatable user experience to their workforce. This is why they queue for low code development platforms.

It is true that enterprise software can get the job done. However, a greater percentage of users say that they do not deliver a thrilling experience as compared to consumer software. Remember, a deprived user experience can badly impact the productivity, motivation and efficiency of workers.

On the other hand, with low code, users have full control of the experience they get on their own hands. Employees therefore have more power to utilize low-code features as well as customize inbuilt user interfaces for enhanced user experience and increased productivity.

Enhanced IT Governance

Gaps in IT governance leads to “shadow IT” among employees. Shadow IT occurs in cases where employees develop a feeling that the tools provided are inferior and may not be very effective in getting the jobs executed effectively.

Low-code development improves IT governance by eliminating shadow IT within an organization. Employees can therefore use low code platform to develop the software they need instead of depending on third party solutions. This delivers more insight, IT visibility and improves oversight into your employees’ work.

Organizations must however take precaution that the push for low code does not undermine IT governance by ensuring that things remain in control.

German Startups Receive Less Money From Investors


Emerging companies received, for the first time in a long time, less money from investors during the crisis generated by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), revealed a study carried out by Comdirect bank with the consulting firm Barkow Consulting and the investor from Commerzbank Main Incubator.

According to the study, financial technology or Fintech startups received 953 million euros (about $ 1.1 billion) in venture capital from January to September, which was almost a third less (29%) than in the first nine months of last year , when funds and business groups invested around 1,300 million euros in this sector.

The report shows that the crisis triggered by COVID-19 halted the financing phases in the third quarter and forecasts a decline in investments by the end of the year compared to the strong quarter of the previous year.

“Although 2020 will be the second best year for investments made in the Fintech sector in Germany , the lower number of investments with a volume of more than 100 million euros is having a clearly negative impact,” said Matthias Hach, member of the board of directors of Comdirect.

The fall in financing represents a turning point for Fintech companies , who want to use intuitive technology to make savings, investment, insurance or real estate services faster and more convenient.

Since the study began in 2012, investments in startups were on the rise every year, even in 2018 and 2019 there were growth rates of more than 50% compared to the previous year.

During the long economic boom and in view of low interest rates, investors did not notice money, and start- ups received record amounts for their business ideas.

According to the study, more than 6,000 million euros in venture capital flowed into this sector since 2012, to which must be added investments for acquisitions and debt capital.

In the current year, the industry continued to grow to 946 fintech companies at the end of September, although fewer were created.

In Hach’s view, innovation in the financial sector remains high: “In times of low interest rates, there is a greater trend for simple and mobile investment opportunities.”

The Fintech are benefiting from the digitization of the financial industry. However, according to a study by the consulting firm PwC, in recent years, a series of bankruptcies and acquisitions revealed that relatively few survive.

Among the most successful financial start-ups are interest rate portals, which allow savers to choose the banks that offer the best terms from among the many offers.

Some robots have also grown that invest their capital in a diversified way in the stock market, as well as the N26 bank in mobile banking.

China and Panama are destined to be natural partners


For Wei Qiang, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Panama , October 21 is a memorable day.

Three years ago on a day like today, “I got up early for the first time in Panama as the ambassador of China, accredited to this beautiful country.”

Four months earlier, in June 2017, Panama established diplomatic relations “with the vehement desire to build a relationship of association, cooperation and win in pursuit of the goal of common development,” he said.

Ambassador Wei Qiang highlighted that a second reason for satisfaction, regarding this day, was the possibility of participating, and opening the Forum organized by Capital Financiero and Connectax, China and the business opportunities in the post-COVID-19 economy .

The event took place this Wednesday, October 21, moderated by Hitler Cigarruista, director of Capital Financiero and with the sponsorship of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Panama.

The ambassador said he was convinced that China and Panama “are destined to be natural partners to carry out good business with each other, and generate benefits for both parties, given the extraordinary geographical position of Panama that radiates to the rest of the region.”

When carrying out an evaluation of these three years, he said that “the commercial flow has registered continuous and very strong growth between China and Panama.”

He points out that in terms of volume, and according to statistical data from the United Nations (UN), China was “Panama’s first commercial partner.”

It is worth mentioning, he added, that this upward trend in our bilateral trade has a favorable connotation from the point of view of the trade balance, with the increase in Panamanian exports : meat, aquatic products or copper ore.

In this way, he argued, the traditional direction and sense of this bilateral exchange was reversed, still with a modest margin.

“The Chinese market is dynamic and above all large, broad, and of increasing depth in terms of purchasing power, as the number of middle-class consumers increases,” he explained.

He analyzed that this scenario is further strengthened “by the resolute policy of openness with which the Chinese government is committed, in line with its effort to promote economic globalization in a direction of more equity, inclusion and general benefits, always advocating for in favor of trade liberalization and facilitation ”.

The Ambassador Wei Qiang admitted that the world faces difficult times of economic crisis and unprecedented socio economic circumstances.

He said that China , even though it was the first victim of the pandemic, as the second global economy, and with its resilience capacity, can impact the rest of the world.

He argued that the Chinese reaction to COVID-19 has been based on the philosophy “of the Chinese State to put human life and security in the most sacred place, by adopting the corresponding public policies, whatever the cost in economic terms.”

He said they were the most drastic measures “and never seen in the 70 years of life of the ROC”, with hermetic closures of the borders, the discipline of its citizens and the investment of resources “without sparing that effort in terms of providing human and material resources to save lives ”.

The first semester closed in China with a contraction in its economy of -6.8% , “the first fall in more than 40 years.

“Faced with this bleak picture, the Chinese government was not discouraged; he was optimistic and confident in the post- covid recovery ”, the ambassador said.

In fact, in the second quarter the Chinese economy rebounded to 3.2% and at the end of the third quarter, it reflected a rate of 4.9%, “thus reversing Chinese growth from negative to positive. I think it is the first case among the main economies of the world ”, he explained.

He commented that the food sector always maintained a positive trend, with positive growth even in the first quarter, reflecting 3.5%.

” China’s food reserves look robust and this has significance for the social and economic stability of the world’s most populous nation,” said the ambassador.

He noted that the financial sector remains in a strong position, as well as the so-called emerging sectors, “with the new engines of electronic commerce and high-tech manufacturing .”

Also, “the optimistic business expectations, domestic and foreign, are improving with respect to China.”

In summary, he stressed that the Chinese economy maintains good prospects for continuous development and presents good viability for growth in consumption, under conditions of the new normal.

He announced that “the Chinese government has adopted measures designed to promote exchange and cooperation with the rest of the world, including Latin America and the Caribbean.”

In the case of Panama , he highlighted the opening to quality products such as pineapple, coffee, meat and coiba, “with a good perspective regarding poultry and pork.”

He reiterated that confidence in human resilience cannot be lost as a condition for overcoming the crisis.

Any Lam Chong, former permanent representative in the Office of Commercial Development of Panama in the People’s Republic of China and who participated directly in the process of establishing diplomatic relations between Panama and China, offered, in a personal capacity and based on materials that They are for public consultation, a general look at the current trade agreements between Panama and the People’s Republic of China.

He detailed the current memoranda that have allowed to sponsor trade, investment, exchange information regarding fairs, deepen agricultural cooperation, promote cooperation in Economic and Commercial Zones, as well as Panama as an Approved Tourist Destination.

In the same way, these memoranda have allowed the development of sanitary and phytosanitary measures and requirements for the export or import of products of animal and plant origin.

In relation to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the international analyst recalled that on January 16, 2018, the feasibility study began to explore the possibility of negotiating it.

It is on June 12, 2018 when the negotiation of a trade agreement is officially launched, resulting in five rounds of negotiations, the last one held from April 24 to 26, 2019 in Beijing.

He acknowledged that “the negotiating table has new players and has been hit by the pandemic and the priority is now not a trade agreement.”

In my personal opinion, he reflected, the government is focused on seeking mutual cooperation with China on health, agriculture, education and technology issues.

In this regard, it considers that there are business opportunities using other agreements, even if it is not the FTA, in addition to taking advantage of the approval of current health protocols.

He also stressed that Chinese technology platforms open up new business opportunities that must be explored.

The future of exports
Rosmer Jurado, former president of the Panamanian Association of Exporters (Apex), when offering an overview of Panamanian exports during 2019 (See: Panama Exports table , main products ), highlighted that last year bananas were the big winner by leading shipments.

Items such as coffee, with niche products and differentials, have also made it possible to consolidate the country brand.

He recalled that the official statistics do not include re-exports through free zones , even when these platforms are used to generate exports to other markets.

In 2019, a record figure of $ 1.2 billion in exports was achieved, mainly associated with the export of copper concentrate, destined for the Chinese market.

“The export of services has been our strength, but now we are seeing that there is a potential for the export of goods,” he said.

The former Apex president acknowledges that 2020 was forecast as a spectacular year for exports, but the pandemic reversed this scenario.

In the case of exports to China, fishmeal led ( See: Exports to PR China by item ).

However, Panama’s entry into mining, and specifically copper concentrate exports, triggered exports to the Asian nation ( See: Exports to the People’s Republic of China with copper ).

In fact, he stressed, the traditional participation of the United States, the Netherlands and the European Union were in second and third place at the time that Panama incorporates the sale of copper.

In perspective, Jurado points out that in trade with China, food will be in wide demand.

The protocols for beef, fish (cobia and skipjack), pineapple, banana and pork are already approved.

In process are aquatic products (the plants need to be certified) and birds (by signing the protocol).

Similarly, the former president of Apex reiterated an ever-current issue on the agenda of the Panamanian producer and industrial sector: position the country as a regional food hub and thus emulate successful experiences such as those of the logistics, air and banking hub.

This idea is connected with the Special Regime for the Establishment of Agropark Operators and Developers, which aspires to use local and regional inputs, add value and take advantage of the strength of the Panamanian logistics sector as an export platform to different markets.

José González, specialist in financial and investment issues , acknowledged that China’s results for the third quarter show resilience.

“China could grow almost 2% this year. It is the only country that grows in the world ”, he affirmed.

He warned that the global economy will decrease 4.4%

In the case of Latin America, he reasoned, the impact of the crisis shows that it is not just what he did or did not do; it is actually a reflection of preconditions and means bigger challenges ahead.

In the case of Panama, he said that in the relationship with China the issue of agribusiness is key for Panama, as well as its strategic location in the context of the new Silk Road.

The Digital Tax Is An Act Of Justice


The income generated by the digital economy leads to the debate of why and how companies should pay taxes in countries that allow them to profit from their citizens.

Publio De Gracia , director of the General Directorate of Income (DGI) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), points out in this regard that he has managed to hold meetings with representatives of platforms such as Google, Amazon and Facebook to listen to them and, in the same way, share the point of view of the Panamanian tax administration , according to which “the important thing is that the digital economy contributes to the collection of our countries as an act of justice .”

In this sense, De Gracia shares the appreciation of Pascal Saint-Amans , director of the Center for Fiscal Policy and Administration of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), who has just said that the digital rate carries this vision implicitly of equity, in relation to those who carry out their work from a physical headquarters.

The director of the DGI shared his insights during the virtual forum Digital Economy: Tax challenges and opportunities , organized by Connectax, Iesa and Capital Financiero .

The forum, moderated by Reynaldo Díaz , director of Connectax, also featured the intervention of Marcio Ferreira Verdi, executive secretary of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT); of Gerardo Herrera Martínez, adviser to the office of the DGI; by Raúl Zambrano , Ciat’s technology director and José L. Galíndez , partner at Galíndez, Medrano y Asociados.

De Gracia also made reference to the participation of the body in the discussions of the subcommittee of the National Assembly that debates Bill 299 “that creates the law of tax and labor regulation for companies that operate through digital platforms “, proposed by Deputy Raúl Pineda.

In the explanatory memorandum of the law it is explained that it is the interest to examine what would be the tax regulations to apply in each of the taxes generated by digital platforms.

Also cited in the bill is the report “Fiscal Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2019”, of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), organizations that “suggested to Latin American regions to modify their laws to collect taxes to foreign digital service providers.

Currently, only 3 out of 16 countries apply taxes to digital services: Argentina (21%), Colombia (19%) and Uruguay (18%). Another three are in the process of doing so: Chile. Costa Rica and Paraguay ”.

The director of the DGI indicates that most of the participants in the discussion (users, consumers and platforms) agree that the digital economy must contribute, “the issue is how.”

In this sense, the DGI is looking for alternatives, with an advisory team, because “we must guarantee legal certainty.”

He argued that the tax administration understands that it is necessary to do teaching because at a time of pandemic talking about taxes can “generate noise in citizens”, but reiterates that “it is the duty of an institution such as the DGI to seek that collection from everyone” and this It includes companies that are based in the physical territory and those that without being so also participate in the economy and receive benefits.

Similarly, he clarified that seeking tax justice does not mean wanting to reduce the competitiveness of activities related to the digital economy.

He said that countries must reach a comprehensive and multilateral solution so that tax burdens are balanced and competition between the digital and formal economies is stimulated.

He also pointed out that there is a reality: without income we cannot fulfill our obligations to citizens.

Recent figures provided by the director of the DGI himself, confirm that “the effective accumulated collection of the Tax Revenues accumulated until August 2020, reached the figure of $ 2,332.4 million , showing a decrease of $ 1,087.5 million compared to what was collected in the same period of the year 2019. Direct taxes decreased by $ 442.9 million , while indirect taxes resulted in 644.6 million less than the previous year ”.

It recognizes that it is necessary to address the issue of taxation of digital companies in a responsible manner.

“We know that it is not the magic recipe to achieve the income not obtained in the covid-19 , rather they come to be integrated into the regular economy. We bet on multilateral agreements that help us to collect within this economy, with respect to legal security and international agreements ”.

Gerardo Herrera Martínez, advisor to the DGI office, insisted on the need for how to collect, incentivize and not create a lack of incentives for this sector.

He highlighted that for the year 2019, the digital economy moved $ 199,000 million in Latam and the video game industry was the most important segment.

From this perspective, he considers it important to know the business models and then to know what fiscal policy will be applied (a game is not the same as a sale of products).

You can watch the webinar again here

Digital Economy: Tax Challenges and Opportunities
He reiterated that the tax administration has conversations with important actors in the digital economy , “not to seek approval and yes because a rule that does not have a level of consensus, may result in a null and inappropriate aspect.”

He announced that the DGI is also participating together with Ciat, OECD, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Latin American countries and Europe in the design of tools and norms that allow generating “long-term and sustainable markets.”

Specifically, Ciat is working on the voluntary registration of the different platforms that work in Panama and these are steps to develop a collection model.

In the same way, he clarified that there are activities that transit in the digital economy and are obliged to pay taxes, they do not do so and, in this case, a control task is imposed.

Raúl Zambrano , Ciat’s chief technology officer, acknowledges that payment systems that incorporate cards or generally go through the banking system are mechanisms to achieve tax from the digital economy.

The problem occurs when banking does not mediate or instead of buying a product, “superpowers” are acquired as in the case of games.

On the other hand, it is inclined to simplify processes and establish modifications that allow companies, without the need to be in the territory where the income is generated, to pay taxes.

Many companies that are creating new models and are innovative, he said, will want to comply with the law because it is also a matter of reputation.

José L. Galíndez , partner at Galíndez, Medrano y Asociados, explained that the OECD, with pillars 1 and 2, wanted to give a nuance to the digital economy.

Pillar 1 seeks to provide an answer to how to tax if the company is not in the jurisdiction of the tax administration and Pillar 2 to generate a minimum taxation “and, when it is not taxed, that the parent company of the group can tax the income of that entity”.

It recognizes that the taxes to large technology companies, called the GAFA , will not cover the fiscal deficit of the countries, but it is certain that the tax administrations will be quite active to be able to tax the digital economy.

Marcio Ferreira Verdi, executive secretary of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), recalled that Brazil was the first country in the world to receive a statement online.

He said that tax policy is alive and must accompany the progress of societies, although “the best model does not exist.”

He commented that the future is today and it is about the pre-made declaration that the Treasury will send, “because if it has all your data, why ask for the self-declaration? That is the big change ”.

Ferreira Verdi argued that the digital economy is a reality that countries must face.

In the field of digital taxation , he considers that it is not necessary to wait for a rule or an international agreement to start collecting consumption taxes, because each country has that power and it is “a matter of equity with local companies.”

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