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WORTHILY FILMS Closes the door on COVID

I feel very lucky that our film industry, with only a handful of careful changes, can be open and producing safely, when sadly, so many other parts of the creative industries cannot.

Paul Chronnell

Worthily Films
illustrates how IT IS possible to
shoot a short film with a cast and crew of over twenty while still following
British Film Commission (BFC) guidelines. 
When the BFC finalised the ‘COVID-19 Production Guidelines1’
at the end of May, we were ready to GO.

‘Waiting for Time,’ a
script written by Paul Chronnell, was to be the vehicle we would use to find
out just how difficult shooting a socially-distanced film would be – and on
Super 16 film, no less.  In
Pre-Production we edited the script to ensure it was COVID friendly, taking out
unnecessary handshakes and physical contact. Fortunately, WAITING FOR TIME is a
script about a socially dysfunctional man, thus the story was perfect as our
lead spends most of his time alone (social
distancing tick

Still we were entering
unchartered territory and no doubt, we had our hesitations. Could we pull this
off? Will it all come together? Where to begin?

First, we made preparations. We stocked up on enough cleaning supplies to
sterilise a full hospital, which was a challenge in and of itself considering
how some supermarket shelves were still bereft of cleaning wipes and

Secondly we insisted
that the entire crew listen to a
outlining the safety measures put in place. Our casting
director, cast and their agents were adamant that we adhere to a set of
enforced protocols on set. Their concern only highlighted our already
implemented efforts; Worthily Films had a close eye on all the news and film
guideline updates. We were fully prepared and ready to adhere to BFC

Social distancingwas enforced on set; we put masks and
gloves around the set and put each department in a designated space to avoid
too many people crossing paths.  Both the
BFC, in writing their guidelines, and the Waiting for Time cast and crew
understood that keeping a two-metre distance would not be possible throughout
the entirety of the shoot, so – as per the BFC’s advice – masks, gloves and
sanitisation were used thoroughly when close proximity was necessary.

WAITING FOR TIME, is a short film that touches on mental
health. During lockdown we felt a strong desire to work on a story that
delivers a message of hope. We received great feedback from our team on set and
were taken aback by how everyone worked so well together.    

We are currently in post- production and are gearing up for our festival run. Worthily Films are simultaneously building our slate and eager to move into our next production.  We have such respect for all the talent (in front and behind the scenes) that collaborated on this project with us. There was a tangible positive attitude in the air, and that was the only infectious aspect of the experience.


  1. http://britishfilmcommission.org.uk/guidance/regarding-covid-19-coronavirus/

Five Easy Ways to Get Started Investing

So you find yourself with an extra $500 and
want to learn to invest. These days there are multiple online platforms that
give access to types of investments previously unavailable to anyone but the
highest-worth individuals.

Here are five of the easiest and most
lucrative ways to invest your $500, and to learn how investing works while your
money grows.

#1 – Contribute to your employer’s
pension plan.

This is number one for a reason, especially if
your employer matches contributions. You should contribute at least up to that
amount each year to your employer’s pension plan.

Most pension plans give you choices as to how
much risk to assume and will offer diversified portfolios categorized as a low,
medium, or high risk. In general, the younger you are, the more risk (and
perhaps reward!) you can assume. The older you are, you should move your
retirement funds into more conservative investments.

#2 – Invest in Exchange-Traded
Funds (ETFs)

An ETF is a diversified collection of stocks
and/or bonds in a single fund. Similar to mutual funds but with greater
returns, ETFs give you broad diversification at low costs. Your $500 is a
typical minimum to invest in ETFs online. Look out for commission charges for
each transaction (each time you invest) and perhaps plan to contribute
quarterly rather than per pay period to reduce costs.

#3 – Invest in a Dividend
Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)

You can buy shares of stock online, and
arrange to have your dividends automatically invested in additional shares or
even fractional shares. This eliminates the need for a broker and therefore the
costs of a broker’s commission. Even purchasing a single share of a company you
like will get you started.

#4 – Invest in a Real Estate
Investment Trust (REIT)

A REIT typically owns and manages commercial
real estate, or lends to commercial or residential mortgage borrowers. In this
way, small investors can invest in real estate without the attendant risk and

#5 – Invest in Micro Loans or
Peer-to-Peer Lending

There are myriad platforms for small investors
to invest in lending, and many serve a public or humanitarian interest such as
lending to minority business owners, or lending to small businesses in
underserved areas.

Keep in mind that regardless of where you
choose to invest, you should plan to tie up your $500 for five years or more to
see any return. For this reason, that $500 should be money that you don’t think
you’ll need ready access to. You should also plan to add to your investment
every pay period, and if you automate this through your bank you will not even
miss that money.

Before you act on any of this advice, take a
look at your total financial situation. First, if you don’t have an emergency
savings fund of 6-8 months’ worth of expenses, use this $500 to start one
instead of investing it. Second, if you have any high-interest credit card
debt, use your $500 to pay it down or pay it off. No investment exists that
will give returns that will match or even come close to what you’ll pay due to
a credit card’s rate of interest.

the Author

Veronica Baxter is a legal assistant and
blogger living and working in the great city of Philadelphia. She frequently
works with Philadelphia
bankruptcy attorney
David M. Offen.

The Future Of Your Business After Coronavirus: Your Questions Answered


As the COVID-19 pandemic still hits hard
within the UK, we are now beginning to see a glimpse of light through the
tunnel, enabling many business owners to be hopeful about future plans and also
how this has transformed their mindset when it comes to their business workflow
and management.

In this article, Forbes Burton
are here to help business owners reflect on their own potential success from
the pandemic, but also help in terms of where companies may be struggling due
to COVID-19.

The pandemic is beginning to impact the UK
less, but it is still present.

Should I Do As A Business Owner With My Revenue?

If business owners haven’t already, then need
to highly consider transforming their revenue profile, which can actually be
done with simple tweaks to your business workflow.

Reconsidering how your business works is
extremely beneficial, as this can help position yourself for financial comfort
for the long term and stay ahead of your competition.

Here are some techniques that can be easily
implemented into your business

Colleagues Matter

If you have a business that consists of happy
workers, then you are going to receive maximum productivity.

Whether you are working from home, furloughed
or back at your business premises, take the time to include encouragement and
check-ins to help boost your staff’s productivity and maintain a higher sense
of normality and communication. This could be completed through a daily or
weekly check in, where you can review on every individual, as well as the
prospecting areas of your business.


Many companies at the moment will need to
rethink the whole of their operational model, basing on how best people work.

As many people have now had to adapt, you may find
that productivity has increased massively since they have been at home. In
fact, it is becoming more widely known that new, remote based sale models are
proving to be more effective.

Furthermore, considering more remote workers
within your company, could mean a higher opportunity for recruitment, without
the additional costs in terms of business space and expenditure. Plus, these
people are the vital step you need to further progress your presence and
overall income from sales and work output.

Stop Being Organised

Identifying and prioritising your revenue
opportunities is vital, no matter the circumstance of your business.

It is important to identify the primary
resources of your overall revenue, and take the leap of faith with the ‘now or
never’ move, as this pandemic can actually be the perfect opportunity to try
different techniques within your business.

For example, you could decide to launch more
targeted campaigns that can enable the wins of repat and loyal customers, as
well as developing areas that can target new areas of your business, changing
around prices and promotions for increased interest, finding areas where your
business can grow and providing increased flexibility to your workforce and
payment terms.

There are countless ways you can transform
your business, so why not take this opportunity to transform your business
model for the better?


During this current pandemic, it has made
business owners realise the full potential of their workers, as well as releasing
how important it is to keep on top of their mentality and workload.

As a business owner, if you maintain that
sense of possibility, then it will ensure a great, competitive advantage, as
well as seeing your workers complete tasks faster and better than you ever
dreamed of before, with the push of possibility and positivity.

I Think
There’s Potential Changes That Might Improve My Business – What Should I Do?

Successful companies take a chance with areas
of their business, but you need to make sure that if you are considering any
changes, then they are fully researched, discussed and approved within the
whole of the operations and top-tier side of the business.

With the adaptation of certain companies, it
has created a whole new level of visibility, agility and customer connectivity.
So, the questions you need to ask yourself as a business owner whilst
considering changes is: How can our performance maintain its current flow, or
how can it be improved? What is the new normal? What ways can we reinvent our
company and the way we work?

Changing The Work Pattern From The Office To Home Balance A Good Idea?

In terms of more office related businesses,
you may find that either your workforce has decreased or increased in
productivity. However, many businesses have actually found that since their
staff have been working from home, it has increased their overall working speed
and mentality, as in some cases it does provide a higher sense of freedom in
terms of travel costs and time etc.

If you have full trust in your company then
why not incorporate a more home and office balance? As this will not only
provide a higher sense of freedom from your staff, but it will also help them
maintain a better mentality, which in turn will increase in productivity and overall
increase in sales and revenue.

Digital A New Way Forward?

In terms of general digital use during the
pandemic, many business owners and employees have realised the easy navigation
and use of video calling software. Which, is now said to be continuously
popular after the pandemic is over, due to it creating easy meetings in terms
of clients and customers who may be located further afield.

Also, with adaptations of companies during
COVID-19, it is now more apparent that incorporating new data and creating now
models for real-time decision making is on the increase, alongside using
analytics that need to be reevaluated constantly now and should carry on to be
after the pandemic.

It is also good for companies to improve their
IT productivity in terms of lowering their cost base and funds, with the use of
flexible digital, solution developments. This consists of reducing IT related
costs where you can, involving future implementation of IT-product platforms
and establishing roles that can sustain this and upgrade your organisation

What To
Reflect On As A Business Owner Currently

For a majority of business owners, this
pandemic is currently difficult to deal with, but is now beginning to ease.

It has never been so important to focus on the
future and seeing ideas that can help you outgrow your competition once the
pandemic is over, or at least extremely minimised.

In terms of coming out of this crisis, every
business should always answer the important questions about their growth and
look at new prospecting areas that can help them grow, for example,
relationships over digital platforms, adapting to the new technology based
business models and encouraging the importance of possibility.

Here is Complete Guide for Planning and How it Can Affect Borrow Ability.

The outbreak of Coronavirus has left many of us facing a
significant financial crisis and loss in the job. There are many who are
suffering from crisis because isolation, social distancing, or illness and
there are also many who are employed in a business that can experience a hit in
revenue putting your job at high risk.

To help the people who are suffering from the crisis, the
government announced that homeowners can claim for the three-month
“holiday” from their monthly mortgage repayments. The scheme, which
was announced in March, was extended to the end of October 2020 in the month of

What is a Mortgage Payment Holiday?

A Mortgage Payment Holiday enables you to pause your monthly
payments for a short period. Payment holiday, also known as payment deferral,
is started by the government to help you find the perfect solution for
short-term financial concerns. During the payment holiday, interest will be
added to your loan balance and will continue to accrue. Although taking a
payment holiday might not worsen the status of your credit file, lenders will
take into account other information while making lending decisions in the

Are People Relying into Mortgage Holidays on?

Yes. So far, more than 1.8 million homeowners have taken this
three-month mortgage holiday since the scheme was announced in March. It has
helped borrowers who are facing financial difficulty due to the coronavirus

How do you qualify for Mortgage Holiday?

Mortgage payment holidays will end in October 2020 and are
available for all homeowners who are updated with their mortgage payments.

This includes landlords which fall under the category of
buy-to-lets and whose tenants are undergoing financial crisis due to the
outbreak of a pandemic. Landlords who are taking payment holidays have to pass
on the relief to the tenants.

If you are a homeowner and updated with your mortgage payment,
we recommend you contact the lender as soon as possible so that they can review
your position and discuss the options available to you.

Who all are eligible for a mortgage payment holiday?

Every lender will have different eligibility rules, but in
general, the following will criteria will apply:

  • You must have previously overpaid your mortgage and built up sufficient credit so that you can take a break from payments.
  • if you are finding it hard to meet your monthly mortgage due to the outbreak of a pandemic.
  • if you are currently in arrears with your mortgage payments, you generally disqualify for a mortgage payment holiday.

How to apply for a mortgage holiday?

Speak to a mortgage lender, we will also suggest discussing once
with business law
and we would also
recommend paying online.

Many lenders require around 10 days’ notice before you apply for
mortgage holiday so act now if you are finding issues meeting with the

Benefits of Mortgage Holiday

Here are some of the ways how mortgage holidays can help you:

A mortgage holiday can relieve financial pressure temporarily

If you have a temporary drop in income, you can consider going
for a mortgage holiday as it can be a sensible move.

Now, the main point is, how Mortgage Holidays can Affect your
Credit Rating?

Here are some of the ways how mortgage holidays can affect
your credit ratings:

  • If you arrange mortgage holidays,
    you still would be charged with the interest on your mortgage, and thus
    your mortgage balance will increase.
  • If your lender agrees for mortgage
    holidays, your credit file may get affected, while in turn will affect
    your ability to borrow money as a mortgage in the future.
  • Once the mortgage holiday is over,
    you would need to contact the lender for extending your mortgage term or
    to increase the monthly repayments so that you can pay off the increased

In a nutshell

Payment holidays are not a long-term solution but are designed
to help you cope up with a shortfall in income for a shorter period. Being on a
mortgage ability can seriously impact your ability to borrow. According to the
government, consumers who can afford to re-start mortgage, it is highly
beneficial for them to do so. Moreover, borrowers that resume their mortgage
payments will be given the best options to do so.

So, for the ones who are looking for financial management
options due to a short-term crisis in their business, payment holidays is the
option they can rely on. However, if you are looking for a long-term solution,
then remortgaging, extending mortgage terms, switching to an interest-only
mortgage and making partial payments are some of the options you can rely upon.

Potential markets that are actively using blockchain technology in 2020


Blockchain technology itself has become a revolutionary breakthrough in many industries and especially among financial institutions. Although the adoption and use of the technology will require some time and effort, the blockchain can bring a considerable number of advantages to a traditional business. According to many experts, almost all markets that use a significant amount of daily operations will be able to get the maximum benefit from this promising technology.

What does the future of the high-tech look like?

To roughly imagine the level of influence of this technology in everyday life, it is best to consider the prospect for the next 10 years. Currently, companies are striving to create the maximum level of security and provide instant data processing speed. Therefore, it will be most rational to look at those types of businesses that are already ready to apply the innovation from a revolutionary technology. Secure advanced technology is one of the conditions of industries’ growth, credibility, and survival. AI in finance has the greatest potential. Implementing AI and machine learning lead to improvements to routine processes like making credit decisions and minimizing risks. 

Using digital ledger for large tech companies

Perhaps the most promising area of technology development in 2020
is the implementation of Blockchain as a Service (BaaS). Put merely, BaaS is a
universal cloud service that offers startups and existing businesses to create
their own digital products based on blockchain.

If it comes to financial transactions, then it can be:

  • Smart contracts.
  • Decentralized applications.
  • Other types of services that require detailed configuration of the process infrastructure based on the Blockchain.

Applying the technology in online casinos

Using cryptocurrency to deposit funds on the Bitcoin gambling sites is one of the main trends in 2020. Please note that players can now reload their accounts using Bitcoin or Ethereum and manage their finances with a high level of security. As a result, the user can be entirely sure that the data on financial transactions or personal information will not be available to third parties. Moreover, the deposit operation will be carried out without any interruptions.

Active development of Federated blockchain market

Today, experts classify blockchain technology as three main

  • Private.
  • Public.
  • Federated (Hybrid).

The most relevant and promising area is Federated blockchain. This
is a modernized form of the standard blockchain model, which has more precise
settings depending on the scope of use.

Using the high-tech to solve problems of social networks

The number of social networks users is only increasing annually.
In 2019, more than 2.77 billion users around the world were active participants
in the most popular social platforms. However, along with an increase in the
number of users, developers began to face problems that were associated with
violation of confidentiality, copyright and fake news.

One way or another, the owners of social networks have come to the
conclusion that the use of blockchain will become one of the main trends that
will be actively introduced in 2020. Using this technology can ensure that data
published on social networks exclude tracking or duplication, including after
its deletion. On the other hand, followers will be able to witness a higher
level of security
of personal data

Unhindered use of digital ledger in financial markets

Unlike most traditional businesses, financial companies and the
banking industry were among the first to see the incredible benefits of using
blockchain. The point is that a financial institution does not need to
radically change the bulk of the processes to use the technology.

Having received very positive reviews about the use of blockchain
in the sale or exchange of crypto, even conservative banking institutions began
to think about introducing the technology into everyday activities. Using
blockchain for financial companies will allow:

  • Provide faster international transaction speeds.
  • Improve the security of financial and personal data.
  • Reduce the level of bureaucracy and so on.

Using revolutionary technology for data identification and
electronic key management

Blockchain technology can also be used for faster identification
of a user. This applies to such parameters as adulthood, the presence of a
driver’s license or the right to own a particular cryptographic key. For the
blockchain technology, each person can be represented as an asset that has
specific data. The safe storage of such information, and instant processing of
the verification process, demonstrate significant prospects for the development
of the blockchain in this field.

Integration of the distributed ledger with artificial intelligence

Like blockchain, AI has become a real breakthrough and continues
to amaze the world with its prospects and application possibilities. Combining
these two areas, experts plan to improve the blockchain technology using
appropriate applications. The use of artificial intelligence will help make
blockchain simpler and more understandable, especially when it comes to machine

Scaling Your CBD Business: Five Tips To Stay Ahead Of The Competition

From tasty CBD gummies and snacks for pets to vaping cartridges and topicals – CBD seems to be everywhere these days. Whether you have heard rave reviews about CBD oil benefits online, read articles that suggest its usefulness, or seen CBD products being sold in your local store, the CBD industry has greatly expanded in the last couple of years due to the increasing conducted research and acceptance all over the world.

However, a few years ago, breaking into the new CBD sector was much easier than it’s now. Constantly increasing and developing the CBD industry has far different demands, making prospective entrepreneurs need to find new effective ways to be successful. When you are ready to win the attention of more CBD consumers and grow your business, you may not know the best strategies on how to put your CBD assortment ahead of the competitors. Here are the top five tips to reach your customers and ensure success.

Find The Right Supplies

As new customers enter the market with heightened expectations toward CBD products, you want to impress them and put your best foot forwards. Therefore you can never afford to sacrifice on the safety, purity, and quality of your product.

It doesn’t matter if you manufacture or distribute CBD oil, it’s vital to partner with a top and legitimate supplier and ensure you are using only the best wholesale CBD. Double-check where the supplier obtains its CBD and always ask for a certificate of analysis to confirm claimed THC levels and the purity of CBD.

Focus On Transparency

Unfortunately, the CBD market is still filled with dishonest brands and sellers that offering poor-quality products and making false claims regarding CBD potential. Bad experience after buying from such manufactures only serves to reduce confidence in CBD products and confuse users, which may result in refraining from CBD in the future.

Since many customers improve their knowledge and understanding of CBD specifics, showing full transparency can help to build strong and enduring links. Consider being accurate and truthful by ensuring information about how CBD is grown, processed, and extracted. Most importantly, share third-party reports from accredited laboratories that show the potency and quality of each product you sell. 

Also, assess how you are currently communicating the advantages of your products and CBD in general. If you aren’t ready to be fully transparent with your business as it’s not at the quality it should be, a great start there to improve it.

Build A Strong Reputation

Every business is trying to have a strong reputation on the market among customers, but it’s especially essential in the CBD space where there is so much to choose from. When it comes to health, CBD consumers are very selective in the companies and their products. Customer feedback can help you to find out your bad/good sides, refine and reorient your service, making you fast and capable of offering the best product range.

To establish yourself as a reliable and trusted brand, it’s important to become a truthful guide in CBD variety to win loyal customers that will have faith in your knowledge. Make sure to help your customers by providing adequate direction, support in navigating the landscape, and additional useful information.

Establish Your Web Presence

A user-friendly website allows customers to learn more about your company, your advantages, and the products or services you offer. At the same time, using social media, creating a YouTube channel, and even a podcast can help to attract new clients or customers.

As most people are searching for CBD oil online, paid online ads, collaboration with bloggers and influencers, informative blog content, and educational social media posts can help to promote CBD products and reach a new audience. 

Pay Attention To Changing Laws & Regulations

Finally, if you want your CBD business to be successful, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with constantly changing law and regulatory requirements regarding CBD use. Laws are different in each country and each US state, so be concerned with what is happening in the country (or countries) you deliver your CBD products. Being aware of your legal obligations and playing safe is key for business in a highly regulated industry like CBD.

How to Improve the Speed of Your WordPress Website


Loading speed, responsiveness, and the use of lightweight assets are backbones of
successful websites – if you have a slow WordPress website, not only users have
to wait around for seconds after each interaction with your site (which will
quickly get annoying and encourage them to visit other sites), but it will
reduce organic traffic from search engine and social media as they punish slow
and badly coded websites. That’s why improving the speed of your WordPress
website is one of the biggest improvements you can make to improve your site’s
metrics. This article will help you learn a few actionable ways you can take
right now to immensely improve the speed of your website and make it more

#1 Identify What’s
Slowing Down Your Website

How are you going to improve your site’s speed if you don’t identify what’s slowing
it down first? Thankfully, there are multiple tools you can use to identify
both page-level and site-wide issues slowing down your WordPress website.

The most popular of these tools is the Google PageSpeed tool that analyzes a particular page and provides actionable ways for you to work on. There are other free and paid network monitoring tools like WebpageTest, MaxCDNTools, etc. you can use to complement PageSpeed.

#2 Compress and
Minify Your Site’s Assets

Almost always, when a website is excessively slow, it is because it uses large assets
that take a lot of bandwidth and time to download. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,
the main building blocks of websites, are all just plain text and they take
almost no bandwidth loading and minimal processing power for the browser to
decipher, but it is the images, animations, sounds, videos, and icons that take
a disproportionate amount of time to decipher and load.

That’s why you can expect to cut loading speeds in half by only minimizing the assets.
Thankfully, not only there are websites that you can upload your assets to and
automatically receive minified versions of them, but there are plugins you can
install that automatically identify and compress the assets you use on your

Although we recognize that some designs don’t lend themselves to compressions, and in
those cases, implementing a whole new design might be the only viable choice.
Thankfully, there are services like https://acclaim.agency/sketch-to-html-service
that can help you!

#3 Change Hosting

Sometimes, the problem isn’t with the website itself, but it is with the host – sadly,
there are thousands of low-quality WordPress hosts out there. They provide slow
bandwidth, resulting in the website being down often, and fail to serve certain
geographical locations completely.

Thankfully, migrating to a new host is hardly difficult – most high-end hosts provide
migration tools to help make your job much easier. While you might’ve started
with a cheap bad host at the start, you most likely need to move to a new
better host as your website grows.

#4 Remove
Unnecessary Bloat

You need to make sure you always maintain your WordPress website and remove
unnecessary bloat, and WordPress bloat includes many things:

  • Code bloat: coding standards change all the time –
    methods/functions get deprecated and new, more efficient versions are added.
    You need to maintain your website with the best coding practices.
  • Theme and Plugin bloat: installing many
    unnecessary plugins when developing and testing a WordPress website is
    commonplace, but when your website enters production and is ready to serve
    users, you should delete these unnecessary plugins.
  • Content
    bloat: remove articles, landing pages, and blogs that your website doesn’t need
    or benefit from anymore. It is only natural to change and update your website’s
    content, but make sure you delete or archive the old content.

Check These 7 Things When Picking a Cryptocurrency Futures Exchange

The value of cryptocurrency markets is growing each year exponentially. As a result, new exchanges are also coming up to facilitate trading in this new form of currency. Plus, crypto coins opens up new perspectives for trading, too. Thus, new technologies, such as zignaly trading bot, arise over time. If you are choosing a cryptocurrency futures exchange, do your homework, and check the security measures on the platform.

Also, remember that a majority of
exchanges do not work under specific rules and regulations. Your money may be
at risk if you fail to pay attention to these critical factors.

Matters a Lot

Before selecting any exchange for
cryptocurrency futures trading, make sure that it is legal and available in
your country. In many nations, there is a regulatory fog surrounding this

Hence, exchanges cannot operate in
these geographies. Many exchanges may not accept U.S. citizens as their
customers as well. It makes sense to look at the address of the company for
protecting against any frauds. If you get hacked, it will be challenging to
determine the right jurisdiction if you don’t know about the exchange location.

of Market Data

For successful trading, you need easy
access to market data and technical details. With an advanced platform, it
becomes easy to find the prices displayed across connected venues using consolidated
data feed. Also, the platform should provide access to various crypto markets
with a single account.

High Trading
Volumes and Liquidity

You would always want to pick a cryptocurrency futures exchange
that has higher volumes and liquidity. High volume trading leads to better
accuracy of prices. The exchange processes several transactions at once. So,
they have higher stringency in their pricing and approvals.

The experts recommend not keeping too
much money on any exchange for too long. It can be risky even if you choose a
verified and researched exchange. Also, check if the liquidity is aggregated
through multiple venues like OTC desks, exchanges, and other resources.

against Risks and Frauds

In the past, digital currency
exchanges have been subjected to many hacking incidents. The exchange hack of Mt. Gox in 2014
resulted in a loss of $430 million and 740,000 Bitcoin. Such scams or hacks can
put your money in danger. Hence, it is incredibly critical that you pick the
exchange following the best security protocols.

See if they keep the stored funds
safely with measures like multi-signature access by authorized people only. You
can also make sure that the exchange has nearly 95% of its assets in offline

In this respect, look at the
following aspects.

  • Check the security
    protocols in the exchange’s web address
  • Two-factor authentication
    for login safety
  • Auditing and monitoring
    of exchange activities
  • See if the exchange
    ensures its funds to reimburse your losses

User Experience

When trading through a cryptocurrency
exchange, you need a smooth experience without any interference. So, pick the
platforms that protect your identity and provide a simple user interface. Check
the performance of the platform on both a desktop and a mobile device. If the
design is responsive, you can manage your trades through your phone, even on
the go.

Most importantly, check the exchange
reviews and see what others have to say about the support and services it
offers. Some exchanges provide the fastest time as well. They allow you to
register, deposit the money, withdraw cash, and start with the contracts within
a few minutes.

Compare the

Before finalizing a cryptocurrency futures exchange,
it is essential to compare the fees with other platforms. Usually, the exchange
will charge less than one percent for each transaction.

The charges may decline further if
the volumes increase. Also, check the withdrawal fees as it may be reasonably
high on some platforms. Lastly, review and compare the exchange rates of coins
at several platforms for maximum advantage.

Ask about
the Policies and Reputation

Not every cryptocurrency exchange is
the same. At some exchanges, you may still not get digital tokens. As a result,
you have to pay in cash for your trades. In some locations, there are
compliance requirements and registration procedures for these platforms. Make
sure that the exchange follows all these guidelines to protect your investment.

When trading cryptocurrency futures,
you may also need help and support of the experts to understand the basics and
make informed decisions. If an exchange has a proper support system and guides
to lead your way, you can consider registering and trading with them.

Why Should You Never Say No to Money?

In many of the human culture, money is considered equal to
god and goddesses. They believe earning money from any source is worthy enough.
One must have a continuous flow of money into your account.

What do you think you can do to earn more money; some people are already into a fulltime job and some do part-time? But money seems to be stagnant for both in all the cases. Here we will tell you how can you earn money from multiple sources with the least investment.

Specifically, people think growing money or earning money
means one will be able to earn money only if he works part-time again along
with his full-time job but let me tell you, it is a wrong conception. One will
be able to earn easily if they use a little brain.

The major source of earning is the passive source of income.
This can happen without the least of the time being spent at it. Some of you
might think of doing some investments which is very common like everyone knows
that investment in some stocks and shares can earn you easy money. But here we
are talking about something which will not give you easy money to be earned.

Easy Sources of Money

There are some sources from where you can earn money, very
easily and you will not have to give any extra time and effort. So, we will
give you some easy tips and tricks which will help you get some extra money
apart from any of the possible resources.

Play to Win

When you are too tired of work and you need to take some
rest, you can play games to win. There are many online games that you can play
to win some cash prize or you can get some points credited to your digital
wallet and later on, you can buy anything with those points.

This is a very common way to earn, one has to just play games
to earn some money from some games. You can do this multiple times in a day, it
like playing games in your free time and then you earn some money. This way of
earning money is very easy and quick, play any game which gives money and you
will earn a lot of money. It is an easy way to earn money and no one can guess
how are you earning it. It is like the easiest way to earn money quickly and

Lend Your Books

Another easy earning way is if you are a book reader and you
have a lot of books then you can lend some books and earn some money out of it.
Like you can take a small amount of token money for lending your books from
your personal library, this is another very easy way of earning easy money. You
can take the payments digitally through bitcoins also through some platforms
like Crypto Cash.

It becomes easier and more convenient for the readers also,
because readers might take a step backward if it involves real money. But they
would be enthusiastic and overexcited if their payment happens in any
cryptocurrency. The expenditure made in cryptocurrency is not considered as a
payment. It is just like spending some tokens.

Vet Care

If you are an animal lover then this is the perfect job for
you to earn some easy money. You can easily be vet care, you can take care of
your neighbour’s pet for the next week and then you will be able to earn some
money for each hour. Like you can charge in a daily basis or in an hourly
basis, you will have your time passed and on the other hand you will also have
some payment made as well.

This is one of the best jobs, one can do and earn some easy
money for the month. There are other convenient ways to earn money but we think
these are the most common ones.

Why Financial Planning for a Newborn Baby is Crucial As a Parent


There is so much
debate about ladies who work and the individuals who decide not to. What many
don’t realize is it is so hard to leave a newborn child at home and come back
to work. The economic disbalances and extreme financial limitations made it
mandatory for both men and women to work. With the new financial stability,
many qualified women are settling on the decision to not work and rather look
after their babies. But that’s not enough. You need to plan financial protection for newborn babyas
a critical part of their future.

Work environments
are structured and overseen essentially by men. Execution norms are set by men,
as are normal practices for business exercises and expectations. What ladies
can fathom over a phone discussion, men like to manage by and by running over
the city. While women can resolve a mind-boggling group task from their office
utilising a visit window, men need a group meeting. Women think that it’s
extreme to perform and grow in working environments where wearing jeans is like
carrying a female touch to work.

environments may tackle this issue as more women climb the stepping stool;
however, discovering answers for the baby at home has not occurred as a
preference of a young, working mother. With the exception of telecommuting, no
other decision coordinates the necessities of the newborn child productively.
The hectic work hours, the powerlessness to respond to texts and calls in a
split second, and the afflictions of coordination while working alone,
interferes with the mother. Bosses give throughout the day stopping offices,
yet an in-house crèche that enables a working mother isn’t a need. Numerous
women hence decide to stop or enjoy a long reprieve.

What are the Individual Financial Suggestions?

The family needs to
get ready to change to a single source of income – at least till the mother is
ready to move to work and leave the child under daycare or nursery. Without
planning financial protection for newborn babyahead of time and everything involved, the decrease in family unit
salary can be a source of too much pressure. Family aides and daily wage
laborers come back to work too early subsequent to conveying a kid, as their
families can’t endure the reduction in income and increase in expenses.

The issue in
managing the switch is the powerlessness to separate the obligatory cost from
the optional cost. In what we know as the lifestyle creep, most of the optional
expenses end up turning out to be necessities with time. Does the family need
two vehicles? Is it basic to recharge gyms and club memberships that are rarely
utilised? Is the cost of engaging and going out too high? Little expenses add
up, and it is critical to concur on what is fundamental and what isn’t. The
single income should cover these and leave an excess for crises. But most
parents fail to plan all the complications related to the arrival of a new
member. This is where a financial advisercan help.

There are
unforeseen costs that accompany the introduction of a baby into a family. Young
parents find to their disappointment that insurance doesn’t cover the incessant
visits to the pediatrician. Some parents lamentably need to manage exceptional
clinical costs. Insurance policies for neonatal and baby care may not cover all
of these cases and could involve huge extra costs. In such a situation, an
experiencedfinancial adviser can
guide you through planning every decision that will define not only the
money-related factors but also your baby’s future.

Parents should
start planning ahead of the time to make sure they are ready for the switch.
While some manage to do this on their own, most new parents need proficient
help to ensure everything is under control. For that, you can search for a
reputed and certified financial
adviser in London
wherever you live and focus on taking care of your baby rather than panicking
over the critical decisions.

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