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What’s better to change: btc vs eth vs btc


Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency in terms of capitalization, which is popular and in demand in the crypto industry today. The release of the first coin to the network took place in January 2009.

In general, the innovative digital payment system itself, which uses the unit of the same name to record transactions and provide access to its services, was the first and most successful, the launch of which influenced a lot, in particular, the popularization of blockchain technology.

The Bitcoin payment system is used to buy goods and services, as well as to store a valuable monetary resource.

BTC can be obtained for free: through mining and bitcoin faucets. This digital currency has a limited emission. It is equal to 0.00000001 BTC. 


The world’s second largest cryptocurrency and a platform for creating decentralized applications. The first release of cryptocurrency to the network took place in July 2015. The type of issue is inflationary. That is, just like the fiat currency, Ethereum coin can get more done over time.

Just like Bitcoin, Ethereum has two concepts: the first, as already mentioned, is a platform for creating decentralized services that operate on blockchain and smart contracts. And, secondly, inside the platform crypto coin, which has a memorable name – ETH. 

Ethereum vs Bitcoin: Price

News resources about cryptocurrencies are simply “burning” from oversaturation with news about the first two leaders. Most of all, the world is watching their price indicator. But, you can not wait for the next news release to find out about the price of any cryptocurrency. Just use the monitoring service any. There you can see the value of any cryptocurrency in any fiat currency or any other digital currency. Also, price fluctuations are shown in charts, on which you can set any period of time to see how the price curve has changed over a certain period of time.

What pair to choose?

A simple and convenient converter exchange allows you to instantly exchange two of the most popular cryptocurrencies today. Bitcoin and Ethereum are leaders in terms of capitalization, consistently occupying the first lines of the global coin rating.

The BTC to ETH pair or ETH to BTC is one of the most demanded exchange options. Despite the fact that both cryptocurrencies are incredibly popular, they work on fundamentally different technologies. The main difference is that if the entire Bitcoin system is only a mechanism for making transactions with their recording on the blockchain platform with the ability to generate new coins, then Ether allows you to perform any operations of any kind. At the same time, the exchange and all other actions are also performed without certification by any central authority or any other third party. In terms of transparency and anonymity, currency exchange and transfers are also almost identical.

To choose the pair depends on your goals. If to analyse the numbers, we can see that 1 ETH = 0.02931385 BTC and 1 BTC = 32.27539910 ETH

Experienced traders always work with several cryptocurrencies, among which there are certainly market leaders. Therefore, the exchange of Bitcoin for Ethereum is performed much more often than other operations. On the exchange, you can buy Ethereum with BTC quickly, easily and securely. When exchanging cryptocurrencies, you can get the following benefits:

  • Low fees. 
  • High speed of operations
  • Simple intuitive interface. 
  • Wide range of trading pairs. 
  • Reliable cryptocurrency wallet. 
  • Favorable exchange rate. 

Assessment of fractures


X-rays and their classification

After the stabilization, patient’s clinical status should be established. Then to identify the type of fracture, minimum two x-rays of the glenohumeral joint should be taken at right angles to each other are required.  Three x-rays of the trauma-series will be better particularly for preoperative planning of B and C fractures.

 If there is any susceptibility of tuberosity fractures, x-rays in external and internal rotation of the humerus may be useful. If these standardized x-rays do not help in proper assessment of the features of main fracture, displacement of fragments, of articular damage, and soft-tissue involvement then CT will be useful. To classify the fracture, and to decide the surgical procedure or prognosis, it will be necessary to determine whether the fracture runs through the anatomical or surgical neck.

Objective indications for surgery

Surgical intervention is determined by some specific factors such as: the type and stability of the fracture, general and local concomitant injuries, the age of patient and general condition and the quality of the bone (osteoporosis). Generally, the stability and displacement are interdependent. If the damage to the adjacent soft tissues and the periosteum is greater, the requirement of internal fixation and early functional post-operative treatment will also be more. Generally, in case of elderly patients, conservative treatment is given as in about 80% of cases the fracture fragments are held together by muscles, tendons, the attachment of the rotator cuff, and the periosteum. In remaining 20% reduction andoperative fixation may be required. This mainly includes cases of young patients with fractures in which more than 5 mm tuberosities are displaced and more than 2 cm shaft fragments are displaced or in which displacement of head fragment is more than 40°.

Subjective indications for surgery

One of the most important things in future decision-making is patient’s expectations. In case of elderly patients, some expects to resume sporting activities such as swimming, golf, sailing or skiing; however, others just want to be able to resume their work of everyday lives. While, restoration of preinjury levels of function must be the goal of treatment in case of younger patients.

Implants like Locking Proximal Plates and hand fracture plates are proving helpful for a surgeon to fix complex injuries in a stable manner.

 Surgical Anatomy

However, differentiation of the anatomical and surgical neck fractures is difficult. Usually, the blood supply to the main head fragment in anatomical neck fractures gets disrupted and there is possibility of avascular necrosis (AVN). On the other hand, the blood supply to the head is normally preserved in surgical neck fractures.

As far as orientation between the greater and lesser tuberosities is concerned, the tendon of the long head biceps has vital role. Additionally, in displaced proximal humeral fractures or epiphysiolysis, it may be trapped between bony fragments which can make the closed reduction unattainable. In the end, a few millimeters posterior which is parallel to the tendon runs the lateral ascending branch of the anterior circumflex humeral artery which carries the most essential blood supply for the upper part of the humeral head therefore its damage can result in AVNto this particular part of the head.

Anastomosis of the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries occurs on the lateral side of the surgical neck. If these vessels ruptured, the medial aspect of the capsule is the most essential remaining blood supply, mainly to the lower part of the head. When a larger medial spike of the head-fragment is present or there are no soft-tissue connections in head fragment, AVN takes place. But then, usually within 5 years, it can collapse and deformed.

An arch is formed by the acromion, along with the coracoacromial ligament and the coracoid process.  The humeral head passes and rotates under this arch. This arch limits the upwards, downwards, or sideways movement of the humeral head. Infra-spinatus, sub-scapularis, supraspinatus, and teres minor muscles are attached to the tuberosities and, in conjunction with the other surrounding muscles, thus dynamic glenohumeral function is maintained by them. Reduction and fixation of the tuberosities with their muscle insertions to their original anatomical sites as closely as possible is very important to avoid impingement

Learning How Tech Companies Recruit So You Can Get Seen


To say that there is competitiveness within the tech sector would be an understatement. If you work in IT development at any level, you’ll be all too familiar with going onto Stack Overflow to find answers for common tech conundrums. As a programmer hub, the site did a short survey in 2019 to see how many developers visiting the site would classify themselves as unemployed or looking for a job. In most industries, you tend to find somewhere between 15-20% is a good indicator, but for developers, that number was only 6.4%.

That’s a shockingly low number for an industry, but when you look at how competitive it is out there, and just how big turnover is for companies always expanding, any developer looking to progress might feel the easiest solution is to bury their head in the sand and hope something comes along.

Trying to find the right job can be daunting, but not if you know how tech companies find talent in the first place. If you’re on the outside looking in and don’t necessarily have great connections in your field, here is what you need to know about how tech companies recruit so that it can help you get seen in all the right places.

Firstly, location doesn’t matter as much as you’d be led to believe. 2020 has inadvertently become one giant experiment of seeing if home working works, with a general consensus that it doesn’t really change how people work. When looking at tech and development, that means companies based in the likes of London, Birmingham, Manchester, Reading & Edinburgh (all quite tech-heavy) may start casting the net wider to attract talent from further afield. So start looking at companies in other cities to see what opportunities exist.

You’ll also want to find recruiters who speak the language. I’m a firm believer that anyone who you want to sell your skills to should be able to know those skills themselves, so look for local recruiters who know the difference between a data engineer & data scientist; otherwise, you’ll find yourself being recommended for jobs which don’t fit your skillset at all.

The same goes for looking at job listings online. You’ll always be able to quickly tell the difference between whether a non-specialist agency and tech company have written a job ad. The company will usually use specific language and highlight examples of existing technology they use.

Any prevalent company that isn’t hiring in-house won’t want to waste their resources on hunting for talent. That’s why they tend to look for recruitment companies to do it on their behalf. When you’re looking for unique opportunities, it is better to sign up with a recruiter for your chosen niche rather than leave it big sites like Monster & Indeed which churn out any old job they can advertise. The more precise you can be when talking with a recruiter that knows their stuff, the more chance you’ll be shown better job vacancies suited to your skills.

If you are interested in learning more about tech recruitment, I recommend visiting MBN Solutions’ website here. They are a UK based tech recruiter who specialises in helping those in data science, analytics & digital find jobs which suit their skill level. If you’re looking at roles like Scrum Master, Web Analyst & Data Engineer, it is a good place to start.

What is a VPN and why do you need one?


2020 has been a momentous year for plenty of reasons and whilst we all struggle with the effects of Covid cybercriminals have been stepping up their attacks.

One of the ways to protect your computers and devices against attack is by using a VPN but that begs the question – what is a VPN and why do you need one?

In this post, we’re going to look at why ordinary users really need to consider investing in a small piece of technology that could make a massive change to their security.

What’s the problem?

Unfortunately, there are too many people out there who are only too happy to take advantage of security lapses and with most companies using professional anti-virus or anti-malware software, the attention of the cybercriminals has moved to personal devices.

Back in the day life was simple, phones used the phone network and that was that but today with smartphones in every pocket and public wifi networks to connect to in every street there are some serious issues that need confronting.

Cybercriminals can cause problems for you by;

  • Intercepting your connection with public Wifi
  • Loading malware onto your device
  • Setting up ‘middle man’ web browsers
  • Using your device to access work computers

Some malware will constantly serve ads on your device but others will have much more sinister motives and with most people doing pretty much everything on their phone from banking to booking doctors appointments the potential for harm is clear.

This means that it is vital that your devices are secure and that you are able to surf safely.

How criminals can access your device

Imagine the scene; you are sitting in your favourite coffee shop. Maybe you are working on your laptop or tablet or perhaps you are just surfing the web on your phone.

You like this cafe because they offer free public wifi and it is fast and easy to access.

The problem is that it is the speed and easy access that provides vulnerability.

The first issue is that in many cases the connection isn’t encrypted at all, meaning that someone can effectively ‘eavesdrop’ on everything sent to and from the wireless access point.

Called ‘snooping’ or ‘sniffing’ this allows cybercriminals to log all of the information you send and receive from the internet and this can include bank details, passwords and emails.

Secondly, it is easy for someone with the technical knowhow to set up what is known as an ‘ad-hoc’ attack. This is where a device that has an open and unencrypted connection method is connected to by the criminal’s computer, allowing the download of information and uploads of worms, trojans and malware.

A ‘man in the middle’ attack is where the user logs on to the network and accesses what they think is a legitimate website but is, in fact, a spoof site cleverly designed to mimic the real site.

If you think of accessing a site that looks exactly like your bank and entering all your connection details then this gives you an idea of how this can be used.

 An  ‘evil twin’ attack is where the wifi at a particular location also has a twin that has a name that looks very similar to the wifi that the user is expecting to see. 

For example “Joes_cafe_Wifi” may become “Joes-cafe-Wifi” with the user connecting unwittingly to the suspect twin.

Once connected they are then at risk of a variety of attacks including malware, worms and man-in-the-middle.

VPN – the way to secure all of your devices

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and is a method of securely accessing the internet using an encrypted connection.

This means that it is impossible for cybercriminals to break into your connection or read what you are doing.

Protection is provided through end to end encryption, meaning that the data is encoded before it leaves you machine and can only be decoded by someone who has the legitimate key, in other words, your VPN provider.

The benefits are clear, protection from snooping, sniffing and evil twins.

For a business, it makes complete sense to have their people using VPN at all times, especially if they allow Bring Your Own Device on their network.

And for private users, the small cost of a VPN makes subscribing a real no-brainer.

VPN gives you web anonymity

Over the years we seem to have become used to the fact that we are being tracked across the web and that companies we visit and even our own internet provider can track, use and sell our data as they see fit.

One of the key benefits of a VPN is that it restores our anonymity, making sure that our information stays secure and is only given to people we trust.

When you link to a VPN service you are accessing the web not directly through your device but through the provider’s servers. This means that to the website you are visiting you could be anywhere in the world.

This is helpful if you want to access geo-blocked services where information and videos aren’t available in your country. This gives you a much wider range of content on your favourite streaming service!

The main benefit though of VPN is to provide device users with much-needed security and if you value your information and want to continue to use public wifi then you absolutely need to subscribe.

Price Strategy Guide: Here’s Exactly How Much You’ll Need for a Wedding Ceremony in Singapore


You have just popped the question to your partner, “will marry me?” and of course you have a positive answer. Your mind is now roaming thinking how much you need to have a luxurious wedding in descent part of Singapore. You have to skip late evening office duties to hold financial meetings to discuss with friends and family how much they can chip in and raise for your wedding.

Unless you are from a royal family or a tycoon like Mandopop King Jay Chou who could afford a wedding costing S$1 million, there are highest possibilities that you will need financial assistance to walk down the aisle. It is a belief that holding a wedding in Singapore is expensive.

Still, you cannot wake up and estimate the cost of your wedding without planning for it one year or less. Alternatively, you can check A1 Credit, and you are guaranteed to have your wedding covered. But do you know how much it will cost you? Read on to find out how much you need for a wedding ceremony.

Pre-Wedding Preparations

The moment you two of you agree to have a wedding in one year or a few months to come, you start thinking about all the requirements you will need for the ceremony. The preparations include an introduction to in-laws, booking the venues, buying all the bridal packages, and getting the entertainment team set for the task ahead. To understand the pre-wedding costs and requirements, here is the breakdown of each item and the estimated costs.

Bridal Packages

Most couples will start their pre-wedding preparations by getting bridal packages. They will spend a lot of evening hours browsing a collection of dresses, suits, shoes, hair, and makeup services. They will also attend bridal fairs on the weekends to get their best packages in town. However, to save on time and money, the most couple will opt for bridal studios to have someone else to handle the nitty-gritty details like evening gowns, tuxedos, hair stylist, makeup artist, and bridal car. The advantage of these bridal studios is that the packages are brought in all-in-one solutions, and you are likely to pay between $3000 to $10,000 depending on the quality of services you need.

Photo Shoot

Another cost you have to prepare for is the photoshoot. The cost of the photoshoot in Singapore varies depending on the choice of photographer and the location. Some photographers will charge you by the hour budget of at least $200 per hour, while others prefer a flat rate of between $1,000 to $4,000. If you are one of these couples, who would fly abroad for a wedding photoshoot, then prepare for something higher than $5,000, especially if you engage a hot-in-demand photographer.


Weddings in Singapore are applicable in Chinese traditions, and you have to give dowry to your in-laws (brides family). The dowry typically comprises jewellery, betrothal gifts like candles and pig trotters, wedding cakes, and generous red carpets. These are likely to cost you around $5,000 or more if you want to impress your in-laws.

Actual Wedding

After getting every tip of preparation in place, it is now time to declare your lifetime commitment to your partner. The costs are not over; it is now the time to face reality about how much you have to spend. It all starts with legal registration to the honeymoon. Briefly, let us see how much it will take you to have a night after the wedding in a hotel.


For your marriage to be legal in Singapore, you have to register with the Registry of Marriages (ROM), locally called Solemnisation Ceremony. The ceremony is the official marriage in the eyes of the law. This will cost something close to $5,000, which covers gown rentals, floral arrangements, a photographer, videographer, and lunch or dinner for your guests. Although licensed solemnisers do not expect to be paid for their voluntary services, you can still give them a token of appreciation out of goodwill.

Wedding Bands and Rings

Every wedding will only be complete with the symbolic exchange of wedding rings. Some couples these days prefer just a pair of bands, although not every couple will settle for these cheap options that cost around $500. Therefore, to match your personality, you may want to fork out at least $2,000 for a pair of wedding bands and $10,000 for high-quality rings packed with precious stones.

Optional Church Wedding

A church wedding is optional depending on your religion. If you are Christian or Catholic faith, you may get away with a booking fee of $1,500. But if you want to get a luxurious church wedding, prepare to spend at least $10,000 at a beautiful cathedral.

Wedding Banquet

It is now time to get to the main celebration in a hotel or restaurant of your choice. The cost of your wedding banquet can also vary depending on the location. For example, Chinese restaurants tend to offer cheaper services as low as $700 per table, while five-star hotels like St. Regis and Capella charge between $1,500 to $2,000 per table for a minimum of 25 tables for weekend bookings.

Photographer and Videographer

On your wedding day, you will need a professional photographer and videographer who will capture everything for future reminiscing. You may still want to hire a family member or friend for the job or get an outside photographer. Alternatively, some bridal studios provide photography and videography services in their packages. Still, most couples prefer hiring an additional freelancer, just in case. For that case, prepare to pay between $2,000 to $10,000 for photo and video editing packages.

Post Wedding

After the dinning, dances, and connections, it is now time to land on your dream destination scheduled for a well-designed honeymoon. It is also time to check on your remaining savings and calculate how much you have to splash on your honeymoon and how long it will last. Heading to an overseas honeymoon will cost you at least $5,000 for a budget-conscious honeymoon or $10,000 for a more exotic destination in the Maldives or Europe.

The Bottom Line

How much will it cost you to have a wedding in Singapore? From the article, your wedding is likely to fly up to $130,000 depending on how prepared you are. However, you can have a minimum cost of $50,000 for your wedding. You can now budget how much you need to save if you are planning to wed one year from today. Remember, spending a million on your wedding does not reflect a successful life ahead. Therefore, prepare for a wedding that will not leave you fighting debts the moment you walk out of your honeymoon.

Should Investment Property Be Sold Before Retirement?


Retiring can come with a lot of life changes and adjustments. While some retirees may look forward to investing more to be financially secure, others may do away with their current investments to live a simple life. One investment that people can let go upon retirement is an investment property. Should you sell an investment property before retirement? If so, why should you do that, and if not, what is to be considered?

Before making decisions, you need to learn about property investment basics, and sites, such as Instant Loan can help.Since we all hate regrets that come with making poor decisions, the earlier we learn to make wiser choices, the better. So, let’s discuss selling investment property before retirement.

When Is the Right Time to Sell Your Investment Property?

Several things come to play when determining the right time to sell an investment property. Some professionals suggest that the longer you hold onto it, the greater the capital gains will be when you finally decide to sell. On the flip side, though, retaining an investment property can be costly. If your circumstances change and need adjustment, it might be wise to sell the property.

Suppose you succeed in selling the asset when the market is at the peak. In that case, you can obtain enough money to invest elsewhere with more growth capability. Thus, if you’re contemplating whether or not to sell the investment property, here are some situations when it might be a good time to sell:

  • Upon Retiring. Like we’re mentioning in this discussion, “should you sell the property before retirement?” One of the most common reasons for selling an investment property is retirement to free up capital for retirement. We’ll discuss more below why it’s not right to sell the property at this time.
  • When Wanting to Invest Elsewhere. Sometimes finding a better investment opportunity that’s likely to provide a higher return on investment can lead to an investment property sale.
  •  When Wanting to Get a Capital Gains Tax Exemption. This happens for those living in countries with such provisions. For instance, in some states, if someone has lived in an investment property for at least one year in the last six years, he can sell it without having to pay capital gains tax.
  • When the Return on Investment Isn’t Good. The investment property might have a potentially low capital growth potential and with fewer returns. If so, it might be time to use the funds elsewhere or sell the property to avoid further losses.

Why You Should Never Sell the Property Before Retirement

While it makes sense to sell a property before retirement to free up capital for that same purpose, you should consider other factors as well. Life after retirement might be challenging, thus the need to be vigilant before deciding to sell what might be the lifetime income source. Here are several reasons for never selling your investment before retirement:

Investment Property is Solid Performing Asset 

Real estate is always considered one of the top-performing assets and a solid performer. That’s why if you have property, it’s good to hold it and benefit from spectacular growth. Especially if the property is obtaining decent rental returns and is positively geared, there won’t be a need to sell it.

Investment Property Provides Both Capital and Income Growth

After retirement, what next? While there are numerous investments to venture into, real estate will still prove to be worth it. The regular and constant income stream from the property, mostly in rent, isn’t worth letting go. Its capital and income growth are also reliable, unlike for other shares. You’ll need a source of income that is reliable and continuous, thus the need to retain your investment property if available. When you sell it, you eliminate an income stream.

It’s not Affected by Your Change of Residence.

Some retirees love moving from their current residence to a different one. Maybe you plan to relocate from a city to the countryside and think it’s best to sell your property. That’s not true as the property can remain and continue to generate money even if you move.

It Can Help Pay Your Mortgage

Likely before retiring, it’s advisable to clear off any debts you might have, including mortgages. How do you think that can happen if you decide to do away with a vital way of doing so? You can avoid bearing the financial burden of paying the mortgage while tenants can do it for you indefinitely. If there’s a high occupancy rate and tenants can help you hold onto the property for life, why would you sell it?

Investment Property Can Bring in More Investments

If the investment property return is high, you can raise funds for other investments or buy additional properties. That way, there won’t be any need to take a loan for such reasons, and even if you have to, the existing property can act as collateral. Once you pay off the mortgage, every income that’ll come in will be yours and can be channeled into other ventures.

Why You Might Want to Sell the Property Before Retirement

While some people know well valid reasons to retain their investment property, there are pressing reasons why they can do so, especially on retiring.

  • Unlocking Equity. Among the significant reasons why people sell their property is to free up more money or unlock equity to pocket a lot of money from the sale. The funds can be used to boost retirement accounts or purchase a new property elsewhere with low taxes.
  • Freedom. Being a landlord isn’t an easy responsibility. While after retiring, someone might have more time to deal with tenant issues, some people prefer to relieve the headache by selling their real estates. They want to enjoy that freedom and have more flexibility.
  • Illness and Other Limiting Factors. Advanced age upon retirement and illnesses can move someone to sell an investment property, especially if they have to manage it independently. If people can help you manage properties like children or trusted relatives, it might not be wise to sell them off.


Investment property will continue to be a solid performer and reliable income-generating asset. Whether or not to sell it before or upon retirement is a matter of personal choice. Only ensure to calculate the costs/expenses of doing so before making a move.

Sicily: Where Culture and Nature Meet


Sicily is an incredible land full of places and centers of interest to visit. Taking a trip to Sicily could be the best investment of a lifetime, as it is an unforgettable experience.

Sicily, Land of Wonders

In Sicily you can make any kind of trip. From what you’ve always dreamed of or what surprises you. Book your holiday villa in Sicily directly from the owner and you find that what we say is true. We want to give you two pieces of advice. The valley of the temples and the park of Etna.

The Valley of Temples. One of the most Incredible Valley in the World.     

Along the southern coast of Sicily, in Agrigento, there is the Valley of the Temples, an archaeological park known and appreciated all over the world. In 1997 the Valley of the Temples was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and twenty years later, in 2017, it was awarded the title of the most beautiful landscape in Italy.

To really understand the importance of this area, both from the historical and cultural point of view and landscape, we must virtually cross the threshold of this archaeological park of 1300 hectares. Inside are kept extraordinary Doric temples, which tell a thousand-year history that began in the sixth century BC with the birth of the city of Akragas, founded by the Greeks and became one of the most important in the Mediterranean Sea both for its trade and intense cultural life.

The Valley of the Temples is one of the most extensive, representative and best preserved archaeological sites of classical Greek civilization in Italy. The archaeological area corresponds to the remains of the ancient Akragas, the original nucleus of the modern city of Agrigento, on the south-west coast of Sicily.

The Etna Park. When A Vulcano creates a Natural Masterpiece

The Etna Park is huge and covers 59,000 hectares in a unique natural environment and the landscape surrounding Europe’s highest active volcano has become a World Heritage Site since June 2013.

The proximity to the city of Catania allows easy connections to the Park. The towns that surround it are connected to Catania and each other.

To fascinate visitors are the volcanic activity, the food and wine, the numerous nature trails, extraordinary forests where you can see many species of birds.

In the winter period, the volcano gives the possibility to move in an almost alpine context, while continuing to see the sea.

Hence the need to use snowshoes or cross-country skis, alpine skis, crampons and an ice axe during excursions.

In addition to those of Nicolosi Nord, the Linguaglossa lifts are again largely in operation after the 2002 eruption. After such walks, it is worth to taste the typical products: mushrooms, honey, sausages, pistachio and wine, oil and strawberries.

Sicily is one of the Most Important Tourist Destinations in the Mediterranean Sea.

So don’t wait any longer: if you are a history lover you have to visit the valley of the temples, while if you love adventures in the middle of nature you can’t not visit the Etna Park.

Minu Will Bring Financial Education To More Workers


In an effort to bring more financial education to more workers, the Mexican startup specialized in payroll advances Minu announced the launch of its Academy of Financial Education to ensure that more employees have a better management of their finances and their relationship with their pocket.

During the virtual presentation, Rafael Niell, one of the founders of the platform, explained that this initiative is a joint effort to bring more information on this topic to more companies and workers.

He stressed that to address this type of content in a specialized way, they collaborated with the Cooltura Financiera financial education platform to jointly develop different materials on finance, savings and investment issues and ensure that people better manage their money.

Niell explained that they detected this need to offer this type of content when different companies approached them to ask them to provide more information or details about the management of personal finances to their collaborators.

Regarding the Minu Academy , Niell specified that this type of content will be divided into three areas through courses, fairs and talks, implementing different interactive tools such as videos, capsules and webinars where they will develop topics such as debt, savings, investment and planning.

He added that with this type of information they will not seek to remain only in the digital part, but plan to organize a Financial Health Fair for each company to hold an event a year within its facilities once sanitary conditions allow it.

While on the subject of plastic they seek to be through monthly webinar to address different issues and doubts of workers about the relationship with their pocket.

This type of content, he said, will be taught free of charge to those companies that are subscribed to the services offered by the payroll advance platform.

In turn, Nima Pourshasb, general director of Minu, pointed out that sometimes workers are forced to request a loan when in reality what they want is to have liquidity to face any debt, so in that case the best thing is ask for an advance on your next payroll for being money worked and that have been earned.

Strength Of The Peso In The Times Of Uncertainty


Our currency has gained great ground against the dollar and is positioned among the currencies with the highest appreciation in the world in recent months.

Since its historical maximum, above 25 pesos to the dollar last March, and until today, the peso has registered a significant appreciation of 20 percent.

We consider that the above, although it is mainly due to external factors, it is important to mention internal fundamentals that have differentiated the Mexican peso from other emerging currencies.

This appreciation is surprising given the current context; First, in the midst of a major global economic depression, which accentuated the signs of a slowdown since the end of 2018 registered in Mexico.

Similarly, a notable lack of fiscal stimulus in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and a marked uncertainty regarding the scope of this contingency.

The external factor that could explain the benefit in the exchange rate is based on a political event and future economic prospects; in the electoral context in the United States since the victory by candidate Joe Biden, which provoked a generalized appetite for risk, causing weakness in the dollar and strength in a basket of emerging currencies, especially in our country.

Along these lines, the question arises as to what could differentiate Mexico from other emerging nations that have not been as favored as Mexico, and the reason is that there are fundamentals that have helped to give strength to the peso, among which stand out:

Public finances
Although, in the face of the health crisis, the federal government did not carry out notable economic stimulus policies, the sign of fiscal discipline and macroeconomic balances through cautious public balance sheets have managed to generate a positive perception among foreign investors and rating agencies.

Based on the latest published GDP data, public debt as a percentage of GDP rose to 53% at the end of September 2020, a level that we consider adequate, especially in the context of a pandemic.

Central bank autonomy
Banco de México has been a vital agent for the appreciation of the peso and an important pillar for economic fundamentals. Through a prudent, timely and especially accommodative monetary policy, it has managed to counteract, as far as possible, the transfer of the effects of the current crisis to economic activity.

Although the monetary injection has been its main tool (without neglecting the rate differential with the US), it has also implemented measures to provide liquidity to the financial sector in addition to collaborating more actively with other central banks.

Business relationship with the US
During the third quarter of 2020, the balance in the Mexican trade balance registered an important surplus of 16.345 million dollars, a historically high level that is compared with the deficit presented in the same period of last year of 750 million dollars.

This is a reflection of the gradual reopening of US economic activity, in addition to the important fiscal and monetary stimuli carried out in Mexico’s main trading partner, which led exports to exceed the growth rate of exports by 17.3%. imports during 3Q20.

This commercial relationship directly affects Mexico’s income level and therefore its growth prospects, which represents an important fundamental that could give strength to the peso.

Much of the appreciation of the peso is associated with the weakness of the dollar generated by the increase in the appetite for risky assets and by the pronounced monetary expansion by the Fed.

It is worth mentioning that under a new administration in the US, headed by Joe Biden, it would reflect greater political and economic clarity towards Mexico. This would reduce the country risk, which showed considerable progress since the arrival of Trump, and with it a better environment for investment.

Abroad, a new global wave of Covid-19 that forces new confinement measures or a negative outlook in the US Congress that prevents the materialization of additional fiscal support proposed by Biden, are just some events that could cut the positive day observed. not only with the Mexican peso price but in all markets.

In the interior, and in the same sense, an incorrect execution of public policies that compromise fiscal stability and the Mexican macroeconomic framework, in addition to the leading role as a risk factor that Pemex has taken on, could reduce the strength of the peso.

Government Asks Before Rebound In Cases To Exercise Extreme Caution


Latest news of the coronavirus, live | The Government asks “to exercise extreme caution” before Christmas before the rebound in cases

A Catalan pharmaceutical company will produce the Johnson & Johnson vaccine | The speed of transmission of the virus shoots up in Catalonia | The European Medicines Agency advances to December 21 the meeting to evaluate the approval of the vaccine | Germany registers 500 daily deaths, the third highest figure of the pandemic

The European Medicines Agency has called an extraordinary meeting, on December 21, to evaluate the approval of Pfizer’s vaccine.

The agency maintains the appointment of 29 in case another session is necessary. In Spain, the Government follows the procedures of the European regulator with interest, but warns that it should not “lower its guard”, given the change in trend in recent weeks.

The Catalan company Reig Jofre has reached an agreement with Johnson & Johnson to produce its covid vaccine candidate on a large scale, which is still in the research phase, the company reported in a statement, which has seen its shares revalue about 26% this morning.

Britain’s top two medical journals unite to call for Christmas restrictions not to be relaxed

“If we publish this text it is because we believe that the Government is about to fall into another serious error that will cause the loss of human lives,” they affirm in a joint editorial

The speed of spread of the coronavirus has skyrocketed in Catalonia. A trend that, if maintained, would force the Government to rethink the de-escalation measures and the Christmas plan. The European continent retreats at the doors of the festivities due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation.

Germany has registered 500 deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, the third highest figure in a day. “More restrictive measures are necessary and they are needed now. We must avoid a third wave as it is, because it would also be devastating in terms of loss of human life ”, said the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, in the newspaper La Stampa.

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