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GDP For The First Semester Of 2020 In Panama Contracted


The Comptroller General of the Republic issued a statement in which it explained that in the first semester from January to June of this year, the coronavirus and the global economic crisis it unleashed impacted the economic activity of Panama, which contracted by -18.9% , compared with the same period of 2019.

However, the logistics and financial infrastructure has not deteriorated and Panama, unlike other countries in the region, they explain.

They indicate that Panama maintains its investment grade due to the confidence of risk rating agencies that the country’s recovery will be much faster compared to other economies also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Panama, during the first semester of 2020, relevant activities have sustained the performance of the national economy and marked a positive dynamic, such as: government services, private health services and agricultural activity ”.

In the first half of 2020, government services grew 8.4%, with an accumulated growth due to the hiring of collaborators in the health sector, necessary to address the health crisis; private health services with growth in these six months of 3.6%, while agricultural activity showed an increase of 4.3%, highlighting in a relevant way the cultivation of bananas with 43.0% and the production of eggs in 8.9% and less measure the cultivation of legumes with 2.5%.

Other activities related to the rest of the world that showed increases were: port services; rice and corn in the agricultural sector, fishing and within the exploitation of mines and quarries, the export of copper concentrate.

The figures generated by the INEC are published at a time when the country is experiencing a gradual reopening of blocks that will contribute to the national economic reactivation, including the rise of new operations such as electronic commerce and home delivery service, as a result of adaptation of supply and demand in the face of a new reality.

“The negative impact between January and June was reflected in the decrease in operations or the total closure of activities that impacted the Panama Canal, the Colon Free Zone, air transport, personal services, commerce, construction, hotels, restaurants, services business, manufacturing industry, electricity, education and financial intermediation ”.

The published figures of the Quarterly Gross Domestic Product of the main Central Banks and Statistical Institutes of the region demonstrate the adverse effect of the health emergency resulting from the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

The accumulated impact in the same period for the United States was -19.0%, for Colombia it was -7.5% and for Costa Rica it was -4.1%, among others, with significant drops, mainly in the second quarter of the year, which marks a drop in widespread economic activity.

As in Panama, these institutions support economic behavior due to the effect of the global pandemic and the actions taken by their governments in matters of public health, such as mobility restrictions and total quarantine.

Four tips for managing a team remotely


COVID-19 has had a massive impact on the way we work, with a quarter of all UK employees working from home since the start of the pandemic. These circumstances have forced businesses to rethink how they work remotely, and consider more effective ways of operating, meaning that managers need to make sure their teams are adapting to the new environment.

However, it’s likely you’ve never led a team through a global health crisis before, and may feel unequipped to do so. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can gain insight from leadership experts who know their industry well enough to help others through the current crisis and rise of remote working. Companies like MTD Training, for example, provide a range of courses for managers at all different levels, helping to equip them with the tools and techniques necessary for leading a team while working remotely. However, there are also some more practical tips leaders can follow to wend their way through the current crisis, which we’ve outlined here.

1. Be flexible and understanding

During these unprecedented times, working remotely is different. As we find ourselves subject to national lockdowns, leaders need to understand each employee’s individual circumstances — some may be juggling childcare, while others may not have a suitable work environment where they live. These changes can have a significant impact on an individual’s morale, motivation and performance, so being understanding about their situation is vital.

A greater level of flexibility is also needed. For instance, you could allow your staff to work the hours that suit them best, as long as they do what is expected of them. This may help to reduce stress, as well as increase employee satisfaction and improve your team’s overall wellbeing.

2. Keep connected

As we’re no longer working in an office environment, staying in contact is more important than ever, which heightens the importance of having effective communication systems in place for your team. This is helpful for facilitating cross-team collaboration and social interaction, as well as helping you stay up to date with your employees, and keeping tabs on how everyone’s getting on with projects.

Scheduling a daily video check-in is a great idea, even if it’s just for 15 minutes with free video call software like Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams making this easier than ever to do. As Karissa Sachs, Vice President of Digital Strategy and Talent Acquisition at KForce told The Muse “having your webcam enabled allows you to maintain that face-to-face connectivity even if it’s through a computer.” Sachs also notes that being able to see people’s facial expressions is critical for successful remote working, as you can see how they’re feeling, whether they’re nodding in agreement, or raising an eyebrow. Meanwhile, an instant messaging tool like Slack will further help keep your team connected, giving everyone the ability to have a real-time conversation whenever they like.

3. Provide feedback

Normally, feedback and praise will happen naturally in the office, as your team works and collaborates face-to-face. However, working remotely puts a stop to this, making it difficult for good work to be given the recognition it deserves. But feedback is vital for your employees’ career progression and job engagement, so it’s important to continue giving them this during the pandemic. In fact, research by Gallup revealed that managers who gave their team members weekly feedback were 2.7 times more likely to be engaged at work. You could even set up an online system for employees to shout out each other’s good work, which can help get the ball rolling.

4. Focus on the wellbeing of your employees

Your team’s mental health may be suffering due to the pandemic, with one study identifying as many as 72% of workers currently feeling burned out. This could result in heightened levels of stress and anxiety, which could impact how your business runs. However, by focusing on their wellbeing and checking in on how they’re doing, you can help them get through hard times, as well as prevent issues such as poor performance and burnout. One-to-ones are ideal, as your employees may feel more comfortable sharing problems with you, rather than the whole team. See if there’s anything you can do to help to make them feel better about their situation, which could be as simple as offering to chat whenever they need it.

One issue your staff might be facing is loneliness, with 76% of young people reporting these feelings during lockdown, and 36% stating that has been the result of losing contact with their colleagues. This can negatively impact sleep, stress levels and even self esteem, which can then significantly affect someone’s performance at work. As such, encourage your team to do things to overcome loneliness, like organising regular calls with colleagues to check in and talk.

Best residential internets in USA


For residential customers, finding a perfect internet connection is very important these days. The reason behind that is the majority of people are either working from home or there are students in the houses that are attending classes virtually. Moreover, kids stuck indoors definitely need some entertainment so that they can have a good time instead of getting bored and tired of sitting around.

In case you have an internet connection but it is not good, for instance, the speed is to slow and videos start buffering whenever you play something, or there are data caps so you have to measure your data usage before doing anything, this is also going to be a huge problem for you and your family. A good connection should be able to support streaming, video calls, online classes, or any regular household usage without any problem. Also, the data should be enough for the family so that they can browse and stream without any worries.

For your convenience, we have made a list of some of the best residential internets in the USA that not just keep customer needs in the mind but they are serving a majority of areas. Without further ado, let’s get to it.


Spectrum, also known as Charter Spectrum or Charter is a cable internet provider that is offering services in more than 41 states, including some of the rural areas and major cities. The internet plans start from $14.99 per month and go up to $110 which covers all four packages provided by Spectrum. These speed tiers offer varying speeds based on your choice where the lowest speed is up to 30 Mbps and the fastest or highest download speed is up to 940 Mbps. That makes Spectrum one of the biggest and fastest internet providers available.

The other major reason for including Spectrum here is that Spectrum offers internet plans without any data caps, giving customers the freedom to stream, browse and download as much as they want. There are no restrictions on your usage and neither does the speed slows down. Moreover, all plans are contract-free and offer free internet modem instead of charging $5 or $10 every month for the modem. However, customers have to get their WiFi router or have to pay $5 per month for leasing the router from Spectrum. So, the customers do not just get better speeds and unlimited data, they also get the freedom to use their equipment or cancel services whenever they want. You can find out further details about Charter Spectrum by localcabledeals’ platform.


The second and very well-known option on our list is Xfinity that is owned by Comcast and offers internet services through a cable connection. There is a fiber option available but that is limited to some specific areas and also offers Fiber Gigabit Pro internet with a download speed of up to 2000 Mbps. That also makes Xfinity the fastest internet plan provider in the USA. Xfinity also offers several other plans that offer download speeds starting from 25 Mbps and go up to 1000 Mbps through the cable connection. On the other hand, the prices start from $19.95 every month and go up along with the speed that you choose.

Verizon Fiber

Verizon FIOS is one of the best fiber optics internet options available in the US that is offering fiber optics in many areas. Mainly three plans are offered to residential customers. Those plans are; Verizon FIOS internet 200, Internet 400, and FIOS internet Gigabit. This connection offers higher upload speeds along with a great download speed, making it comparatively better than the cable internet options available. For instance, if you sign-up for the FIOS internet 200 plan, both your download and upload speeds are going to be up to 200 Mbps which is something cable providers cannot compete with. However, the problem here is that this connection is not available everywhere and the majority of the customers might have to be disappointed due to non-availability.

Google Fiber

Google is not a new name for anyone because it has become a part of our lives, but Google Fiber is a new name that has joined the industry as a fiber internet service provider that offers one of the fastest internet connections with economical prices. Through this connection, customers can get the Fiber 1000 connection for just $70 per month. Additionally, there are no data restrictions or data caps through Google Fiber, making it a better choice than many FIOS connections. Since it is a new provider and recently started offering services, currently it is limited to a few selected cities but hopefully, it will be widely available soon.


Hughesnet is an option on our list of best internet providers that is specifically for customers who are living in remote areas where there are no other options such as DSL or cable internet available. It is a satellite internet option that offers a download speed of up to 25Mbps, meeting the minimum requirements of many tasks such as video calls. However, this is not a good internet connection for gaming because the ping would be higher and you will be facing lags.

Affiliate Marketing Made Easy: Tips & Tricks from an Industry Expert


If you are new to affiliate marketing, then you have come to the right place. ABC Money has managed to secure an interview with the project manager of the casino affiliate website, Megaways Casino. In the following interview, William Conway will discuss how to set up your own affiliate marketing business and the costs and benefits which come with owning your own affiliate website.

ABC: Good day to you William, I hope you are well. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to talk with us, we really appreciate it. Could you tell us a bit more about your affiliate website, Megaways Casino?

Megaways: Thanks for having me. Megaways Casino is an affiliate website I set up two years ago. As you can most likely deduct by the name of the website, it is based around online gambling and iGaming. Speciffically, Megaways Casino focusses on Megaways Casino’s, Megaways slots and Megaways related news. Over the past two years, we have helped hundreds of players to find an online casino operator to provide them with the opportunity to play slot games that use Megaways technology.

ABC: Could you tell us a bit more about how your affiliate website works?

Megaways: Megaways Casino is essentially the middleman between a potential online casino player and the online casino itself. Megaways.Casino is primed to give our visitors the most up-to-date knowledge in the form of Megaways casino games as possible. It is also our responsibility to inform our visitors which online casino is best for Megaways games. There are lots of online casino sites out there which do not have any games in this niche whereas there are others which specialise in Megaways related casino games. We cater to visitors from all over the world including Canada, Romania, South Africa, Australia and the United Kingdom. Due to this, we have partnerships with almost 50 different casinos.

ABC: How is Megaways Casino able to make money?

Megaways: Whenever one of our website visitors successfully signs up and makes a deposit with one of our operating partners, we receive a percentage of the amount they deposit. We feel this work well as if a casino player we send is happy with the casino he/she is playing at then they will be more likely to play and make deposits. Our number one aim is to ensure that our visitors are able to find a casino and play the Megaways slot they want to play. There are over 100 Megaways slot games too so this can be a tricky ask sometimes.

ABC: Can anyone become an affiliate marketer?

Megaways: For sure they can! Competition is fierce though, so you do need to be dedicated to offering potential customers a great product. We are actually planning on implementing a brand-new design to Megaways Casino very soon actually so watch this space! But if you want to become an affiliate marketer then my first piece of advice would be to research and then decide which market you want to become an affiliate in. Once you have done this, you need to decide which avenues you want to bring your traffic from. Social media and SEO techniques are the most common. If you are planning on setting up an affiliate site related to gambling, you should be aware that there are rules on what you are and are not allowed to show on social media. Finally, once your site is set up, you need to get into contact with the actual sellers of the product you are offering. This is where negotiation skills come in handy as you want to get for yourself a fair cut of the profits.

ABC: Is there a limit to the number of affiliate sites you can own?

Megaways: Absolutely not! One of the beauties of affiliate marketing is that your websites can be treated like your businesses. In fact, the more sites you have the more potential for growth and profits. Just make sure that you are passionate about the niche you want your affiliate site to fall under and there is no reason at all why you cannot make a success of it!

ABC: Thanks for speaking with us, William. Best of luck for the future!

Megaways: No problem!

Real estate investment opportunities to look out for during COVID-19


While the coronavirus crisis has battered economies and sent shockwaves through global property markets, it’s not all doom and gloom. Indeed, according to Aviva investors, COVID-19 “will not radically transform how real estate will be used in the long term; the best assets should continue to see strong demand.” That said, properties like offices and retail buildings may be best avoided owing to the huge societal changes we’ve seen in the wake of the pandemic, exacerbating pre-coronavirus trends. In this piece, we’ll look at the type of properties investors should be looking at.

1.    Hospitality

One industry offering significant investment opportunities is hospitality, especially travel and tourism properties. Obviously, as a sector, hospitality has borne the brunt of the pandemic, with many businesses prevented from opening their doors entirely, or forced to hugely limit their operations. However, the potential for future profit remains massive. As noted by real investment company Cadre in October, a vaccine or medical breakthrough could see hospitality recover as travel resumes: “Predicting the timing and speed of that recovery is virtually impossible at this time, but this has not stopped opportunistic investors from preparing to acquire hospitality at distressed prices for the potential to ride the eventual recovery.” With a number of vaccines showing promising final stage trial results and set for imminent deployment, 2021 could be a great time to invest in the hospitality industry, particularly travel accommodation.

There are so many ways to get started, from enhancing an existing asset to buying into a hotel franchise. One increasingly popular route is via citizenship by investment (CBI), where you can invest in a real estate property like a hotel in return for a passport from the country in question. Take the Dominica CBI Programme, which was voted the best around for four years running, and gives investors the option to put money into a number of hospitality properties, typically by purchasing a share in them. These include The Anichi Resort & Spa, which was included in the top ten most anticipated Caribbean hotels for 2019 by Forbes, and Jungle Bay, which has previously been in both National Geographic’s and Trip Advisor’s lists of the best hotels in the Caribbean.

2.    Industrial

Another impact of the pandemic is the rise of the e-commerce sector, especially with the skyrocketing consumer preference for “free, next day delivery” as a result. With the majority of brick-and-mortar shops closed during lockdowns, the gradual shift from physical to online shopping pre-Covid accelerated by around five years thanks to the crisis. And while this is bad news for the retail real estate sector, it’s good news for those who own, or want to own, industrial properties. Companies have been forced to up investment in their distribution and logistics networks to meet consumer requirements, causing demand for industrial properties like warehouses and factories to skyrocket. Overall, industrial tenants “are scooping up available square footage at a pre-pandemic pace,” according to Marcus & Millichap, with Savills noting that industrial and logistic assets accounted for a record 20% of total real estate investment in the first half of 2020. As such, jumping on this trend seems a savvy move.

When it comes to investing in industrial property, there are a few things to bear in mind though. One is to define your investment criteria, like whether you want to find a long-term tenant for the property or utilise it yourself. Another is to make sure it’s futureproof through approaches like investing in industrial property near residential areas and critical transport nodes, and ensuring it has a good office to warehouse ratio — the less office space, the better.

3.    Housing

The global housing market has also shown incredible resilience to the pandemic. Prices have largely held their own, with underlying demand in economic powerhouses like the US, the UK and China remaining “very strong” according to Sean Darby, global head of equity strategy at Jefferies investment bank. This comes in stark contrast to the last global recession after the 2008 financial crisis, where real house prices fell by an average of 10%. Reasons for this durability in 2020 include central banks reducing their interest rates to lower the cost of borrowing, government handout policies to preserve household incomes, and direct housing market measures like the suspension of mortgage payments. And yet again, this all spells positive news for real estate investors, with demand for housing as strong as ever.

As for which type of housing to invest in, Cadre recommends multifamily properties, since demand has consistently outpaced supply in the last decade due to lacklustre housing completion numbers, and a growing affordability gap. Specifically, they talk up Class B housing (otherwise known as workforce housing), “where the going-in cap rate is reflective of in-place rents that could potentially see significant growth as the broader economy recovers.”

Close To Home Actress Javicia Leslie On Her Home Renovations


“Close to Home” is a series inspired by the fact that so many of us are spending more of our time at home and learning to appreciate our sanctuaries now more than ever. At the same time, we know that our readers—and viewers—care about giving back to others all over the world, so our interview subjects discuss both their homes and their passion projects, efforts they’ve committed to that have resulted in social impact.

In the latest in this series, we spoke to actress Javicia Leslie, who in January will become the first Black Batwoman, starring as the titular superhero role on the CW’s “Batwoman.”

Javicia Leslie is currently in Vancouver filming the CW’s “Batwoman,” but home for her is actually in Los Angeles—a two-bedroom apartment she bought earlier this year. At the moment, the apartment is being gutted, and she hopes the renovation is complete by the time she gets back stateside.

Her design style: “Clean and modern as modern can be,” she told Mansion Global and Penta. In terms of the apartment itself, it was the view, the large windows and the amenities that really appealed to her. “Lighting affects how I feel,” she said.

And thanks to the recreational amenities, “it almost feels like I’m in a resort.” She’s making everything feel more modern and sleek, replacing dark cabinets to light or white colors.

While Ms. Leslie, 33, is passionate about her home design as well as her groundbreaking role as the first Black Batwoman—“I love that this is where it starts,” she says of her big break—she also has a foundation called The Chandler Foundation, which is geared toward giving back to children in need.

As part of the Chandler Foundation—coined for her family name—she’s raised money to build a school in Haiti, collected athletic supplies for Los Angeles’s public schools, and even had a backpack drive in Washington, D.C.—close to where she grew up—where kids picked up pre-packed backpacks and could have their hair cut and braided, for free, before the start of the school year.

“A huge passion of mine is being able to give kids the opportunity to feel free to follow their dreams at their fullest capacity,” she said.

Another issue of great importance to her: social justice. “This isn’t new for us,” she said of the Black Lives Matter movement. “I pray that as a country, as a world, we find a way to shed light… and to understand we can’t do this ourselves. We need help.” During this highly politicized environment, it’s important “to hold people accountable,” Ms. Leslie said. “Don’t allow people just to tell you what they’re gonna do.”

And lasting change will come when everyone does their part, she said. “In order for us to make a change, we have to do this together. As Black people, we’ve been doing this by ourselves for so long. This is real life for us. This isn’t a movement for us, this isn’t a hashtag.”

Suga promises a stimulus plan focused on the environment


Suga promises a stimulus plan focused on the environment and digital innovation

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga vowed on Friday to structure a stimulus package aimed at lifting the economy out of the pandemic-generated recession through environmental investment projects and digital innovation. .

“We are defining a package that can rebound our economy while achieving a digitized and carbon neutral society after the pandemic,” Suga said after a meeting with his government’s economic council.

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) said in a draft proposal, seen by Reuters on Friday, that the government should create a fund of a size “comparable to global standards” to support companies with investments in green technologies, without suggesting a specific figure.

Suga has said that Japan will reach zero emissions by 2050 and his party’s recommendations will serve as the basis for the government’s discussions on a new fiscal stimulus package, to be designed by the cabinet by order of the prime minister.

The party’s proposal, which suggests incentives to provide investment in green technologies, will be among the pillars of the stimulus plan, along with a spending package that seeks to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. The document will be presented to the government on Monday, according to an LDP source.

“By deploying all available policy resources, the public and private sectors must work together to reach the goal of zero emissions by 2050,” said the draft, which will be subject to changes after the executive’s discussions.

In addition to calling for deregulation and applying tax exemptions, the proposal also calls on the government to expand or create a new state-funded credit program and guarantee schemes to help companies hit by the COVID-19 crisis.

“It appears (that the new package) will clearly fall short of just providing financial support to deal with the pandemic,” said Takeshi Minami, chief economist at the Norinchukin Research Institute. “There will be a growing number of measures aimed at shaping a post-COVID-19 society.”

Ruling party officials have called for an additional budget valued at between 20 and 30 billion yen (192 and 288 billion dollars), which could partly finance the stimulus package.

How to Choose the Right Trading App


There are several apps available today, including some of the best trading apps, and choosing the right one is one of the most important things to consider in your trading journey. If you’re not careful, you could end up with the wrong app. Trading stocks, forex, commodities, and more are now easier than ever due to the improved technology and the availability of several tools that have made it easier for traders to get real-time data and make the most from their trades. 

There are several factors to look for when choosing a trading app and apart from the general key things to consider, your personal preference also plays a huge role. If you would appreciate a particular feature based on your level of knowledge in the trading industry, then you should go for an app that provides that specific feature. 

However, some of the key things to look out for to ensure you’re using the right trading app include the following:


Your choice of a trading platform must be reliable and this is based on several factors, including the credibility of the platform, the possibility of it crashing or freezing, and how tight the security is. This will help ensure that there are no glitches when you have to trade, especially considering how every minute counts when trading during global economic news or events that could affect the market.

 An app that often crashes or freezes when there’s a high level of activity cannot be relied on. Always check for reviews from existing users of the app and specifically look for complaints about glitches that they may have experienced. This will guide you in making a proper decision.

User-friendly Interface

If you’re confused about how to place an order or close a trade, then the app might not be as user-friendly as it should be. The best trading apps are easy to understand and navigate, regardless of your level of expertise. If you are a beginner in trading, always opt for apps that are easy to understand to avoid getting confused all the time. Other things to look out for include order types, one-click trading, charts, and tools to help you understand the market better, and more.  


Several jurisdictions offer several kinds of licensing, which could depend on the location or region where the app is based or where it operates. These trading platforms often use multiple licenses to operate effectively but ensure you opt for one with a license in a jurisdiction where the company is closely watched and audited.  A trading app with proper licensing will assure you that your money is not at risk.

Fees or Charges

Different platforms have different fees but you need to opt for the one that best suits your budget and also won’t eat into your profits. Compare prices on different platforms and go for the most preferred, after considering other factors. 


The decision to trade largely includes the platform you trade with. To be on the safe side, it’s always best to opt for popular apps that are already known for their credibility and authority in the industry. Unless you are certain, don’t risk trading with newly created apps with little to no transparency or any form of credibility. 

Impact Of Corona On The Management Of Crimes Related To Money Laundering


The coronavirus (COVID-19) is the disease produced by the SARS-CoV2 virus whose impact has gone beyond its health condition and the high increase in mortality rates of the population worldwide, surpassing in Panama the date, according to reports from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the 140,000 confirmed cases and around 3,000 deaths.

However, these are not the only consequences that have accompanied this health crisis.

The economic impacts that have been seen due to the pandemic, declared in this way at the beginning of March of this year, have been high and since the main focus of governments and organizations on these events is currently, many others have taken the opportunity to carry out numerous criminal acts.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) “criminal groups have also rapidly adapted to the opportunities arising from the pandemic to exploit vulnerabilities and gaps in the health and criminal justice systems.”

During this time, the money laundering figures have continued to be recorded, however, the means for this to occur have been partly modified. According to the website of the International Police (Interpol): “The fight against money laundering is closely associated with investigations into the crimes to which it is linked.”

New sources of illicit money have emerged during this crisis, including cybercrime, misdirection or exploitation of government funds, and counterfeiting of medical products in the face of high demand, even misleading many governments.

According to the United Nations (UN): “Health and life are at risk with criminals who exploit the COVID-19 crisis to take advantage of public anxiety and the increased demand for personal protective equipment and medicines.”

In this way, a large amount of personal protective equipment and other false health products have been seen, which are not effective and that on the contrary affect the health of the population.

What’s happening? We are facing a very vulnerable time, the low control that is being seen by governments and the private sector against money laundering and terrorist financing puts us at risk of increasing these situations.

In this context, it is easier for criminals to find ways to disguise their true finances by misusing online services, increasing the unregulated financial sector and the opportunity to do more and more fraudulent negotiations or activities.

Speaking of the vulnerability in which we are living, during the month of July of this year, António Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, mentioned that “the psychosocial, economic and political tensions associated with COVID-19 increased dramatically.

Terrorists must not be allowed to exploit these fissures and weaknesses.

However, in a report by the same organization during the month of November, it is reported that non-state violent groups, including terrorists, right-wing extremists and organized crime such as Mexican cartels, have maliciously used social networks to reinforce their agendas during the COVID-19 pandemic, seeking to generate conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus that promote violence by these groups.

In addition, it says the pandemic d e COVID-19 was an opportunity for Mexican cartels and other countries where we have tried to disguise their true criminal intent with an alleged social aid.

There, criminal groups have distributed aid boxes, taking advantage of the difficult economic situation that the population is going through, distributing them with the name or logo of the organization and, later, promoting their actions in the media and / or social networks, representing the latter an important instrument for its dissemination.

In this way, what they seek is to promote their ideologies to the population, also managing to penetrate and infiltrate the legal economy.

8 out of 10 Brits would be averse to upgrade their boiler despite savings


How often do you update your tech products? Most people are happy to get a new mobile phone every couple of years, or to shell out for the latest widescreen television. But just how willing would you be to part with your hard-earned cash to install a new, more efficient boiler?

Research from Hometree suggests that the majority of Brits would be reluctant to pay for such a change – even if it meant saving money in the long run. A survey of more than 2,000 adults in the UK threw up some interesting results…

Boilers at the bottom when it comes to priorities

Of course, there are occasions where boilers break down completely and a new one is required. But how often are homeowners happy to upgrade even if there’s nothing wrong with the existing model? Not very, it seems – Hometree’s research found that only 21% would do so and more than half (54%) would begrudgingly fork out. In comparison, 46% said they would be happy to upgrade their mobile phone, while the numbers were similarly high for TVs and tablets (44%) and wearable tech such as Garmin watches (42%).

A once-in-a-decade decision

The survey also found that the average Brit updates their boiler every 9.2 years – much longer than any of the other goods researched, with fridges (renewed every 7.2 years) next highest on the list. Mobile phones, however, are upgraded every 3.1 years on average while the likes of smart speakers, wearable tech and tablets are swapped out with similar frequency.

The reasons behind the trends

It seems that for many people, having the latest personal devices is a higher priority than heating their home in a more efficient manner. And it appears that the main reasons for Brits’ reluctance to upgrade their boilers is the time it takes and the amount of money it costs – even though government housing and energy grants are available for those looking to reduce their impact on the environment.

And, as Hometree’s Founder and CEO Simon Phelan explains, those typical concerns need not hold customers back any longer:

“Boilers are bottom of people’s lists when it comes to upgrades, despite them being the heart of the home, arguably the most important white good,” he says. “Consumers can actually save up to 30% on their household bills with a new energy efficient boiler but the initial cost to purchase the boiler puts them off.”

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