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8 out of 10 Brits would be averse to upgrade their boiler despite savings


How often do you update your tech products? Most people are happy to get a new mobile phone every couple of years, or to shell out for the latest widescreen television. But just how willing would you be to part with your hard-earned cash to install a new, more efficient boiler?

Research from Hometree suggests that the majority of Brits would be reluctant to pay for such a change – even if it meant saving money in the long run. A survey of more than 2,000 adults in the UK threw up some interesting results…

Boilers at the bottom when it comes to priorities

Of course, there are occasions where boilers break down completely and a new one is required. But how often are homeowners happy to upgrade even if there’s nothing wrong with the existing model? Not very, it seems – Hometree’s research found that only 21% would do so and more than half (54%) would begrudgingly fork out. In comparison, 46% said they would be happy to upgrade their mobile phone, while the numbers were similarly high for TVs and tablets (44%) and wearable tech such as Garmin watches (42%).

A once-in-a-decade decision

The survey also found that the average Brit updates their boiler every 9.2 years – much longer than any of the other goods researched, with fridges (renewed every 7.2 years) next highest on the list. Mobile phones, however, are upgraded every 3.1 years on average while the likes of smart speakers, wearable tech and tablets are swapped out with similar frequency.

The reasons behind the trends

It seems that for many people, having the latest personal devices is a higher priority than heating their home in a more efficient manner. And it appears that the main reasons for Brits’ reluctance to upgrade their boilers is the time it takes and the amount of money it costs – even though government housing and energy grants are available for those looking to reduce their impact on the environment.

And, as Hometree’s Founder and CEO Simon Phelan explains, those typical concerns need not hold customers back any longer:

“Boilers are bottom of people’s lists when it comes to upgrades, despite them being the heart of the home, arguably the most important white good,” he says. “Consumers can actually save up to 30% on their household bills with a new energy efficient boiler but the initial cost to purchase the boiler puts them off.”

The Importance of a Website for Your Business Success


Most of the buyers in the online world are looking for some valuable information before making product purchase decisions. Reports reveal that almost 88% of the consumers in the market prefer searching for product information before placing orders online. These buying behaviors emphasize the importance of engaging and feature-rich web design. After all, these platforms help people collect enough details about products and services whenever they need them.

If you wish to make your business successful in the competitive market, it is important to design a professional website. It can work as a backbone of business while supporting all your efforts to promote business online. Here we are going to discuss a few important aspects describing the importance of a website for your business.

Importance of website design for the success of the business:

When the entire world is moving online and buyers prefer to make buying decisions by exploring details on the internet, it is important to discuss the importance of websites for business. Experts reveal that websites are essential for all types of conversations online, they help to advertise content online while driving the audience towards your business. Moreover, websites present a clear idea about your brand along with the products and services you offer. You may require specialist services such as for recruitment website design or you may just need help getting started. There are many important aspects that highlight the importance of websites for business, few of them are listed below:

Social media marketing

Websites play important role in the social media marketing strategy of the business. It is already proven that no business can grow without social media branding and to lead these campaigns, you need a website. After all, you have to divert the traffic to your store and it is your website that works like an online storefront. It is the place where your audience can land to know more about your brand and niche. Moreover, it guides people when they want to make a purchase for the product or services promoted by you on social media.

Content marketing

A website is equally important for the growth of your content marketing campaigns. You need a platform where you can post some engaging and useful content to inform your customers, a place to display some relevant details about your niche to guide buyers. The website is the best choice to post that content to impress your target audience. Make sure you post keyword-rich and SEO-friendly content on your website so that it can receive a higher ranking on search engine results.

Email marketing

Websites play a crucial role in leading your email marketing. If you prefer to engage your target audience with new products and services while improving your reach, it is important to design an information-rich website. This is the perfect place to guide email subscribers to follow the call to action. You can use email marketing campaigns to tell people about your products and services online while using your website pages to motivate them to make a purchase online. Do not forget to add links to your web pages within the emails so that customers can visit your online storefront with ease.

Sales opportunities

Having an online presence via a website can help you ensure enhanced reach to the target market. Spreading awareness among an extensive number of people can automatically open new sales opportunities. Interactive and engaging websites can automatically bring high paying customers to your business and it can enhance your revenue as well. Websites can provide around the clock services for branding and customer engagement. It opens many other doors for sales while proving the edge of your business among competitors.

Building credibility

Business websites also play an important role in building brand credibility. In the competitive digital marketplace, it often gets difficult to make people trust your niche. But if you have an impactful website, it can make people aware of the strengths of your business. It does not just showcase your products and services; rather, at the same time makes it easier to place orders online. Other than this, websites play an important role in developing long-lasting customer relationships.

Now you have gone through the incredible details describing the importance of website design for business. It is good to take help from professionals to create a remarkable online storefront to lead your niche.

3 Ways to Market Your Computer Repair Business Online


When I launched my local computer repair business, Norm’s Computer Services, at the start of 2016 I utilised various methods to market the business. I had a flyer designed and distributed to 5000 homes in my own suburb in Sydney. I also travelled to a number of retirement communities in my local area and provided them with these flyers to display on their noticeboards. Neither of these methods yielded a great deal of fruit although I did end up having a number of faithful retirees who returned to me again and again.

Some time later I was granted a half page article in a free magazine which was distributed to homes in a number of local suburbs. Once again, the number of clients I accrued from this opportunity was low, but a number became regular customers over subsequent years.

I soon realised that the only way I would garner enough clients to make a living from my business would be by reaching a much wider market. And the only way to do this is to do it digitally. Of course I’d had a website since the beginning, but having a website and actually driving potential clients to that website are two different things.

Let’s look at three digital marketing methods which have worked for me and I would consider essentials for any local computer repair business.

Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) allows you to create an online listing for your business, which can then appear in Google Search and on Google Maps to potential clients. The great thing about GMB is that it’s absolutely free. The listings are applicable to both desktop and mobile environments, and they typically appear underneath a local map at the top of a search engine results page (SERP). Google will normally show three local listings under the map and a potential client can then click through to see more listings should they wish to do so.

Setting up a GMB listing for your business is extremely straightforward. It’s ideal for local businesses such as a computer repair business servicing a local area. You enter your business location or the service areas which you serve. Google will then use these details to show your service area on Google Maps.

According to a recent blog post by Moz, there are four factors which impact the ranking of your GMB listing on Google. These are your business name, the service categories you choose, your website and your reviews. It’s clearly especially helpful to start getting reviews from satisfied customers as quickly as possible.

Microsoft Advertising

When I started my own business, I relied heavily on the use of Google Ads. Unfortunately Google implemented a change of policy in 2018, no longer allowing third party support businesses to advertise using the Google Ads platform. This change resulted from the proliferation of fraudulent remote ‘computer repair’ providers promoting their scam activities using Google’s platform and elsewhere.

The good news is that computer repair businesses can still advertise using Microsoft’s equivalent offering which is called Microsoft Advertising. The ads on Microsoft’s platform tend to be cheaper than Google’s but of course the market share for Bing search is much lower than that of Google.

The basic concept in Microsoft Advertising is that when someone types a search term into Bing, seeking a particular product or service, a number of ads are triggered. The resulting ads will show either at the top or towards the bottom of the resulting SERP. A click on the ad takes the prospective customer to a page of your website known as a landing page, the purpose of which is to convert the lead you’ve just acquired into an actual customer.

Microsoft determines which ads to show and in which positions on the SERP based on a number of factors. These include the price you are willing to pay for the ad to be displayed for each particular keyword. This is called the bid price since you are bidding against your competitors in order to achieve your desired position on the SERP.

There is quite a learning curve with Microsoft Advertising but I can testify from own experience that it’s possible to achieve a very significant return on your investment.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy. Unlike Google My Business and Microsoft Advertising, it’s not possible to create a listing or an ad today and start generating returns tomorrow. SEO requires a much longer timeframe but I would consider it the bedrock of your digital marketing. As you invest in SEO activities you will begin to see a return further down the line.

SEO comprises three main activities. The purpose of these activities is to influence a site’s ranking on Google so that, for relevant search queries, it appears as high as possible on the SERP. I would break down the three activities as being technical SEO, on-page optimisation, and backlink building. Technical SEO comprises the activities you undertake to set your website up to be found and indexed by Google. On-page optimisation is about creating outstanding content on your site. And backlink building is about creating connections across the web so that other sites link back to yours.

SEO is something you can undertake yourself, or you can employ an agency to undertake these activities for you. If you’re just starting off it will be a steep learning curve to do it by yourself. If you do, on the other hand, decide to utilise the services of a professional agency you’ll need to select them carefully and make sure they give you clear reports on the activities they are undertaking for you.


I’ve described three essential components of a digital marketing strategy for a local computer repair business. When I launched my own business I made the mistake of relying too heavily on Google Ads. In order to have a balanced marketing strategy I would suggest investing in all three of the approaches I’ve described here. To do so is the pathway to success and profitability.

Are you eligible for income tax relief?


It’s always worth finding out whether your business is eligible for income tax relief. StriveX chartered accountants in Reading, have vast experience in helping our clients benefit from valuable tax relief opportunities. Income tax relief can be applied to charity donations, pensions contributions and business expenses.

Reducing the tax burden

Our tax relief services ensure payments made throughout the tax year are deducted from your gross income so you’re taxed on less of your income. Tax reliefs can be claimed alongside any personal tax allowances you’re entitled to. However, many businesses and individuals are still missing out on the tax relief that they’re entitled to because they are unaware of the opportunities available to them.

Claim for unavoidable expenses

If you are spending money on keeping your business moving, you may well be able to claim back tax relief on some of your expenditure. You may be able to claim tax relief if you’re employed but are met with unavoidable costs that are necessary to carry out your job. These can include transport and resources you need to buy for work.

A bespoke service

We can review your specific circumstances to find out whether any tax reliefs apply to you. Many workers are unaware that savings are available to them. With our help, you can ensure you’re claiming all the allowances and expenses that are available to you.

Cloud-based tax relief

The cloud services that we offer will make it much easier for you to stay on top of your tax obligations and claim tax relief on relevant purchases. Even if you’re already using tax and accountancy software, we can migrate you to a solution that may serve you much more effectively. Our certified advisors will talk you through all the charts and figures you see on your screen and guide you on adding documents to your portal. We can provide you with ongoing support so you can continue to benefit from our cloud services, and you’ll be given access to a contact who you can get in touch with whenever you need to.

Tailored services

You need to understand what package is right for your business, your staff and yourself for reporting purposes. You will also need to be comfortable that you will be able to use the software before purchasing. This can be particularly daunting if you don’t have a background in accounting as you won’t know what to look for.

Find the right solution

Not all cloud accountancy products are the same. This is why we take a close look at your specific circumstances to find the best one for you. We can provide training sessions to help you get to grips with your software. Once start using your accountancy software, it can save you hours each week, speeding up the process of completing your accounts. We also offer fixed-fee accountancy services to help you gain the clarity and transparency that you need. Working with businesses from various industries, we have the expertise and resources needed to deliver a quality service that you can depend on throughout the year.

The UK Gambling Act Set to be Reviewed, Online Slots Including Rainbow Riches Could face Betting Restrictions


Earlier this week, the UK government announced that it would finally make a comprehensive review of the UK Gambling industry and in particular, the 2005 Gambling Act.

Gambling companies are expecting that the government may put restrictions on the amount a casino player can bet per spin on popular online slots such as Rainbow Riches. If this was to happen, it is likely that revenues of gambling companies, online casinos in particular, would decrease. Online slot games remain one of the most popular forms of gambling in the United Kingdom.

Ian Proctor, The UK Chairman of Flutter Entertainment which is the parent company of online gambling giants, Paddy Power and Sky Bet told the BBC that he thinks gambling rules do need to be updated for the digital age, he said:

“We take [problem gambling] incredibly seriously, but let’s also get this in a little bit of context.

“For millions of people every week, they enjoy a bet, it’s a leisure activity, it gives people a lot of pleasure. For some people it’s not, for a small minority. And we need to make gambling safer for those people.”

Whilst it is clear and obvious that the chairman of one of the biggest gambling companies in the world would prefer any new Gambling Act to not be too strict on online gambling, it is not a secret that a large portion of the UK population enjoys gambling. Therefore, it seems to be the case that the UK government needs to find a balance on rules surrounding UK gambling.

Sports Minister Nigel Huddleston stated that the review should strike a balance between individual freedom and protecting problem gamblers. Earlier this year, the former Labour MP Tom Watson who was one of parliaments loudest voices for gambling reform, joined Flutter entertainment as its advisor on problem gambling.

The gambling lobby within the UK remains strong so it is unlikely that any changes to gambling laws in the UK will affect the largest companies too drastically. On the other hand, The Guardian has called for the Gambling Review to be free of industry influence and political dithering.

Online Casinos in the United Kingdom

The online casino market in the UK is one of the largest in the world. Currently, any gambling operator that wishes to offer its services to the UK public, must receive a license to do so from the UK Gambling Commission.

The gambling industry in the UK has been regulated since the 2005 Gambling Act came into law. Regulating the industry ensures that online gambling in the country remains safe as the UKGC watchdog ensures that all operating casinos are trustworthy and fair. However, since 2005, the gambling in the UK has moved predominantly online which is why UK parliament and safe gambling bodies would like the Act to be updated so it fits the modern age of online gambling.

Slot games at online casinos remain popular for UK punters. Some online slots allow players to bet up to and beyond £200 per spin.

In May 2020, searches for the term ‘online casino’ reached an all-time high. The majority of searches were performed by casino players in Hull followed by Stoke-on-Trent and finally Bradford. HSBC UK stated that between January and April of this year, more than £16.5 million had been gambled on HSBC credit cards. Credit card gambling was given a blanket ban in April 2020.

Sports Betting

There are murmurs that the review will clamp down on sports betting advertisements on both the television and on the shirts of football teams. Currently, over 50% of Premier League football teams have a shirt sponsored by a betting company whilst all sports even broadcasted on the television in the UK will showcase numerous betting companies.

The huge popularity of the Premier League means that football betting is one of the largest gambling markets.

Gambling Revenues in 2021

Despite the news of the launch of a comprehensive UK gambling review, share prices of the largest gambling operators have remained stable. Politicians have discussed for several years now that they will look into the gambling industry, so a review is not a surprise.

The UK gambling industry also generated hundreds of millions of pounds per year to the UK treasury in the form of taxes. Unless taxes on gambling companies are raised, if gambling companies lose out on revenue then so will the treasury.

“Bitcoin Revolution Review” – Is “Bitcoin Revolution Scam”? – UK This Morning App Legit Reviews Platform


Bitcoin revolution” system is a great opportunity for making huge profits for the UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa and UAE’s crypto-currency traders and Bitcoin investors. This “Bitcoin revolution review” explains if “Bitcoin revolution scam” or not, how it works and will make you money easily today. “Bitcoin revolution uk” has been described as automated crypto trading software. “Bitcoin revolution app” has become a popular brand among the crypto trading community; many of the experts in the crypto trading world has confirmed that they have switched to “Bitcoin revolution dragons den” system because it offers more opportunities to make money from the cryptocurrency market and many people are making huge profits using it. So, if you also want to be one of them then Click here to get started making $13000 in 24 hours with this secret bitcoin revolution system easily now!

Bitcoin Revolution Reviews” in detail

As the “Bitcoin revolution this morning” system is best and this is not a difficult claim to make, so it has to be backed up with evidence. According to the creators of “bitcoin revolution website”, they have gathered enough information to convince potential investors that it pays to trade with their crypto robot. The main part of the information presented to the public features comments, testimonials, and other special test results from surveys that indicate a majority of the current users are making so much money from the crypto trading platform. Visit this “bitcoin revolution official sitehttps://bitcoinsrevolution.uk to check out their auto trading platform. If you are looking for profitable bitcoin trading then you should explore bitcoin 360 ai for gaining information about profitable btc trading.

Is “Bitcoin revolution A Scam”? – How much are the users earning?

There have been so many claims about earnings through “Bitcoin revolution Australia” system. It is quite difficult to know which of these claims are true or false. This is why the owners of the crypto trading platform have advised their audience to focus on the testimonials that are frequently posted on the “Bitcoin Revolution Canada” site. This information is supposed to be from active users who have already tested the automated crypto trading platform. According to the current users, it is possible to earn up to $800 every day, after trading with “Bitcoin revolution South Africa” system. The figure they have generally quoted can be earned when the investors trade with the minimum deposit of $250.

However, there are other claims that investors earn up to $5,000 every day. The reasons for the differences in earnings have been explained.

The expert traders point out that the crypto market is designed in a way that investors who trade with a higher capital will earn more money from the market when compared to others who invest the minimum deposit. As an example, they say that if crypto traders make a deposit of $3,000, which is used for trading, the potential profit that will be generated at the end of the live trading session will be up to $7,000.

The owners of “bitcoin revolution richard branson” understand that the promise of higher earnings can compel their clients to borrow money to start trading with a higher deposit. They have discouraged this strategy. Instead, the experts encourage crypto traders to start with the minimum deposit and grow their capital in a few weeks.

“How does bitcoin revolution work” ? – Potential issues with trading cryptocurrencies

There have been some concerns about trading cryptocurrencies. These issues have been highlighted by investors and potential traders who do not know much about the system.

The “gordon ramsay bitcoin revolution” team has made impressive attempts to provide answers to the concerns. The team has confirmed that it is best to provide all the necessary information that can help the users to make better investment decisions.

“Is bitcoin revolution safe” ? – How much can investors risk when trading cryptocurrencies?

Everyone knows that the crypto market is unstable. It is difficult to predict market trends, which poses some risks. However, the answers provided by the “bitcoin revolution official website” team indicates that they have created one of the best automated crypto trading platforms that can potentially lower the trading risks. Few people know that cryptocurrency exchanges are created by outsourcing companies from different corners of the world. All of them use different programming languages to build the back-end of their digital solutions. Companies offering Ruby on Rails software development services  is one of the most popular options for creating a cryptocurrency exchange.

While they are confident in their crypto trading system, the owners of “bitcoin revolution login” system have encouraged their clients to only trade with their disposable income. This is the free money that an individual has after spending on other essential things. Trading with disposable income provides protection for the investor who can confidently trade, knowing they have not staked too much money on the volatile crypto market.

The owners of “bitcoin revolution sign up” system have made it very easy for the investors who can start trading with as low as $250. This means that investors won’t need to go borrowing thousands of dollars when they want to buy crypto with the “bitcoin revolution account” system.

Is Bitcoin Revolution Scam or Not? – User protection

There have been questions about the measures that have been implemented by “the bitcoin revolution” trading team to protect all users. The crypto market can be confusing for new investors, which is why the “bitcoin revolution gordon ramsay” team has confirmed that they have made their automated trading platform very safe for all investors.

The statements that have been released regarding user protection indicate that the confidential information of all users is completely secured on remote storage systems.

Also, the deposits made by users have been securely stored to prevent hackers from getting it. On the official bitcoin revolution review uk website, the team has declared that its trading platform has secured the necessary insurance cover to protect all users.

“Is Bitcoin Revolution A Con” ? – Credibility assurance

All investors who earn money from the crypto market are only interested in trading with a credible system. There is evidence that the “bitcoin revolution software” trading brand has been registered. The investors are told that they will be trading with a credible system, and there are no worries about losses due to illegal trading practices.

“Is bitcoin revolution legit”? – The smart trading system

The “bitcoin revolution uae” trading robot on the platform has been programmed with one of the best crypto market scanners and algorithms that enhance the selection process for profitable deals. This is how the investors earn more money when they trade with “bitcoin revolution forum”. The smart trading system has been identified as the reason why so many investors who trade with “bitcoin revolution trustpilot” are very rich.

When a live trading session is activated, the smart system scans the crypto market. Good deals are detected and secured immediately. After securing good deals, the transaction is completed, and the process can be repeated if the account owner decides to continue trading.

Live trading sessions can last as long as the account owner wants, and these trading sessions can be activated or stopped via smartphones, desktop computers, or laptops.

“Is bitcoin revolution genuine” ? – Assurance of withdrawing profits

So many active users have confirmed that they did not experience any difficulties when it comes to withdrawing their profits from the trading platform. The information in this regard also indicates that “dragons den bitcoin revolution” offer all investors a unique opportunity to withdraw and get credit alerts within 24-hours, which is fantastic. Many other crypto trading platforms complete a similar process in weeks.

Following the comments from other users who claim that they have withdrawn their funds without stress, it can be assumed that “bear grylls bitcoin revolution” is one of the automated crypto trading systems that allow all users to make money from the crypto market and withdraw their funds easily.

“What is Bitcoin Revolution”? “How safe is bitcoin revolution”? And who owns the “bitcoin revolution gordon ramsay this morning” System?

There have been reports that the auto crypto trading platform is very safe and owned by Richard Branson, others claim that Gordon Ramsay has major stakes in the brand. These stories have been refuted by the “bitcoin revolution ant mcpartlin” management team. They have informed their clients that “bitcoin revolution trading platform” is owned by a private team of software engineers, and it is not affiliated with any celebrities or known investors.

“Bitcoin revolution review 2021” – Conclusion

It can be concluded that the chances of earning money from the crypto market through joining bitcoin revolution are very high. The claims from active users have been backed up with evidence that shows so many investors are building wealth with “charlie brake bitcoin revolution”. You can read more information about the “Bitcoin revolution platform” by visiting on BitcoinsRevolution.uk website to sign up and get started making $13000 in 24 hours with this secret bitcoin revolution system easily now!

5 Signs You Don’t Know Your Partner As Well As You Think


When entering into a new relationship, one should remember that coupledom consists not only of romantic dates and pleasant favors but also of a daily grind when it is important to maintain mutual understanding. But falling in love, people become infatuated with new feelings, which often deform the real image of a beloved person. So, we have compiled the 5 top signs that indicate you don’t know your partner as well as you think.

  • They don’t acquaint you with their closest friends

People choose their friends themselves, based on their own interests and inner principles. If your partner doesn’t introduce you to their friends during the first 6 months of a relationship, it means your beloved doesn’t take you seriously. It is worth noting that psychologists recommend being more attentive to people who do not have friends or hide them: perhaps your partner has social problems.

  • Your partner doesn’t want to talk about their childhood

Psychoanalyst Leon Zeltser argues that there are people who shy away from talking about their personal experiences and childhood as they don’t want to recall the chaos, negative feelings, and problems they experienced during this period. Professionals recommend sharing memories of your upbringing with your loved one and giving an honest assessment of your past – this will allow you to make your relationship stronger. To say more, humorous childhood stories are a great way to relieve the tension and make a girl laugh at the time of online dating.

  • You know nothing about their future plans

You may discuss where you will go for the weekend and how you will spend Christmas, but what do you know about the fateful plans for the future of your loved one? What does your partner tell you about their professional dreams or desire to build a family? It is very important to have common goals, as they are the foundation for building healthy and harmonious relationships.

  • Your partner does not feel you and your emotional state

When you come home tired or get the blues during a date, your partner should undersense your condition and build communication accordingly. But if you understand that your partner does not feel you at all, then there is no intimacy between you. Draw conclusions and observe how deeply your chosen one wants to get to know you. Try to explain to your beloved what is happening to you and don’t hesitate to ask for the support you need. Thus, you will understand each other much better. This is especially important when you start dating a single mother, as these women need more support from their beloved man.

  • You avoid talking on serious subjects

Karl Pillemer, a psychologist at Cornwell University, assures that two loving people may have different interests but must be unison in global issues. Do you know how your partner feels about money accumulation, marital fidelity, and childrearing? Do not shy away from serious subjects – they will help you to understand your beloved much better!

Analysing the Progression of Workplace Fashion


Throughout the years, a stereotypical perception is that workplace fashion has shied away from embracing modern-day trends. Of course, for a while, this was true. In prior years, designers have battled to find the balance between practicality and style, with workers seeking more fluid and less one-dimensional workplace attire. Since the 1950s, however, fashion has seemingly come to the forefront, particularly regarding workwear safety shoes. So, let’s take a look at how workplace trends have changed during the past few decades.

Finding the Balance Between Style and Substance

As touched on above, integrating much-needed workplace protection into stylish designs hasn’t always been available. That said, during the 21st century, increasing numbers of brands have successfully blended both substance and style, with safety toe shoes being a leading example of the crossover. Given that safety is important to those working in industry and service sectors, workers can now buy steel toe safety shoes that embrace on-trend designs. Since the late 1940s, engelbert strauss has catered to the demands of trades workers through their production of sporty, protected workplace attire, such as the e.s. S3 Safety boots Spes mid, some of the most comfortable safety shoes. Their product lines range from workwear safety shoes to winter jackets, and much more.

Source: Pixabay

What Are Safety Shoes?

Fundamentally, safety toe shoes are work-orientated products that serve to protect employees from injury in the workplace. To date, many designs come with steel toe caps that safeguard the welfare of feet by minimising the risk of being harmed by on-site hazards, such as falling items. Moreover, many of the products also feature ESD technology. Essentially, this means that their best safety shoes include electrostatic discharge material, which reduces the chances of receiving an electric shock. 

What Are the Lightest Safety Shoes? 

Give the heavily-protected nature of industry-designed shoes, the lightest designs come in at under 500g. The e.s. S1 Safety shoes Tegmen II low, for example, weigh in at 460 grams. For those seeking a lighter work safety shoe, consider a pair with an aluminium cap. Interestingly, this is because they weight 40 grams less than steel alternatives.

The Last 70 Years Have Inspired Widespread Change 

Away from skilled-trades professions, workplace fashion as a whole has drastically changed since the late 20th century. In many ways, on-site trends now worn by industry and service workers are a microcosm of broader workplace styles. Similarly to on-site employees, those with an office-based occupation will also be sporting different looks in comparison to what was traditional 70 years ago. According to Business Insider, the reason for this is because style has become less formal since the 1950s. As such, this is why office workers can now wear casual uniforms, and on-site professionals can sport trendy workwear safety shoes.

Source: Unsplash

Perhaps one reason for this more relaxed, stylish approach to workplace fashion across various industries relates to productivity. As per data from Hive, 61 per cent of employees were more efficient when working with a relaxed dress code. Furthermore, 80 per cent of workers employed in a company with a dress code didn’t find them at all beneficial.

What Does the Future Hold? 

If the coming decades enjoy similar levels of change to the last 70 years, then workplace fashion is likely to become even less formal. Regarding industry workers, the potential for more stylish, health-driven products to hit the market is significant, thus ensuring a heightened sense of individuality.

Before The Opening Of Wall Street


US stock futures traded slightly higher in early trading prior to the market opening, after closing lower the previous session.

US stock exchanges were closed on Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday. The CEO of AstraZeneca plc (NYSE: LON: AZN ) announced the probability that the pharmaceutical company will conduct a new global test of its coronavirus vaccine, this after preliminary results of its trial showed an efficacy of 62 percentage points for a complete dosing regimen.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average futures rose 55 points to 29,883, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rose 6.25 points to 3,633.50. Likewise, the Nasdaq 100 index futures advanced 41.75 points to 12,194.

The United States is the country with the highest number of cases of infections and deaths from coronavirus in the world, having a total number of infections that exceeds 12,883,840 and approximately 263,450 deaths. India has confirmed around 9,309,780 cases, while Brazil’s record exceeds 6,204,220 cases.

Oil prices were mixed as Brent crude futures rallied 0.7% to trade at $ 48.11 per barrel, while US WTI crude futures lost 0.9% to trade at 45 , $ 31 per barrel.

The Energy Information Administration stated that crude oil inventories in the United States posted a decline of 0.754 million barrels in the week ending November 20, compared to an increase of 0.768 million in the previous period.

In the European markets segment there was a mainly upward trend today. The Spanish Ibex index improved its price by 0.2%, the STOXX Europe 600 on the other hand, fell 0.1%, the CAC 40 of France advanced 0.3%, the DAX 30 of Germany experienced a rebound of 0.2% and London’s FTSE 100 posted a 0.7% drop.

The French economy presented an expansion of 18.7% quarterly during the third quarter compared to an unprecedented fall of 13.8% during the previous period, while industrial production prices increased 0.1% in the month of October. Import prices in Germany decreased by 3.9% annually in October.

On the other hand, Asian markets were mixed in today’s session. The Nikkei 225 in Japan was trading 0.4% to the upside, while the Shanghai composite index improved by 1.14%, the index Hang Seng in Hong Kong rose 0.28% and the BSE Sensex in India experienced a decline of 0.2%.

Australia’s S & P / ASX 200 lost 0.5%. The profits made by industrial companies in China saw an annual increase of 0.7% between the months of January to October.

Walt Disney Co (NYSE: NYSE: DIS ) declared plans to lay off 32,000 workers, more than the 28,000 it had announced in September.

Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc (NASDAQ: YMAB) announced that the Food and Drug Administration has approved its drug DANYELZA for the treatment of neuroblastoma.

Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ: NASDAQ: AMZN ) confirmed its plan to provide more than $ 500 million in vacation pay to its front-line employees in the United States.
Finally, JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd (NYSE: JKS) agreed to sell its 50% stake in the Abu Dhabi power plant Sweihan.

36 Stocks In Motion During The Pre Opening


SCWorx Corp. (NASDAQ: WORX) posted a 65.6% increase setting its share price at $ 2.07 each during the hours prior to the trading session after rising about 9% on Wednesday.

Apex Technology Acquisition Corporation (NASDAQ: APXT) rose 53.8% to $ 16.90 in pre-market trading. The company recently announced that it would acquire AvePoint, Microsoft’s largest cloud data management solutions provider (NASDAQ: MSFT ).

Shares of VG Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: VGAC) rose 28.3% to $ 12.70 in pre-market trading.

Shift Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SFT) traded at $ 11.21, representing a 24.7% increase during pre-market after rising about 23% in trading on Wednesday. Earlier in the month, the company released its third-quarter results.

Shares of Tuniu Corporation (NASDAQ: TOUR) traded 23% higher at $ 4.34 pre-open after rising more than 24% in the previous session.

Genfit SA (NASDAQ: GNFT) posted a 20.2% gain to $ 5.90 before the market start.

Shares of RMG Acquisition Corp. (NYSE: RMG) rose 17.8% to $ 16.60 in the pre-market auction after rising more than 18% in Wednesday’s session.

Shares in Verastem, Inc. (NASDAQ: VSTM) traded at $ 1.99 pre-market, up 17.1% after gaining more than 7% during trading on Wednesday. At the beginning of the month, the company made a profit in the last quarter.

Shares of Professional Diversity Network, Inc. (NASDAQ: IPDN) were 15.8% higher, trading at $ 1.54 before the market-opening bell after rising 6% during Wednesday’s session.

Synlogic, Inc. (NASDAQ: SYBX) increased 14.3% to $ 2.80 during the pre-open. The company reported earlier in the month that it had started a phase 1 study for the drug SYNB8802 for the treatment of enteric hyperoxaluria.

Shares of AMCI Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: AMCI) rose 14.2% to $ 12 in pre-market trading.

Tuscan Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: THCB) posted a 12.5% ​​improvement to $ 12.91 before the stock market start. During the first days of this month, the company announced its intention to merge with Microvast.

Shares of Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) traded 11.8% higher at $ 5.30 in the pre-market session after gaining 5% during Wednesday’s session.

Marin Software Incorporated (NASDAQ: MRIN) was up 11.7% to $ 2.39 in premarket trading after falling about 5% in trading on Wednesday.

Uxin Limited (NASDAQ: UXIN) advanced 10.4% to $ 1.81 in pre-market trading after gaining 17% on Wednesday.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), for its part, rose 10% to $ 0.99 during the pre-opening auction.

These stocks were up more than 12% on Wednesday in light of the Salesforce-Slack acquisition talks.

Shares of Landcadia Holdings II, Inc. (NASDAQ: LCA) traded 9.2% higher at $ 19.38 in the pre-market session after gaining 8% during Wednesday’s session.

Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: SPCE) traded at $ 29.38 pre-market, up 8.5% after gaining more than 8% during trading on Wednesday.

Ideanomics, Inc. (NASDAQ: IDEX) rose 8.1% to $ 2.93 during the pre-opening auction. The company recently raised its stake in electronic tractor firm Solectrac through a follow-up investment of $ 1.3 million.

Shares of Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp. IV (NASDAQ: HCAC) rose 6.7% to trade at $ 12.30 in pre-market trading.

GigCapital3, Inc. (NYSE: GIK) presented a rise in price, positioning at $ 12 per share during the pre-open, indicating an improvement of 8.6%.

Marathon Patent Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: MARA) lost 19.5% to $ 4.12 in the pre-market session Two Point One, LLC recently disclosed an active 5.7% stake in Marathon Patent Group.

Bit Digital Inc (NASDAQ: BTBT) fell 17.1% to $ 6.03 in pre-market trading after rising more than 15% on Wednesday.

Riot Blockchain, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) slipped 17% to trade at $ 5.88 in pre-market trading amid falling Bitcoin prices .

Yunji Inc. (NASDAQ: YJ) traded at $ 4.09 pre-market hours, down 17% after reporting third-quarter results.

Newborn Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: NBAC) was trading at a discount of 16.9% to settle at $ 18.51 before the opening bell after rising 86% in Wednesday’s session. Nuvve, which works with vehicle loads directly to the network, goes public through a merger with Newborn.

Second Sight Medical Products, Inc. (NASDAQ: EYES) fell 16.3% to settle at $ 0.9122 in pre-market trading after a 25% gain during trading on Wednesday.

Cocrystal Pharma, Inc. (NASDAQ: COCP) traded 12.9% lower to $ 1.49 before trading after rising more than 31% in Wednesday’s session.

Shares of ZK International Group Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: ZKIN) were down 10.5% to $ 2.04 in the session prior to the stock market opening. This name had a 30% increase on Wednesday after xSigma, a subsidiary of the company, launched a blockchain protocol for decentralized finance.

Fuel Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ: FTEK) was down 9.1% to $ 4.91 in pre-market trading and after falling more than 10% on Wednesday.

Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ: CAN) was trading down 9% to $ 5.80 in pre-market trading. The company is expected to report the results obtained in the third quarter by November 30.

Acasti Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ: ACST) lost 6.7% to settle at $ 0.25 pre-market after taking a big gain of around 18% on Wednesday.

Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (NYSE: NAK) posted a 6.6% decline settling at $ 0.3739 before market start.

The price of these shares fell 50% during the day on Wednesday after the United States Army Corps of Engineers informed Pebble Limited Partnership, owned by the company that its application for permits under the Water Law Clean and other federal statutes had been denied.

Kaixin Auto Holdings (NASDAQ: KXIN) traded at a 6.5% discount to settle at $ 7 in the pre-market session.

CIIG Merger Corp. (NASDAQ: CIIC) was down 5.6% to $ 24.50 in pre-market trading after falling more than 4% on Wednesday.

Shares of Slack Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: WORK) were down 5.2% to $ 38.57 before market start. These shares rose more than 37% on Wednesday after a report emerged stating that Salesforce (NYSE: CRM ) .com is in talks to acquire the company.

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  • avalanche-2Avalanche (AVAX) $ 18.28 12.29%
  • the-open-networkToncoin (TON) $ 2.71 8.47%