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£2.1 Billion Sports Vertical Expects 4.5% Year-on-Year Growth


At the end of 2019, a global report covering global online gambling valued the overall market at £50 million with the UK sports betting market contributing a huge £2.1 billion towards that figure. These figures show that 4.2% of the world’s online gambling is UK sports betting – that’s 4.2% of the world’s total expenditure towards online gambling.

4.2% may not sound like an influential figure but if you add on the UK’s online casino market worth £3.2 billion to this figure, that’s 6.4% of the world’s total online gambling, and that doesn’t include online lottery and betting. Therefore, 10.6% of the world’s overall online gambling (one-tenth) is UK online gambling.

UK Sports Betting Market Set to Increase but Will Shrink Versus World Figures

Analysts forecast that the UK sports betting industry in the UK will rise by 4.5%. One key reason for this rise is the increasing number of Trusted Online Bookmakers in UK now operating under proper online gambling licenses. Yet despite this welcomed rise, UK figures will shrink versus world figures.

The cause of this market fluctuation is because online sports betting in the USA is coming back online thanks to new regulations and gambling laws.

Online gambling has been illegal in the USA has been illegal for the best part of a decade now after the country shut down what was then an unregulated market swamped with overseas online casinos offering US citizens sports betting services. A new federal law swept across the country forbidding citizens from using US dollars to fund online gambling activities and US financial institutions from allowing players to fund any form of online gambling.

All that is changing rapidly with multiple states now coming online with brand new online sports betting websites. Major UK sports betting brands are already in the US market, including William Hill and Kindred (Unibet).

New Regulations Opening Online Sports Betting To 250 Million+

However, recently major states are now allowing online sports betting to come back online. Ohio, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Indiana are fresh sports betting markets in the USA while Nevada and Delaware have allowed sports betting for almost half a decade and a couple of years ago New Jersey saw the return of sports betting. 

Once the US sports betting market comes back online across all 50 states, the country will return to its pre-Black Friday status as the largest sports betting market in the world. However, this time the market will be fully regulated with 250 million+ joining 2021’s global sports betting stats.

Add the fact that developing countries globally are coming online with new internet connections and high-speed mobile networks, such as Africa which is increasingly coming online, and the world online sports betting figures will increase, and while UK’s sports betting may grow 4.5% per year, the world market as a whole is likely to grow 10% to 15%.

Consumer Confidence Contributing to Rising UK Betting Market

The UK Gambling Commission has kept the UK sports betting industry under check, ensuring that operators act responsibly. Since the regulator’s 2007 inauguration, the UKGC has evolved creating safer and more trustworthy online sports betting conditions for UK punters, and the results speak for themselves.

Now all sports betting website must pass several criteria to satisfy the UKGC’s licensing criteria. Companies providing the website sports betting operations must also prove that they can follow certain rules. For example, each firm must keep player funds and pending bets in separate bank accounts that are not part of the sports betting website’s day-to-day operations. Therefore, if the firm behind the website hits financial difficulties, the players’ investments are safely returned and not swallowed up by operating costs or debts.

Security is another key focus with strict consumer rights and privacy laws enforced by the UKGC. Plus, the UKGC also makes sure that anyone joining a betting website has access to information about problem gambling.

UK consumers are now not only bombarded with sports betting bonuses, but the sports betting websites also advertise safety, integrity, and security to gain consumer confidence. Adding these variables together, UK citizens are now more likely to join an online sports betting website, which is a key factor why the UK sports betting market will continue to flourish.

Household Spending Will Fall 10% On Black Friday


A slightly lower participation than last year and with a shrinking budget. In this way, Spaniards face Black Friday , the discount campaign that is the kick-off for Christmas shopping, which this year is celebrated around November 27.

Amid the social and economic ravages caused by the coronavirus pandemic , there will be fewer consumers willing to buy, and those who do will spend less than on other occasions. In any case, the online sales channel seems destined for great success, due to capacity limitations and the recommendation to avoid crowds.

If last year 64.1% of Spaniards had bought something during the so-called Black Friday, in this edition they expect to do so only 60.3%, which is equivalent to a decrease of 3.8 percentage points, according to the latest study prepared by iAhorro on trends and purchase intention of Spaniards on Black Friday 2020.

From the banking comparator they emphasize that “it is the first decrease since 2018, the year in which the first report was made.” Likewise, 59.3% of those surveyed took advantage of the discounts last year and will do it again now, 4.8% bought in 2019 and this 2020 does not plan to do so, 34.9% did not join the initiative and They confirm this decision, and 1% will buy in this edition, although in the previous one they did not.

The biggest difference, however, will be noticed in the budget that will be allocated to these purchases, 10% less compared to last year and 8% less than in 2018.

The average expenditure for 2020 will be 128.20 euros. 22.3% of buyers will only spend between 0 and 50 euros on Black Friday, 27.4% between 50 and 100 euros and 20.4% will spend between 100 and 150 euros. Only 10.5% will get from their pocket this time between 150 and 200 euros and the remaining 19.4% more than 200 euros.

In general, 54.6% of those surveyed will maintain their budget, while 34.4% say they will spend less and only 11% will increase it.

While the amount of money allocated to Black Friday decreases, only 29.7% of those surveyed claim to have created a budget, or, what is the same, more than seven consumers out of 10 have no planned investment they will make in their shopping.

Regarding the form of payment through which they face their purchases, 52.3% do so with their income for the month, 23.4% with a credit card and only 15.5% with savings accumulated in previous months .

The reasons for the declines in participation and budget lie, on the one hand, in the impossibility for many to face this type of purchases, because their economy has deteriorated or as a precaution for the future.

On the other hand, in the fact that it is about purchases that they deem unnecessary. In this, the financial expert of iAhorro, Antonio Gallardo, sees a part of ” saving as a precaution “, and another almost obligatory, “for not being able to make certain consumption expenses such as, for example, leisure”, due to the limitations derived from the health emergency.

In this sense, travel appears as the major victims on this Black Friday. If in past editions this item used to account for between 8% and 10% of all purchases, this time it plummets to 2%, the largest drop by segment.

In the rest of the categories there are few changes compared to other years. They lead the ranking of fashion and accessories (62.1%) and computer science and electronics (44.1%). With 16.9%, video games is the only one that shows significant upward changes (16.9%).

This year, electronic commerce has become especially important for the acquisition of goods and services, since 45.4% will choose this channel during Black Friday, while 20.3% prefer physical stores and 34.3% will use both possibilities.

Always according to the iAhorro survey, the convenience of home delivery is the main reason why customers prefer to buy online.

A fact that, possibly, is closely related to the second pandemic wave , to the point that, for the first time, this reason exceeds that of finding the best discounts as the reason for choosing to buy online (35.4 % versus 30.5%, respectively).

“The digital channel has established itself as the absolute leader in purchasing decisions and this year it can multiply its weight”, reasons Sergio González, professor at The Valley business school. “There is no doubt that this year there are people who will not go to the physical point, or should not do so, at least not en masse.

However, there are many who continue to prefer the physical channel because they can live the experience of touching, seeing and testing the product or service on site ”, he clarifies. In fact, those who prefer to buy offline (20.3%, according to iAhorro) point to the fact of seeing or trying on what they want to buy as the most important reason for their choice.

The uncertainty derived from the evolution of the Covid pandemic and the dark clouds that hang over the Christmas celebrations will also affect the purchases of one of the most anticipated sales campaigns of the year.

“Black Friday has a lot of occasional shopping component for oneself and the gifts will be adjusted this year to a smaller budget”, Gallardo predicts.

“If the limitations continue, it is most likely that the decline will be much more pronounced mainly in leisure, but also in food, due to the decrease in family gatherings, although these purchases are usually concentrated after the holidays in early December”, adds.

Be that as it may, 33% of those surveyed affirm that among the main reasons to buy during Black Friday is to save on Christmas shopping, while 42.5% do so without looking for anything in particular and 20 , 6% have a fixed purchase objective.

The remaining 4.75% will buy for other reasons. The majority (42.3%) expect that the discount they can obtain will be up to 20%, 23.4% of buyers expect to obtain a discount of between 20% and 40%, and 21.8 % of respondents, between 40% and 60%. Only 12.5% ​​trust in achieving savings above 60%.

If more than half of the consumers surveyed by iAhorro finances their purchases on Black Friday with the income they have received this month and only 15% with the piggy bank established in the previous weeks, almost one in four do so with the card of credit. Most of those who use this payment method (44.2%) establish a fixed monthly payment fee.

On the contrary, 39.4% prefer to return the entire amount at the end of the month.

“Both options are valid”, says the Marketing Director of imaginBank, David Urbano, “it all depends on which one is more suited to the way in which each one manages money”. Paying everything at the beginning of the month, for example, will prevent the bank from charging commissions. Also setting a spending cap is another of Urbano’s tips.

Another factor to take into account during Black Friday is fraud in electronic commerce, since it tends to increase in initiatives of this type, although the European Directive on Payment Services has increased security in purchases made online. Even so, “in case of theft or fraud, blocking the card will be the first step to follow,” emphasizes Urbano.

And, if what has to be stopped are compulsive shopping to avoid surprises at the end of the month, it will not hurt to “make a selection of what we want to have for Black Friday,” he suggests.

“In this way, it will be possible to decide if the expense is affordable or if everything that is on the list is really needed,” he adds.

Special care with prices is what they advise from the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU). Last year, only 17% of the products became cheaper, compared to 29% that became more expensive. Average prices in the month prior to the 2019 edition of Black Friday increased globally by 0.55%.

For this reason, the organization’s spokesperson, Ileana Izverniceanu, recommends “keeping track of the products that are needed and comparing between establishments before buying.”

Avoid Tax Return Scares


There are a few weeks until the end of 2020 and time is tightening to put some order in all the chapters of the fiscal year before its closing.

If you want to avoid scares in the next income statement, which may be presented between April and June of next year, it will be better to review some key aspects.

Beyond some specific elements derived from the pandemic and that may affect personal income tax , the Registry of Tax Advisors (REAF) of the General Council of Economists (CGE) advises taxpayers to find out if their income is exempt and from what Exemptions or reductions could benefit your earned income.

Have you been fired? In this case, the compensation you have received is not taxed up to 180,000 euros. Anything that exceeds this amount is reduced by 30%.

However, to benefit from this exemption, the company or another related company cannot hire you again for at least three years from the dismissal.. In order for the compensation to be exempt, it is also necessary that the inadmissibility of the dismissal is recognized in the conciliation act before the SMAC or by judicial resolution.

“It is important to remember that the Administration should not perceive indications of a pact between the company and the worker”, they emphasize from the REAF, although they clarify that, “this last year, the National Court has questioned the indications used to reach the conclusion that a pact has existed, demanding greater evidentiary force from the Administration ”.

Have you still not agreed to exempt payments in kind? Well, it may be a good time to consider obtaining the transport check or the restaurant check for next year, among others.

In the case of medical insurance paid by the company, for it to be considered non-taxable compensation in kind, it is necessary that the policyholder is the company that grants it.

Do you have the supporting documents? The allowances for locomotion, maintenance and stay expenses paid by the companies to their workers are not taxed, but “it is up to the worker to justify the expenses of stay, locomotion in public transport, parking and tolls, so that it will be better to collect all those supporting documents before year-end ”, suggest the tax advisers of the CGE.

Likewise, when the company reimburses the partners for the expenses they have incurred to travel to the place where they are going to provide their services, they must prove that the reimbursement only serves to compensate them. Otherwise, it will be understood that it is an income subject to taxation.

Are you planning to transfer your habitual residence and have you turned 65? In this case, you will not have to pay taxes for the capital gain,even when you have sold the land where the habitual residence was located, once it has been demolished, provided that the transfer is made within two years after the moment it ceased to be your habitual residence.

Of course, “if the ownership of the home is shared with your spouse and if he or she has not reached that age, it may be convenient for them to wait until he reaches that age to formalize the transfer and benefit from a 100% exemption of the capital gain”, advise from the REAF.

If the main residence consists of a surrounding land and a stable, but with a single cadastral reference, only the capital gain obtained from the sale of the building where the spouses’ habitual residence appears, that is, the profit that It corresponds proportionally to the land occupied by said dwelling.

And the annuity? Those over 65 also have the possibility of transferring any asset or right and not paying taxes on the capital gain that occurs on condition of investing the obtained, with a maximum of 240,000 euros, in a life annuity .

It is important to remember, however, that the period to carry out the reinvestment is only six months. Therefore, “if it has not yet reached that age, the taxpayer should assess whether he is interested in postponing the operation until the year in which he has it,” say the tax advisers of the CGE.

Are you considering reinvesting in habitual residence? Any taxpayer can exempt the gain obtained in the transfer of their habitual residence, but, in this case, only if the amount received is reinvested in another habitual residence within a period of two years.

To apply this exemption, it is not necessary to use all the money collected with the sale, but “it will be sufficient to apply for the same purpose money borrowed from a third party, either directly or as a result of subrogation in a loan previously contracted by the person who transmits the property ”, they explain from the REAF.

Have you donated a business or shares in a company through which you carry out an economic activity? Check that the requirements of the state rule of Inheritance and Gift Tax are met to apply the reduction in the transfer of the family business and, if so, you will not pay for the capital gain.

Do you have to move residence? An unemployed person registered in an employment office that accepts a job that requires a change of residence, can deduct an additional 2,000 euros for other expenses in the tax period in which that transfer occurs and in the following one.

“However, it must be taken into account that it will not apply if no income is obtained from the acceptance of the job for which one had to change residence,” they point out from the REAF.

Will you receive a supplement to the pension in a single payment? In the event that you receive, since your retirement, a monthly supplement to your pension, for several years, and your employer proposes its replacement with a single payment, you may reduce this amount by 30%, up to a limit of 300,000 euros.

Are you considering rescuing the pension plan? The CGE tax advisers point out that the benefits are taxed as income from work, and that, if the plan is redeemed in the form of capital, a 40% reduction can be enjoyed on the amount corresponding to the contributions made prior to 2007

On the other hand, if it is redeemed in the form of income, it cannot be applied. “Therefore, before the rescue, you must make calculations and, in addition, avoid accumulating income to avoid the progressivity of the rate,” they warn.

Likewise, if retirement or disability occurred in 2012 and you have not received benefits, but you want to benefit from a redemption in the form of capital with the 40% reduction, the taxpayer must remember that the maximum term expires on December 31, 2020. If it occurred in 2018, the same deadline will apply.

Do they give you an incentive to retire? If your company favors the retirement of workers, paying them compensation for the early termination of the employment relationship, and you have the possibility to take advantage of this measure, keep in mind that you will not be able to reduce these returns, since they do not have a period of generation over two years.

This is so “even if the company requires a certain number of years of service to qualify for the program,” clarify the tax advisers of the CGE.

Why You Shouldn’t Discount Western Canada


When discussions come up about Canada’s best parts, a lot of the focus seems to stay on the east side.  Because of the Cultural importance of Toronto and Ottawa’s historical significance, that’s as far west as some people think.  This mistake is such a waste!  Instead of stopping there, here are some other parts of Canada that should be considered.

Edmonton, AB

Although many Canadians think of Alberta as the Wild West of the Country, Edmonton stands apart.  This city still has its country roots but has grown into an urban art and technology hub.  Dozens of pop-up fairs and festivals happen throughout the city’s mild summers, and those who live here get to make the most out of the warmer months before the cold sets in during October.  This city is lively, full of artistic and interesting people, and will keep you on your toes.

Calgary, AB

Calgary is more of what people think of when they’re thinking about Alberta.  Unlike Edmonton, this city doesn’t have such a strong push for technology.  Instead, it has great pride in its history and its place as the heart of Canadian oil.  The top form of entertainment here is hockey and other sports teams, and because of this, it has a strong sense of community.  You’ll fall in love with the charming city and will want to look at Calgary homes for sale before you have to leave.

Victoria, BC

If you want to have all of Seattle’s art and fun, without the price and turned up noses– Victoria is there for you.  This little city is a jewel in Canada’s crown, full of creativity, art, and self-expression.  The people who live here are the most incredible folks you’ll ever meet, and you won’t want to leave them behind once you visit.  Getting a good view of the ocean, you can try food from all over the world, and enjoy mild winters and warm summers.  This gem is a city for anyone wanting to stay young forever and enjoy expressing themselves as they do.

Vancouver, BC

Another Western tech hub, this city has both brains and brawn.  An hour south of one of the best ski resorts globally, Vancouver has world renown for its business dealings mixed with a more laid back than the usual business-focused city.  The winters here are harsher than in Victoria, but it’s easy sailing compared to Edmonton or Calgary.  If you happen to be in town for the winter, enjoy the views of the snow-capped mountains, and possibly go skiing or snowboarding!  What’s the good of a snowy mountain if you can’t slide down it?

Western Canada isn’t just cowboys and oil companies; it’s also beautiful scenery, great food, and some of the most amazing people you could get the chance to know!  Book a trip, get to know these incredible people, and possibly go skiing or snowboarding for a while!  There’s so much to see and do!

Most Profitable Stock Market Pension Plans of USA


Equity pension plans rely on technology and their prospects are positive in the medium term

Recent news about the early availability of Pfizer’s vaccine and increasing clarity about the outcome of the US presidential election have injected a good deal of optimism into the stock market, which has taken the bullish path again.

And not precisely in the sectors most benefited by the pandemic. Last week there were increases in airlines, cruise lines and retailers, while telecommunication, consumer staples and software services lagged.

The VDOS category of USA International Variable Income pension plans , largely supported by the evolution of technology throughout the year, is the second most profitable in the year (3.23%), only behind Variable Income Emerging International (4.22%).

Of a selection of these five- and four-rated VDOS plans, the most profitable so far this year is ALLIANZ USA with an advance of 5.50 percent. At one year, it revalues ​​by 11.76 percent, with a fairly controlled volatility of 20.08 percent, which places it in the second best group for this concept.

Portfolio management takes the Standard & Poor’s 500 index as a reference, which represents the stock market performance weighted by capitalization of the 500 largest companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Exposure to currency risk is normally 100 percent in US dollars, although the fund is denominated in euros.

It is managed using third-party funds, part of them exchange-traded funds (ETFs), with the aim of optimizing management and diversifying risk. The limits applicable to investments in this type of assets are those established by law.

The plan can also invest in derivative instruments, with hedging and investment objectives, and always subject to the limits established by law. It applies to its participants a fixed commission of 0.30 and a deposit of 0.20 percent.

5.46 percent is the profitability obtained in the year by ABANCA USA . In the last year, it revalued 9.14 percent, registering a volatility figure of 20.84 percent. It invests up to 100 percent of its net assets in equities, with the possibility of reducing its exposure in favor of investing in fixed income with a maximum of 25 percent.

Investments in equities are carried out solely and exclusively in the US stock markets, always through adequate diversification of assets from a sectorial point of view, as well as an adequate combination of high and medium capitalization assets.

Among the largest positions in its portfolio we find the E-mini S&P 500 Future futures contract (43.51%) the Kingdom of Spain issuance for 5 years (37.84%) Electricity System Deficit Securitization Fund (2, 60%) the Amundi S&P 500 UCITS fund (1.41%) and the DB X-Trackers MSCI USA UCITS 1C listed fund (1.20%).

The minimum initial and periodic contribution to subscribe and maintain this plan is 30 euros, applying to its participants a fixed commission of 1.50 percent and a deposit of 0.10 percent.

Also with a four-star rating from VDOS, NARANJA STANDARD & POORS 500 has advanced 4.17 percent in profitability since last January. In the last annual period, it revalued 6.99 percent, registering in this period a volatility figure of 22.43 percent.

Its investment policy seeks to replicate the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. Investment decisions are made according to the criteria of the management team, investing in a variety of sectors of companies listed on the S&P 500 index. Being invested in dollars, its evolution is also linked to that of the US currency.

Its largest portfolio positions include the exchange-traded funds Lyxor S&P 500 ETF D EUR (25.50%) iShares Core S&P 500 ETF USD Acc (23.55%) XTrackers S&P 500 Swap ETF 1C (21.60%) Amundi IS S&P 500 ETF C EUR (19.37%) and the E-Mini futures contract on S&P 500 (3.29%). The subscription supposes a minimum initial and periodic contribution of 0.01 euros, taxing its participants with a fixed commission of 1.25 percent.

The outlook appears to remain bullish regarding the economic recovery and the revenues that companies will earn. However, in the short term, there are still some hurdles to be aware of for the major indices, such as long-term interest rate adjustments, as many of the large-cap indices, such as the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, they are very sensitive to movements in interest rates.

Therefore, as interest rates rise, they can weigh down the performance of the indices. We must also consider the influence on the final result of the elections in terms of the configuration of the Senate.

Top Four Bid Writing Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)


Bid writing can bring in a large amount of revenue and a plethora of new contract opportunities if you know how to do it right.

When done wrong, it can be a huge waste of time, effort and money and can even put businesses off the whole process, meaning they are missing other perfect opportunities.

Below we break down the top four bid writing mistakes that we, as bid writing experts at Thornton & Lowe, see most commonly when working with businesses.

  1. Not selling yourself enough

The whole point of writing a bid is to really sell yourself and your business. Showcasing your previous work and getting your values to shine through makes for a successful bid, but surprisingly a lot of businesses miss the mark with this one.

To make sure you do this correctly, answer all questions in depth. Why should the assessor choose you to deliver the work over anyone else? What makes you stand out from the rest? Do not write generic responses! Make sure your answers are relevant to the question being asked. Most importantly, focus on the results you can deliver for them – that’s ultimately what they are looking for, after all.

  1. Not checking the bid thoroughly before submitting

Proofread every single word. Ask your colleagues and even senior management to review if possible. A fresh pair of eyes can pick up on typos or grammatical errors as well as repetitive content. These mistakes can be the difference between winning or losing a bid!

Remember, the assessor may not understand technical jargon, so explain yourself in layman’s terms. Run through it again and imagine you are reading it from the perspective of someone who does not work in your industry. Does it all make sense?

  1. Going for the wrong bid

Not every bid will be a perfect fit for your business. It can be tempting to look through a list and become excited at the number of projects you think would be perfect for you! Don’t apply to every single one; it would be like throwing a huge net out and accepting whatever you catch, whether you can deliver it or not. Be sure to read the fine print – your business may even be excluded because you do not have the correct level of insurance or accreditations.

Ask yourself these questions: Is it asking too much if you are stretched already? Do you have the resources? The last situation you want to find yourself in is one where you let the buyer down because you over-promised and under-delivered.

  1. A lack of understanding of the evaluation process

Read the evaluation guidance thoroughly and understand which questions have a greater value. This will improve your chances of a high score as you will understand which responses need to be absolutely perfect. This is not to say that other answers don’t have value, rather that most of your time should be spent focusing on the answers where you can really shine.

Make sure you have all relevant documents to hand. The assessor may outright ask for this during the application process, or you may be asked to provide these at a later date. Either way, organisation is key.

In conclusion…

Taking these tips into consideration will help to increase your chances of winning a bid. Essentially, though, it’s all about making sure you really understand what is being asked and adding as much relevant information as possible to secure your dream contracts.

4 top tips for planning to sell your business


For some entrepreneurs, selling their business may seem like a far-off dream or a goal for the future. But the most savvy business leaders will build the company with a plan to sell in mind, even if the sale will take place 10-20 years later. 

In some instances, the preparation process can take up to three years from start to finish, therefore leaving this vital step to the last minute will cause you to panic about time and even potentially cause you to rush through the process. This can lead to not getting the sale price you deserve after all of your hard work. Below, we break down four top tips for making sure you get your planning spot on.

  1. Continuously monitor the value of your business

As you grow the business and earn more revenue, it would make sense that the value of your business goes up at the same time. Continuously monitoring this until your business is valued at the amount you are looking to sell for can help you know when to sell. It’s also a nice opportunity to see how far you have come! 

There are a few ways that you can value your business yourself, such as through calculating your Asset Value or EBITDA multiple, but getting a free business valuation from a professional can actually surprise you with how much you could gain!

  1. Use your staff wisely

Your staff are there for a reason – to keep the business running efficiently, even when you’re not there. So why would this be any different when you’re ready to move on? Make sure you’re not indispensable and start to delegate some of your responsibilities to your more senior staff. Documenting key processes will help greatly with this, especially if some of your staff plan to move on eventually too.

A business that is too heavily reliant on its owner for day to day operations may be valued lower, as the handover process is likely to be lengthier and more difficult. So, from the very start, it’s a good idea to make sure your staff are in the know about the ins and outs of your business and can carry on your hard work.

  1. Make sure you’re covered

Risky actions can have disastrous consequences. Making sensible decisions, such as making sure you have business insurance, can protect you in the event of future accidents. Potential buyers will also want to see these documents – not having them can be the reason a sale isn’t followed through! 

Make sure that you also have contracts signed on the dotted lines with your clients. Without this, some may want to stop working with you as soon as they hear that you are selling, which can lead to lost business for the new owners and even complications with contract law. Making sure you have plenty of diverse clients on your books to avoid this.

  1. Consider other options

If, further down the line, you realise that you don’t want to sell your business to a complete stranger, a management buyout can often be a great way to pass your business on to the management team. These people already know the business inside out and have the skills and passion to take it forward. 

This can also be great for the team themselves as this option can be more financially rewarding than a typical salary or bonus. It is a great opportunity for the team to be truly rewarded for all of their hard work.

In conclusion…

Building a business with selling in mind will serve you in the long run as you will be prepared for when it does eventually happen. This can help with getting the best sale price possible – what business owner doesn’t want that? Start planning today to secure your future.

4 factors banks consider before lending to a business


Approaching a bank or lender for financial assistance or investment can be a scary step for any business. 

Financial records do play a very important part in determining whether a bank is going to lend money, but there are some other factors that they bear in mind too. 

Reviewing and enhancing each of the four areas below can really help to improve your chances of financial aid.

  1. Collateral

You can promise all you like that you will pay money back, but that isn’t enough for banks and lenders. They need harder evidence that can be leveraged against the deal – enter ‘Collateral’. Collateral could be an asset such as a home or car you own. Banks are taking a risk by giving out money, therefore they want the risk to work both ways.

This is especially true for larger loans and borrowers who lack a good credit score as lenders can seize the collateral, gaining back the money they lost. It may not add up to the original amount given, but having collateral still helps to increase the chances of you getting a loan.

  1. Character

Lending can seem like a very formal and scary process, but it can essentially be boiled down to people selling to people – are you a risk personally to lend to?

How you act and present yourself during the vetting process can make or break your chances of getting a loan. Having confidence and coming across as trustworthy will seriously benefit you. Having a great track record in business, industry knowledge and experience will help, as well as a good personal credit score and references to hand.

  1. Conditions

Is your business venture a sensible idea given the current climate and state of your industry? It goes without saying that 2020 has thrown a spanner into the works of many sectors, such as retail and hospitality. It is these industries in which we have seen well-known businesses go into administration and liquidation, therefore it is quite a risky market to be investing into in the present day. On the other hand, sectors such as digital are growing hugely thanks to the massive surge in online sales and shift in consumer behaviour.

As the success of different industries goes through ebbs and flows, what would be a great business idea today might not get the bank’s favour even just a few months down the line, so keep this in mind during the application process. 

  1. Capacity

When looking at capacity, lenders will consider whether you are currently making (or are expected to make) enough cash flow to pay back the bank. Assets, liabilities and spare cash will all be taken into account when considering risk. If the risk is determined to be too high, they may not want to lend as chances are, they might not get their money back.

In conclusion…

When it comes to applying for a business loan, making your best assets shine through will work in your favour. 

To ease the process, commercial loan experts can provide additional help by reviewing the current state of your business, helping you apply for loans and essentially acting as the middleman to sort through the hard work.

New digital platform changes the world of fiscal representation, with huge benefits for UK businesses preparing for Brexit


A software company headquartered in West Midlands, Matter of Software (MOS), has successfully designed and implemented a new digital platform for its client Desucla, facilitating seamless financial representative management in multiple overseas countries. Changing the rules of the game, the Desucla platform provides huge benefits for companies preparing for Brexit. From December 31, 2020, UK businesses may need financial representation or risk interruptions to their businesses.

Previously, a paper-based, time-consuming, up-front requirement, involving often expensive bank guarantees, the platform can request and manage fiscal representation requirements almost immediately. This enables VAT compliancy providers, such as accountancy practices, to manage fiscal representation on behalf of their clients and assists individual businesses or merchants requiring a local VAT number. 

Driving demand for fiscal representation is amongst other things; Brexit uncertainties and extra demands from online marketplaces, such as Amazon, regarding additional compliance from non-European businesses. For Desucla, a company offering fiscal representation and VAT payment services in over 35 countries, the need to expand reach and simplify the process, while keeping operational costs down, was fundamental, naturally leading to a digital platform creation.

Richard Baxter, Managing Director at Descula, comments: “We work directly with companies selling across borders and/or with their advisors to enable efficient and cost-effective compliance with global VAT requirements. We needed to digitise the process and selected MOS to build our product and website from the ground up. It was a complex build involving payments & FX integrations, with complicated logic for multiple user types, so we needed a partner we could trust to build a secure platform. The MOS team was extremely engaged, enabling quick resolutions to any challenges and, ultimately, the project was delivered on time and to budget” 

Ryan Bishop, Managing Director at MOS, says: “We were delighted to support Desucla on their digital journey. Our bespoke platform allows VAT return information to be uploaded, single currency payments to be made and onward payments for governments to be seamlessly orchestrated. The solution works with industry partners to manage payments, invoicing, foreign-exchange management and bank payment management.”

He continues: “We have an exciting product roadmap ahead for this Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, and look forward to supporting Desucla, bringing new and additional services to the platform. In the next phase of release, the platform will allow merchants to make a single tax payment in a selected currency for onward payment to multiple tax authorities, further simplifying the process for businesses and VAT compliancy providers.”

For more information on Desucla and how they are helping UK businesses to prepare for Brexit, please visit: https://www.desucla.com/
For more information on MOS, a UK specialist in software development and integration, supporting businesses looking to digitise business processes, please visit: https://www.matterofsoftware.com/ For further comment, please call Ryan Bishop on 0330 223 6844 or email enquiry@matterofsoftware.com

Top 5 Online Casinos with the Biggest Payouts

Many players understand the importance of choosing an online casino that pays a high return. And why not? Gambling is big business, and no rule prohibits you from getting big rewards alongside the beautiful gaming experience.

Which online casinos offer juicy rewards? Please keep reading to find out. Here we wrote about the top 5 online casinos with the biggest payouts.

1. Yeti Casino

The recent Yeti Casino review shows that the platform is better by far when it comes to massive payouts. And there are many facts to back that claim up. 

One of the best features of the Yeti Casino is its easy-to-understand website interface. It is so simple that first-time players can quickly get the hang of it.

They offer most of the popular online casino games and a mouth-watering welcome bonus to new players. I’m talking as much as a hundred free spins and up to $333 on the initial deposit!

Their website has good visibility, and every button is easy to find. Players can navigate through the deposit, withdrawal, and support pages with ease. 

Payments and deposits are also swift. Thanks to their superb payment software solutions.

For those looking for the most exciting online gaming experience, Yeti Casino is the place to be. The platform can be accessed using both desktop and mobile devices right on your Android and iOS devices. 

They also have a user-friendly app that can be installed on any smartphone. 

What’s more? You can also play live casino games against dealers with your smart device, no matter your location!

With more than 300 thrilling online casino games to choose from, users can enjoy the ultimate online casino experience.

Each of their games is powered using RNG technology (Random Number Generator). This puts the player’s mind at ease, knowing that every outcome is 100% random.

They are safe and trustworthy, and they have many gambling licenses to show for it. These include the Malta Gaming Authority License (MGA) and the British Gambling Commission License (GC).

They make use of applied encryption technology to ensure all the player’s data and transactions are safe

2. 777 Casino

777 casino is a part of the reputable 888 groups, and that says volumes about their credibility.

Besides their credibility and transparency, their status as a member of the 888 family also means you can enjoy a top-class online casino experience right from the get-go.

They have a user-friendly website and app that even novice players can use. All thanks to their state-of-the-art technology. Everything from the sign-up to deposits and withdrawals is made easy for the user.

As for your rewards, you can enjoy a whopping 97% RTP (Return To Player Percentage) while playing their slot games. With such a high RTP, fast yet easy-to-use desktop and mobile platform, you can enjoy a world-class online casino experience and get high rewards for it.

3. STS Casino

Talk about a high number of slot games, the STS casino ranks with the best of them. They offer players well over 1,000 slot games to choose from, including the fan-favorite classics.

Their platform is simple and incredibly flexible to navigate. It works well on both desktop and smartphones. And with such simple usability, you can have a hassle-free online gambling experience.

There’s more good news besides enjoying the very best of online gambling. STS casino offers players as high as 97.1% in return to player percentage (RTP), which ranks them in the top echelon among the casinos with the biggest payouts.

4. Virgin Games Casino

Speaking of reputable brands in the world, Virgin is up there with the best of them. The Virgin Games Casino carries on the tradition of the brand with its online casino platform.

They have been in business for well over ten years. During this period, they have built a strong customer base and a strong reputation as well.

Their website is seamless to use, and all the buttons have superb on-screen visibility. The cutting-edge technology they use to operate their platform allows you to play, deposit, and withdraw with ease.

Their site is well encrypted, meaning that all your information is protected too.

Here’s the best part, Virgin Games Casino offers a mouth-watering 97.2% RTP. Now that’s nothing but impressive!

5. Casimba Casino

The last mention in our top casino list with the most massive return is Casimba Casino. Not when they offer as high as 97.5% RTP!

You’d be surprised to hear that Casimba launched very recently. The year 2017, to be specific, but they have achieved many formidable feats ever since. 

Industry experts have spoken very well of Casimba Casino. They are ranked among the top slot casino sites in the world!


It is one thing to gamble online, and another to receive huge rewards for it. Yeti, 777, Casimba, Virgin Games, and STS are on our top list of the best casinos that give the biggest payouts.

We hope this post on the top 5 online casinos with the biggest payouts has been informative.

Some of the casinos mentioned above may have high RTP, making them look too good to be real. However, they have all enjoyed stellar and positive reviews from previous players, and it is safe to put your money there. 

Above all, review their rules and regulations to ensure that they work for you before staking, and don’t forget to gamble responsibly. 

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