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Best Museums in Atlanta


If you want to understand the history, old talents, and some of the remarkable inventions of Atlanta, visiting museums is the way to go. Museums in Atlanta are scattered almost in every corner and they all depict historical treasures that are worth exploring.  For those who are looking for fun things to do near me, they can search the nearest museum and have a visit. Equip yourself with a camera because there is too much to capture for your remembrance after the trip.

Center for Civil Human Rights

It’s a downtown attraction that opened its doors to the public in 2014. It has now become a prominent landmark due to its massive recognition. It was built to appreciate and celebrate the American Civil Rights movement. The purpose of the museum was to reinforce and promote good deeds among people. It is a fascinating building that showcases a lofty glass front and two magnificent curved walls.

It was designed by the architectural design gurus by the name HOK and Perkins Will. The designers were inspired by the likes of Washington’s D.C Mall, Tahrir Square, and Tiananmen Square. Inside, some exhibitions depict Jim Crow laws and pictures showing how communities were fighting for equality.

Scad Fash Museum of Film and Fashion

Boredom cannot get your mind when you are here, the tightly curated fashion designs and collections mesmerize making you feel good throughout. Some films will stimulate your mind to think, films that will entertain you and you will also see the creativity behind filming. It is a museum that is filled with diversified forms of exhibitions that will keep you entertained throughout. Designed by the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)’s, it is a true attraction from the outside to inside. The compound has breathtaking flower courts and greenish fields that make you feel you are in a different place.

Atlanta History Center

This center was founded in 1926 when a group of residents realized that it was important to preserve their history for future generations. In the 1990s, it became the center of cultural and political history archives where all history regarding leadership and cultural practices was stored. The weapons that were used in Civil War art and artifacts of battles are all included in the museum to make people understand their history and appreciate the progress the country has taken. It sits on 33acres which include buildings and attractive fields that you can visit and take pictures of a good environment.

Fern Museum of Natural History

Fern museum enshrines the exhibitions that depict historical happenings. There is a massive collection of natural novelties which show the evolution of Atlanta. From science, nature to human culture, you will never miss an art collection that will entice your eyes and make your day enjoyable at the museum.  There is an IMAX theatre that brings to you all the movies in 3D. If you have time, you can just enjoy watching some films.

High Museum of Art

The High Museum is home to 17,000 collections of art that exhibit a diversified form of art. From nature, wildlife to adventure and cultural history, there is a lot that you can learn from this museum. Collections from Dawoud Bey have filled the museum and inside you will find the classic European and American. When you are inside the museum, the purpose is to see the Doris and Shouky Shaheen Collection that was delivered to the museum in 2019 and since then, people have been flooding to come and take pictures of the same. You will truly enjoy every moment here and you can bring your phone with you to take the pictures.

The Delta Flight Museum

If you want to know a thing or two about the history of aviation, this museum is worth visiting. You will be able to enjoy the art that shows the development of aircraft from the big round-bodied to the modern and advanced planes. It was made in the 1940s and it is in a hangar that depicts its purpose in the aviation industry.  You will have an opportunity to learn everything about the Boeing 747 which was a major plane those days ferrying people from one country to the other. 


Museums are a source of happiness and learning because they contain a lot of artifacts worth seeing. It is important to make sure you visit different museums so that you appreciate the diversity of the collections of each museum. There are even museums for technology.

The impact of CBD in the wellness industry


The wellness industry is one of the most impacted industries by CBD. In fact, CBD is making cannabis a legitimate compound in the wellness world. The main reason for this positive change is the fact that CBD does not have psychoactive effects. But not just that, because CBD offers tons of therapeutic properties that should be part of wellness products. We are going to explain more about these factors below and help you understand it better. Our main focus will be on mentioning some of the benefits of CBD and then explain its role in the overall health state of our body and mind.

The health-related benefits of taking CBD

CBD or cannabidiol is a natural compound of the cannabis plant that is impacting the way people look at cannabis. If some of us or all of us thought about cannabis only as an addictive and illegal plant, CBD is changing that. CBD and its beneficial properties are making cannabis an important option to consider regarding health and wellness.

For most of the present and the previous users, CBD provides numerous health benefits. CBD products and CBD oil, in particular, have a wide range of usage in many ways. Medical applications like stress, pain, anxiety, depression, and much more can all be treated with CBD products. Many people after getting to know about these benefits for themselves started to use CBD products also for their pets. The effects are very similar due to the similarity of the endocannabinoid system between animals and humans.

Then, the need to include CBD in the wellness products emerged. In general, the ever-increasing awareness towards CBD and hemp was the main accelerator to spread CBD applications in other industries. Many retailers are adapting to this change and are now selling CBD products. More and more countries are becoming part of this new era of beneficial cannabis compounds.

The role of CBD in wellness products

The global market of CBD-containing products has a bright future ahead. The experts in the field expect more than a 400% increase in the next 4 or 5 years. In recent years, after numerous scientific studies and research, there is no doubt that CBD is beneficial. In fact, CBD and a wide variety of CBD products are effective on almost everything regarding health and wellness. From headaches to skin conditions, CBD relaxes all parts of our body and mind.

Not only CBD oils, but CBD is now on creams, gel, etc. A lot of wellness industry players are spending and investing in CBD, with the main aim to include it in their products. To give you a clear idea of why take a look at this array of the properties of cannabidiol: analgesic or pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antianxiety, antipsychotic, seizure reducer, and much more.

Where can you find CBD in the wellness industry?

CBD is now a massive player inside the wellness world and you can find it in many products. The most common are CBD beauty products and skincare products in particular. Skincare products are the most wanted products these days and CBD is making them even better. We will not get into details of CBD’s role in skincare products, but here you can find why CBD is good for the skin.

This is not all because you can find CBD in food products, in many food supplements and beverages. There are also fitness products that contain CBD and sleep products that contain it too. It is not a secret that CBD is really good for sleep, so why not involve it in sleep products.

In conclusion, most expect CBD to continue growing in regard to the wellness industry, and those who don’t adapt to it might fall behind in the market. If you have any doubts about it, you can always make a visit to your doctor and discuss the CBD’s potential.

How Pre-employment Assessments Can Help You Hire Great People


When hiring employees, everything rests on the hiring manager and the company’s hiring process to make sure that not only the right candidate is given the position but also the right person for the job.

After all, resumes can look very deceiving, and sometimes in cases that you may not initially expect.

While others can look very expertly written despite not having enough experience to vouch for their capability to handle the job well, it is becoming increasingly common for those with a good number of years and experience to fool managers even though the candidates themselves are not a good fit both for the position and the company culture.

Fortunately, pre-employment tests such as the Wonderlic test and the SHL test, have been developed and fine-tuned to make sure that applicants are not only competent but are also the best possible person that you can give the job. You can find out more about the Wonderlic test here: https://www.wonderlictestprep.com/what-is-the-wonderlic-test.

So let’s take a good look at how such assessments can not only help you hire good employees but also great people that both you and your clients would love to work with for the years to come.

  1. It can show you just how the applicant ‘fits the mold’

Personality tests, such as the SHL Personality Questionnaire, and a cognitive test has been used by many prominent companies to measure just how compatible a prospective employee is with your company in terms of behavior and attitude if not their ability to adjust to the work environment and position that they are trying to fill in.

It does this by comparing the responses of the applicants with a personality profile which contains the best possible levels of personality traits of the ideal employee already in that position.

For example, for a customer service position, you would want someone who has good interpersonal skills, perseverance, and some decision-making skills.

For those in upper management, someone with good leadership skills as well as long-term decision-making skills would be ideal.

Other tests measure specific skills that are considered vital to a particular profession like a prospective lawyer’s critical thinking skills with the Watson Glaser Test.

  1. Such tests can show you a candidate’s drive

Pre-employment assessment tests are not only able to measure a person’s abilities that are related to their occupation, they can also help hiring managers have a good view of an applicant’s drive and motivations.

Unlike interviews where answers can be rehearsed to the point that everything can sound genuine, these tests have special algorithms put into place which can warn you if an applicant is purposefully manipulating their answers.

Alternatively, these can also be used to prove just how honest they are with you if their results and their interview process reveal the same behavioral profile.

This means that by utilizing such a test, you can prevent yourself from hiring a lazy assistant manager, a standoffish clerk, or an unmotivated salesperson, saving you the trouble of having to wait for the end of their contract.

Unless the candidate managed to make good use of a SHL practice test of sorts, then it is virtually impossible to cheat this exam.

  1. They measure one’s decision-making and time management skills well

While this is more prevalent in the Wonderlic test as it was designed to measure that skill along with a person’s cognitive abilities as a whole, many pre-employment exams out there have a secondary function or purpose of allowing a company to have first-hand knowledge of how well they handle a situation.

In the case of the Wonderlic test, test-takers are forced to make a compromise between trying to answer all 50 questions within the 12-minute time limit or just focusing on ones that they are sure to land points on but risk not getting as much in the end.

Other assessments, however, are more extensive, and can even give you a preview of what sort of person the candidate is at the workplace.

While these tests can come in many different names and brands, they are specifically known as situational judgement tests.

Unlike the Wonderlic Assessment and SHL test, these exams work by presenting a number of scenarios to the test-taker and they will be tasked with figuring out which of the listed choices is the best course of action to take in order to resolve them.

These situations are generally curated to mimic the problems that an employee in the job position that they want encounters on a regular, if not daily basis.

Through this, you can immediately know if they are the right person for the job because you will see from their responses just what kind of employee they are and what their methodology looks like when trying to resolve a conflict, misunderstanding, confrontation, or even just social missteps at the office.

Some situational judgement tests are even designed to focus on particular job positions and their related tasks such as accounting, administrative, and sometimes even healthcare-related activities where technical terms (such as legal jargon and procedures) have to be understood and complex calculations (such as medicine dosage for a particular bodyweight, among other factors) will have to be performed in order for them to figure out which course of action needs to be taken.

What are the Benefits of a Home Warranty?


Homeowners can choose from a variety of plans to reduce their repair or replacement costs. When protecting their assets, the homeowners choose homeowner’s insurance policies to cover the cost of repairs or replacement. A home warranty, on the other hand, gives the homeowner options for repairing appliances and vital systems inside the home. The warranty provides the homeowner with generous savings when an appliance or system fails and needs repairs. It can also prevent the homeowner from facing a financial hardship. Reviewing the benefits of a home warranty shows the homeowner better ways to keep their costs low and maintain their installations.

Keeping Repair Costs Lower

Many home repairs equate to hundreds of dollars that most homeowners just don’t have, and it could present them with a serious financial hardship. If the homeowner purchases a home warranty, they could avoid higher-than-average repair or replacement costs. Homeowners can learn more about the home warranty and get a quote today by contacting their preferred warranty company.

Whole System Repair Plans Are Available

Whole system repair plans provide assistance for homeowners quickly. The plans include heating, cooling, ventilation, plumbing, and electrical systems. If the homeowner has a central unit or furnace, these systems are included in the plans. The homeowner gets fast repairs or replacement services if any of these systems fail or won’t operate properly. The warranty company helps the homeowner avoid extreme temperatures and the negative health effects of a failing heating or cooling system.

You Could Get a Warranty that Covers Appliances Only

Appliance plans cover the cost of repairs for major appliances found in the home. The homeowner will need to provide a list of all major appliances when setting up the home warranty. This includes dishwashers, stoves, microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, and the garage door opener. The homeowner submits a claim through the home warranty company whenever these appliances stop working or need repairs. The warranty company will send a repair provider to the home to complete the repairs.

You Could Add Extra Fixtures to the Plan

The homeowner has the option to increase their coverage and add extra items to their home warranty. These items could include a Jacuzzi, swimming pool, hot tubs, and additional appliances in the home beyond the standard norm. For example, if the property owner has a mini-fridge in their bedroom, the homeowner can add the extra refrigerator to their home warranty.

Expanding coverage helps the homeowner get additional coverage as they need it. If the homeowner gets new installations, such as a countertop range or extra oven, the homeowner could add these new installations to their home warranty and maximize their coverage. Reviewing the coverage limits shows the homeowner what items they cannot add to the warranty.

How Low Can Homeowners Expect to Pay for Services?

Homeowners receive an invoice for all additional costs after repair services are completed, or a replacement was provided. The purpose of the home warranty is to get discounts on these services, and homeowners will pay a maximum of around $125 for repairs. The warranty company provides a complete estimate for any replacements to ensure the homeowner can afford the selections. The warranty company chooses appliances or systems according to the homeowner’s budget. They will not complete services or require costs that are too expensive for the property owner. When setting up the home warranty, the warranty company reviews limitations with the homeowner.

Replacements Don’t Require the Full Purchase Cost

Homeowners won’t face paying the full purchase price for new installations, and the home warranty gives them amazing discounts for new appliances and systems. The warranty pays a percentage of the purchase price to make it more affordable for the homeowner. This prevents homeowners from losing appliances or systems they need because they cannot afford to replace them. The homeowner can review options through the home warranty company’s service providers when a new system is required. Typically, the homeowner gets coverage for HVAC services according to the systems’ projected longevity. If the systems are beyond 10 years old, the homeowner could get a significant discount on a replacement system.

The Warranty Company Finds a Service Provider for You

Homeowners don’t have to spend time looking for a service provider when they need repairs or a replacement. The home warranty company completes the steps for the homeowner and saves time. The warranty company processes the homeowner’s claim and determines how much coverage they have for each repair. They send a service provider to the homeowner’s property to complete the repair services or the replacement installation.

The warranty company calculates the annual deductible and how much the homeowner has paid currently toward the deductible. The homeowner must pay the deductible before they receive any coverage for the repairs or replacement services.

You Could Transfer Your Home Warranty When Selling the Property

Home buyers review homes according to their demands, and if the property comes with a home warranty, the buyer gets extra protection for their appliances and installations. When they buy the home, the seller can transfer their home warranty to the new owner. The new owner will get all the same protection under the warranty, including repairs and replacements for their appliances, wiring, electrical systems, and any additional installations they want for the property. If the property comes with a swimming pool, exterior kitchen, or a jacuzzi, the new owner can add these items to the home warranty for coverage.

Homeowners explore home warranties to determine if the coverage helps them pay for necessary expenses. The warranties provide coverage for systems and appliances. The homeowner can review the plans to find the best choice for their needs. The products do not work the same as a homeowner’s insurance policy, and the homeowner will need to keep their homeowner’s insurance policy to cover their property. The home warranty doesn’t provide coverage for the property itself. Home warranties reduce the cost of appliance and systems repairs, and the homeowner avoids the excess costs of a new system or appliance. Reviewing the benefits of a home warranty helps the homeowners choose the right plan for them.

What is a Zipper Used For? What Materials are They Made Of?


Zippers might seem daunting at first yet there is no need to worry. However, with a zipper foot and several tips and tricks, sewing a zipper is actually very simple. When looking for the right type of zipper for specific applications, it is important that you keep the design you have in mind. Every application may look a bit different from outside since some zippers have visible topstitching but others don’t.

In skirts, for example, zippers can be found on the center back or on the left side. As for pants, depending on the specific style, the zippers could be found on the side, back, or front. The location of zippers depends on the kind of look that you want or the instructions for the pattern.

Take a look at some of the common types of zippers and their specific uses.

Centered Zipper

The centered zipper application is actually the most common with stitching seen on the right part of the location. For this, a narrow or regular zipper foot can be used. A seam allowance with a width of ½” or 5/8” is enough. The machine foot can be used as guide to sew in a zipper. However, if you want a truly crisp finish, you can try drawing first the stitching lines. Draw a line on both sides of the seam allowance that is ¼” from its seam with the third across its base opening which is the location of the zipper stop.

Invisible Zipper

The invisible zippers cannot be seen from the right part and the only thing that you see is its seam. You can now find special presser feet that is made to install invisible zippers. It is not absolutely necessary to use the invisible zipper foot for installing the zipper but it makes the job so much easier. An invisible zipper’s coils tend to curl back on themselves. This is why you need to press the zipper first before you sew it in place. Invisible zippers are installed in understitch seam.

Exposed Zipper

The exposed zipper applications show the zipper on the right part of a garment. These are the zippers that are available with metallic tape, satin tape, as well as multicolored teeth. These unique options are best featured on garments or projects that you would like to stand out. For lightweight fabric, the interfacing can be fused to the zipper opening’s wrong side.

Lapped Zipper

The lapped zipper applications make use of traditional zipper. But, a lap of fabric hides the zipper and this is topstitched in place. A narrow or regular zipper foot can be used.

There are many different uses for zippers that depend on the specific application that you have in mind. They also come in various materials to help you choose the right one for your project. To ensure that you can get only the best zippers, it is recommended that you buy your zippers only from the most reliable zipper suppliers like Zipper Shipper.

Why Look for Online Translation Jobs at Protranslate.net?


Entering the world of translation isn’t as simple and easy as it seems. A translator is expected to have genuine passion for their job since this will reflect on the finished project they will deliver. Professional translators spend years just to gain the best qualifications. But, more passion and dedication is necessary if you really want to work as one.

Whether you want to embark on your journey as a translator for the first time or you simply want to improve your existing translation skills, there are several benefits that you await you once you sign up for online translation jobs at Protranslate.net.

Work Independently

One of the most common reasons why more and more people are interested to become a translator is because of the fact that this field offers a lot of exciting opportunities for people who prefer and love to work on their own.

Taking on agency or freelance work gives you the chance to establish a robust career that doesn’t rely solely on the vagaries of today’s job market or whims of bosses and superiors. The job also has a global nature, which means that you can establish connections and contacts all over the world. This can come in handy later on once you decide to form a full time business out of your career.

Varied and Interesting Job

Another key reason to start searching for online translation jobs at Protranslate.net is that this kind of jobs are more suitable for inquisitive and restless minds. The nature of this job means that you will cover a plethora of topics and meet various challenges with each project. It also requires you to polish up your skills in general language and vocabulary so there are slim chances that you will get bored during the process.

Outstanding Opportunities to Take Your Career to the Next Level

Why should you become a translator instead of pursuing a different line of work where you will be required to use your linguistic skills? Well, the answer is simple. If you are ambitious enough, translation is a very meritocratic field. This means that as long as you work hard and you got the talent, the sky is the limit to the things you can do and achieve. You don’t need to stick to fixed career structures or artificial hindrances to promotion. If you got that drive to succeed, there is simply no limit to stop you.

The flexibility of this career also means that if you wish to earn steady income without reaching the top, probably because of your family commitments, it is also perfectly attainable and valid. This is different from those careers where it is often frowned upon if you are happy to stay in just one spot.

Monetary Compensation

In this age of widespread English competency and global businesses, another reason to pursue an online translator job is because of the high salaries that await you. in specific fields like diplomacy, politics, and business, translators who could come up with excellent work enjoy high demand and as a result, they also common higher levels of pay.

If you got an innate passion for the languages and the desire to establish a thriving career, start searching for online translation jobs at Protranslate.net right away!

The Impact of COVID on the UK Gambling Scene


The COVID-19 pandemic brought the economies across the world to a standstill in the first half of 2020. Due to the suspension of business operations, there have been many layoffs, leaving millions of people jobless. 

Just like the rest of the world, the UK has also faced the brunt of the outbreak, leading to the shutdown of various industries, including the gambling sector. According to the UK’s National Statistics (ONS), 0.4 percent of companies have permanently shut down due to this pandemic. The ones that are still functional, have cut down on an average of 21 percent of their workforce.

The full lockdown in the UK has resulted in significant changes in consumer behaviour, and have affected the gambling industry.

Impact on the UK Gambling Industry

The pandemic has left a huge impact in the UK gambling industry across the country. The government issued a decree instructing to close all casinos, bookmaking, bingo halls, restaurants, cinemas, bars, and other businesses.

The operating data by the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) comparing statistics of March 2020 and March 2019 provided key insights into the changing gambling market trends. Since all the retail-gambling venues were closed in March 2020, the gambling activities that usually generate 50 percent of the total market (except lotteries) stopped.

Less Percentage of Consumers are Gambling

During the lockdown, only licensed betting operators in the UK had permission to operate at the gambling venues in June 2020. However, consumer participation in gambling outlets declined sharply.

The full lockdown period did not attract many new consumers to gambling. A YouGov survey between May 20 and 21, 2020, shows that only 0.4 percent of respondents resumed gambling for the first time after the lockdown started. In comparison, nearly 2.1 percent of adults stopped gambling altogether during that period.

When it comes to the National Lottery, the YouGov data further shows that consumer participation dropped in draw-based games to 22 percent in mid-June from 26 percent in mid-April. It happened due to a change in consumer behaviour where we can see a significant shift from retail to online gambling.

During the lockdown many consumers tried new gambling products

The online operator data on online gambling reveals that over the past few months, more consumers began trying new digital gambling products.

During May 2020, the scenario was almost identical to the previous month, though there was a marginal drop in the percentage of active players who participated in more than one gambling activity, which came down to 40 percent from 43 percent.

Online Gaming Market Surged during the Lockdown

Again, the UKGC report shows a significant rise in the percentage of consumers searching and participating in online gambling. There has been a rise of nearly 25 percent in people trying online slots, and it went up further by around 38 percent when it comes to poker. This data is during the first two months of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The online gaming industry is one of those rare sectors that could survive through this pandemic with relatively lesser financial damage. The popularity of online casinos has gone up sharply, and they are doing brisk business compared to the established traditional casinos. Check for top independent and EU casinos.

Popular UK Online Casinos Lead the Way

During the pandemic, the UK gambling industry witnessed a major shift, as many gamblers began moving to online gambling due to the closure of physical gaming houses. This switchover has boosted the popular gambling websites in the country.

Many customers love to do gambling on their smartphone using the apps, while others participate in online gambling on their desktops and laptops. If you are interested in top-quality online gambling, check this guide to casinos not on gamstop to satisfy your cravings for gambling.

How To Raise Money & Increase Cash Flow Using Invoice Financing


Invoice financing allows you to boost your cash flow through raising a sum of capital that can be reinvested into your business within a matter of minutes, and ultimately transforming the 30, 60 or even 90 day waits businesses commonly face with invoicing.

In this article, Forbes Burton is here to provide you with the benefits of Invoice Financing and how the process actually works.

How Does It Work?

As you begin to increase your sale invoices and send them to your clients, you simply provide a copy to your invoice finance provider who can make a payment of up to 90% of the invoice value immediately.

Alongside this benefit, you also don’t need to chase the client for any form of payment, as the invoice finance provider will do all of this for you.

As stated above, this means you no longer have to cope with the long and drawn out payment times. Instead, you will have your payments given to you within a 24 to 48 hour time period of your invoice being raised.

This means that you effectively have your earned cash on delivery for you, whilst you still offer your normal credit terms to your customer.

With invoice factoring, you will find three different types, which are –


Factoring is where you continue to raise and dispatch invoices in the usual way you would, and send a copy to your factoring company.

On receipt, your factor will then have available funds of up to 90% of the value, and these must be used immediately.

When your client then decides to pay you, any outstanding payment will then be paid to you, minus the charges for the use of the facility.

The factoring company in question will then control your sales ledger for you and carry out the credit control, all on your behalf, which helps remove the commonly, time-consuming task of trying to chase your customers for the needed payment.

Instead, you can focus on the most important aspect, which is your business.

Spot Factoring (Selective Invoice Finance)

Spot Factoring (also referred to as Selective Invoice Finance) provides you with the flexibility to choose which invoices you would like to use to raise the working capital your company requires.

Also, with Spot Factoring, there is no minimum contract period, so you can use this service as frequently as you need, or just as a one time requirement, to help meet the cash flow status your business needs and deserves.

Any invoice which is funded will be firstly sent to the Spot Factor, where they will make a payment of up to 90%.

Invoice Discounting

The process of Invoice Discounting works the exact same as Factoring, in terms of that you can draw money against your invoices in advance of your customer payment. But, the difference with Invoice Discounting, is that you retain the credit control process in house and you continue to handle the process yourselves, without external help.

This process is commonly complete through a confidential basis, which means your clients are unaware of how your business is being financed.

Back To Invoice Financing – Here Is An Overview

  • Invoice Financing allows you to receive the payment you require (from up to 90%) within just a 24 hour time frame. Plus, you don’t need to wait for your invoices to clear to receive your payment.
  • It helps you maintain your working capital that you can access, as it becomes tied up in invoices.
  • We recommend that you take advantage of the professional sales ledger management, as a fully qualified professional client manager can handle this process for you, which means you don’t need to further employ in house, as your finance queries can remain separate to your business environment.
  • Using Invoice Financing lets you stay away from the threats of having bad debt upon your business, as you receive credit protection that can guard you away from late or non paid invoices.

If you decide to set this up for your business, all you need to do is send over any raised invoices and your provider will give you funding, which helps make the bain of day-to-day finance commitments a thing of the past.

Whenever invoices are due, they are simply collected on your behalf from customers, from an external finance expert, so you can keep your main focus on the success of your business.

Every business deserves the money they earn through customers, and late or non existent payments should not be something any business should face.

Find the help you need and make the fear of invoicing disappear today.

What Cryptocurrencies Have Superior Technology Than Bitcoin?


Bitcoin may have set the standard and made cryptocurrencies a reality, but protocols with greater functionality have been developed over the years. Recently Weiss Ratings came up with a unique model to identify some of the better networks using a few data points. This model measures a cryptocurrency’s potential to achieve specific goals, including governance capabilities, high transaction speed, scaling solutions, flexibility to upgrade, energy efficiency, decentralization, and how well the cryptocurrency’s technology has sophisticated the monetary policy.

Cryptocurrencies such as XRP, Ethereum, and Cardano have developed technology solutions that solve different challenges in different sectors, including the financial industry.


Protocols for payment providers

An example of a protocol that is taking care of payment providers is RippleNet. Its solution caters to institutional payment providers such as money service businesses and banks that use Ripple’s solutions to provide easy global payment solutions. This technology has contributed significantly to increased XRP investment on platforms like PrimeXBT, where users can trade the asset using CFDs with low fees and excellent security for their funds.

This platform works by connecting buyers and sellers. Imagine the case of Mr. Ed, who lives in Los Angeles and has a chocolate box that he no longer needs. But he is interested in watching a baseball game, but he doesn’t have a ticket. Then there is Joan, who lives in New York and has extra tickets she doesn’t need. Interestingly she wants a chocolate box. Normally, these two are unlikely to find each other and exchange the undesired items.

However, with the Ripple platform, both can find each other and exchange the items. Moreover, this platform allows payment in multiple currencies, including Bitcoin. The minimum transaction cost is $0.00001.

Such advantages make this protocol so attractive to many investors on PrimeXBT, Bitiq and other platforms, since it allows users to send money faster, cheaper, and more conveniently.

 Smart contract protocols

Ethereum is another platform with superior technology to Bitcoin. Applications built on the blockchain make it possible to create new digital assets, build decentralized companies, virtual worlds, and manage property. These applications, better known as dApps, are unstoppable and uncensorable.

Dapps are web applications built on smart contracts. Instead of using a centralized database or server, these applications rely on blockchain for storage and program logic. Consequently, developers can create unstoppable applications.

Over a decade ago, the birth of Bitcoin made us reassess what we consider as a store of value. The technology also helped us get an idea of what the future holds. And protocols that followed have been improving on its capabilities, at least some of them like Ethereum through smart contracts and decentralized applications.

These dApps are resilient, transparent, distributed, and incentivized. They have changed the technological landscape.

Additionally, dApps are governed by autonomy, and all changes and developments are decided by consensus. This gives the public power to choose and allows scrutiny. Validators of the blockchain are incentivized using tokens. These rewards motivate the developers to create even better-decentralized applications that are changing different industries today.

Cardano is another excellent example of a platform that uses smart contracts to improve on Bitcoin’s shortcomings. The platform has two main layers, the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) and the control layer. The CSL is used to settle transactions using ADA.

The Control Layer, which is still under development, will be used for smart contracts. The cryptocurrency’s hierarchical structure enables Cardano to be used as a medium of exchange and generate smart contracts.

Cardano ensures security through the peer-review process required for new updates. The founders of this platform want to ensure that anything new introduced to the ecosystem is not compromised. Other cryptocurrencies have experienced challenges with security. For instance, the Verge experienced multiple hacks. Other projects were criticized for adding a new algorithm that was untested.

Cardano’s new concept ensures that the relevant individuals first scrutinize all algorithms added to the platform.

Cardano also solves the scalability issue by taking ideas from cryptography researchers. Some of the ideas have been implemented and are being tested. However, most ideas are still in the research phase. Cardano has not deployed any smart contract platform yet, but things look promising.


Since Bitcoin was launched, consequent digital currencies have sought to develop solutions for different market challenges and industries. Solutions such as RippleNet, dApps, and Cardano aim to provide solutions to challenges that Bitcoin has not.

However, there are many challenges that should be overcome before the masses can widely adopt these protocols.

Why Are Hair Transplants In Turkey So Popular


Thanks to modern hair transplant procedures, hair loss is a thing of the past. Both men and women experiencing baldness or thinning hair can restore their appearance by doing a single procedure.

One of the most popular destinations they visit to get a high-quality hair transplant is Turkey. That’s because a hair transplant in Turkey is just a fraction of the cost of the procedure anywhere else in Europe and the rest of the world. Another reason is the country’s hair surgeons, which are some of the best on the planet.

Top-Quality Hair Transplant at the Sapphire Hair Clinic

The Sapphire Hair Clinic is one of the most renowned clinics in Turkey. They are based in Istanbul, located on the Medical Park Hospitals Group’s Istinye University Hospital premises, which provides services based on the principle of “healthcare for all.”

This 5-star clinic can boast two outstanding doctors in the field of hair restoration.

Dr Vedat Tosun is a hair transplant specialist with more than 20 years of experience. He has worked as a hair transplant coordinator at several well-respected hospitals in Istanbul and has carried out over 14,000 successful procedures.

Dr Şirvan is a dermatologist who specialises in hair transplant, laser therapy, cosmetic treatment, and mesotherapy. He’s the founder of the Beykent Surgical Medical Centre for Hair Transplantation. If you’re looking for a premium-quality hair transplant Turkey clinic, the Sapphire Hair Clinic might be just what you need. Thanks to the most innovative technology, the clinic provides excellent hair treatments with permanent results.

Hair Transplant Costs: the UK vs Turkey

As already mentioned, hair transplant Turkey costs are lower than anywhere else in the world. Undergoing hair transplant surgery in Turkey, including the Sapphire Hair Clinic, is about 70% cheaper than in the rest of Europe, and beyond.

In the UK, you would need to pay between £5,000-£15,000 for a hair transplant, depending on the hair restoration technique and the number of grafts.

In Turkey, the cost ranges from £1,500 to £3,500.

Why is the cost of hair transplant in Turkey so low?

Low labour costs are one reason, and the other is the country’s devalued currency. The Turkish Lira is significantly weaker against the Pound Sterling and other currencies.

That means that hair transplant clinics in Turkey don’t compromise on quality. In Turkey, the procedure is actually considered costly, but the rest of Europe sees it as a bargain.

So, if high quality is what you’re looking for, you can rest assured you’ll find it in Turkey, but at a fraction of the cost of what worldwide clinics charge.

The Sapphire Hair Clinic Packages

The Sapphire Hair Clinic offers different hair transplant Turkey packages, depending on the type of hair transplant. Nevertheless, each includes the same level of quality and the same list of services.

The packages include:

●      Free consultation

●      Free hair evaluation

●      Blood tests

●      Local anaesthesia

●      Hotel accommodation

●      Airport transfers

●      Clinic transfers

●      Excellent care before and after the surgery

●      Medication for post-operative care

●      Special hair products

The cost of each package greatly depends on the number of grafts that need to be extracted from the donor site and implanted into the balding areas.

When it comes to your consultation, you can have it online, so that your doctor can assess your hair and determine the best course of action for optimal results.

You’re in no way obligated to have the surgery at the Sapphire Hair Clinic when you schedule an online consultation. That’s simply an opportunity to discuss the procedure in detail and see if the clinic is the right fit for you.

The Most Innovative Hair Transplant Techniques at the Sapphire Hair Clinic

The Sapphire Hair Clinic offers many different hair transplant techniques, but the most modern include the sapphire FUE technique and a DHI hair transplant. Here’s how both are performed.

Sapphire FUE hair transplant

This hair transplant treatment is an advanced FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method that involves extracting hair follicles from a donor area using a micromotor tool with sapphire blades, before implanting them into the recipient area.

After the surgeon harvests the grafts, he places them into a special liquid with adenosine triphosphate to preserve them until they’re ready for implantation.

He then opens the micro-channels for the grafts using the same tool, which makes tiny incisions on the scalp.

The last step is implanting the grafts into the incisions.

Using sapphire blades means a high level of precision, less trauma, lower risk of tissue damage, and a higher graft survival rate.

DHI hair transplant

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplant method is performed almost the same. The concept is the same but requires fewer steps.

After the surgeon extracts the grafts, he uses a patented tool that looks like a pen to open the micro-channels and implant the grafts at the same time.

Since there’s no need for incisions, the recovery period is shorter.

Regardless of the technique, you can have a full head of hair in no time, as long as you follow your doctor’s advice on taking proper care of your scalp and transplanted hair.

You can expect your natural hair to start growing in about three months, but the final result will be visible in about a year after the surgery.

The best part is the fact that the results are permanent because hair transplantation stimulates natural hair growth.


If you’re thinking about getting a top-notch hair transplant with fantastic results, Turkey might be your best bet. Apart from receiving excellent quality, you’ll also save a lot of money.

Be sure to check out the hair transplant Istanbul packages at the Sapphire Hair Clinic, and get in touch with them to learn more about their services before making your final decision.

The clinic is one of the most reputable in Turkey and offers affordable hair restoration using cutting-edge technology. Its medical team is highly trained and experienced, and the aftercare will make your recovery an absolute breeze.

Contact the Sapphire Hair Clinic today to schedule your online consultation.

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