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How Beneficial Can Blue Zone Be In Isolation?


It can be difficult to feel healthy in our bodies and minds during lockdown. Although we can be outside for an unlimited amount of time, we might not feel motivated to do an intense workout. Equally, we might feel more tempted by takeaways and junk food. As the UK government announced at the start of June that UK citizens can go on holiday providing they self-isolate for two-weeks after, the thought of being able to wear our luxury designer bikini in the near future might be possible.

However, these are difficult times, and beating ourselves up certainly isn’t productive. So, instead, let’s consider some small changes we could make to our daily routines that will have a transformative effect on our mental and physical health.

A practice inspired by regions in the world that have the highest life expectancy and who are healthy in the body and mind, is known as blue zoning. The concept of ‘blue zoning’ is all about helping you realise your potential and bettering your health, without making drastic changes to your life.

With this said, lets look at how emulating this healthy lifestyle that blue zone regions have into our lives during lockdown can help us.

Blue zoning: What is it?

Communities known as ‘blue zone’ ones have been thriving around the world for years. These are communities of people who live long and healthy lives — in fact, these people have the oldest life expectancy in the world! From Icaria in Greece to Okinawa in Japan, people are thriving into their 100s, and each detail of their lives contributes to this impressive feat.

Moderate physical exercise has been built into the day to day lives of people who live in blue zone regions. Gentle exercise and healthy habits such as climbing stairs more often are proving to be more beneficial than hitting the gym and living life to the extreme. Blue zone populations show low rates of chronic disease and, since following in their footsteps, regions which have emulated this blue zone lifestyle have seen drops in obesity, smoking, and BMI.

Despite each blue zone having unique features about them, they all have a particular theme to follow. As well as a focus on light exercise (such as brisk walking) and habitual activities, the regions mainly stick to a plant-based diet and are more likely to be spiritual.

How to Blue Zone During Self Isolation

Being able to blue zone your home during lockdown isn’t as difficult as you might think. You’ll be amazed at how simple changes in your routine will benefit your health and your mood. Walking, cooking, cleaning, and other habitual activities all contribute to a ‘blue zone’ way of life. Optimising your home for these activities is the first step towards beginning your ‘blue zone’ lifestyle.

Here, we discuss ten easy ways to blue zone whilst at home.

1.      Make Your home De-convenient

Nowadays, relying on household appliances to do almost everything around the house is common. But if we want to make the most out of our new blue zoning lifestyle, we need to go back to completing tasks manually. From lawnmowers to egg whisks, go back to basics.

2.      Changing Laundry Days

Without realising it, bending down to pick up laundry can damage your back more than what you think. It’ll do your posture wonders to elevate your laundry basket slightly higher up. When it comes to laundry day, don’t strain your back carrying a heavy load — go back and forth with smaller amounts to get your steps in.

3.      Reorganising your kitchen cravings

Out of convenience, we are most likely to gravitate towards the closest snack to us. So, if you want to cut out the unhealthy foods, simply make them less accessible and keep a full fruit bowl in a prominent place instead.

4.      Increase your steps through organisations

Simple things such as placing the remote control at the opposite end of the room could help increase your steps. Get creative! Whatever gets you up on your feet and moving about. Make sure you need to head up and down your stairs frequently throughout the day.

5.      A Fitbit or other fitness tracker can be used to monitor your progress

There is no better way to see the extent of how beneficial these small household adjustments are.  Monitor your steps every day and you’ll be surprised by how much you walk while you’re trying to stay on your feet slightly more than usual.

6.      Prevent your eyes from straining by reducing the lighting

If you’re working from home, it’s better to keep the room bright, rather than go for a mood lighting theme. This way, you’ll reduce eye strain when trying to focus.

7.      Have enough sleep

You’ll be pleased to know that regular day time naps and a healthy amount of sleep is commonly encouraged in blue zone regions. Use your fitness tracker to monitor your sleeping pattern to make sure that you’re getting enough rest.

8.      Ensuring the optimal temperature is achieved when sleeping

Monitoring your heating system and getting it between 15 to 19 degrees celsius has been proven to be the best temperature to sleep at. It is also a good idea to block out all sources of light so that you get the best sleep possible.

9.      Switching to A Blue Zone Diet

Seeing the difference a plant-based diets makes is definitely worthwhile. Blue zone diets are also heavily dependant on whole grains, nuts, and legumes, so try to introduce as many of these as possible.

10.  Having time to relax is important

Blue Zone regions often focus on preventing stress and having a more laid-back approach to life. Take time to de-stress and don’t work yourself too hard. After all, you deserve a break during lockdown.

Although these minuscule changes may not sound like anything much, blue zoning your life is all about making small, manageable changes that can have substantial benefits on your body and mind. Why not give at least some of these ideas a go? Before we can try out the true blue zone experience in Icaria, or Sardinia in Italy, until then, give your lockdown habitat a blue zone makeover!

Building Your Brand: Tips for Direct Mail Success


The growing number of channels in which to advertise your business online can be a tempting route to target your ideal audience. Businesses have flocked to digital media to gain traction for their brand, but they’ve dismissed an incredibly valuable and highly successful form of marketing – direct mail.

The preconceived image of direct mail as an unsolicited, unwarranted advertisement is over. Today, with limited competition through the letterbox, posted media is fast becoming the most appreciated and easiest way to build a strong and personal relationship with your existing and potential customers. The facts back it up.

We consider why and how direct mail is an essential asset for any company with the aim to grow their business.

Direct mail delivers results

Amongst the careful dissection of bills and bank statements, receiving additional mail from a company becomes an intimate procedure for people. Cutting out the middleman of social media and mobile phone screens allows you to create a physical and direct connection between your company and your target customers – literally placing your business in their hands.

Rejuvenated marketing experience

Again, direct mail stands strong in the face of the new tradition of online advertising. Statistics show that direct mail creates a larger impression on customers than online techniques:

94% of people engage with mail in some form – opening, reading, and demonstrating further interest in what they have received through the letterbox. Emails only have an open rate of 20.4%.

In fact, 41% of direct mail deliveries drove target customers to carry out additional research into the organisation, products or services that had been posted to them.

Personal touches become more personal

Many consider receiving mail as a lost art form, and avoiding the saturated competition of email and online advertising, direct mail allows you to break through the noise and walk straight into your target customer’s house.

Locally centred businesses trying to break ground on their own doorstep can create a stronger impression of being a community-focused organisation. Direct mail can create the perception of a business that has made the effort to deliver results to a provincial neighbourhood – an effort that is appreciated.

Alternately, your organisation can achieve an authoritative status. Mail through your letterbox is not so much rude as it is impressionable, reminding people of your presence and dominance in the marketplace. Your ability to enter the domain of your customers is that extra step that will help you surpass your competition. A recent report shows that 84% of professional marketers believe that direct mail improves advertising campaign performance. As part of a multi-channel campaign, direct mail helps drive results and conversions.

Choosing your audience

The same way that online advertising has developed to target specific audiences, direct mail services have developed a greater ability to direct your advertisements to key target customers.

However, the ability to target a smaller pool of your audience allows for greater personalisation in your marketing campaign – you can name your customers and address them as individuals. To your customer, direct mail applies a focus on them as a solitary and desirable customer. The advertisement becomes exclusive. The benefits of this range depending on your target audience but can be adapted to maximise their impressionability.

Making millennials matter

Millennials – and their lack of loyalty – were cited as the number one concern of retail industry leaders. The same survey that also found that 95% of millennials expect organisations to continually attend to them with coupons and regular communication. Direct mail addresses this opportunity directly.

In the age of online discount codes and websites, placing the discounts into the hands of young people becomes a physical ticket to future custom. Placed on a notice board, the option to reject vouchers is limited – it becomes an object that must be redeemed.

Being the largest audience group that are accessible online, it is easy to ignore younger generations when it comes to postal advertisement. For ranks of young people who have only experienced digital advertisement, direct mail can create a unique and special experience.

The reliable elders

Of course, older generations are an obvious choice for direct mail services. However, the reasons to target people through the post are becoming evidently more beneficial. For a community that uses fewer online services than young people, routes of communication to the older generation are diminishing.

For example, the reduction of road traffic has reduced the impact of billboard, poster and street advertising. In the first week of August, UK bus use has fallen to an average of 39% when compared to March 1st. The ability to communicate with an isolating group is invaluable, and direct mail is the most viable option to reach a group that is presently falling under the radar of many businesses.

Adding purpose

The audience also affects how you should produce your direct mail. Younger generations favour the quality of service, so using a thicker paperweight or premium finish demonstrates how you are offering a superior service or product. Plus, if competitively priced, you will be recognised as good value for money.

Younger generations are also more likely to carry out independent research into a service or product before they buy, so an emotional response will have a larger impact on this type of audience.

On the other hand, older generations prefer formality and information as to why your service or product is essential. They are less likely to explore alternate options. Therefore, you are more reliant on creating a good impression through your mail, as they are most likely to communicate with you directly for any additional information. Make your contact details clear and distinct, emphasising that you are easy to get in touch with.

Your communications shouldn’t just be limited to what work you do, but also how your organisation values itself within the community. What does your company do to help people beyond fulfilling contracts or delivering good products? Charitable achievements and community assurances add as much value to your company as a simple job well done.

Style and design are important considerations for direct mail. On social media, you may be restricted to fonts and formats that are not representative of your brand. Existing brand guidelines should be used with your direct mail to establish the identity of your organisation. Additionally, using colour print and showing consistency of style through all channels your organisation represents itself on allows the customer to recognise the professionality and regularity of good work.

A broader message

Remember, direct mail lasts longer than any other form of advertisement. TV or radio spots can last 20 seconds, but your direct mail may remain in a customer’s house for weeks or months. The mail you deliver is less likely to inform your customers of one single product or service – it is representative of your entire organisation. This helps it to become more memorable in the eyes of the recipient, who will recognise the effort put into their post. Certainly, direct mail is less abstract than digital advertisements and an essential route to take when building a growing business.

Small and Micro-Businesses Expect Highest COVID-19 Sick Day Costs


We saw a light at the end of the lockdown tunnel in June and July, as retail and hospitality venues began to reopen and offices welcomed back staff. But stricter restrictions have been implemented nationwide and areas including the north west and Midlands are in local lockdowns.

On Monday 5th October, the UK government reported 12,594 new cases, the highest number of confirmed cases in a single day. The data also shows 368 people on ventilators, the highest figure since June.

Businesses are once again facing the possibility of workers isolating if they test positive or come into contact with a COVID-positive person. Most office employees will be able to work from home if they feel well enough, which will help mitigate the potential for sick days.  

One industry facing an even bigger challenge is the struggling hospitality sector, as staff cannot work from home. Co-workers of people who test positive could be required to self-isolate and venues may even close down. 81% of all hospitality organisations are micro-businesses, with 16% classified as small and the remaining 3% medium to large. There is a fear within the sector that sick days could bankrupt many of these smaller venues.

These businesses can put in place a number of measures to mitigate risk, including:

  • Strict social distancing
  • Reduced office or venue capacities
  • Personal protective equipment for staff, including microfibre cloths or face visors

How much do sick days cost employers in the UK?

The average number of sick days workers in the UK take is 4.4. With the average salary of all workers in the UK standing at £29,009 in 2019 (ONS), that works out at £490.92 per employee, per year. This works out by business size as:

Employees Median number of employees Average number of total sick days per year Average cost per year
1-9 (Micro) 5 22 £2,454.61
10-49 (Small) 30 132 £14,727.65
50-249 (Medium) 150 660 £73,638.23
249+ (Large, up to 500) 375 1650 £184,095.58

Coronavirus sick days

Of course, these figures don’t take into account the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

In its weekly report on 2nd October 2020, the ONS estimated that 116,600 people had COVID-19 at any given time between 18th–24th September. This equates to about 0.17% of the UK population. The overall employment rate currently stands at 64.2% of the UK population, or 32.98 million people. If we understand that 0.17% of all people in employment had coronavirus, this means 56,066 workers were potentially infected during this time frame. This gives us a general picture of how many people could be infected in the workplace at any given time.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 60% of all employment, meaning around 33,639 potentially infected people were working for these organisations. This works out at less than one employee per business within the micro and small sectors, and around two employees per business within the medium business sector. With 40% of employment held in large business, the remaining 26,568 infected workers have a smaller number of firms to be shared out across—resulting in an average of three potentially infected workers per large business.

We know that self-isolation is mandatory for anyone who tests positive for coronavirus. The current isolation period is 10 days from the date symptoms first started. They may be able to work from home, of course, depending on their job and the severity of the symptoms.

We’ll average this out across all business sizes and estimate that, at every organisation, one employee calls in sick for the full period of isolation. This requires, on average, seven business sick days.

Employees Median number of employees Average number of total sick days Average cost  +1 employee CV19 Yearly sick day cost Percentage
1-9 5 22 £2,453.93 £1,115.73 £3,570.34 45.45%
10-49 30 132 £14,723.58 £1,115.73 £15,843.38 7.58%
50-249 150 660 £73,617.92 £1,115.73 £74,753.96 1.52%
249+ (up to 500) 375 1650 £184,044.81 £1,115.73 £185,211.31 0.61%

COVID-19 will cause sickness days to rise across businesses of all sizes but will be most acutely felt in micro-businesses. Their sick day costs are projected to rise by over 45%.

COVID-19 impact on the hospitality sector

The hospitality sector is already feeling the pinch from the 10pm curfew and the reduction in households mixing. The sector employed 3.2 million people directly and 2.8 million indirectly before the COVID-19 pandemic, making it the third-biggest employment sector.

With micro-businesses making up the majority of the sector, these organisations are facing a unique challenge. Around 2,452 people who were potentially infected during the specified timeframe were working for micro-businesses in hospitality. Frontline workers who test positive or come into contact with someone who is COVID-positive must take sick leave. And, as we’ve seen, positive tests can sometimes result in the full shutdown of an establishment.

All businesses, but particularly those in the heavily restricted hospitality industry, can mitigate these risks by implementing COVID-secure measures in the workplace. Standard personal protective equipment like hand sanitiser will be useful for all businesses. Those in the hospitality sector with staff that come into closer contact with customers can add items like face visors and dividers between tables.

Reasons to hire professionals for waste clearance services in London


London – a big city, and even bigger ‘contribution’ to the total waste production in the UK.

The junk adds up to 3.7 million tons each year. When it’s empty, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa weighs half  a million tons; so we’re talking 7 times that amount, in waste, every year.

However, London has low recycling rates. When compared to other cities in the UK, London ranks far behind.

Now, what can you, as a commercial organisation, do your tiny bit to not be a part of the problem

You just need to take one simple step.

Engage professionals for waste clearance.

But that costs big bucks, right? Why would you want to spend money on waste?

Well, because…

(a) It doesn’t really cost that much. It is a cost-effective solution in most cases.

(b) There are many other benefits of hiring professionals and availing waste clearance services in London.

Here is How Professional Waste Clearance Services Save Costs

The one invisible cost you often fail to account for is – opportunity cost. The cost value of a certain choice is equal to the value of the benefits that you could have gained with the other choice.

Try and understand this in the context of professional waste clearance services.

If you are a big fan of DIY and feel that you can handle the waste clearance and management, you’d spend time doing that. And you could have used that time in evaluating your business’ process bottlenecks, gathering feedback from your customers, motivating your employees, understanding their concerns and resolving them or anything else for that matter.

And when you spend time handling waste clearance, you are losing the chance to spend time doing something productive. That is a huge opportunity cost.

Plus, you’d hire manpower for waste clearance. And pay the workers a monthly salary. Even for the days when you don’t really need waste clearance.

Professional waste clearance services, on the other hand, would charge you for only the services that they offer you.

Thereby, saving both time and money is possible with professional waste clearance services.

Other Reasons for Hiring Professional Clearance Services in London

When you hire professionals for waste clearance services in London, you benefit in more ways. Some of which aren’t too obvious. Here are the top reasons for hiring professionals and ditching the DIY drill –

Proper waste management

What you call ‘waste’ can be segmented into multiple categories. E-waste, green waste, to organic waste and hazardous waste, waste can be categorised in many ways.

And all these different types of wastes need to be managed and disposed of in different ways.

Do you have the time for segregation?

Do you have the expertise for all categories of waste management?

Do you want to cause more harm to the environment by not carrying out proper waste segregation and management?

No, right?

The only solution?

Hire professionals and get the job done in a jiffy.

Maintain Health and Safety

You might not always realise that you are dealing with hazardous wastes. Items of routine use – that’s stuff like print solvents, car oils, brake fluids and batteries – are hazardous.

And without professional know-how disposing of these waste materials is a huge risk.

It’s not just hazardous wastes and their inherent risks. You are also exposed to harm like cuts, bruises and back stains if you don’t handle wastes in the right way.

So, waste, if not managed, is a health hazard waiting to hit you. And waste managed without professional know-how is a hazard of equal measure.

Professional waste cleaners have training and experience in managing all sorts of waste. And they will clear all the junk from your premises of waste without anyone getting sick, injured and hurt.

Improving your Brand Image

Social responsibility isn’t something you can run from. And you need to make sure that you send out positive signals, even when it comes to waste management.

Your customers don’t just judge you on the basis of your services. Seemingly trivial matters like how clean your premises is and how you carry out waste management shape your customer’s perception of your brand.

When you hire professionals for waste clearance services in London, you can rest assured that your premises will be spick and span. And your contribution to proper waste management in the city won’t go unnoticed.

You can think of professional waste clearance services as a well-deserved investment in keeping both your premises and your brand image clean and shining.

Your Waste Is Recycled

From the list of top 10 councils with the lowest recycling rates, 5 are in London.

The only way to get rid of materials like plastic, rubber tires and the like is to recycle them. These non-decomposable waste items can pose a great threat to the environment if not optimally managed.

However, you aren’t the only one to be blamed. You have other stuff to manage. You cannot schedule a daily trip to multiple recycling centres to ensure all the waste that your organisation produces gets recycled.

But, what you can do is hire professionals for rubbish removal in London. Waste clearance service providers are likely to recycle the wastes after segregation.

This way, you can ensure that the waste doesn’t land up at all the wrong places. It would be recycled, and you’d be ultimately contributing to the global good.

Making the final call

Just like you hire marketing specialists for marketing, accountants for accounting and several other specialised service providers for reliable services, you need to hire professionals for taking waste away the right way.

While it is obvious that going high on DIY can seem an enticing option, you know it won’t do you any good. You don’t know its true cost. You won’t do it half as nicely as professionals. And your customers will know it immediately when they go to a competitor’s premise, where professionals take care of the waste clean up.

Ask a rubbish removal or professional cleaning services for a quote. It’s cost-effective, eco-friendly, safe, sustainable, and time-saving. It’s a no-brainer.

Dinesh Kumar VM

Dinesh Kumar VM, SEO & Digital PR Manager at ClickDo. Has Expertise in Google Ads, Facebook Ads & Remarketing. Wrote & Published many books related to SEO & Digital Marketing.

More parents steer towards their vehicles for morning school routine during pandemic

A survey has recently taken place which uncovered how 1 in 10 parents are now looking to alter how their kids will get to school for the rest of the academic year, by taking on the extra responsibility of driving them themselves, due to pandemic worries.

8% of those asked have reported that they will be ditching public transport and replacing it with their own cars, walking or cycling. 

The survey was sent out to 1,000 parents of school-age children, throughout the UK, by car dealers Swansway Group. They learnt 24.3% would drive whilst 11.1% would insist on their children walking/cycling.

The survey was commissioned by the car sales company after a substantial growth in customers was flagged during the summer, each looking to purchase family-friendly vehicles from the group in order to suit their home to school transportation needs. SUV sales in particular have rocketed since the announcement of the return back to school.

The company noted an increase in specific car sales throughout the pandemic and the previous 18 months and have deemed the following as the perfect ‘family carrier’:

• Land Rover Range Rover

• Land Rover Discovery

• SEAT Leon

• Peugeot 3008

• Volkswagen Tiguan

• Peugeot 2008

• Audi Q3

• Audi Q5

• Honda Civic

• Jaguar F-Pace

“Both our dealerships and showrooms have noticed a recurring pattern, this year particularly, revolving around the kids being back in school. The want for parents to better their current vehicle has risen due to decisions to drive their children to school as opposed to them using public transport as they were previously.” says John Smyth, Director of Swansway Group.

“At the moment there have been multiple new health and safety systems put into place by the schools, including specific drop-off schedules for each year group. This makes for a chaotic environment for both children and parents. Managing these changes with the assistance of an upgraded, more practical, and ultimately comfier vehicle can help put minds at ease.”

All eyes are on London as they will be experiencing the biggest shift in as 17% of parents surveyed admitted to making the new switch to driving. 

It’s certainly interesting to learn that previous to lockdown the Swansway Group also surveyed 1,000 parents who claimed that their biggest issues with their morning school-run routine was the lack of respectable and considerate parking (22%) and the amount of parents who, despite living within walking/cycling distance to the school gates, still insisted on driving their children to school (26%).

Contact a.ling@swanswaygarages.com for more information.

5 Money-Saving Practices to Help Businesses Prepare for Another Lockdown


For many businesses, penny-pinching hasn’t exactly been a choice lately. Lockdown regulations have forced the part-time closure of companies across all industries. Recent announcements have seen the UK return to some stricter regulations once again. Although this will inevitably take its toll on the financial capabilities for business across the UK, some of those money-saving practices you relied on previously can help to prepare for more potential restrictions.

The UK economy has been plunged into a state of turmoil in the recent months, and now local lockdowns in some regions of the UK could see yet another large financial slump. However, many businesses have managed to stay afloat throughout these unprecedented times. Online giant Amazon has even managed to increase its net sales by 40 per cent in the second quarter of 2020 in comparison to its 2019 stats.

As business owners have reopened their doors to the public once again, we have seen socially-distanced crowds flood through the doors again. However, don’t let this turnout blow all other possibilities out the water – including a second lockdown. As we see restrictions tighten once again in the UK, it’s vital that as a business owner you always plan strategies for both the best and worst outcomes.

So, why not bring back some of those money-saving techniques that have helped your business survive over recent months?

Here, we discuss some money-saving tips that will help support the survival of your business, regardless of what industry it is a part of, if lockdown restrictions were to affect its operations once again.

1.      Bring back cost-cutting measures

Since the coronavirus pandemic forced businesses keep track of their overheads even more so than usual, there is something business owners can learn from this if faced by another lockdown. Rather than abandoning your business’ Covid-19 plan, continue revising the strategy and further your approaches to keep costs low.

Depending on which region you are based and the restrictions that are in place, determine whether there are any changes in your short- and long-term budgets. This will help you grasp a clearer understanding of your expenses and help create multiple recovery or survival plans.

Next, decide which products or services are not essential. For example, those working in the food industry may decide to continue operating at a reduced menu. This helps cut costs on suppliers and cooking equipment. As for those operating in the service sector, ensure that all employees who can work from home are doing so. That way, electricity and water bills can be kept low.   

There are many tactical approaches and strategies you can implement back into your business operations to prepare for another lockdown. As a business owner, preparing for all possible scenarios, regardless of a pandemic or not, is something that should always be valued. 

2.      The budget treats challenge returns: business edition

The budget treats challenge was all about saving money without cutting out the fun stuff that comes with many work cultures. Nowadays, building a strong corporate culture that helps develop employee relationships is essential. With this said, for those staff meals out and beer-garden days in the sun that have been dearly missed, it’s important for business owners not to rule these out of the budget entirely. Instead, dedicate a small proportion of it to use at a later date when this is possible again.

However, succeeding at this challenge works on the logic that there is always some form of money-saving going on. For example, there are many entertainment venues that offer discounts such as happy hours, cinema deals, restaurant discounts, or two-for-one deals. Look out for all the deals and discounts you can find and save them for a later date! 

3.      Reintroduce the little cices Challenge

Vices; all businesses have them. Whether it be an extra ‘Thank you for your purchase!’ sticker stuck on the packaging or an excessive amount of gift wrapping, there are some things that businesses might be better off putting on hold for now to help reduce costs and plan ahead.

Rather than using an excessive amount of gift wrap packaging, decide what is essential. Then, place a greater focus on making the design and layout of the packaging look equally as good with what you have. Creativity is key.

Although the marketing of your business should never be considered as a vice, there are some effective ways to reduce your promotional costs as well as continue with this process if another lockdown occurred. For example, for those operating in the takeaway or fast-food industry, rather than spending large sums of money on printing out menus and posting them through people’s doors, email or text them.

4.      Return of the 52-week savings challenge

The 52-week savings challenge is something that some businesses have been using to save for all those small expansion projects that the pandemic placed on hold. This savings challenge could help your business achieve exactly that once regulations ease again.

Put simply, the amount you save increases week-by-week, which is probably why it’s one of the most popular savings challenges. On week one, for every item or group of items you make a profit from, put £1 of this into a savings bank for your business. On week two, put £2 in, and so on. The amount of money you add into a savings account can vary depending on the size of your business and what products it entails of course. But hypothetically, this is how it works! If you choose to follow this exact method, your business will have an extra £1,378 in a year to dedicate towards those small projects and innovations you had in mind.

5.      Review your office overheads

Although this last money-saving tip will mostly apply to those operating within the services or digital sector, there are some pieces of advice other business owners can take on board. After reopening your doors to employers over recent months, your bills will have inevitably increased. However, now that many UK workers are working from home again, placing those unnecessary purchases on hold, such as equipment, software, or printing equipment such as cartridges could see you save greatly on your office overheads now that the demand for these is less. 

Ensuring your business stays afloat during this uncertain time seems like such a stressful process. But there are many instant strategies you as a business owner can implement to help cope with the threat of another potential lockdown. Regardless of a pandemic or not, it is vital that all businesses set clear goals to help them succeed and grow.

The Biggest Royal Influences: Which Country is the Most Devoted?


Royal families all over the world are renowned for their luxurious lifestyle, fashionable clothing, and the history behind their regal status. Not only do they play an integral part in traditional cultures, they have proven to influence the fashion choices of entire nations. For centuries, clothing styles modelled by royal figures have been iconic, gaining the royal appraisal many strive to achieve through their outfit choices and styles.

With this said, just how much of an influence has royal attire effected the fashion choices of nations all across the globe? Here with Fulton Umbrellas, retailer of ladies umbrellas, we discuss the five countries around the world that has been influenced by royal fashion. 


The prestige style that various royal families models in their everyday life has influenced more than just Britons. In fact, they have shaped the outfit choices of individuals all over the world — India being one of them. Research shows that over 1,300 people in India searched for ‘royal fashion’ related terms over the course of a year since May 2019, proving a popular dress choice for many. Since India has a royal family of their own, royal fashion appears to be an interest their nation shares.

As for India’s royal family, there have been many royal members throughout the decades that are renowned for their prestigious fashion choices. Dating back to the late 1920s, Maharani of Cooch Behar, Indira Devi, was pictured wearing a silk chiffon saree that used luxurious materials with a tailored touch of personalisation, this being the initial catalyst for this trend. Even decades before this, the Maharani family have been responsible for embracing a sense of modernity in their fashion attires that have led to many monumental movements in terms of the nation’s fashion preferences. In 1905, Maharani Rani Kanari of Kapurthala was regularly pictured wearing lavish head pieces and hats, all of which comprised a slight westernised twist to them. It was said at the time that for royal families such as the Maharanis, they were fans of westernised clothing, so much so they began including it as part of their everyday attire.  

In recent years, it’s thought that royal fashion has been influenced by monarchies all around the globe, not just home countries. When Kate Middleton visited India, she wore a local designer dress out of respect to the host country and it caused an attention overdrive. The local designer’s website where she bought it from crashed due to the high volume of people wanting to purchase from them!


After the British television programme Downton Abbey took US screens by storm in 2010, it’s fair to say that America’s interest in royal life is a popular thing to obsess over. The historical aura of royalty that reputable British fashions and fabrics entail is desired across the USA. The terms ‘royal style’ and ‘royal fashion’ were searched almost 1,300 times on the web by US citizens since May 2019, suggesting many turn to royals for advice on this matter.

In 2017, the Society of London Fashion Designers hosted a dress show in memory of the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret that later on was repeated in places all across America including Washington, and many Canadian cities, proving royal dress attires dating back to the 60s are far from outdated.

In more recent news, Meghan Markle has become one of the most admired royal fashion influencers across the globe. The former Suits actress made her first appearance with Prince Harry at the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto whereby she wore a simple white shirt and distressed light-blue jeans. This caused a surge in sales of these two casual wear clothing items. As for other royal fashion influences causing a stir in American fashion is the likes of Katie Middleton and her children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, whereby their tweed coats, long prestigious jackets, and adorable children’s clothing has led to many feeling inspired to take the same luxurious fashion tips on board.


High-end fashion brands that strive in exceptional quality and expensive materials are, of course, popular amongst the royals. German fashion brands such as Hugo Boss have proved to be a trusted source of clothing for many of the royals’ clothing attire. Prince Harry for example was pictured wearing a coat from BOSS while attending a church service event in 2017. As for Meghan Markle, she was seen wearing a Hugo Boss leather skirt while on a trip to Sussex in 2018.

Data suggests that since May 2019, royal fashion related terms were searched over 1,050 times in Germany, suggesting that royal style is something German citizens admire. Perhaps it is due to their shared admiration of Hugo Boss, or their love for prestigious clothing must-haves. In 2019 while spending time in Germany on their royal tour, Kate Middleton was pictured wearing an array of fashionable outfits. During a visit to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, she modelled a blue Catherine Walker coat and dress with nude heels, followed by an off-shoulder maxi dress later in the trip for a party.

The royal trip could have been the inspiration behind high search volumes for royal fashion related terms — after all, figures such as Kate Middleton are renowned for their stylish clothing options.

The Netherlands

Known for being one of the most significant fashion influencers in monarchy, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is adored for her iconic styles. Since May 2019, royal style related terms were searched over 740 times in the Netherlands, proving many citizens want to take on board a touch of royal fashion advise as part of their everyday looks.

Wearing formal work attire while working at home, the Dutch monarch modelled a colourful print blouse with vibrant red earrings, forming a smart and sophisticated work outfit. As for her bolder statement looks, in 2020 she was pictured wearing a green blouse, bright yellow trousers, and a multi-coloured jacket, showing she is not shy to express her colourful side through outfits. As for some of her signature casual looks, the nation adored her beige t-shirt with floral detailing and matching culottes ensemble when visiting the Silima Lombu Ecovillage in Tobalake.

Queen Maxima has proven time and time again to be of high interest to those seeking fashion advise, as high search volumes are derived from royal fashion related clothing in the Netherlands. 

Clothing worn by the royals has been of great influence on nations across the world for centuries. From casual everyday looks to more formal events, it’s evident that royal families contribute greatly to these fashionable clothing ensembles.

Popular Magazine explores Narcissism and offers a helping hand


Adored by it’s global audience for it’s warm spirited stories, food and drink recipes and chunks of celebrity news, Parade Magazine shocked it’s audience with dynamic content exploring the probable harm caused by NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). The piece presented an insight to the disorder, leaving no stones unturned, by focusing on the experiences of multiple authors such as; Denna Babul, Julia Sokol, Steven Carter and Eleanor Payson. The full article can be found here.

Whilst remaining factual and precise, the company gave gentle caution to it’s readers by touching on the factors associated with the disorder such as narcissist seduction. ‘Don’t expect miracles, don’t expect magic, don’t expect kindness, and don’t expect anything to change.’

The complete article creates a true perspective for Parade’s readers by including facts such as the characteristics, behavioural patterning, and emotional weapons associated with NPD. There is also information provided describing how to shield yourself from the devastating pain and allurement experienced by those faced with sufferers. When is the time to leave a narcissist for definite? Parade Magazine lays it out.

Has this article given you a lightbulb moment? Do you believe that someone you know is a narcissist? Maybe a partner, friend, boss, you? Parade, as well as recommending you speak to a counselor or therapist, has listed the following books that could help your situation such as:

It’s important to remind yourself that this disorder cannot be used to label every difficult person encountered. The aim of this piece is simply to educate the readers and keep them alert to the associated traits, a principle step in raising awareness. The more we understand about NPD the better.

For more information please contact: rfried@caspublishing.org

Computer Networking Trends and How Having Cisco CCNA Certification AssistsYou



When it comes to entry-level certifications, there are a variety of options to choose from. This is because these credentials are often a prerequisite for higher-level ones and hence form the basis of your career. However, even if these fundamental badges are not required for moving further in your accreditation journey, Cisco Certification Exams they create a solid knowledge base making this process easier.

In the IT networking field, there are also different certifications serving as starting points such as CompTIA Network+ or CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate). This article focuses on the CCNA badge but first, let’s explore the industry trends to understand why pursuing this credential is the best decision you can make for your career.

What’s New in Networking?

Today, computer networks connect people, systems, places, and even whole businesses. Considering such coverage, it’s understandable why the sphere constantly develops and offers so many new solutions day by day. Having ExamTopics Pass Exams said that, what are some networking trends to watch out for? They include:

  • Artificial intelligence andmachine learning.These are crucial in providing networking solutions in real-time in various sectors of the economy such as manufacturing, transport, and even smart cities. These technologies depend on automation and programmability.
  • Cloud computing. Most companies nowadays lean towards cloud computing where a network of non-virtual and virtual ExamSnap Cisco 300-420 ENSLD CCNP Enterprise Exam Dumps machines are linked to store loads of data.
  • DevOps. In the near future, networks will no longer need hardware components, instead everything will be software-driven. DevOps will make network management easier by bridging the gap between designers and engineers.
  • Data security. Companies rely on data for their day to day operation, so it’s critical to ensure that the network and the information itself are sealed off from all possible breaches. This can be done, for instance, by limiting network access, and many other activities.
  • Internet of Things.This is a technology that is centered on connecting objects, machines, and people to those that are not linked to a computer network. This creates an autonomous ecosystem that can even control itself.

Does Cisco CCNA Cover All These Areas?

As a result of the latest changes in the certification program, the CCNA credential has replaced a number of associate-level accreditations. Now, it evaluates the whole set of the applicant’s skills from implementing a Cisco 350-401 ENCOR CCIE Enterprise Certification Practice Test network to troubleshooting as well as maintaining it. All those concepts along with updated ones are included in the outline of 200-301 exam, the only test you should pass to get certified. Taking it, you’ll show your proficiency in the six major topics, which are IP connectivity, networking fundamentals, IP services, network access, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.

When you compare the trends mentioned above with the topics tested in exam 200-301, there is a close resemblance. Thus, once you ExamTopics CCNA 200-301 study effectively for the CCNA exam and with the right mind-set, you receive the tools to specifically go for any other disciplines such as cloud computing or artificial intelligence.


In conclusion, there has never been a better time to attaining the Cisco CCNA certification than now. Though it is only an Website Here associate-level credential, its benefits go far beyond into the future. Commit yourself to prepare for its 200-301 test, master the skills evaluated, and initiate a successful career in IT networking!

What to Expect from a Good Online Sportsbook in the UK


Sports betting is hugely popular in the UK. Overall, around 30% of people in the country gamble on a weekly basis, according to Statista, and billions of pounds are spent in betting shops and online.

The popularity of betting has led to an increase in the number of online sportsbooks. This means that you have plenty of choices if you want to place a bet online. However, you need to understand what you should expect from a good online sportsbook in order to make sure that you spend your money in the right place. Doing this helps you to stand a better chance of winning and protects your financial and personal information. Let’s take a closer look at the factors that you need to consider.

Good brand reputation

Well-known sportsbooks that have been in existence for several years have often built up a good reputation. You can check this by reading reviews of brands like Unibet, to see what sort of experience other people have had while betting with them.

You can also ask friends and relatives about their experiences. This works well as they are likely to be completely honest with you.

In addition, you should check if the sportsbook is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission. Having this license means that they can legitimately offer gambling services in the UK. It also means that they have to be fair in all of their activities regarding customers. 

Good promotional offers

Many sportsbooks offer promotions for people who sign up. This can be a good way of getting bonuses like free bets which help you make the most of your money.

However, you should always read the terms and conditions attached to these promotions as some sportsbooks make it very difficult for you to win anything from them.

It’s also worth looking for sportsbooks that offer promotional play on an ongoing basis and not just when you are new. This is a good way of optimising your spending. 

Different options for betting

There are some online sportsbooks that only provide a small number of sports to bet on and variations of bet available.

Ideally, you want to find a sportsbook which gives you the option to bet on a wide variety of sports as this can give you more chances of winning. You should also make sure that a variety of different betting options are available, such as betting on the number of yellow cards in a football match and not just on the result. This is because certain unusual bets can provide you with better value for money.

Various fast and secure banking options

In order to place a bet at an online sportsbook, you need to deposit money into your account. You want to be able to do this easily and securely.

Therefore, it makes sense to choose a sportsbook which provides several secure deposit and withdrawal options such as debit card, PayPal and Neteller. You should also check the withdrawal procedure for the sportsbook as you do not want to have to wait weeks for any winnings that you are lucky enough to get.

Before you make your first withdrawal, you will need to provide proof of your identity. This includes photo identification and proof of your address.

A high level of security

Security is an important aspect of the banking system at an online sportsbook, as it is across the whole site. You should make sure that the sportsbook has SSL encryption in place and that security is a top priority.

Making sure that a sportsbook has this security in place helps you to protect your personal and financial information.

Friendly and professional customer service

When you place bets at an online sportsbook, there may come a time when you have questions, or you need help with your account. This is when you need to contact the customer service team.

A good sportsbook should provide customer service that is friendly and professional. It should also be easy for you to get in touch with the team. For this reason, it makes sense to look for a sportsbook that provides different methods of contact such as telephone, email and live chat. It also helps if the customer service team is available for a number of hours each day; preferably 24/7.

If you take all of these factors into account, you should be able to find a site that provides what you would expect from a good sportsbook.

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