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Cannabis seeds: the little power-seeds


Many trendy foods
are quickly named “superfood”. However, cannabis seeds have truly
earned this title. We will explain to you the positive effects these small
powerhouses have on your body and your health.

On the other hand,
if you wish to collect some of the most acclaimed cannabis seeds such as OG
Kush, White widow seeds or other famous BSF Seeds, you can now find the best weed seeds online
on SensorySeeds.com.

The small,
brown-green cannabis seeds 

They are small
nutlets and closely with the hops used. The cannabis seeds have a nutty, sweet
taste and are reminiscent of sesame.

Unpeeled seeds
have a slightly bitter aftertaste due to the bitter substances in the skin, but
they have more valuable ingredients than peeled ones.

The fact that the
cannabis plant can be used in many ways was recognized 10,000 years ago in
ancient Asia. Especially in Egypt and China, the seeds were an essential part
of the diet and herbal medicine.

In India, Germany,
Greece and Iraq, the cultivation of industrial hemp can be proven in earlier

seeds don’t get you high

To anticipate any
concerns, those who eat cannabis seeds will not get high. For the food industry,
crops are bred that do not contain the intoxicating agent tetrahydrocannabinol

For the seeds to
be consumed safely, it is legally stipulated that they must not exceed a THC
content of 0.2%. Tested cannabis and hemp seeds are therefore THC-free.

Cannabidiol is
another legal active-ingredient in industrial hemp, can have a slightly
sedating effect in large quantities on people who are particularly sensitive to

is healthy

Along with quinoa
and soy, hemp is one of the few plant sources that can meet the human protein
needs. For vegetarians, vegans and people with conscious meat consumption,
cannabis seeds are a plant-based alternative to supply their body with
sufficient proteins.   

They contain all
the essential amino acids that humans need for life because the body cannot
produce essential amino acids on its own but has to absorb the proteins through
its diet.

The organism then
converts the amino acids into endogenous proteins. These are essential for body
growth, metabolic processes, muscle building, the production of messenger
substances, enzymes and hormones – in short: They ensure that everything in our
body runs smoothly.

protein is very similar to the human one

Besides, the human
body can digest and process the plant-based hemp seed protein very well.
Because 60% of the vegetable protein consists of edestin, which is very similar
to human blood plasma. It makes it easier for our organism to convert the
protein into immunoglobulin, which maintains our defense mechanisms.

The component
albumin, which stimulates the production of antibodies, also boosts the immune
system. The amino acids also have a vasodilating effect and have a detoxifying

seeds are ideal suppliers of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids

Another advantage
of hemp is healthy fatty acids. There are two fatty acids in large quantities
that play an essential role in the body’s immune response.

Cannabis seeds
provide omega-6 and omega-3 in a healthy 3: 1 ratio.

For comparison, in
our diet, the two fatty acids should ideally be represented at < 5: 1.

Omega-6 and
Omega-3 stimulate cell regeneration and ensure that we are physically and
mentally efficient, and muscles are built up quickly. That is why cannabis
seeds are an ideal nutritional component for athletes.

acid: a rare and healthy fatty acid

In cannabis seeds,
there is a speciality among the fatty acids: gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This
unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid is only found in significant quantities in evening
primrose oil, pomegranate seed oil, spirulina, black currant and borage seed

In interaction
with vitamins B3, B6 and C, GLA creates a tissue hormone that has many positive
effects: It has an anti-inflammatory effect, lowers blood pressure, dilates
blood vessels and reduces cholesterol.  

against symptoms of PMS and menopause

Research suggests
that GLA can relieve discomfort during menstruation and menopause. The reason
for this could be the hormone-regulating effect of GLA on the thyroid and

It is assumed that
during certain cycle phases, there is an imbalance in hormones and nutrients,
which can lead to various complaints. The rich cannabis seeds can compensate
for this deficiency. Besides, the GLA inhibits the release of inflammation-promoting
substances and reduces the symptoms.  

drink a lot with cannabis seeds  

Hemp seeds provide
plenty of fibre. While insoluble fibre has a positive effect on intestinal
activity, soluble fibre delays the absorption of glucose. It prevents strong
fluctuations in the blood sugar level and reduces the production of insulin.
This effect helps to maintain a healthy weight and prevent type 2

With so many
health benefits, one should not overdo the consumption of the small cannabis
seeds. Like chia seeds, cannabis seeds tend to swell in the stomach and store a
lot of fluid. If the stomach is not used to a high-fibre
, digestive problems can occur.

To avoid
unpleasant effects, you should start small. To slowly get the intestines used
to cannabis seeds, we recommend a teaspoon per day. Adults who use hemp seeds
as a complete source of protein are considered the ideal daily amount of 50-75
grams; for children, it is 25-40 grams daily.

The higher the
daily ration, the more fluid the body needs for a balanced water balance.

And for collecting
unique cannabis and marijuana seeds, check the SensorySeeds.com online store.

5 Personal Finance Tips For Beginners


finance is an area that many people struggle with, and either have to teach
themselves or learn from a parent. This is frustrating because being
intelligent with money is so essential and can make an enormous difference to
your life, so it is undoubtedly an area that people should make an effort with.
It can be daunting at first, but once you get the hang of personal finance and
understand the jargon, then it can actually be incredibly rewarding and
satisfying to improve your situation and to see your wealth grow. Here are a
few personal finance tips for a beginner to help get you started.

Create A Household Budget

of the main reasons that people struggle to make ends meet each month is that
they do not have control over their spending. Therefore, it is a good idea to
create a household budget, which will give you much better control over what
you are spending each month and allow you to identify where you could be making
savings. Many people use the 50/30/20
for a household budget, which is suitable for beginners –
this involves 50% of your income on essential spending, 30% on non-essential
spending, and the remaining 20% on savings and debt payments.

Build Wealth Through Trading

can be hard to improve your financial situation significantly without significant
lifestyle changes, but cryptocurrency trading can actually be a fantastic way
to build wealth and boost your income. Of course, there is always a risk with
trading, but this can be significantly reduced when you use Bitcoin Profit
software, which uses an intelligent algorithm to make the right decisions at
the right team, allowing you to earn a passive income – open an account here.

Make Personal Finance A Hobby

is a lot to get to grips with in terms of persona finance, so you will find it
helpful to make it a hobby and an important part of your life. There are many
ways to do this, such as:

  • Reading blogs (like this one)
  • Listening to
  • Signing up to newsletters
  • Following relevant institutions and individuals on social
  • Join online communities
  • Attend personal finance events

Scrutinise Every Purchase

is also an excellent practice to scrutinise every purchase that you make, no
matter how big or small. You should be asking yourself if you really need to
make the purchase and if you could make savings by purchasing from somewhere
else or at another time. When you do this with every purchase, you very quickly
start to save money and make smarter

Plan For Retirement

is always essential to plan ahead when it comes to personal finance,
particularly for when you retire. This is why you should
make sure that you understand your pension, consider what kind of lifestyle you
want to lead in later years, and set money aside for retirement.

finance can be daunting at first, but it is an important area that could make a
big difference to your life – these tips should help you to get started and
make improvements to your financial situation in the short and long-term.

Dario Item, Ambassador for Antigua and Barbuda, Sees a Bright Future Ahead for its Tourism Sector


His Excellency Dr. Dario Item, Antigua’s ambassador to Spain, Monaco, and Liechtenstein, remains at the forefront of reinvigorating the travel sector to its pre-COVID levels.

The Honourable Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua (left) and Barbuda and His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Dario Item (right)

Antigua and Barbuda re-opens

It has been about 3 months since Antigua and Barbuda had re-opened its borders for tourists. Together with other Caribbean countries in the region, it aims to maximize the remaining months of the year to regain momentum and revitalise its tourism industry. The industry had been on a strong surge up until the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The year-end of 2019 saw its tourism figures at an all-time high. This was followed by a record performance for the sector in the first two months of 2020, right until the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic shook up the world.

Optimism in country’s tourism

Despite the magnitude of the initial damage that the pandemic has brought to the country, Dr. Dario Item remains optimistic and steadfast of its future: “Antigua and Barbuda, especially its people, has a culture of resiliency. This has been embedded in our history and the tourism department, as well as the caucus of diplomats to Europe, are positive that we are bound to exceed pre-COVID statistics in terms of tourism”, the ambassador said in an exclusive interview.  

Antigua and Barbuda welcomed visitors once again in June. The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA) and the Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association have also launched the ‘Space Points’ Rewards Program which encourages its residents to support the economy by dining out. 

The country has once again opened the opportunity for us to visit the never-ending coasts of the majestic Caribbean. As of writing, the country is safe for tourists to visit. According to the Embassy update, there are practically no reported active cases in the country. 

Ensuring tourists and residents safety

According to Hon. Charles Henry Fernandez, Minister of Tourism & Investment, the country’s Ministry for Health, has determined it’s safe for the country to re-open its doors to visitors again. The country encouraged its would-be visitors to observe health protocols to help ensure its residents and tourists health and safety. The health guidelines aim to help ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation for its tourists and its residents.

Barbuda Pink Sand Beach, Source: Embassy.ag

This was a brave yet calculated move for the government of Antigua and Barbuda. The country’s leaders recognize the reliance of their economy in tourism and, at the same time, the risk of an increase in COVID-19 cases. The tourism department has come up with a comprehensive plan that approaches the re-opening with a balance of security and health protocols with only the good balance of compromise to the objective of visiting the tourist destinations of Antigua and Barbuda.

Its tourism workforce who are at the forefront of the tourism industry have been empowered to facilitate the new health and security protocols that would ensure a safe and enjoyable visit for every tourist. The regulations also foster a safer environment for Antigua and Barbuda residents. “Greeting you warmly and with a smile, even behind a mask”, this has become the fitting mantra of restaurants, resorts, and other tourist establishments across the islands.

The same hospitality, with boosted health and safety

Dr. Dario Item, highlights that Antigua and Barbuda is best known for carrying out diplomatic relations with its neighboring countries in the Americas as well as other regions of the world. “The country remains as a gracious host to its friends in North and South America, Europe and other continents. We have carried this badge of hospitality throughout the country’s existence and this trait will definitely withstand the duration and onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

How you can help

The positive outlook from Dr. Dario Item was supported and resounded by his colleagues in the European Caucus whose COVID-19 fundraising campaign continues strenuously. On the Embassy website, you can find information on how to support Antigua & Barbuda in this difficult moment.

The program continuously helps in deploying hygiene and health kits to essential government sectors. This move has helped support the country’s program in revitalising its tourism sectors while empowering and protecting its frontliners in effectively delivering the necessary services amid the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Valamis’ globale Umfrage zeigt den Stand des Lernens und der Entwicklung am Arbeitsplatz 2020


Wiesbaden, 24. September 2020. Valamis, einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von digitalen Lerntechnologien und Arbeitskräfteentwicklung, veröffentlichte die Ergebnisse der “Global Survey on the State of Learning & Development (L&D) in the Workplace Report“, bei der über 3000 Personen aus mehr als 20 Branchen befragt wurden, von Einstiegs- bis zu C-Suite-Führungskräften in Organisationen aus Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Schweden, den USA und Großbritannien.

Valamis führte seine zweite jährliche “Globale Umfrage zum Stand des Lernens und der Entwicklung (L&D) am Arbeitsplatz” durch und sammelte Einblicke in die sich verändernden globalen Prioritäten, Herausforderungen, Verhaltensweisen, Einstellungen und Technologien, die für das Lernen und die Entwicklung in Unternehmen eingesetzt werden, mit zusätzlicher Forschung zu den Auswirkungen von COVID-19.

Die Bedeutung von Lernen und Entwicklung in der Arbeitswelt

Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage zeigen, dass etwa 93% der Befragten weltweit der Meinung sind, dass die Aktualisierung von Wissen und Fähigkeiten wichtig für den Erfolg einer Organisation ist, und mehr als 50% der Führungskräfte und der C-Suite schätzen die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten als äußerst wichtig für den zukünftigen Erfolg einer Organisation ein. Obwohl die Bedeutung des Lernens und der Entwicklung in jedem befragten Land anerkannt wurde, glauben über 74% der Befragten, dass ihre Organisationen die Belegschaft aktiv dazu ermutigen, ihre Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, und fast 56% der Befragten hatten eine engagierte Person oder ein Team, das für das Lernen und die Entwicklung in ihrer Organisation verantwortlich war.

Zeit zu lernen

Trotz der weltweit anerkannten Bedeutung des Lernens und der Entwicklung ist das zweite Jahr in Folge, in dem die Umfrage durchgeführt wurde, die größte Herausforderung, die das Lernen und die Entwicklung in Organisationen plagt, der Zeitmangel in Bezug auf das Lernen. 48% der Befragten weltweit bezeichneten den Zeitmangel als die größte Herausforderung für Lernen und Entwicklung. Interessanterweise stellen die Umfrageteilnehmer auf der Ebene der Führungskräfte und der C-Suite fest, dass sie ihre digitale Lernumgebung von allen Umfrageteilnehmern am häufigsten nutzen (fast 30 % nutzen sie täglich).

Tools für das Lernen in Unternehmen

25% der Befragten nennen das Fehlen der richtigen Instrumente als eine der drei größten Herausforderungen für Lernen und Entwicklung. Ungefähr 15% der Befragten geben an, dass in ihrer Organisation keine digitale Lernumgebung vorhanden ist, und die Niederlande haben von allen befragten Ländern den höchsten Prozentsatz an Befragten, die angeben, ein Learning Management System (LMS) (24%) oder eine Learning Experience Platform (LXP oder LEP) (20%) im Einsatz zu haben, während die Vereinigten Staaten (28%), das Vereinigte Königreich (29%) und Deutschland (28%) die höchsten Prozentsätze an Befragten aufweisen, die sich auf Online-Kurse oder Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) verlassen. Finnland hat die höchste Anzahl von Befragten (18%), die angeben, dass ihre Organisation keine digitalen Lernwerkzeuge im Einsatz hat.

COVID-19 & L&D

Ungefähr 70% der Führungskräfte innerhalb der globalen Umfrage geben an, dass sie digitales Lernen und digitale Entwicklung als Ergebnis von COVID-19 mehr schätzen, und über 67% aller globalen Teilnehmer an der Umfrage glauben, dass digitales Lernen und digitale Entwicklung dazu beitragen kann, die Auswirkungen von Schocks und Belastungen durch zukünftige Ereignisse zu minimieren.

“2020 war für viele Organisationen und Einzelpersonen weltweit ein herausforderndes Jahr. Unsere globale Umfrage zum Stand des Lernens und der Entwicklung zeigt, dass die C-Suite international zunehmend anerkennt, dass L&D entscheidend für den Erfolg ihrer Organisationen ist und dass sich Organisationen mit den richtigen Werkzeugen bei unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen anpassen und neu qualifizieren können”, sagte Janne Hietala, Chief Visionary Officer, Valamis

Laden Sie hier die Infografik herunter, in der die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der nationalen Umfragen zusammengefasst sind.

*Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Umfrageergebnisse auf Englisch sind

Für weitere Informationen:

Valamis Deutschland GmbH

Herr Holger Bräunlich

Business Development Manager

Tel.: 0611 532 88 680


Über Valamis

Valamis ist ein international führender Softwareanbieter und Dienstleister im Bereich des digitalen Lernens. Das Unternehmen mit Wurzeln in Finnland bietet großen Organisationen im privaten wie öffentlichen Sektor individuell zugeschnittene Lösungen zum Lernen und Entwickeln des Personals. Das Ziel ist dabei nicht die Bereitstellung eines Verwaltungssystems, sondern die Schaffung eines motivierenden, personalisierten Lernerlebnisses, das bleibenden Lernerfolg verspricht.

Über die Valamis LXP

Die Valamis – Learning Experience Platform ist eine mehrfach ausgezeichnete Lernlösung, die aus digitalem Lernen einen Vorteil macht. Sie unterstützt Sie bei der Erstellung spannender, personalisierter Lernerfahrungen (Learning Management), bei der Verwaltung von Kompetenzen, der Einhaltung von gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und Richtlinien und vielem mehr.

Teilen Sie Informationen, und schulen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Partnernetzwerke mit einer der weltweit führenden Lernlösungen. Soziales und informelles Lernen, Contenterstellung und -management, Lernevaluierung, ausführliche Analysen des Lernprozesses, xAPI, ein eigener Learning Record Store (LRS) und weitere Funktionen sind mit Valamis abgedeckt.

Mithilfe personalisierter Inhalte und einer lernfähigen KI wird jeder Anwender individuell geschult und weitergebildet. Mithilfe der präzisen Analysen und Funktionen von Valamis, werden Investitionen in das Lernen mit messbaren Ergebnissen belohnt und ermöglichen einen genauen Blick auf die Auswirkungen des Lernerfolgs auf den ROI eines Unternehmens.

Two-letter Domain Prices Surge


The domain
name industry continues to enjoy massive growth in all sectors and while the
.com bubble is showing no signs of bursting, attention has also been focusing
on two-letter domain names. Two-letter domain names have been increasing in
popularity over the past few years and as such, prices have been soaring.
Two-letter .com domain names have seen the biggest growth, however close behind
are other top-level and second-level domains such as .uk, .bet, .org, .co.uk

website owners are realising the importance of acquiring an instantly
recognisable and short domain name. This sort of web address catches the
attention and is increasingly being seen as an asset to any company, however
where relevant to the website content it can also be a massive aid to SEO
(search engine optimisation). This has helped boost the prices of two-letter
domain names to the point that website owners are acquiring these web addresses
as an investment.

domain trader domainsforsale.co.uk have for sale a
massive selection of two-letter domain names. Indeed, this operator is one of
the UK’s leading suppliers of domain names with their extensive catalogue
containing domain names covering most industries, from entertainment and
recruitment to manufacturing, travel and tourism. Their selection of two-letter
domain names is second-to-none and if they don’t have your perfect two-letter
domain in stock, the likelihood is that they can find it for you.

It cannot
be overstated just how important the domain name of your website is and you can
increase your traffic substantially with a two-letter domain name, provided of
course that is relevant to your website business model. The importance of this
hasn’t been lost on many website owners and as such, demand has increased

In all,
there are 676 different combinations of two-letter domain names for each domain
extension ie: .com, .co.uk, .uk, .bet etc, however many of these are owned by
large corporations with many being sold privately. As such, availability
becomes scarcer and this is reflected in the rising prices, especially in the
.com sector. Nevertheless, there are still many options available and while you
may need to do a little research of your own in order to find your perfect
two-letter domain name, the best approach is undoubtedly to visit one of the
many traders such as domainsforsale.co.uk.

domainsforsale.co.uk you will find a comprehensive listing of two-letter domain
names and with sales being brisk, they are constantly updating their stock.
Once you have chosen your ideal domain name, domainsforsale.co.uk will guide
you through the process of attaching it to your website should you need help in
doing this. This is a fairly straightforward process but it is always a good
idea to have an industry professional guide you safely past the many pitfalls
that can catch-out the unwary from time-to-time.

Yes – You Can Get a Mortgage if You Are Self-Employed


Self-employed workers have
traditionally encountered difficulties in successfully applying for financial
products and services. Mortgages in particular have been considered something
of a ‘no go’ area for the self-employed, motivating many to abstain from
applying altogether.

However, evidence suggests that mortgage lenders in the UK are not nearly as hesitant to work with
the self-employed as previously thought. 

As long as those concerned can
comfortably afford the repayments and are in a strong financial position, they
have just as much chance qualifying for a competitive mortgage deal as
conventionally employed applicants.

Growing Demand, Relaxed Restrictions

According to recent figures released
by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the UK was home to more than 5
million self-employed workers at the end of last year. This equates to
approximately 15% of the entire employed population and represents a huge spike
from the 3.2 million self-employed workers recorded 20 years earlier.

Commenting on the shifting trends in
the United Kingdom, Hodge Bank business development director, Emma Graham, told
Yahoo Finance that self-employed status is no longer the big obstacle it used
to be.

“I don’t think it [being
self-employed] makes a big difference these days, it is just as easy to get a
mortgage if you’re self-employed than if you were employed,” she said.

“Going back a generation ago it was
quite tricky, some of the requirements were quite onerous, but self-employment
is ever-growing and more popular,”

“The challenges can come if you are
newly self-employed and have a limited history of your accounts, but an adviser
will know exactly where you should go to get the best deal.”

Adjusting to the New Norm

The after-effects of the COVID-19
crisis are likely to be with us for some time, including home working becoming
the ‘new norm’ for businesses. In addition, experts believe that the upward
trend in self-employment and the pursuit of self-employment opportunities will
only continue to accelerate over the coming years.

Traditionally, it has been assumed
that self-employed status immediately raises a ‘red flag’ with lenders. In
reality, qualifying for a mortgage as a self-employed worker is no more
difficult than any ‘conventional’ case.

You simply need to ensure your
finances are in order, get your accounts signed off by a certified accountant
and produce enough evidence to support your application. In addition, broker
support is considered essential for anyone looking to apply for a mortgage as a self-employed worker.

Across all age groups, the number of
self-employed workers qualifying for mortgages is growing at record pace. In
some instances, self-employed applicants with quantifiable long-term job
security are actually being offered more than their conventionally
employed counterparts.

Lenders are increasingly acknowledging
the fact that self-employed doesn’t inherently mean ‘high-risk’. In a climate
such as today’s, it can actually mean the exact opposite.

For more information on any of the
above or to discuss self-employed mortgage applications in more detail, contact
a member of the team at
UK Property Finance today.

Tips That You Should Take Into Account Before Financial Investment by Sofiya Machulskaya


Before choosing
investment instruments, you should consider several factors to find out what
suits you and avoid surprises.

One of the great
advantages of investing is that it allows you to build wealth more quickly. On
the other hand, the disadvantage is that depending on the type of investment;
you can put your capital at risk if you do not choose wisely.

Several factors
influence the security and growth rate of your money. However, there is no
doubt that investing is always a good decision.

For example,
simply by choosing a short-term investment that gives you a return over the
annual inflation rate, you are already protecting your money against

But, if you want
to grow it quickly, it is best to opt for investment instruments and funds that
offer you higher rates of return. 

The problem is
that those higher returns carry greater risk by exposing your capital to
fluctuations in national and international markets.

For you to make more informed and accurate decisions, you should follow Sofia Machulskaya’s recommended tips before investing.

1. Identify your investor profile

Analyze aspects
such as your age, your income, your family situation, the age of your children
and your investment purposes, so that you can decide what your tolerance for
risk is, what returns you want to receive and what combination of instruments
you should choose. 

2. Learn about the financial markets

Never invest in
something you don’t understand. You must be able to understand basic financial
terms and how the markets work so that you can identify risk situations and
know when it is appropriate to modify your investment portfolio.

3. Seek

There a professional advisor like Sofia Machulskaya will help you define the composition of your investments according to your investor profile and will offer you complete information to make timely decisions.

Decide which instruments to invest in

The advisor will
offer you various investment options depending on your aversion to risk and
your goals and timelines. But the final decision of what to buy and when to
sell is yours.

Assign the amount for your investments

You don’t need to
have a large asset to start in the world of investments, but you do not need to
allocate all your savings to them, since it is most likely that you do not have
immediate liquidity.

Diversify your portfolio

You have probably
heard the saying “Do not put all the eggs in only”. It is the concept behind
investment diversification.

If you invest in
different types and investment instruments, you will compensate for the
possible losses of some with the gains of others.

Compare administrative costs

Pay attention to
the portfolio management fees charged by the brokerage house or investment

You don’t want to
make multiple small investments in a fund that charges you a transaction fee.

Get informed and get good advice from Sofia Machulskaya. You will begin to see your asset grow to achieve your financial goals without taking unnecessary risks.


Difference Between Financial Investment And Economic Investment by Sofiya Machulskaya


The difference between
financial investment and economic investment is explained here, and the
benefits of which type of investment are good for companies.

The financial
investment consists of investing in strategic and non-tangible assets so that
the business of a company or an individual flourishes.

It consists of
allocating resources in a financial asset such as a bank account, stocks,
investment funds, currencies, and derivatives. 

Also, purchases of
financial assets can be made. This type of investment may or may not produce a
change that is the company may or may not receive benefits in the short term.

The business can make
a profit by placing money in financial investments such as an accrual savings

The financial investment can also be an expenditure on education or a business initiative that not only allows obtaining economic benefits but also generating work and wealth.


By making an economic
investment, resources are put into something that can generate benefits above
an initial cost.

The economic
investment would consist of the purchase or upgrade of machinery and equipment
or the addition of a workforce that helps or improves the company, such as a
tuition reimbursement program for employees.

In both economic and
financial investments, the company undergoes a cost-benefit analysis to
consider the potential return on investment. 

By the consideration of Sofia Machulskaya, these investments have risks. For example, investing in training programs could cost the company money if the employee leaves work a month later.

Difference between spending and investment

In financial terms,
spending and investment are two widely used concepts. Both involve an immediate
or deferred payment of the money. 

The difference between
these concepts will be the purpose of each one and its consequences in the future.

The costs are
expenditures that relate to the purchase of goods or enjoyment of service to
meet a need. 

Over time, the
consumption of that good or service occurs without expecting to obtain a return
in the future. An expense is immediate.

However, when we talk
about investments, it is the opposite. It is not an immediate expense but is
made to receive a future reward. 

A return on the amount
that is initially disbursed is expected, either with the same monetary nature
or with a more intangible nature, such as investments in education, health,

Other Types of Investments

Operating investments: 

These are the
investments made by the company to acquire current assets, that is, those that
make up the money-merchandise-money cycle by packaging, raw materials, fuels,
office supplies.

In a strict sense, are
not considered investments.

Structural investments: 

These investments are
made to acquire non-current assets that include machinery, buildings,
computers, cars, etc. 

These elements are
called fixed assets since they last over time for several financial years.

Renewal investments: 

These are investments that replace elements that, due to the passage of time or for any other cause, have become useless and unusable for productive activity. The suggestion of Sofia Machulskaya is a good option in case of renewable investment.

Expansion investments: 

These are investments
made to add new elements to those that already exist in the company to increase

Innovation investments

These investments
substitute elements for others that incorporate technological improvements and

It is all about economic and financial investment, and you can get any assistant from Sofia Machulskaya to get business help.


Why now is a good time to expand your buy-to-let portfolio


We discover why
buy-to-let landlords should increase their portfolio following the pandemic.

The past few months have undeniably been difficult for a majority of the UK and other areas of the world. The pandemic has likely changed any plans you may originally have had at the beginning of the year. No one could expect or envision the pandemic or its impact, not only on our health but also our economy.

To help revive the
economy, the government released several updates including reduced stamp duty
rates to help keep the housing market going, this is a massive bonus for those
looking to move and for buy-to-let landlords who want to increase their

Before the pandemic

If you were considering purchasing an additional property before the pandemic, you would have been faced with extra charges such as an increase in stamp duty tax with a surcharge of 3%, reduced tax relief for buy-to-let landlords and capital tax gains when you eventually go to sell the property.

Previously, the
government’s aim was to prioritise those who wanted to enter the housing market
by making it easier for them to purchase their first property and make it
harder for landlords to expand their portfolio.

If you are in the
position of being able to invest in more properties, now may be the perfect

Let us explain why.

Why now is a good time to expand your buy-to-let portfolio?

Here are some of
the reasons why now is the time to consider adding to your property portfolio.

Stamp duty tax reduced

You may have heard
recently the governments new package to kick start the economy after lockdown
includes a reduction in stamp duty tax. The housing market was particularly hard
hit during the lockdown as no one was allowed to physically view another house,
nor were they allowed to move.

As restrictions
have eased, the stamp duty reduction is hugely welcomed by not only home movers
but also buy-to-let landlords.

You are currently
no longer required to pay the standard 2-5% stamp duty on main home properties
of the value between £125,000 – £500,000. If the property you are purchasing is
an additional property, landlords will only need to pay the 3% surcharge which
is payable on all buy-to-let properties or second homes.

The cut in stamp
duty means that landlords will see their tax bills start at a rate of 3% on
properties costing up to £500,000. This means you won’t have to pay the
original stamp duty of 2% of properties between £125,000 – £250,000 and 5% on
properties worth between £250,001 – £925,000.

The reduction in
stamp duty is to last for eight months, ending on 31st March 2021.

Property prices dropping

As people lose confidence in the economy and with people losing jobs, the property market has taken a small hit with a decline of 0.1% in property houses, bringing the average house value to £216,403 in June.

House prices have
been on the incline for the past 8 years, and with the rise expected to
continue in the following years to come, now may be the chance to benefit from
a bargain. Depending on how the markets go, if it continues to grow in a couple
of years, this could potentially be a good investment opportunity.

Increase demand for rental properties

Buying a buy-to-let
property, you need to consider what the rental market is like and whether you
can find someone to live in your property to pay rent.

According to recent
surveys and research, the UK rental market has been booming during the
lockdown. There is currently a tenant demand for rental properties with an
increase of 33% in May compared to this time last year.

This may be a sign
of the rental market starting to recover. When the demand for rental property
increases, it usually follows that rents will increase too.

Buy-to-let products have increased

Buy-to-let product
numbers have increased between May-June 2020 by 280, bringing the total of
mortgage options available to 1,735.

This means that Buy-to-let
landlords can now benefit from the biggest variety in mortgage options. Some
five-year fixed rate buy-to-let mortgages have seen product numbers rise the

According to recent
research, borrowers with a fix for five years with 80% loan to value will see
the biggest rate reduction with the average being -0.67%.

Things to consider

Before committing
to expanding your property portfolio, there are other extra costs and things
you need to consider.

Rent break

As coronavirus has
shut down a large majority of the economy, a lot of people have or will face
losing their jobs.

With this in mind,
there may be some tenants who will struggle to pay their monthly rent. You will
need to make sure you have enough funds to cover any costs if you lose any
tenants for a period of time, or if they are struggling financially.

Landlords Insurance

Landlords insurance is vital to keep commercial or
residential investments safe during and after the pandemic. It can protect you
for buildings and contents cover, loss of rent, damages and forced closure.
This will help to protect you from most unexpected costs.

Use a financial advisor

Please be advised,
all information provided in this article is based on research and market
information, if you are considering purchasing additional properties, you
should visit a financial or mortgage advisor.

As the lockdown
continues to ease and the economy starts to open again, this may affect
property prices and interest rates. But as it stands at the moment it looks as though
the buy-to-let market is growing. 

Secrets To Long-Term Financial Success


financial success is something that everyone strives for, but not everyone can
achieve. There is a misconception that you must earn an above-average salary
and/or live on a shoestring budget to build towards a brighter financial
future, but this is not strictly true. It is possible to enjoy long-term
financial success if you are intelligent with your money, even on a modest
salary. Yet, unfortunately, most people are not educated in personal finance,
which holds them back. With this in mind, here are a few of the best ways that
you can build long-term financial success while enjoying a comfortable

Every Expense

of the most basic yet overlooked aspects of improving your financial situation
is analysing every expense that you make. You should always ask yourself if it
is something that you need and keep in mind that just because you can afford it
does not mean that you should buy it. If it is something that you need to buy,
be sure to shop around and try to find the best possible price.

Reasonable Lifestyle Changes

often spend a lot of money on their lifestyle, which could be holding them back
financially. A few reasonable lifestyle changes that are worth implementing

  • Switching to an electric car and/or reducing driving
  • Making packed lunches instead of buying from the shop
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat less junk food/do not go out for dinner as often
  • Move to a more affordable home

Money Into Savings Every Month

should also automatically deposit a percentage of your income into a
high-interest savings account each month. You
should shop around to try and find the best rates and set up automated payments
so that you do not have to think about it or get tempted to spend the money.

To Grips With Your Pension

also need to have a clear understanding of what your pension situation is and
consider increasing contributions if possible – this could help you to earn a
lot more money down the line, and this forward planning is often what allows
people a brighter financial future.

Cryptocurrency Trading

can be a smart way to build wealth for the future, and right now,
cryptocurrency trading is a good option. Much like with any type of investing,
this can be complex, and to trade successfully you will need to have a solid
understanding of markets, but this is not the case when you use the Bitcoin Evolution app which can automate
your decisions and allow you to enjoy a passive income.

Out Your Career

course, your career is your biggest tool when it comes to building wealth, so
this is an area that needs planning. You should map out what your career goals
are and find ways to maximise your income, whether this is applying for a
promotion, moving to a new company or industry, improving your employability,
or finding ways to supplement your income.

on these, and you should find long-term financial success and all of the
benefits that this brings to your life.

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