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Three game-changing companies providing clean water


Considering it makes up around 70% of our bodies, it’s no
surprise that humans need plenty of clean water in order to function. In fact,
the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that we need to use at least 20 litres per day — for drinking, as
well as washing and cooking — in order to take care of our basic hygiene and
food needs. And while the planet’s freshwater sources are the same as
they have always been — around 2.5% of Earth’s water is considered fresh — the
planet’s population has exploded in recent times, leading to a clean water
crisis around the world.

While you may think that first-world countries would be safe
from having to worry about access to freshwater, this couldn’t be further from
the truth. An increasing number of developed countries lack access to clean
water, the most notable example perhaps being the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. This came
about after the government failed to add corrosion inhibitors to the water,
having switched sources from the treated Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
water (which was sourced from Lake Huron and the Detroit River) to the Flint
River. As a result, it was found that lead was leaching into the water supply,
poisoning thousands of citizens. While thousands of families in Flint continue
to rely on water donations in order to survive, officials maintain that the
water is safe to drink.

Here, we’ll look at some of the most innovative technologies
being developed in order to solve the water crisis, prevent incidents like
these, and provide clean, fresh water to billions around the world.

Grundfos: providing solar-powered water pumps

As previously mentioned, not even 3% of the planet’s water
sources are directly usable for humans and, considering that around 71% of the
Earth’s surface is made up of water, this is a tiny percentage of
freshwater that can be used by a constantly growing population. But in many
places around the world, the problem isn’t a lack of water — it’s that the
available sources are contaminated. It’s estimated that around 2 billion people
use drinking water that has been contaminated with faeces, which can lead to a
range of diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio,
and cause around 485,000 deaths each year. However, groundwater is being
increasingly used as it’s considered safer and easier to treat, if it needs to
be treated at all, provided pollutants haven’t leached underground.

Many businesses are looking at extracting groundwater, which
can be particularly useful in developing and rural areas. Grundfos,
for example, has developed solar-powered water pump products with the aim of
providing clean and sustainable water for customers around the world, whether
that’s for a small village or an entire building. These are perfect for rural
areas which perhaps cannot afford electricity or diesel to run traditional
water metering pumps, but still need a clean water supply for agriculture.

The rapid growth of Grundfos on a global scale meant it had
to quickly streamline its business processes in order to improve customer service by gathering accurate
data and reviews. The company looked to SAP software to address this, which
resulted in a threefold growth in purchases from the top 25% of customers.
Headquartered in Denmark, a leader in agriculture, manufacturing, and energy
sectors for SAP specialists, it meant that Grundfos could
quickly hire the required experts to get the project moving as quickly as
possible, and maximise sales.

LifeStraw: manufacturing portable water filters

Designed for people living in developing nations and for use
in humanitarian crises, LifeStraws have since been adopted by hikers,
survivalists, and general outdoor adventurists. The straw itself features a
hollow fibre membrane, as well as activated carbon in some models. Water is
drawn up via suction — like a traditional straw — then passes through hollow
fibres that filter water particles in order to make it drinkable. The device
claims to filter out any dirt, bacteria, and parasites, making it ideal for
cleaning water from lakes and rivers — an especially helpful process for a
water crisis.

While most entrepreneurs look at their businesses as having
a corporate social responsibility, LifeStraw instead looks itself as being a
“global public health company with a retail program”. Speaking to Forbes, managing director Alison Hill
explained how the company leverages products targeted specifically at
schoolchildren from the world’s developing areas. On the other hand, the retail
products developed by LifeStraw include water bottles, pitchers, and universal
filter attachments. And with every retail sale made, the business’ Give Back
scheme allows them to continually provide fresh water to communities around the

Dar Si Hmad: capturing water from the atmosphere

Some regions, such as Peru, Bolivia, and Morocco, are chronically
dry, making water collection more difficult. However, while it isn’t possible
to use conventional methods to gather water from natural sources, experts have
managed to harness water from the atmosphere. Foggy regions, like Sidi Ifni in
Morocco, are ideal areas for utilising this technology, as made evident by the
nonprofit organisation, Dar Si Hmad.

On the slopes of nearby Mount Boutmezguida, they installed
fog collectors — large, vertically-installed nets — creating the world’s
largest fog harvesting, or cloud fishing, project.

The nets harvest around 6,3000 litres of water every day —
as the fog passes through the fine mesh, the mist gets caught, trickling down
into the collection system, where it is filtered through. The water is then
mixed with groundwater, and piped into five nearby villages, providing clean
water for around 400 people.

Health News: Is Botox the Solution For Younger-Looking Skin?


Have you
heard of Botox? Where did you? Many people have created an opinion about Botox
with whatever they have seen or read from the newspapers, magazines, several
blogs, and heard from of their family members or friends. But are those things
the only authentic information about Botox? You would have got to hear
something positive or negative about Botox, but do you think Botox is a good
remedy for people who are suffering from their aged looks?

Botox is
one of the cosmetic treatments known for its effectiveness in treating wrinkles
or the fine lines that appear on your face due to the natural process of aging
or your skin’s exposure to several external factors such as severe sunlight, UV
rays, pollution, and your bad habit such as improper food diets, exercise,
smoking and so many more. Are you one among those who wish to erase your aged
look as it affects your mental health? If so, then Botox is your fabulous
solution for a youthful appearance and a younger-looking skin. Medical
professionals and research have identified Botox to be one of the most
successful treatments chosen by millions because of its good effects and very
little side effects.

Botox is
a recognized cosmetic improvement treatment that uses Botox toxin, a
combination of botulinum toxin type A, which is a
vigorous ingredient, human albumin, which is a protein present in human blood
plasma and sodium chloride. This toxin can smoothen the frown lines on
your face that have always made you look angry, sad, tired, and old and give
you back your desired youthful look. If you are wondering whether this
treatment is a permanent solution to your aged look, the answer is no, it
isn’t. But you can take a shot whenever you feel the toxin’s effect is fading
off your face. Usually, the effect of the toxin will last for about two weeks
and more, so you can relax till then. Do you think you need this treatment to
look and stay young?

All you
have to do is browse Botox
near me
to see the best clinics offering Botox and to understand more
about the awesome wrinkle eraser. It is not true that people of every age group
can undergo Botox treatment. Only adults in the UK are approved as the right
candidates for Botox. You must be wondering how exactly this treatment is done
and what it does to your skin. The whole treatment is even simpler than it
sounds to be. A small amount of Botox toxin is injected into the muscles
causing wrinkles or lines using tiny needles so that the nerve signals are
blocked from reaching the tissues. This will stop the muscles from contracting,
making it remain relaxed hence, stopping the formation of wrinkles.  

Within 10 minutes, Botox can be injected into your muscles. Choosing experienced and professionals in Botox can make the whole process even more effective. Within a few days, you will see wrinkles disappearing from your face and making you look younger, better, and beautiful. So, after all these procedures, you need to take good care of your skin and use the products of the Nature Republic, which is a great natural skincare brand.

The Seven Wonders of The Ancient World


The Seven
Wonders has always been the subject of much debate throughout the ages. They
were symbols of man’s creativity, skill, and vision. Their greatness and wonder
have echoed down through the ages and the mind still boggles at how ancient man
was able to design and build these great structures. The list of wonders was
originally complied by Philo of Byzantium in 225 B.C. It is clear to see that
each one of these wonders merit their place on the list!

The Great
Pyramid of Giza

The only one of
the Wonder’s to survive the ages. It is the largest of the three pyramids
located outside Cairo. It was built sometime between 2700 B.C and 2500 B.C. The
Great Pyramid is known as Khufu and it took 2 million blocks to build. The Pyramids has not only
influenced history and the modern world. it has also brought its splendour online, through many online games like Lara Croft: Temples and
Tombs the game is playable at Aspers
Casino Online
. It is just one example of how the Egyptians still influence culture

The Hanging
Gardens of Babylon

Build by Nebuchadnezzar
II for his wife – because she missed her homeland. It was believed to have
stood at 75ft tall and contained a collection of exotic plants and trees. There
remains a lot of debate as to whether it existed or not. Many records of the
time do not mention it being part of ancient Babylon.

Lighthouse at

Ptolemy I order
the great lighthouse at Alexandria to be built to aid ships that entered the
busy port. It became known as one of the largest structures in the ancient
world. It could be seen far out to sea. There was a fire at the top, which was
used during the night, and during the day there was a mirrors that reflected
the sun it could be seen for great distances. 

Colossus of

This was a huge
statue of the god Helios – he was the patron god of
the island. It stood the harbor of Rhodes. The height of the statue was 110 feet
and was bigger than most statues. It was wrecked by an earthquake in 226 BCE
and lay in ruins for many years. The Bronze statue was then taken away and
melted down in the East.

Mausoleum at

The Mausoleum
was built after the death of Satrap Mausolus around 351 BCE. Halicarnassus was
in what is now Bodrum, Turkey. It became one of the busiest ports in the
Eastern Mediterranean and the capital of the small kingdom. King and his wife
were both buried there, and the pair were both remembered for over seeing the
growth of the small nation.

Zeus at Olympia

Set within
Olympia’s Temple of Zeus, the statue was believed to be 40 feet tall. It is the
most famous depiction of the god known. It was built by Phidias using ivory and
gold. Zeus’ head almost touched the ceiling of the temple as he remained
seated. The temple eventually fell into disrepair and the Christians took the
statue to Constantinople where it was destroyed.

Temple of

Finally, we
have this temple that was built in Ephesus. It measured 425 feet long, and 225
feet wide and contained 60-foot columns. By all accounts, the temple was
magnificent and was believed to be one of mankind’s greatest achievements. It
was burned down by a man called Herodotus and was rebuilt a few times before
being destroyed in 401 CE.

How To Save Money On A Holiday Park This Year


peak season for the UK’s holiday parks. Pick a good one and you’ll have high
quality accommodation in a prime location. Pick a bad one and you’ll be booking
into a hotel next time.

are four money saving tips for choosing a holiday park in 2020.

Travel north for lower prices

biggest choice of caravan holiday parks in the UK can be found in popular
holiday counties like Cornwall, Devon and Norfolk. However, many of the best
deals we’ve found have been in the north of England, Wales and Scotland. It’s
not an absolute rule, but prices tend to be a little lower as you travel north.

Book early…or very late

are two schools of thought when it comes to getting the best deal on a holiday
park in the UK. The first theory is that booking early guarantees you the best
value accommodation. Early bookers figure out which accommodation is nearest to
the beach and furthest away from the noisy entertainment complex, or nearest to
the restaurant and swimming pool if they plan to use it regularly.

the other hand, most of the big holiday park chains (e.g. Haven, Parkdean Resorts)
offer last minute deals to fill up their resorts.

you know where you want to stay I would recommend booking as early as possible.
If you don’t mind where you’re staying – as long as it’s a bargain – then
booking a last minute deal is an appealing option.

Don’t assume the most expensive accommodation is the best

sites tend to replace their stock gradually rather than all at once, so you get
some strange pricing anomalies. For example, the ‘gold’ accommodation might be
older than the ‘bronze’ accommodation but it would still be more expensive.

be aware that some holiday parks get a little creative with the language they
use on their websites. Bog-standard caravans become ‘platinum holiday homes’ or
even ‘luxury lodges’. Generally, a lodge will be significantly wider than a
caravan but there’s some inconsistency about how the different words are used.

best thing to do is to look for reviews of the different grades of
accommodation – or just call the reception and ask which caravans are most
popular. Visitor photos on TripAdvisor are also useful if people include
details of which type of caravan or lodge they stayed in.

Look at European holiday parks

you’re not having any luck with finding a UK holiday park which is right for
you, take a look abroad.

of Brits head for Center Parcs resorts in Europe as they can be considerably
cheaper than the UK parks. They’re run by a different company and there’s a big
variation in customer reviews, so read up on reviews for Center Parcs in France, the
and Germany
to find out which offers what you’re after.

If you want the experience of travelling overseas without the hassle of a
foreign holiday then the Isle of Wight can be good value and has a good choice
of seaside caravan parks
. You don’t need
a passport to visit and some holiday parks will give you a big discount on the
ferry fare.

Do Ex-Footballers Ever Transition Well to Management or the Boardroom?


The new millennia has seen rapid change in all aspects of professional sport, whether it is retractable roofs, cameras mounted on drones, VR review technology, Moneyball-style big data strategies or Liverpool winning the Premier League, things they are a-changin.

However, there are some ancient sporting trends that run through athletic competition like a weed that refuses to die.

One of these is undoubtedly the idea that a great football player will automatically become a successful manager, with club owners and international team head honchos all believing that a player’s former glory can be sprinkled over a contemporary crop of players.


One of the leagues and indeed countries with a propensity for putting ex-pro players at the helm of a club is the SPL and Scotland, inspired by old school legends like Kenny Dalglish and Jock Stein.

Whether it is the little ginger wizard that is Gordon Strachan leading the national team or Neil Lennon getting excited about fulfilling the SPL odds of Celtic winning ten league titles in a row, Scottish football has always bought into the idea that playing experience trumps all other managerial qualities.

That theory will be severely put to the test during the new, already up and running, SPL season, as the aforementioned Lennon and Steven Gerrard go head to head.

Whoever finishes second in Scotland is always deemed an abject failure. It remains to be seen if Gerrard’s blood and thunder approach will garner results or if SPL betting aficionados will have him nailed on for the sack come the end of a dismal league campaign.

However, the SPL title aside, it could be argued that years of managers who are short on ideas of how rejuvenate a club has been one of the many factors that have led to Scottish sides having a diminished impact in European competitions. With perhaps only Brendan Rodgers being a rare exception.

Will Neil Lennon keep proving that players can succeed when leading from the dugout?

Premier League

England’s most famous managers tend to be non-English former players who no one had heard of before they went on to take over the world. The likes of José Mourinho, Arsène Wenger, Alex Ferguson and Jürgen Klopp are all excellent examples of this.

When it comes to former Premier League stars who came good as managers there are pretty slim pickings.

However, when it comes to failures, there are quite a few. The funniest of these tend to be the Premier League superstars who head abroad to take control of a team, with culture clashes and languages barriers hindering them at every juncture.

Gary Neville’s dismal attempt at running Valencia culminated in him being sacked after just four months and a crazy 7-0 thrashing against Barcelona, which still ranks as one of the embarrassing defeats in football history. 

Thierry Henry was a legend at Arsenal, but suffered a similar fate to Neville, as he tore all the va va voom out of Monaco. 

David Beckham’s new Miami-based MLS franchise, during its maiden season, made the worst start to a campaign in the league’s history.

Paul Scholes, Gary Neville, David Beckham and Roy Keane all failed to learn anything about managing a team from Alex Ferguson

Serie A

While recent seasons in Scottish and English leagues have been cautionary tales against having a former player as a manager, the same cannot be said of European domestic leagues.

Some of Serie A’s most successful managers of all time were also once at the top of the game as players.

Didier Deschamps was a Juventus playing legend long before he led France to World Cup glory, as were the likes of Fabio Capello (he was actually really good before he wrecked England) and Giovanni Trapattoni.

In more recent times there are a new breed of Italian manager who also used to ply their trade as players, with Andrea Pirlo, Simone Inzaghi, Antonio Conte and Gennaro Gattuso all leading highly successful teams.

In Conclusion

Ultimately it appears to be the rather insular nature of the English footballer that has meant they have failed to become successful managers either at home or abroad.

This has become even more pronounced as the game has developed to be more globally popular and tactics have moved on from the days of “if in doubt put it out” and “we’re playing four four two whatever happens.”

For now, though, if you are a team owner, the only former players you should be looking to make your team manager are those sourced from Italy, Spain, France or Germany.

Dylan Sigley on the Five Best Steps to Develop an Online Business


Hello! How are you Dylan Sigley, currently I am stuck with a 9 to 5 job, which I do not like and desiring to commence my own online business? Please can you give me some useful tips about how I can commence my own business?

It is a good question!

According to Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zoppos.com:

“For me, the most interesting is improvement or
growth. Of both, there are factors for sure that I like. Launching your own
business is a sort of like a motorboat: You can go very faster and turn

The most significant number of people discover it
tough to urge started because they believe it’s not very comfortable and can
cost plenty of cash. But, it comes down to the following five simple starts to
put together a web business in my experience.

Commencing a web business isn’t complicated if you
recognize the way to sell. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a flowery
website, or a well-designed logo, or what appearances you employ. The primary
and essential thing that matters is sales.

I am getting to use the instance of a services-based
business that uses the drop servicing methodology. It is often my speciality
and what I do know back to front. It’s what we teach through Dylan Sigley’s
‘Drop Servicing Blueprint’ course.

Observe these five Tips, and you’ll be to build a
profitable and scalable online enterprise.

  1. Get the precise Business Plan

The primary and significant step is to seek out the
proper business idea. There are two ways you’ll set about finding the precise
idea. The main thing is to explore and find ideas that are already being
executed successfully by people. Therefore the second is to go up with an
inspiration of your own and analysis if executed.

Additionally, you can go down with the primary path,
commence with joining entrepreneurial organizations and business societies on
platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, and look at the varieties of
businesses and other people running.

You should have to ready to get any sort of information
from people about what’s operating for them online and how they went about
fixing a successful business.

On top of staring at Facebook and LinkedIn clubs to
seek out business ideas, you’ll also continue to freelancer sites such as
Fiverr and Freelancer.com and appearance at what sorts of services are being
awarded their services and have tons of demand from firms.

You require to seek out a service, which will be sold
and delivered entirely online. Plus, you will also get to confirm that there
are freelancers out there, who will perform project delivery at a lower cost
than your rivals, the difference in what competitors cost, and what freelancers
charge is your margin of earnings.

It is conceivable to come up with your idea for a
service to sell, but I always prescribe that people inaugurate, which is the
best to supply a service that previously breathes.

You can swiftly confirm that there’s a requirement for
it, which is possible to deliver because you’ll notice people now performing
it. You would not have to reinvent the engine to create a business that
provides you ‘freedom money,’ which is enough to cover and quit your daily

Moreover, the Chances are you not getting to have some fantastic ideas similar hold by the Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, so concentrate initially on finding something that you understand,  there’s a requirement you’ll give. You don’t require to be subsequent Elon Musk, train in becoming subsequent Dylan Sigley, and live a life of leisure!

  • Reverse Engineer the Run

Now that you have selected a business idea, the
subsequent step is to reverse engineer the run. You want to work out whether
your business idea is being implemented by tons of companies already by doing a
fast Google search.

When you look for your service type or a business
idea, you’ll notice what percentage of other businesses are endeavouring. Then
you’ll certify whether it’s a practical idea by visiting their websites to
investigate how they market their service, what proportion they credit, and how
they give the service.

According to Walter Wriston, a banker and former
chairman and CEO of Citicorp:

“The person who finds out how to harness the group of
the genius of their business is going to play the competition away.”

As you discover competitors offering your service will
start to ‘reversed engineer’ and develop your business systems maintained

For instance, if I practised being fixing a brand new
company called ‘Dylan Sigley Video Services’ i might see how my opponents have
found out their websites, how they impersonate their service or offers, and how
the costs for it. To discover what to try for my business, recognize not to
copy them completely!

  • Create an Enchanting Proposal

Now that you know what service you’ll be selling and
how to create your business systems, the subsequent step is to style an
Enchanting Proposal. Because you’re commencing a web business, you’ve arranged
a competitive gain over the standard markets.

Because you’re entirely virtual, you’ll cash in
information technologies and a worldwide working-class to stay your costs much
less than traditional brick and mortar opponents. For example, my new company
‘Dylan Sigley Video Services’ is struggling with many opponents that should pay
higher salaries to their workers and rent costly offices. I can struggle with
them by performing an equivalent level of quality work at a very lower price.

It is your competitive edge and provides you with an
excellent entry point into the market. And your prices somewhere between what
proportion your opponents impose and how much it’ll cost you to hire
freelancers to deliver the project—the most significant difference, is your
upper margin of profit.

  • Generate Marketing ideas and Sales

Presently that you’ve got an excellent business idea,
reversed engineered your opponent, and made a compelling offer, it’s time to
travel to plug. There are some ways to promote yourself – both free and paid.
The simplest free methods incorporate social outreach social media and cold
email, and therefore the most beneficial paid methods incorporate LinkedIn ads,
Facebook, and Google, and much more.

Furthermore, when you get some money to take a stand,
you’ll choose the paid designs, and if you’ve got time but not tons of money,
you’ll train in the free designs.

Similarly, you should not strive to do all of the
marketing channels immediately, because if you are doing, you’re getting to
weaken your attention across all of them, and you’re not growing to be ready to
master all of them. Whereas whether you train in one, you’re getting to get
outcomes much quicker because you’re becoming to determine what works and what
are not sufficient.

The best method I advise clients who undergo the Dylan Sigley’ Drop Servicing Blueprint’ course is to practice cold emails as your primary sales method.

You can get contact information for target customers
in free directories such as LinkedIn and CrunchBase and then contacts them with
your offer. Plenty of our clients have had fabulous achievement with this

  • Scaling-Up and Test

As you’ve got crafted your message and determined
which audience you’re getting to mark, it’s time to leave there and honestly
inquire about it. You would like to examine different variations of your offer
to recognize which one performs the best.

You can experiment with different variations of your
sales mail, landing page, and sales texts if you invite clients.

When you discover what’s working and begin to form
sales, double down and check out to proportion your drop-servicing business. It
suggests that doing things like build up the back-end of your business by
implementing systems to undertake and automate as many tasks as possible.

You’ll also rent other freelancers to hold out tasks
for you like lead formation. It may release some time to train in more
essential tasks, such as making sales and project delivery.

The beauty of this model is that when you’ve
understood it for presenting one service, you’ll look to provide more services.
The top result’s a continuously expanding business that doesn’t even need more
of your time!


To conclude from the above discussion, assume you
would like to create a successful online business, specializing in the things
that matter. Place your energy into winning the proper business plans, reverse
engineer your competition, design an overwhelming offer, develop a marketing
plan, and finally scale and test.

Whether you catch these five actions, you’ll be to
build the right online business and will be able to obtain clients immediately
because getting sales is all that matters at the top of the day.

So, inspect the ‘Dylan Sigley Drop Servicing Blueprint,’ step by step pattern to create, scale, and automate your online business.

At last, I would like to finish the discussion with a
quote, “self-development results in business development”, said by John G Agno.
So, to develop a real business, first develop yourself.

The Best Way to Reduce Your Premiums Isn’t What You Think


A cursory search about
the best ways to save money on insurance premiums will produce some predictable

And there’s no denying
that those methods will lead to reductions in your premiums. But it’s really a
matter of what you expect to achieve.

If you want to make a
significant impact on premiums, you have to change your expectations. You can’t
keep doing the same old things if you want real results.

Keep reading to find out
why those methods don’t work and to discover a better, proven approach that
will actually help.

The Wrong Ways to Reduce Premiums

Here are just a few
common ways that you may already be using to
reduce your premiums

Comparing Prices

More choices are
certainly a good thing. But what are you really comparing?

You’re not getting one
insurer’s premium for you versus another one’s. What you’re really getting is
one insurer’s premium for your class of
versus another one’s premiums for the same class of buyer. So,
this doesn’t take your specific case into account. The only premium reductions
you might achieve are from a different insurer’s internal risk profile and
shareholder expectations.

Highlighting Your Past Claims

You’ve had no claims for
the last 10 years, surely that’s a good thing. Maybe, but maybe it doesn’t

An insurer doesn’t care
what happened in the past unless it can help predict the future. If you haven’t
made any claims on your automobile insurance, does that matter when different
employees will drive the cars for the upcoming period?

Packaging Your Insurance Coverage to Get
Better Premiums

Many insurers resort to
buying more insurance to entice insurers with a bigger total package for a
better price. There’s nothing wrong with this, on the surface.

You might get a better
deal on those premiums. But ask yourself this:

Wouldn’t it be an even
better deal if you didn’t insure some of those assets at all? Yes, it probably
would. Claims are much more predictable than you think and by applying
statistical analysis accurately, you can focus on insuring only those assets
that you can’t afford to lose.

A Better Way to Do It

So, what’s the solution?

For starters, shift your
focus from the past to the future. Only future claims are important and the
past only matters insofar as it can help predict the future.

It’s not enough to
strongly emphasize that you’re a good risk. You have to make insurers believe
that you truly understand your risks.

In practice, this means
outlining those risks in a Solvency II-friendly format. It also means making a
realistic plan for mitigating those risks.

Institutional insurance
buyers understand how important it is to present risks favourably. It’s not
uncommon for a large buyer to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds on
an insurance presentation.

But it’s worth it.
Because it can easily mean millions saved on premiums.

If you save the
insurer’s money by reducing their overhead costs, they’ll pass those savings on
to you in the form of reduced premiums. So, don’t be afraid to spend a little
if it means reducing administrative tasks.

And perhaps most
importantly, don’t ask to wipe out their shareholders.

Who’s foolish enough to
do that? As it turns out, far too many insurance buyers.

Suppose you are buying
EL insurance for 1,000 employees with £100m cover per occurrence. What you’re
asking for is to cover the potential of every one of your employees raising a
claim every day that can cost up to £100m each.

In other words, enough
to bankrupt the insurer!

Be extremely careful
about how you word your policy terms and keep in mind that any mistake could
signal to the insurer that you really don’t trust your own risk analysis.

Reduce Premiums Significantly, Safely, and

Don’t settle for a
fractional reduction of your premiums. You can achieve much more than you think
with the right approach.

If you can convince
insurers that you’re aware of your own risk, and you’re willing to take on some
of those risks yourself, you can expect major savings.

Our InsuranceInspect Services consultancy product can help you make sure
you’re putting your best foot forward and negotiate your premiums successfully.

Author’s Bio:

John is an actuary and owner and Director of HJC Actuarial, which
he founded in 2003 and which has advised over 100 clients since it’s’
inception. He has worked in the insurance industry for 30 years, qualifying as
an actuary in 1995 and becoming a Partner in a major global consulting firm in
2000. Since 2003 he has provided independent advice to his clients on optimal
insurance program design, presentation of risks, and premium negotiation with
insurers, insurer solvency assessments, policy wordings, insurer selection, and
insurance broker selection.

Avoid Being Gazundered: Top Tips


What is Gazundering?

While it might be a silly word, gazundering is not something to be laughed at. Contrasting the similarly-named gazumping (where a new buyer snatches away an almost-complete property sale from the original buyer with a higher offer), gazundering involves an existing buyer lowering their previously agreed offer price at the last minute. In more unfortunate circumstances, sellers can be forced to accept this lower offer at personal cost or else suffer the entire chain breaking down. While it’s rarely done as an act of malice on the part of the buyer, gazundering is still frustrating and can complicate a property sale considerably. If you’re looking to sell your house and want to avoid gazundering at all costs, take note of the following top tips.

Be Cautious of Chains

Complex property chains can cause all manner of issues to arise at any point in the house-selling process. If your buyers face unexpected costs (or even fall victim to gazundering themselves), they may be unable to afford the pre-agreed price and be forced to lower their offer. Of course, it’s not always possible to deal with a chain-free buyer, but if you can, the likelihood of being gazundered reduces significantly.

Set a Clear Date for Contract Exchange

Setting a firm date for the exchange of contracts will help cement the deal, including its agreed price, in place and prevent the buyer from feeling able to backpedal on its terms. It will also help maintain the momentum of the sale, reducing the time available for complications like gazundering to crop up.

Stay Communicative

Staying in close contact with your buyer-building a rapport and maintaining a consistent dialogue-will reduce the likelihood that they’ll attempt to gazunder. After all, it may not be illegal, but gazundering is considered by some to be immoral and your buyer will have reservations about attempting it if you’ve built a solid relationship.

Choose Your Representatives Wisely

Professionals in the property market aren’t made equal; it’s always worth investing in the services of a representative with a good reputation who are likely to be members of a trade body such as the National Association of Estate Agents or The Guild of Property Professionals. Not only will a high-quality estate agent be tuned in to the direction of a sale (and therefore able to predict any likely gazundering), but they’ll also help you keep the sale on track. A cheaper agent may be tempting, but they could end up costing you more when all is said and done.

Set a Sensible Asking Price

It’s not hard to imagine how an overvalued property would be more susceptible to gazundering than a reasonably-valued one. If you set your asking price too high, a buyer could feel justified in lowering their initial offer to one that better matches its true value. By setting a realistic asking price from the get-go, your buyer will feel less confident in their ability to talk you down.

Plus, at a lower price, you’ll attract more buyers, which lets you be more selective (potentially landing you a chain-free buyer) and with more competition, your buyer will have less room for negotiation. Both of these further decrease the chance of gazundering.

Avoid Hiding Your Property’s Faults

In hiding any issues or faults in your property, you’re inviting a number of unpleasant experiences, including gazundering. While you may be able to hide damp, a damaged roof or cracked walls for a while, these faults will almost certainly be unearthed eventually, leading to a buyer reducing their offer at the last minute or potentially pulling out of the sale entirely. By being honest and clear about your property from the start, you’ll avoid disappointment, embarrassment and a potential loss of sale in the long run.

If you’re struggling to attract buyers or repeatedly see sales fall through due to underlying property issues being discovered, consider selling your property off the open market or try selling your property to cash house buyers. Residential and commercial property buyers like LDN Properties can value and buy your house in a range of conditions for a simple cash sum. Unlike selling a property on the open market, there’s no risk of the sale falling through at the last minute and it can be completed in a timescale that suits you.

Preparing for the Worst

By being honest, upfront and efficient throughout the house-selling process, you may reduce the likelihood of gazundering spoiling your sale, but it’s impossible to protect yourself fully from last minute offer reductions. For this reason, it’s worth preparing beforehand by agreeing on a lowest acceptable price so that you aren’t taken completely by surprise if you fall victim to gazundering.

Final Word

It can be seen as a sly negotiating tactic, but gazundering is often the result of a buyer’s hand being forced, either by circumstances, the state of the property market or unexpected action somewhere along the property chain. By the end of a sale, the buyer would have incurred significant legal, estate agent and surveyancing fees; by reducing their offer, they’re running the risk of being declined by their seller and seeing those fees go to waste. Don’t assume that your buyer is choosing to retract their original offer: they have a lot to lose too, and likely haven’t been left with a choice.

Gazundering is an unfortunate fact of life in the housing market, and one that stands to harm both sellers and buyers alike. You can protect against it and prepare for it, but you can’t escape the risk of dealing with it at some point.

2020 Best Technology Trends


The world’s technology
and innovation are currently advancing at a fast rate and is causing a
significant amount of progress. Here are the top technology patterns and trends
that you should look for in 2020 crafted by professional thesis editing

  • Man-made/ Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has raised eyebrows
in the past years. It affects how we work, live, and recreate. Artificial
intelligence alludes to systems built through the help of computers to
impersonate human knowledge and take on tasks that include recognition of
patterns, images, speech, and decision making. AI can carry out these tasks
quicker and more precisely than the average human being. Most Americans use A.I
daily, and these include; apps used for navigation, personal assistants at
home, smart devices, and streaming services. Experts believe that by the end of
the decade, AI will register about 23 million jobs.

  • Machine Learning

Computers, in machine
learning, figure out how to accomplish something they are not customized to
handle. They learn how to accomplish these tasks by finding bits of knowledge
from data. The two types of learning include supervised and unsupervised. With
the rapid growth of machine learning, the technology will reach soaring heights
of $8.81 billion by the year 2022. Developers use machine learning apps in the
mining of data, recognition of patterns, and analysis of data. The jobs that
come with machine learning include developers, data scientists, engineers, and

  • RPA

Standing for Robotic
Process Automation, this is a technology that does automation of jobs. RPA uses
software to process transactions, deciphering applications, managing data and
information, and answering messages and emails. Forrester Research Institute
gauges that RPA will undermine about 230 million jobs, but it will also create
new opportunities.

  • Cloud Computing

Also known as edge
computing, it has major players like Amazon Web Series, Google Cloud, and
Microsoft Azure. In the recent past, this technology has gone mainstream and
has dominated the market. Edge computing helps solve issues arising due to the
latency brought about by cloud computing and transferring data to a server firm
for processing. The global market for cloud computing is soaring to $6.72
billion, and this will create employments more so for programmers.

  • Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is
used in the gaming industry for a while now. Besides, it has is applied in
training services in the military and medicine. VR is used widely in
entertainment, education, marketing, recovery after injury, and training.
Doctors use VR to train other doctors to do surgery. Major players in the VR
industry include Samsung, Google, and Oculus.

  • Information Systems Security

Also known as cyber
security, the ISS has been around for quite some time and is not an emerging
technology. Cyber security threats are always in the loop. The pernicious
programmers otherwise known as hackers, do not stop at attempting to break into
a system, and would not probably stop shortly. Due to such threats, the jobs in
cyber security continue to grow thrice as fast as other jobs in the market.

  • Block chain

Block chain refers to
information or data that you cannot detract or take away from, only add to. A
block chain developer develops and implements solutions and architecture by
using the technology of block chain. Block chains operates through consensus,
meaning no one can assume control or responsibility of the data. A third party
is not needed in block chain for validation of transactions. Block
chain-related jobs come second in the fastest-growing jobs category.

Making Effective Presentations To Communicate Your Data


Storytelling with relevant data can help you create presentations that can influence masses. Your data has a story to tell, data visualization has become a pivotal part of presentations today. Be it presenting sales figures, business statistics to research findings, large amounts of data is everywhere to be displayed to the audience. Data visualization is the key to communicate your data during presentations since it makes the process functional as well as attractive to viewers. It is the visualization of information which adds an extra dimension for a better understanding of the subject matter. Information, when presented, effectively helps presenters build trust with their audience. 

Often comes a time when tailoring your data to the audience’s understanding seems cumbersome. Striking the right balance is important between not overwhelming the viewers with number jargons and not compromising the key points. There is a big emphasis on ‘Big Data’ by organizations around the world. Data scientists, for instance, deal with a plethora of numbers. Since everyone doesn’t speak the same language, what a data scientist or architect understands might be unintelligible for the ordinary audience. Storytelling backed by data, visuals and text is your way out to expressive and successful presentations. You can also use visual-rich Microsoft PowerPoint templates to get the job done. Let’s move ahead and understand how to create compelling PowerPoint presentations to communicate your data.

Understand your audience:

Before you jump into creating slides for your data-driven presentation, you should analyse your audience. Your audience can be internal or external. The purpose of a presentation might vary significantly according to the type of your audience. Internal audience generally comprises managers, architects and executives amidst an organization. The goal here is to communicate data and information to update them about business activities, initiatives or developments. On the other end of the spectrum, you have an external audience. These can be your company’s clients, potential leads or someone who does not know the internal processes. 

The goal here is to win confidence and build a relationship. Here, your presentation needs to be rich in promotional and sales-oriented content. The way you or the other executives understand the growth numbers might be very different from that of your clients’. Your presentation should encompass numbers in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive manner. Including audience-specific data can guide decision-makers in making the right choices. Where a presentation for the internal audience will contain more technical jargons, the external audience presentation should be engaging, intuitive and influencing.

Include Infographics:

According to an MIT report, a human brain can comprehend an image which is seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. Infographics are visually attractive, easy to understand & helps in increasing the brand awareness. It’s one of the most viral forms of digital communication in current times. You can project analytical data and numbers through infographics and keep your readers interested. Infographics make it easy for your viewers to remember the information. 

You can easily showcase your numbers and at the same time, increase your brand’s awareness amidst your audience. You can also present key and specific parts of a bigger dataset with pictograms and indicators. One of the primary reasons to inculcate infographics in your presentation is to reduce the complexity of data. Your audience won’t appreciate slides overwhelmed with lines and lines of information. Infographics help you reduce the slide bounce rate and enables your audience to consume more content in a reader-friendly manner. 

Charts and graphs are imperative:

Visuals fill the void that words can’t. Charts and graphs can provide an array of benefits to you. It’s one of the quickest mediums of conveying information. You can seamlessly bring your audience aboard by providing them information about comparisons, trends and findings. Providing a bird’s eye view of data to them is critical. It is only then that your viewers can understand, comprehend and draw conclusions based on data. People in your presentation who are not versed with numerical analysis can find it easy to understand charts & graphs.

While creating charts for your slides, you should make use of good chart etiquette. Using meaningful labels, colours and separators are all important for crisp and clear information delivery. Every element in your chart or graph should have a meaning. When you use a diverse set of colours, styles and labels for highlighting chart elements, it clarifies your point in unimaginable ways. For instance, by using Harvey balls, you can give an extra boost to data visualization. It is only then that your presentation can woo key decision-makers for your idea, product or company, as a whole. It is the job of your presentation to enhance the decision-making process for your audience which might comprise managers and executives.

Practise storytelling:

For crafting an effective story, apart from exhorting the numbers, your presentation should also combine data, visuals and text as a whole. Data alone can’t suffice for your presentation. It’d be difficult for others to read, interpret and understand the data. Storytelling comes into play since a good story is easier to follow. Not only it’ll help your audience arrive at the key points faster, but it’ll also help them discover fresh insights about the data. Whatever the data, be it profits, expenses, revenues or cash flows, adding simple notes or comments on the slides can add an extra dimension of insight for your audience.

Stories are simply very engaging. There is a reason why public speakers often begin their presentations with stories. Be it a sales pitch, an advert or a presentation, storytelling can help you retain your audience’s attention for a long time. People will only trust you once they start relating to your story. For that, you’ll have to create a presentation based on principles of storytelling and work for them. Through storytelling, your audience will be able to get a better understanding of your organization’s current position, past events and possible future developments.

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