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20 Facts About Spain That Will Surprise First Time Visitors


Spain is full of surprises. Many people arrive in the
country with a preconceived idea of what the land and the culture is like only
to be met with a very different reality.

When you’re preparing to visit Spain it’s a good idea to
come with a clear idea of what you might find. To help you do this, we’ve
collated 20 surprising facts about Spain that most tourists might not expect.

1.   Every
City Offers a Different Kind of Experience

Spain’s most visited cities are all distinctly different
from one another. Whichever city you go to you can be sure you’ll enjoy a
unique experience that won’t be the same anywhere else in the country. Be sure
to find out further information about your destination so
that you can get a feel of what it’s like before you arrive.

2.   Paella
Isn’t Common Everywhere in Spain

Most people consider paella to be the national dish of
Spain. However, that’s not quite the case and you may not find it on the menu
at some restaurants at all.

Paella is originally from Valencia, which remains the best
place to try the delicious rice dish. However, the rest of the country has
truly regionalised cuisine and ordering paella may raise a few eyebrows in some
parts of the country.

3.   Nor
is Flamenco

Like paella, flamenco is usually only seen in one distinct
part of Spain. It is famously from Andalusia in the south of the country and
that is where you will find most of the best performances.

You will sometimes get flamenco shows in bigger tourist
destinations like Barcelona and Madrid too. However, for the most authentic
experience, it’s best to head south.   

4.   You
Might Hear Bagpipes Being Played

It’s not just the Scots who love the music of the bagpipes,
it’s also a tradition for many Spanish people too. The country has Celtic customs
going back centuries, especially in the north-west of the country around
Galicia. This includes bagpipers and tartan.

5.   Spanish
Isn’t the Only Language You’ll Hear on The Street

Spanish may be the 2nd most spoken language in the entire
world but it is not universally the first language of Spanish people. Spain is home to several languages including Catalan,
Basque and Galician and around 30% of the population will speak one of these
tongues during their daily lives.

6.   It’s
the 2nd Biggest Country in the EU

Spain is big, very big in fact. It covers a whopping 505,990
km² in total and is bigger than the likes of Germany, Poland and Sweden.

Luckily, however, there are lots of ways to travel easily
around the country. Spain offers good high-speed rail and internal
flights options to tourists who want to speedily see everything the nation has
to offer.   

7.   It’s
Not Hot All The Time

Whilst Spain is a very hot land most of the time it still
has a seasonal climate. Winter in some parts of the country can sometimes be
icy and cold, especially in the central plateau and mountainous regions.

That’s not all bad news for any winter tourists, however.
Destinations in the Pyrenees and the Sierra Nevada offer great skiing options
for visitors.

8.   Spanish
People Hate Spicy Food

Let’s be clear about something, Spain isn’t Mexico. The
local cuisine in the country is very different and you shouldn’t expect to find
many spicy dishes on the menu at a restaurant.

When arriving in Spain, most tourists will find instead that
the locals prefer much simpler seasoned dishes that don’t pack a punch in terms
of spice. The famous Patatas Bravas are often about as spicy as things get for
many Spaniards.

9. Bullfighting Isn’t Popular Everywhere

When most people think of Spain, the first thing that often
comes to mind is bullfighting. Whilst the bull is the national animal of the
country, you won’t find bullfighting everywhere across Spain.

Some regions of the country such as Catalonia and the Canary
Islands have prohibited the sport entirely. Therefore if you’re visiting these
areas don’t expect to find much happening in their local bullrings.

10. Spain Has Over 40 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Spain is a truly historical land. It is home to around 44 UNESCO
World Heritage sites
, some dating back thousands of years. These
antiquities are dotted all over the country and have been well preserved so
that tourists can enjoy them today. 

11. Spain is Home to Western Europe’s Only Desert

That’s right, Spain has a desert. The Tabernas Desert in the
southeast of the country, close to Almeria is one of Europe’s only deserts and
covers 280 km².

You’ve probably seen it before however, as it’s frequently
used as a filming location. Movies like Indiana Jones, Lawrence of Arabia and
Once Upon a Time in the West were all shot in the Tabernas.

12. Your Tapas Might Be Complimentary

Tapas tradition in Spain offers many pleasant surprises.
However, none more so than the fact these delicious dishes often come free with
your drink.

When you order a glass of wine or a beer in some regions of
Spain, you may find that you get a small plate of food brought over with your
beverage. This isn’t a mistake, it’s a complimentary dish for you to enjoy with
your drink. 

13. Some of Spain Isn’t Even in Europe

That’s right, some of the country is located outside of
Europe. Spain has two small enclaves that are located in North Africa; the
cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Additionally, the Canary Islands are even further
away sitting off the northwest coast of Africa.  

14. Spain’s Tallest Mountain Isn’t Actually in Spain (or Europe)

That brings us neatly on to Spain’s tallest mountain, which
isn’t located on the Spanish mainland. Mount
is found on the island of Tenerife (one of the Canary Islands)
and stands at around 3,718m in height.

15. Beach Nudity Is Quite Common

Things get hot in Spain and as a result, some beachgoers
will often enjoy the sun and sea nude. This is since Spain has no nationwide
anti-nudity laws.

Some regions and cities like Barcelona have instigated local
rules to stop people wandering the streets naked. However, the beach remains a
place to let it all hang out across Spain. 

16. Spain Is Not a Very Religious Country

Spain is full of beautiful churches and cathedrals but the
locals have largely cast off religion. Despite its predominantly Catholic
population and the impression the religion has left on Spain’s history, only
around 30% of the population regularly go to church.  

17. Siestas Aren’t As Common As You May Think

 Despite the
stereotypes about the Spanish siesta, it’s not as common as most people
believe. Today, most businesses operate to conventional schedules without
downtime for a daytime nap. That’s not to say you shouldn’t enjoy a quick
siesta on your trip during the hottest time of the day.  

18. Wine is a Big Deal in Spain

France may be the most famous wine producer in Europe but
Spain certainly gives it a run for its money. Around 1 million hectares of the
country is dedicated to vineyards and the country offers some of the best
European wines around.

19. Spain is the King of Olive Oil

Spain, however, is number one in terms of world olive oil
production. Around 45% of all olive oil is produced here. There’s a very good
chance that the olive oil in your kitchen originated in Spain. 

20. Spanish Christmas is a Huge Celebration

Christmas in Spain is a real experience. The locals love the
celebration so much they effectively celebrate it twice. Christmas Day is
celebrated as normal on the 25th December, but then the Spaniards have one more
big gift-giving day on the 6th January as well.

Spain is one of the most visited places in the world for a good reason.
It is a great destination for relaxation, culture and delicious food that will
never stop surprising you.

Duncan Clark of Renovare Fuels Introduces the Technology That Could Lead to a Greener Future


The world has been in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic for
more than half a year so far. As things stand there is no vaccine available,
and nobody knows when the pandemic will end. The effects have been dramatic and
widespread, affecting almost every area of society. Businesses have had to
close, either temporarily or permanently. Unemployment rates have soared, and
people have been forced to remain in their homes – some working from home, some
on furlough, and some out of work completely.

The economy looks to be headed for a huge global recession
which will have repercussions
that could last for decades
. However, one positive result of the global
lockdown is that carbon emission rates have decreased significantly, as travel
has been highly restricted. As lockdown measures begin to ease, these emissions
are steadily rising once again.

Clark, Renovare Fuels’
Business Development Director, is part of an
industry calling for measures to be implemented to maintain reduced carbon
emissions as the world emerges from lockdown.

Drop in Annual

Even with carbon emissions gradually rising, the
decline during lockdown
has led the International Energy Agency to forecast
an annual drop of 8% throughout 2020. Many countries experienced a decrease in
carbon emissions of almost 25% at the peak of the lockdown period, which
occurred throughout March 2020.

In the UK, emission levels decreased by 31%, a fall of
almost a third. However, by June, as measures were eased and more people began
to commute and use transport again, emissions were only 5% lower than the same
month in 2019.

Many industry experts are now calling for the introduction
of new green technologies to retain the decreased levels of emissions and
reduce them further, even as transport becomes more of a necessity.

A Defining Moment
in the Fight Against Climate Change

The Committee on Climate Change has declared the COVID-19
outbreak as a defining moment in the fight against climate change, urging UK
ministers to implement strategies to initiate a green recovery.

The current situation has been called a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to address climate change and make the transition to a low-carbon
economy on a global scale. Priorities outlined in the CCC report to Parliament
include developing buildings that are sustainable and fit for the future, and
implementing low-carbon retrofitting wherever possible.

Investment in green infrastructure, the restoration of
peatland and tree planting are essential for a low-carbon future, as is the
strengthening of the energy networks to support electrification of heating and
transport. Infrastructure needs to be designed to promote green modes of
transport including walking and cycling to work, and a circular economy must be

Introducing New

There are several new technologies available that will –
should they be properly implemented – play a key role in creating a greener,
more carbon-neutral future. CCS, or carbon capture and storage, can help
prevent carbon emissions from being released into the atmosphere by capturing
carbon dioxide and compressing it into a liquid form. This can then be used to
refill reservoirs of gas and oil that have been depleted or utilised in various
industrial processes.

EfW, or energy from waste, refers to numerous technologies
that have been introduced to the market that can take waste products from
biodegradable sources and turn them into new sources of energy, primarily heat
and electricity. Renovare Fuels has developed a patented system for converting
biogas from the organic waste from homes and industry into petrol, diesel or
jet fuel. The fuel produced requires no engine modifications at all and has the
potential to drastically reduce the environmental impact of transport.

About Renovare

Stone, Chairman of Renovare Fuels
, is an expert in clean technologies.
Stone has direct experience in the field of commercialising and integrating
technologies on an international scale, working with a highly experienced team to
design, manufacture and market new technologies for the creation of liquid
vehicle fuels from biogas.

Renovare Fuels has the technology to produce biogas from
various waste sources, including sewerage treatment facilities, anaerobic
digesters and landfill sites.

Film Shoots in COVID-19: Worthy Films Assuring Precautions at Set


As Worthy Films are going to do a COVID-friendly film
shoot, it is a covenant to the willpower and survival of the industry, so the
film industry has not to face an adversary. 

In 1918, Hollywood was fully shut down by Spanish Flu,
and the virus has devastated the city, so, most similar small companies face
downfall as they cannot shut their doors.

The pandemic that everyone is facing today cannot be
compared to that one century ago, as it has closed almost every industry around
the globe. Once again, would Hollywood and earlier furnishing film scene within
the U.K. will face the same in 2020 as in 1918?

Since the scene of the production company in 2020
seems to be much different than the early 1900s, the first question is
“When can film making be started again?” that we ask from ourselves
in the film industry.

Luckily, the guidelines of BFC (British Film
Commission) brought hope, and some factors get cleared that one who was
confident and enthusiastic could return to the work from 1 June. As an
innovative film production company, Worthily Films took a grant from BFC and
tried for running with inclusivity and diversity.

Moreover, as Worthy Films was an emerging yet
courageous company, making a superficial short film introduction was not
satisfactory for them. A passionate project “Waiting for Time, written by
Paul Chronnell, was shoot down during the lockdown on embracing and
boundary-pushing visuals of 16mm film.

The team of more than 20 people were enthusiastic
about making a top-notch and high-value film. But PPE was the only thing as a
hurdle in their way. As a whole, it was what that was beneficial for them.

In the first quarter of June, a dedicated and not much
hesitating team of the play joined meeting on Zoom for listening to the
Producer and Founder of Worthy Films, Chelsea Leigh Macleod, and Steve
Dodsworth respectively. In the meeting, planning was done for keeping everyone
safe during the shoot that was listed in the upcoming week. 

Precaution materials such as gloves, antiviral spray,
masks, sanitiser, and disposable cups were gathered in a large amount for
protecting the team twice over.

During the three day shoot, only half faces of the
crew member will appear to one another, so badges or say cards were given to
each member for identification.

The crew also embraced the initial call time as it was
the very first project they were able to work on in these times. The film set
all around was scouted with Corona Pandemic in mind. It was comprised of
several large and separate rooms for every faculty of the staff and an outdoor
open space that would be covered up in the sunshine during the shoot.

It was unlikely to abstain the fact that Worthily
Films, behind the scene, the crew wants to take measures that most would
consider excessive for keeping everyone safe. For transforming a dream into
reality, all the crew members bear standing two meters away during a tea break,
which could be a small paying price.

How to deal with debt during the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has seen life in the UK change
beyond all recognition. Following several months of lockdown and a continuous
stream of horror stories from around the world, people are understandably
concerned about the health effects of COVID-19. In addition to this, however,
there are growing financial concerns both for the national economy and indeed
for personal finances.

It’s only right that people continue to do what’s best for
their health and that of their loved ones, but as the government begins to ease
restrictions, minds may start to turn to money worries and how to deal with

If you find yourself amongst the many people who are worried
about managing money or dealing with debts, read on to find out what you could
do to set your mind at ease.

Look after your health first

Debt can be scary, particularly at
a time when many people are out of work or on reduced pay via the UK
government’s furlough scheme. Whilst this may be the case, keeping yourself and
your family safe should remain your top priority in line with official

With the government advocating for
people to stay inside wherever possible, some people may be worried about
leaving their home to go to the bank or pay their bills. If this sounds like
you, there’s no need to worry and there are plenty of alternatives to paying
for things in cash or by sending a cheque. By contacting your banking,
utilities, or other providers, you could find more convenient ways to make
payments so that you can stay on top of your finances during the pandemic.

These days, the majority of
companies are happy to take payments over the phone, via a secure internet
portal, or via an online banking transfer. Just remember to keep a record of
any payments that you make – even when you are staying safe at home.

Communication is key

The government, along with
numerous private organisations, have recognised the impact that coronavirus has
had on people’s finances and in many cases have put in place discretionary
schemes to prevent people from facing the usual consequences of failing to keep
up with payments. If you do find that you are unable to make a payment towards
an existing liability, get in touch with your provider and explain the
situation. There’s no cause for fear, and a cool head and firm understanding of
your situation could help you to deal with things calmly and carefully.

In a similar vein, keeping a
channel of communication open with your banking provider could help you out of
any tricky spots during the coronavirus. If you are struggling financially,
make that clear to your bank or building society as they may be able to offer
you an overdraft facility. If you already have an overdraft, they may agree to
freeze interest charges for a limited period to help you get back on your feet.

Ultimately, communicating with
your lenders and providers will almost always be more productive than simply
ignoring the problem in the hope that it goes away. Let them know if you’re
struggling, and they’ll be more likely to work with you to reach a better,
mutually agreeable position.

Be careful when borrowing

If you’re struggling with a
reduced income or have found yourself unable to pay off your usual costs during
the coronavirus pandemic, it might be tempting to take out a personal loan.
Whilst borrowing might help to cover the shortfall, it’s vital that you
understand the consequences of taking out additional liabilities at what could
be a very challenging time financially.

First and foremost, borrowers
would be wise to check that any lender from which they wish to take out a loan
is authorised and registered. There are strong governance systems in place for
UK lenders, and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) oversees such activities.
Provided that you use a reputable lender, you can rest assured that you can
access help if things go wrong – either from the FCA or the Financial

Before taking on any further
debts, those with existing liabilities may wish to assess their situation and
work out if they will be able to manage repayments in the future. Even if you
do find yourself unable to deal with outstanding debts, there’s no need to
panic as there are many debt solutions available to the UK public – for
instance an Individual
Voluntary Arrangement
(IVA) which could give you longer to pay off what you
owe. You can learn more about the various types of debt solutions available to
the public at CreditAction.co.uk.

Get on top of your debt

Whatever challenges you’ve faced
during the COVID-19 lockdown, mandatory time off from work or away from the
office may have left you with some extra time on your hands. If this is the
case, a bit of free time could be exactly what you need to get on top of your
finances and start to set goals for improving them.

Money management is a tricky skill
to master, but it can all start with an effective budget. Use time spent on
furlough or away from work productively, and kick start your own financial
recovery from coronavirus.

5 Important Party Wall Tips from Expert Party Wall Surveyors


We all know that Party Wall Procedures may be confusing in
some certain circumstances, it may happen that the non-professionals may face
ambiguity in making decisions.

So, here we go…

We will be looking at 5 most useful Party Wall Tips for an adjoining owner to
follow before, during and after the Party Wall Procedures.

Hopefully, these Party Wall Tips will help you avoid some of
the common and reoccurring mistakes that we often see during the Party Wall
process and ensure that you can minimise the issues associated with
construction work.

Party Wall Tip (1):

“Speak to your Party
Wall Surveyor as soon as you find out that your neighbour is planning on
undertaking Party Wall works.”


This will not only ensure that you understand how the Party Wall etc Act 1996 applies to your neighbour’s
works but will also dispel any myths or misunderstandings that you may have
about the Party Wall Act.

More often than not confusions about the Part Wall Act result from owners
reading the information that is outdated or interpreted incorrectly.

An experienced Party Wall Surveyor should be able to clarify any confusions you

Party Wall Tip (2):

“Get a second


It is always a good idea to get a second opinion, the Party Wall
etc Act 1996 like many Acts is subject to interpretation and case law.

This can often be interpreted in different ways by different surveyors, getting
a second opinion will ensure that you are fully informed of all the facts.

Party Wall Tip (3):

“Don’t assume the
Building Owner will serve the Party Wall Notice!”


This is one of the most common reoccurring problems we see,
although the service of a Party Wall Notice is a
legal requirement, more often than not the building owner starts works without
having followed the correct Party Wall procedures.

Unfortunately, this leaves the adjoining owner short of options, but more
importantly, means their property could be at risk of damage.

If you know your neighbour is planning to undertake construction work to their
property, you should speak to them, or a party wall surveyor at the first
instance to ensure they are well aware of their Party Wall responsibilities.

Party Wall Tip (4):

“Discuss the
building owner’s proposed work with the building owner in advance of the works


This will ensure that the adjoining owner is fully informed of
the works.

Discussing the work can also lead to revised plans that are of mutual benefit,
for example, we had a job recently whereby the building owner was planning to
build a single-storey rear extension with the flank wall being wholly on his

After the adjoining owner and he discussed the work, it was agreed that the
wall would be built astride the line of junction, thereby being a Party Wall.

This revision meant that in the future the adjoining owner could enclose upon
the wall in order to construct their own extension, this meant that the costs
of the wall were not only shared but also meant that both owners would have
larger extensions.

Party Wall Tip (5):

“Get in touch
with the Party Wall Surveyor as soon as there is an issue on site”


If you notice an issue with the building owner’s Party Wall
works during the course of the construction, get in touch with the Party Wall
Surveyor at the first instance.

Party Wall Surveyors are
on board to deal with all issues from minor to major, irrespective of how small
the issue seems it could have larger consequences as the Party Wall Works

Being a Party Wall Surveyors, they
encourage property owners to get in touch with them and ensure that there are
no unnecessary surprises further down the line and can often also avoid a
dispute between the owners.

If you are planning on undertaking Party Wall
works, or have a neighbour that is planning on undertaking construction work
get in touch with Party Wall Experts who will be happy to discuss the Party
Wall etc Act 1996 as well as the requirements.

Covid-19 Pandemic Has Fundamentally Changed Education in the UK


As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic is over, every institution will have to embrace the future boldly. The UK is one of the countries in Europe that has been hit hard by the pandemic. Schools in the country were forced to close down, but there are new plans to reopen. 

According to UK officials, the education sector has been fundamentally changed. But they are optimistic that everything will be back on track soon and that they will cope without putting any child in danger of transmitting the virus. Hence, there are guidelines that have been proposed by health officials.

Gradual Reopening of Schools

The education officials in Britain have announced a gradual reopening of schools so that children do not meet in schools all at once. Some grades will resume school first and start using the set measures immediately. As soon as they settle in, others will follow suit.

The Need for More School Buildings

This is the biggest change to ever happen in the history of UK schools. The guidelines dictate that all schools should have classes accommodating about 15 pupils whose desks have a distance of 1.5 meters between them. This creates the need for extra facilities.

  • Additional classrooms – Temporary classrooms are the best solution for schools as of now. They are affordable and quick to install compared to permanent classrooms. According to the Smart Space company, which is a leader in the provision of temporary structures in the country, schools should focus on custom temporary classrooms. The school management can discuss the details of what they want with these experts. 
  • Extra library space – Students must continue learning in the same way. Although not all of them will be in schools at the same time, the libraries must be increased in size to allow social distancing. Again, experts in temporary structures are in a position to expand the existing libraries and other similar facilities even if the school has limited open property available.
  • More offices – Both students and their teachers must observe social distancing and all safety measures to curb the spread of the virus. Teachers should also have extra office space especially in the main hall where teachers meet.

Handwashing Areas

UK schools are required to have a handwashing area to promote hygiene. The health officials recommend regular handwashing using running water and soap. Although schools might have these facilities already, they will need more to avoid crowding of children during breaks. These areas should be located in different parts of schools especially now that children will be clustered to have their breaks in different areas. 

Careful Observation of Signs of Illness

Children who show signs of fever or any other sign of illness should be isolated immediately and medical professionals should be called. When handling such a child, the supervisor should wear a mask and other PPE. This will make certain that no one is put in any danger. 


There are many other guidelines that have been proposed for schools to ensure there is no spread of coronavirus in schools. There is no option other than to comply for the good of the students.

First Short Film Production: Worthily Films before Lockdown in UK


Francesca Jones of art Department said, ‘In Covid-19,
I was worried about how the filming projects would handle, but I was surprised
by seeing how sophisticated all of the work was done. By knowing that everyone
was very serious to their work give relaxation to my nerves.’

A weekend earlier our first day on set, Steve
Dodsworth and Chelsea Leigh Macleod of Worthily Films emcee a Zoom call with
just over 20 team members on Friday 12, June 2020. Regardless of all the
challenges, we all have the same goal, and we’re committed to making something
outstanding with the creative minds of all the team members that were selected
very carefully for the project.

Here in this article, we will discuss the five points
that would be very helpful to you for your post lockdown short film:

  1. Research

For us, the whole significant part of the preparation
was research at Worthily Films. We were beard with new facts every day.  We struggled to collect as many reports,
studies and materials as we can. The most extensive report we collected that we
used as a base for waiting for time set protocols was the British Film
Commission guidelines.

  • Preparation

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Worthily Films invested
in buying personal protective equipment like hand sanitizers, face masks, face
shields, gloves, antiviral sprays and wipes. It is to follow the guidelines
delivered by British Film Commission for social-distancing.

Giving right personal protective equipment also
reassured cast and other team members that we were taking all the preventive
measures that are necessary to protect the set.

Paul chronnell said that I forgot we are working in
the pandemic soon as everything was orderly and each member of the team was taking
the precautions like hand washing, PPE and social distancing’.

  • Communication

The main aim of the staff call was to deliver all the
safety protocols and measures to every member of the team that we had
administered. It was to assure that each member of the team feels comfortable
and to inspire the team to ask any questions before, during and post-filming.
It was very important to ask everyone to follow the protocols.

  • On-set Etiquette

Based on your set, try to have a fixed place for
members according to the two meters protocol during work. Worthily Films took
all the precautions and keep social distancing in mind and apply it to every

Assure that you have proper airflow on the set because
ventilation is very important. Open windows and doors if possible. To reduce
risk of infection, try to delay lunches and breaks that will permit you for a reduced
production with minimum contact with the unsterilized things.

  • Subsequent Actions

Make sure that you are in contact with everyone,
making sure that no one gets on symptoms. If someone shows symptoms of
Covid-19, Worthily Films provide information on how to get tested. Check
everyone continuously for at least 14 days which is the incubation time.

Safety is the topmost priority of Worthily Films than
all else. They are committed to providing a working environment that is
comfortable, functional and safe. We would be happy to help you if you have any
question, feel free to contact us.

Worthily Films Production Company – Script Writing Sessions with Paul Chronell


Worthily Films, a newly emerged film
production company based in London, 
founded by Chelsea Leigh Macleod and Steve Dodsworth, are currently in
post production on their first short film Waiting
For Time,
screenplay by Paul Chronnell, directed by The Bashford Twins.

In this article we explore what attracted
Worthily Films to Waiting For Time and
talk to Paul Chronnell about all things scriptwriting.

For Time
 was an
interesting script for various reasons. Firstly, the themes are timeless and
relatable. Whether it be the theme of mental health or that of unrequited or
lost love, it is a story we can all relate to. Especially coming out of
lockdown, a period of isolation which has highlighted the importance of mental
health. Worthily Films felt this was a story that was both current and
simultaneously timeless.

Secondly, the characters were intriguing to us
and the relationship between them was also something that we found fascinating.
We experience an array of emotions within the discoveries of their
relationship. This is a true representation of life and being in any
relationship, there’s the highs and the lows, we felt that Waiting For Time
captured that. The story felt real and believable.

Thirdly, the concept. We found the concept
entirely unique, fresh and it was something we knew would push the boundaries
cinematically. It allowed for a powerful visual experience. The Bashford Twins
found the script and we knew why they were passionate about it.

The writer Paul Chronnell had positive things
to say about the team. In an interview, he mentions that his script is now in the hands of some incredibly talented people.
. . this is a comment that the entire team will feel pleased to hear.
Chronnell’s script inspired over twenty people to exit their lockdown
hibernation and enter the world of storytelling.

Paul Chronnell gave a few words about what it
feels like to be a scriptwriter… he said that when you start writing any script and there’s nothing but blank pages
in front of you, your main thought is I want to write a great story that will
excite people and then there’s always a hope that it’ll move into production
and be in the hands of some talented people
, for Chronnell, that’s one of
the most exciting things about scriptwriting.

Paul Chronnell is known as the idea machine.
He doesn’t have a preference of genre. He loves stories. As he describes, he is
an “Ideas person. ” Paul enjoys
twists, films that watch characters do the unexpected. He has a love for
dialogue, he’s fascinated by watching the way people communicate with each
other in real life. 

Worthily Films knew that this was a story they
wanted to tell. It was like love at first read. We knew that it was a short
film that would resonate with people in some way. It pushes the envelope and
has a powerful message and themes that are relevant in the current climate.

In conclusion, this is a script that we all
felt passionate about. It was an instinctive and clear  YES on our part.

Should you wish to submit your script, contact
us via our website. To stay updated with all things Worthily Films, follow our
social media platforms.






How to Make $527 A Day Drop Servicing by Dylan Sigley

making $527 per day running your own drop servicing business sound good to you?
Then this article is for you.

am going to share the steps that you need to go through to pull this off, and
to top it off you don’t even need that much money to get started!

What Is Drop Servicing?

servicing is like drop shipping, but instead of selling products, you are
selling services. Your business is to connect high-quality freelancers with
clients who need their services. For example, you might hire a web designer
that you find on Upwork on a per-project basis and then go out and sell web
design packages or custom services to clients who require web design.

difference between what you charge the client and what you have to pay the
freelancer is your profit margin. Drop servicing can be very profitable, it is
not uncommon to be able to sell a web design package to a client for say $5000
and be able to get a freelancer to be able to carry out the work for just $500,
leaving you $4500 in profit.

your business is completely internet-based you can communicate with clients and
freelancers from all over the world. Demand for many of these types of services
is really large and growing, leaving opportunities to build a sizable online
service business.

What Service Should I Offer?

first thing that you need to do is find a service that you are going to sell.
The best place to research to find your service is to go to platforms like
Fivver.com, Peopleperhour.com, and Upwork.com. On these platforms, you can
search for services that are offered by freelancers and delivered online. Once
you have picked a service (for example, website design, website development,
explainer videos, etc.) you then need to get in touch with a group of service
providers to find out how much they charge and to make sure that they can
deliver the service to a high standard.

you know how much your service is going to cost you, the next step is to
research your competitors to find out how much they charge. The easiest way to
do this is to visit their websites and check if they list their prices. If you
can’t find their prices you can arrange to jump on a call with them or reach
out via email to try to find out. Once you know this information you can
determine your prices that you are going to charge. For example, you might find
out that your competitors charge $5000 for a service. If you only have to pay a
freelancer $500 to carry out the work, then even if you charge $2000 ($3000 less
than your competitors) you will be making $1500 profit per project that you can

How Does the Delivery Process
Work with Drop Servicing?

you have made a sale you are then going to give the exact specifications for
the project to your freelancer partner so that they can carry out the work
required. The best way to get this information is to get the client to fill out
a detailed questionnaire that they can use to give you all of the relevant
information for the project. You then give this information to the project team
to complete the work. Your role is to handle the communication between your
client and your freelancer team. Most people when they are starting will do the
project management and sales side of the business themselves, but once you are
more established even these roles can be outsourced.

How Do You Create A Good

sure that you differentiate yourself from your competitors through price or by
other means, and make sure that your offer has urgency and importance around
it. By this I mean you make it clear to clients that what you are offering is
important for their business and that your offer is so good that they should
agree to hire you with urgency. The most tried and true way to do this is to
attach a deadline to your offer. For example, you can say that you are offering
them a 50% discount on the service and that the offer ends at the end of the
week. You can test out lots of different offers to fine-tune it over time.

How Do I Make Sales?

you have a good offer to present to clients you need to go out and sign up
clients. The best way to get started is to start a cold email campaign. You can
research a group of clients to approach and then email them to try and get your
offer in front of a decision-maker at that company. Once you are more
established you can start using sales methods like paid advertising on linkedIn
or Google to try and get your business/ offer in front of decision-makers at
companies that require the service that you are offering.

How Can I Make $527 Per Day
Using This Model?

won’t make this amount straight away; it takes hard work and time. In the
beginning, I did all of the sales and managed projects and only relied on
freelancers for service delivery. Once I started to make money I started to
automate the processes within my business piece by piece, using software and
people (freelancers).

began this process by firstly automating project management, then lead
generation, and finally my sales process. Each step of the way I was able to
make sure that the systems were working and that my agency was constantly
providing clients with a high-quality service. When you can do this, you will
find that a lot of clients become recurring clients and use your service regularly.

If you want to get started today, check out our website for more information.

Dylan Sigley

Benefits of Online Trading In Cryptocurrencies


The form of trading in money has evolved a lot from physical
exchanges to digital platforms. These changes have introduced a new and more
secure form of trading that is Cryptocurrency. There are famous crypto trading
available online that have emerged as a digital
alternative to other forms of trading in cash or cards. Choosing the right
platform is very important as it is about your hard-earned money.

The increasing popularity of online trading is due to the
many important benefits provided by it.

Benefits Wallet

The online currency has reduced the dependence of small
investors on maintaining the minimum balance before trading. The
non-availability of account balance now doesn’t restrict people from investment
opportunities. It allows greater access to credits.

Saves Agent Expenses

The traditional trading system involved the brokers who used
to charge a big penny depending on the transaction. Online trading has
minimized the third party expense to maintain the trading.

No Transaction Fees

The traditional procedures used to cost monthly fixed
expenses for the maintenance of accounts, signing of checks, fund transfer
cost, and many other expenses. These transaction expenses snatch a major part
of your earnings. Online trading in cryptocurrencies does not involve
transaction charges.

Access to International Trading

The exchanges in different countries involve different
currencies. This is the prime reason of different stock exchanges based on
geographical locations. International trading involves the exchange rate which
makes trading expensive and complicated. The introduction of cryptocurrency has
broken the barriers to international trade and made global transfers simpler.

The Most Secured Transfer

Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology and it
makes the transactions legitimate. The blockchain technology is among the most
secured technology processes and if the trader understands the mechanism of
using online currency, it makes the safest exchanges. Allow double checks,
transaction requests, and warnings to make exchanges more secure.

Transparency In Information

The transparency of the information while a transaction is
always thepriority of the user. This is another big advantage that the online
currency provides that the final transaction always remains public. It doesn’t
mean that your account personal information comes out. It’s just that it avoids
the scams and protects data from hacks. It gives them the confidence to new
beginners as the protocol can not be manipulated by anyone.

Market for All

The online market to trade in cryptocurrency is an open
market for all. It has made it very easy for anyone to send and receive money
anywhere around the world. Since this form of currency is available digitally,
there are no limitations of trading. There are no state-wise regulations and
similar laws are followed globally.

As more and more people are getting onto the online platform
for trading, each day new updations and regulations keep on making the
exchanges more trustable. It has generated as the best exchange medium for low
cash earners. The majority of investors have claimed that cryptocurrencies are
the best for long-term investments.

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