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Konductor has joined the not-for-profit Emergent Alliance which exists to better inform future economic decision making by corporations, small businesses and nations states. ​

As part of the Alliance, Konductor is working alongside some of the world’s largest organisations, data specialists, and governments to support future decision making on regional and global economic challenges that will get people back to work and help businesses thrive post-Covid-19.

The Alliance will analyse a broad set of economic, behavioural and sentiment data to provide new insights and practical applications that will aid in the rebuilding of economies and understand the impact of a new a ‘new normal’. This work will be done with a sharp focus on privacy and security, using industry best practices for data sharing and robust governance.

Konductor, a provider of marketing and communications services, announced it has signed a Statement of Intent to support the alliance, an official partner to capture and journal the alliance’s progress to provide new insights and practical applications to the global Covid-19 response.​

Katharine McNamara, Director at Konductor: “As the world reacts and recovers from the impact of Covid, we are committed to supporting resilience and learning to help the business community for the long term, not just as a response to the current crisis.

“We’ve been working across our own network to share guidance and best practice, and we are now delighted to be working with the Emergent Alliance and some of the biggest names across the global business market, documenting the journey and the invaluable work alliance members are undertaking.”

Rachel Gawley, Programme Director: ”Our vision is to form an independent alliance and create a safe environment in which we share data, expertise and resources to work together to aid economic recovery and rebuild economies.’’

You can find out more about the Alliance and follow their progress by visiting https://emergentalliance.org/

About Konductor:

Konductor is a growth partner for business, expert at bringing together marketing and communications to drive the bottom line. They

We work with clients to inject high-order, inventive thinking and execution across sales, marketing and commercial to deliver against business goals.

We know that our sector specialism and through our experience and extensive network, we have the means to bring powerful knowledge, practical advice and application where required to add value and commercial results.

The company was founded by a former corporate banker and group marketing and commercial director Kate Andrews and former journalist Katharine McNamara.

As part of its own Covid-19 response, Konductor has launched its own repository of best practice and guidance to support businesses, working with a series of business leaders across multiple disciplines to create the Little Book of Business Boosters <add link>.

For more information, please visit www.konductor.co.uk

Follow news about the company at @KonductorComms

The 2020 Guide to Hair Transplant in Turkey


If you are
interested in having a hair transplant and have already started searching for
your options, “Hair Transplant in Turkey” would certainly dominate your
searches. This is because people talk, they talk about their experience and
share their opinion, both good and bad. And when the question is: ‘which is the
best country for hair transplant?’ as if all people in the virtual world have
been united, “Turkey” comes along as an answer.

I think the
popularity of Turkey when it comes to hair transplant deserves special
attention. This is why I write this article, just to have a closer look at Hair
Transplant Turkey. And I am going to start with the main question:

Why Turkey is best for hair transplant?

A country connecting
the West and East and that is still among the developing countries league,
‘shines out’ when it comes to medical tourism, especially in hair transplant.
How and why?

There are many
reasons making Turkey the best for hair transplant. The reasons include being
close to the UK, no visa requirements, a beautiful country to combine hair
transplant with a nice city-break.

But it would not be
wrong to say that the two main reasons stand out. First, Turkey offers
high-quality hair transplant treatments with the latest technology. Second,
Turkey offers high-quality hair transplant treatments for much more affordable
prices compared to the UK and the rest of Europe.

How much does it cost for hair transplant in Turkey?

OK, so Turkey offers
hair transplant for affordable prices. How affordable? How much would it cost
for you to have a hair transplant in Turkey?

The cost of hair
transplant in Turkey starts from £1,900 which is the cost for an FUE Hair
Transplant, not FUT. Plus, unlike the common practice in the UK by many
clinics, hair transplant Turkey price does not change depending on the number
of grafts. So, there are no last-minute surprises.

Turkey offers very
affordable hair transplant treatments compared to the UK. I know this all seems
to be “too good to be true”. In fact, one can even think that there should be a
catch. To be honest, there is none. But how?

Why are hair transplants so affordable in Turkey?

Turkey has
well-grounded reasons for offering affordable hair transplant treatments.

Hair transplant in
the UK is known to be expensive; and among all other cities, London, usually,
is the most expensive city to have a hair transplant. Let me ask you why? It is
due to high labour and operational costs. High labour and operational costs
inevitably affect the price of a hair transplant in London and the rest of the

However, in Turkey,
labour and operational costs are very low compared to the UK which at the end
of the day, affects the price of a hair transplant in favour of the patients.
Plus, the current exchange rate of GBP to Turkish Lira (TRY)  is very high; 1 GBP is almost 9 TRY. That
means that GBP has a strong purchasing power in the Turkish market. On top of
that, the Turkish Government invests in medical tourism to make Turkey the
“medical tourism hub” of the globe. In that effort, they offer incentives to
the players in medical tourism including the hair transplant clinics. So,
clinics in Turkey can offer highly affordable hair transplant treatments.

These are the main
reasons why hair transplants are so affordable in Turkey compared to the UK.

Then, the following
question comes along:

Is it safe to get a hair transplant in Turkey?

The cost of a hair
transplant is one of the biggest drives for people to choose Turkey. But it
certainly is not the only one. Especially, for the past couple of years, Turkey
has become a magnet for hair transplant patients around the world. People
choose Turkey not only because of the affordable costs but also high-quality
hair transplant treatments.

Hair transplant in
Turkey is offered by using the latest technology. One of the latest hair
transplant techniques called the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is widely
used in Turkey. FUE is very popular because compared to the FUT (Follicular
Unit Transplantation), it offers pain and scar-free hair transplant.

As long as you
choose the right clinic that offers high-quality hair transplant performed by
an experienced and qualified medical team, it is absolutely safe to get a hair
transplant in Turkey. And if you choose the right place to have your hair transplant
in Turkey, your hair transplant experience will go beyond “just having a
treatment” and become an unforgettable one.

Which is the best hair transplant in Turkey?

Medical travel
companies like MCAN Health offer all-inclusive
hair transplant packages that include accommodation at a 4 or 5-star hotel,
airport transfers, full-breakfast and lunch on the treatment day at the clinic,
English-speaking personal host, and all medication.

Along with FUE Hair
Transplant, they also offer other latest technology hair transplant treatments
such as DHI and Sapphire FUE as well as hair transplant with needle-free

Only in Istanbul,
there are a great number of hair transplant clinics. To decide which one to
choose requires some research. A good reputation, the latest technology hair
transplant, an experienced medical team are the things to look for. And if you
choose the one that goes above and beyond for the best patient experience, then
that would even be fantastic!

The Online Customer Journey Software Solutions Your Business Needs


Online customer journey mapping can be an
extremely effective way to establish insight into your business from the most
important perspective – that of your prospective and existing customers.
Customer journey maps illustrate each step that consumers take in engaging with
your company online, helping to identify key trends and issues with your
website. Understanding how and why potential buyers move through your website
is essential to funneling those interested individuals toward check-out and
successfully completing a sale.

Let’s review some exciting tools that can
offer you the kind of online customer journey insights that you need to grow your business and take your sales to the next level.

Visualization Tools for Online
Customer Journey Maps

Easily track and showcase developing trends
within your website by utilizing a mapping visualization tool! This type of
software makes visualizing how the customer journey works simple and clear to
understand by turning your data into flow charts that identify trends for you,
mapping out common pathways through your website.

Augmented online customer journey maps can
take this type of software to the next level by incorporating interactive
widgets and automated insights – including abandonment alerts and analysis to
flag performance issues, anomaly detection, and efficient root-cause analysis
to drill down into critical issues for improved user experience. Augmented
mapping goes above and beyond to deliver actionable insights quickly and
effectively to make improving the customer experience easy.

Session Replay Tools for
Individualized Insights

If you are more interested in qualitative
information rather than quantitative data trends, utilizing session replay
software might be ideal for your business’ needs. Session replay tools offer
the opportunity to view video recordings of individual customer visits to your
website, allowing you to follow their exact journey just as it happened in real
time. This type of software solution is ideal for managing individual
complaints and improving customer service through detailed, accurate responses
to complaints and concerns as part of your business’ strategy.

Live Customer Service Chat Tools

Digital chat can be an incredible way to be
proactive in addressing customer needs while they’re shopping your website. Not
only do visitors have immediate access to your support agents right there in their browser, but you can also set up automated
scripts that can be triggered along specific parameters such as when a customer
visits the help page, attempts to click away from your site, or lingers on
a  page for a specified period of time.
Chat tools make it easy to increase customer engagement and set the foundation
for successful sales transactions.

Assembling a Comprehensive
Strategy for Fine Tuning Your Website

If you’re wondering whether it’s possible
to combine multiple tools in your approach to improving the customer experience
and creating customer journeys that lead to increased sales, the answer is a
resounding yes! Pairing software tools that complement each other can result in
the most comprehensive perspective for strategic decision-making and enhanced
website functionality. In addition to using the software solutions listed
above, your business can also integrate those tools with Salesforce and Adobe
for even more impact when building sales growth. By utilizing the tools that
provide deeper insight, your business can set the stage for successful upward
sales trends both during and after COVID-19!

Instant Win Games, A Brief History


seems like no matter where you turn, everyone is advertising some kind of
instant win game. From supermarkets offering various game play to win
groceries, to lotteries offering up instant win games. Just where did these games come
from though, what’s their history? Are they only available at brick and mortar
locations or can you play them online? Keep reading to find out the answers to
all of this and more.

A Brief History of the Lottery

types of games though have a relatively young history when compared to that of
gambling and the lottery. It is believed that the earliest forms of gambling
can be traced back to the Paleolithic period, approximately 3000 BCE. The first
form of lottery is believed to have taken place during the Han Dynasty, between
205 and 187 BCE in the form of Keno slips that were sold to finance public
works. The first European lotteries, as we know and recognize them, took place
in fifteenth century Burgundy and Flanders. These were established to assist in
raising funds to fortify the towns and raise money for the local poor. Later,
in 1566, Queen Elizabeth I created a public

to work on necessary repairs to the harbours as well as the community’s poor.

the long history of the lottery, it wasn’t until the 1970s that the first
instant win games were created. The creation of the first scratch off game can
be credited to John Koza. During the 1950s and 60s, the
company he worked for specialised in creating promotional cards that could be
found in petrol stations and supermarkets, a winning card only had to match the
winning numbers in the newspaper and the winner could win anything from
groceries, gas or money.  Hired to work
on the probability aspect of the instant win games, Koza later was fired from
his job and decided to pursue the idea of creating an instant win lottery
scratch off game, though instead of groceries, players could instead win a
substantial cash prize. Once he was able to convince lottery officials to give
it a shot, the first instant win lottery card was created in 1974 in the state
of Massachusetts. The game was called “Instant Game,” and was sold by
Scientific Games (still in business).

From Analog to the Digital World

forward to 1994 when the first online instant win games were coming out, in the
form of online casino games. The Gaming Club offered the first online casino
game play. It was created by an Isle of Man software company, Microgaming. From
there, online game play grew exponentially as technology evolved. It was not
long after that this evolution began to grow to include online lottery game
play. As online gaming grew in popularity, so too did online lottery games as
well as online scratch card games. Mobile devices have made playing online even
easier whether from the comfort of your own home or while you are on your daily

you like the ease and convenience of playing online from your favourite cosy
living room chair, then online games may be just the thing to check out if you
are looking to have a quick flutter. While still relatively new to the gaming
world, there is a ton of fun to explore when it comes to instant win games. Who
knows, maybe you will be the next big online winner!

The Importance of Puzzles in Your Child’s Development


We all grew up playing with
puzzles of some form or the other. But have you ever realized the positive
effects of playing with puzzles on the little brain of a child? It is immense!

Building blocks and puzzles
are on top of the list as far as educational toys go. Puzzles not only
challenge and enhance young minds but also teach important life skills. They
are an exercise for the mind and keep children constructively engaged for a
long time.

There are numerous kinds of
puzzles available in the market. They are made in different sizes and out of
different materials such as cardboard, hardwood, plastic, and so on. If you are
looking for long-lasting puzzles you should probably go for the wooden ones.

Wooden toys are an all-time
favorite. Not only are they durable, bright, and attractive, but they are also
environment- friendly as they are biodegradable. Instead of having your kid
tuning in of countless of hours of television, try and lure him into is one mind
training toys, and find some of the best
wooden puzzles
 for your kid, along with other educational toys.

Advantages of puzzle

There are various
developmental benefits of puzzles for your child. Some of them are summed

  • Fine motor development – Puzzles help the child hone their fine motor skills. While playing with puzzles they move their hands, wrists, and fingers to pick up, pinch or clutch the pieces. Placing the pieces into the correct slots while sorting, moving, and fitting them enhances their fine motor skills.

Furthermore, using pegged puzzles helps toddlers use the pincer grip which helps them hold the pencil in kindergarten. Therefore, many reputable kindergartens like the St Ives Case Kindergarten recommend using pegged puzzles early.

  • Enhances concentration and memory – Puzzles help in building up concentration in kids. Working on a puzzle and completing the task helps in increasing the attention span and focus of a child. Puzzles are beneficial in increasing memory power, especially short-term memory.
  • Develops hand-eye coordination – Solving a puzzle requires harmony between the eye and hand and hence are particularly effective for hand-eye coordination. The trial and error process that a child goes through while fixing a puzzle enhances this coordination.
  • Boosts problem solving – Fixing the mixed-up pieces of a puzzle is like solving a problem. Hence by playing with puzzles they learn how to solve a problem.
  • Increases cognitive ability and topic-specific knowledge – As puzzles come in different topics and themes, kids receive a deeper understanding of many subjects. It also increases their visual and spatial awareness.

There are puzzles on varied
topics such as maps, alphabets, animals, flowers, dinosaurs, and so on. So,
along with having fun, children learn in detail about specific topics.

  • Enhances socialization skills – Puzzles are a great tool to enhance social skills and play together while cooperating. Be it supporting each other to find the right piece or sharing the satisfaction of completing a puzzle, it all adds up to the socializing skills.
  • Endorses Self-esteem – Confidence thrives on self-esteem. On completion of a puzzle a child experiences loads of satisfaction. It gives them a sense of pride having solved it despite the challenges faced. This achievement adds to their self-esteem making them more confident to face challenges and complete tasks in the future.

Puzzles are simple toys, hence
helpful in concentration and are not distracting like technical toys. They are
a refreshing way to put your child’s mind and interests.

5 Usual Electric Vehicle Myths Busted


One of the creative works in the automotive field is the emergence of electric cars. The automotive sector has entered electrification at the moment, and there are many car manufacturers producing mass electric cars. Various models have been launched to give many choices to automotive enthusiasts. They have the same performance as gasoline or diesel cars. These cars also have historical data that can be checked through car check on the internet like other new or used cars. Although oil-fuelled cars gradually diminished in popularity and began to be abandoned, however, the growth is not as fast as gasoline or diesel cars. This might happen because some myths are embedded in the minds of the people, and consumers do not find answers to their concerns.

If you read some references from automotive blogs, automotive magazines, and some automotive journals, that in fact, almost all countries in the world want to use electric cars. For example, in the UK, the country is targeting the circulation of diesel and petrol cars
to be stopped in the decades ahead, and replaced by electric cars. The electric vehicle UK campaign has been begun, and the results have emerged with evidence of increased sales of cars. If we look at sales data, it might be concluded that public awareness of using environmentally friendly cars is starting to rise. However, not everyone is interested in this car.

Why aren’t they so interested in electric cars? Some myths are believed by the people that cannot be broken by electronic car manufacturers. For example, electric cars cannot be
used during thunderstorms, concerns about engine performance, maintenance costs, etc.

Here are some of the worries and myths that make people prefer diesel or gasoline cars over electric-cars: 

  • Can Electric Car UK Travel Long Distances?

Electric car manufacturers have thought that the car was designed for long-distance travel. Just imagine, why would they produce an electric car in the UK if it turns out that the car could not be used for long-distance travel? Is it producing millions of electric cars just for charity work? Of course not, right? Even so, this understanding cannot be understood by all modern people, and they still have a fear that the battery will run out when travelling long-distances. Maybe in their minds, the storage capacity is the same as a battery on a Smartphone which will quickly run out if used for heavy work. In fact, in countries that are very aggressive campaigning for the use of electric cars like Britain, there are more than tens of thousands of electric charging stations. For example, in London, you will find more than 14,000 electric charging points. For a full charge, electric cars can reach distances of 300 km to 500 km. The company will also provide a spare battery that can be used at any time.

  • It’s Hard to Find an Electric Charging Station

The battery is the life of all-electric vehicles. This reason is acceptable because not everyone knows about the strength of battery storage for an electric car. This concern can be ignored because a country that is aggressively campaigning for the use of electric
cars must provide electric fuelling stations in each city. As in the UK, there are more than tens of thousands of electric charging stations in more than 9000 locations.

  • Electric Cars are Expensive Vehicles

Electric cars are not completely expensive. This car does not need maintenance costs as in conventional cars; you don’t need to change oil and other liquids. Refuelling is also very fast. Spare parts are easier to get. You can get them at various online stores or local dealers in your area. Surprisingly, some electric cars turned out to be sold below the price of diesel or gasoline fuel cars.

  • Slow Acceleration and Less Speed

In my opinion, this is entirely untrue. With the power from a battery, the car can accelerate quickly, no less than gasoline or diesel engines, for example, the Tesla Model X and the
Tesla Roadster. The Tesla Model X gets all-wheel drive and can accelerate from rest to a speed of 100 km/hour in 52 seconds with a top speed of 210 km/hour, while the Tesla Roadster can reach speeds of 0-160 km/hour in 4.2 seconds and the high speed of this car can be more than 402 km/hour.

  • Not Safe When Hit with Water

This is a reasonable assumption, but it is not valid if it is aimed at electric cars. These cars are not dangerous if exposed to water; water on the surface of the car will not be a conductor of electricity, thus endangering the driver and passengers. You need to know that electric cars are sold in the market after going through various stages of extreme testing, especially those related to security and safety. So, even though this car is electric-powered, you don’t need to worry about washing it, and if it is raining you also don’t need to leave it on the highway. Besides being physically, technically, and mechanically safe, electric cars are also registered as legal vehicles in the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency). You can take a vehicle check to find out its legality on the internet like other
conventional cars.

There are still many myths and doubt. Many people think that electric cars are not entirely environment friendly because this type of car is the most significant contributor to battery waste. The waste batteries of cars have been designed in the way that they can be used again for other needs. Most people also doubt the few choices on the market. Well, indeed when compared to gasoline or diesel cars which have already circulated in the market, electric cars are still losing. However, at least more and more famous car manufacturers such as Hyundai, KIA, Toyota, Mercedes, etc., also produce electric cars. The companies offer various types and models of electric cars such as sedans, city cars, SUVs to commercial cars such as electric buses and others. What about after-sales maintenance of
electric cars? This will be a problem if you live in a country with a small electric car population. But this does not apply in countries with vast numbers of electric cars like in the UK; official dealers and workshops are sure to serve a variety of complaints experienced by consumers on his electric car.

Conclusions, worries and myths above are a natural thing experienced by people who have not felt the sensation of being in the cabin. Their doubts about electric cars will continue
to increase if there is no aggressive promotion and proper education from companies and the government. To eliminate doubts about buying a car, you can do car history check too through Caranalytics. Car Analytics is the best brand in the UK when compared to other brands such as Total Car Check, Instant Car Check, AA Car Check, My Car Check and more.

Car Analytics helps buyers of used cars, including electric cars to know the car’s history thoroughly and reliably. Car history reports provided by Car Analytics includes Number of Previous Owners check, Number Plate Change History, Car Valuation, and many more.

5 Advantages of Using Payroll Software for Your Business


Payroll software is designed to automatically manage payroll tasks. It calculates salaries, covers statutory deductions, and makes sure that calculated amounts are smoothly transferred to employees on time. It is noticed that managing payroll is a costly and time-consuming process. Therefore, in current times, businesses are attempting to outsource services or invest in payroll software to quickly process payroll tasks. If your team is spending too much time on payroll rather than managing your business, then you must visit qtac.co.uk for some real help. Here I’m going to discuss a few benefits that can be drawn from a payroll software:

Ease of Use

Payroll software is easy-to-handle and easy-to-use. It comes with multiple features, added options, and rules & policies based on the needs of your business. Payroll software is built with necessary input like employee information, attendance data, salary structure, etc. to help you manage salaries, wages, overtime, bonus, and commissions of your workforce. Your human resource staff and account don’t have to spend a long time on manual payrolls. Everything is done automatically with just a click of a button. The payslips are directly processed, and bank transfers are ready to disburse salaries every month. The ease of process is possible due to well-designed payroll software and self-explanatory UI.


Investing in
reliable payroll software can benefit your business in terms of reducing costs.
You don’t have to employ many HR staff to manage the human resource department.
You can hire only a few employees that can work well with the payroll software.
With payroll software, your business is in a better position to manage payroll
tasks. Moreover, you can invest in cloud-based software that is available at
quarterly, half-yearly, and annual plans. This can be cost-efficient for your
business. Getting your hands on payroll software can significantly reduce the
need to outsource professional services to manage payroll tasks.

Fast Payroll Reconciliation

It is vital to
ensure the accuracy and verify payroll every month to avoid any errors. Payroll
software enables HR staff to use a variety of payroll tools for the matter of
reconciliation. The software allows you to consider the previous month’s
payroll and compare it with the current payroll. Besides, it lets you customize
salary register and payroll statements to better serve the needs of your
business. You can have peace of mind due to easy & fast payroll
reconciliation features as you can avoid errors in payrolls.

Manage Employee Information

is not only used to create payslips, but it is also a great tool
to manage necessary employee information. It has to offer multiple features so
that your HR team can easily manage employee calendars like a record of sick
leaves, absences, annual leaves, casual leaves, overtime, etc. This way, you
can automatically manage employee information. Payroll software is backed by a
strong integrated framework, which acts as a single source for all dimensions
of your employees.

Tax Updates

Payroll software is relief from regulatory aspects. Managing monthly tax calculations, recording deductions, and filing statutory remittances are challenging and time-consuming activities. You may end up missing the latest tax updates. However, when you have employed a payroll software, you can quickly get notified whenever there is a tax update. Cloud-based payroll software is advantageous in terms of updating about latest laws, amendments, and changes in tax slabs.

A pay stub is a document provided by an employer that outlines an employee’s earnings, deductions, and net pay for a specific pay period.

Get pay stub templates that can be edited.

How to Make Money from Your Side Hustles During Quarantine


Many people may be
looking for a coronavirus side hustle at this time when money
is tight
. Many people have suffered salary cuts or have lost jobs, and
there are still bills to be paid and commitments to be met.

It may seem that we
don’t know what to do or what to expect during an unprecedented crisis like
this, but one thing is sure – even now, there are opportunities to have side
hustles during coronavirus.

If you consider the
time you would have spent preparing to leave the house and commuting to and
from your job, now that you’re working from home, you have extra time, which
can be put to use to develop your COVID side hustle.  

It’s the best way to
invest your time and energy and add purpose to your life amid uncertainty. Best
of all, you can use this time to learn and hone the skills you will need to
start your business. After the quarantine period is over, your coronavirus side
hustle can continue to be an additional income stream long after this pandemic.
We’ve put together some side hustle ideas to get you started.

What Are You Passionate About?

Thinking about your
interests is a good starting point for deciding what your side hustle will be.
It would be best if you aimed to find a side hustle in an area you are
passionate about, or it should be aligned with your skillset. You may be
surprised how well one of your talents or hobbies may translate into a great
money-making idea.

You can also consider
your experience in your current job or past jobs, and friends and family may
also be able to tell you what they have noticed you’re good at doing. We often
overlook valuable skills we have that make viable business ideas. Ask yourself
if there is anything easy for you that others may find challenging to do.

Once you’ve made your
decision, use your time at home to browse available resources for learning a
new skill or beefing up capabilities you already have. Remember, you might not
be able to go to a bookstore or library during the quarantine. Still, you can
listen to audiobooks and podcasts, watch YouTube videos, or order books online.

Contact some people in
your target market to see if they have any interest in the service you are
thinking of offering, so you know if it’s a worthwhile endeavor. It is also
essential to find out whether they would be willing to pay for this service.
Get a sense of what is currently being offered in your niche and think about
what you bring to the table that makes you stand out from others who are
offering similar services.

Consider the
restrictions that are currently in place and ensure that your business can
operate remotely. If you will be offering your services, the next step is to
look for places online where you can do so, such as Fiverr or Freelancer.

Your business needs to
be one you can sustain in the future, beyond the current pandemic. Make both
short-term and long-term plans.

Services and Goods that People
Need Now, More than Ever

Daily tasks, which
previously seemed simple and straightforward, have taken on a new twist in
light of stay-at-home orders during this crisis. Tools, platforms, and services
that facilitate or help improve remote working, online communication,
e-learning, and other activities are currently in high demand.

Face-to-face meetings
have turned into video calls. Conferences have gone digital, facilitated by
webinars and podcasts. Software programs and new mobile applications that help
make our personal and professional lives feel less abnormal are in the
limelight. Above all, e-commerce is booming and can be a lucrative area for a
side hustle during corona.

Keep an eye on the new
needs which are emerging every week. Opportunities are popping up everywhere,
and your skills could be a good fit for a new area in demand.

Helping Out

Some people need to
use the current gift of extra time to start a side hustle and to help others.

  • Check on your neighbors – find out how your
    neighbors, especially elderly folks, are doing. Call or text them and ask if
    they need anything. If you happen to have what they need, you can offer a
    contactless method of getting it to them. You can leave it at their front door,
    and they can pick it up at their convenience.
  • Find ways to volunteer virtually – the
    Internet is exploding with virtual opportunities right now. You can find lots
    of volunteer opportunities on our websites like idealist.org. Non-profits
    across the globe are figuring out how to keep their programs going, using
    innovative solutions.
  • Donate – there’s no doubt there are several
    worthwhile causes and non-profit organizations, and their workers are going
    above and beyond to help those in need. Why not donate to your favorite
    organization? Every little bit helps.

Best Side Hustles to Do From Home


Clean out your closet,
pick out the clothes you’ve hardly ever worn or stuff you know you don’t really
need and sell them all online.


With dropshipping, you can sell products without having to stock them yourself. The products are shipped from the manufacturer directly to the buyer. You market the products act as the intermediary.

or tutor online

If you’re a teacher by
profession, you can teach
. Even if you’re not a teacher, if you have musical talent or another
skill, you can also offer lessons online. Some people use Skype and Zoom to
tutor via free video chats. You can also apply for jobs at Tutor Me or Tutor
Match. Those who want to teach English online can check out VIPKID and

a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants,
commonly known as VAs, handle various tasks, including proofreading,
copywriting, social media management, scheduling meetings, travel bookings,
email communication, and other administrative tasks. Check out any of a variety
of websites to find virtual assistant jobs. These sites include Freelancer,
goLance, or Guru, or you can use VA staffing agencies, like Zirtual, PriorityVA, and 24/7 Virtual
Assistant, who will find jobs for you.

Start a blog

Those who have
in-depth knowledge about a particular topic and the skill to write well about
it can start a blog. There are many options to measure and keep an eye on your
blog, from having advertising space to affiliate marketing and sponsorships.

a YouTube channel

Have you heard of
vlogging? You can earn decent money-making video blogs on YouTube. You can
teach others how to do something useful or learn a skill. Use either a
smartphone that shoots quality videos or a video camera if you have one.

Look for freelancing

There are tons of
websites serving as marketplaces where freelancers who work remotely can find
jobs. Lots of people could use your help, whether you have the skills to be a
social media marketer, freelance writer, graphic designer, data entry worker,
or resume writer at a time when there are more job seekers than ever.

the Steady app

The free
Steady app is a job board based on the location that regularly updates — to
show you available opportunities. Steady’s temporary remote side hustles
include food delivery jobs, call center representative work, Clickworker, and
Rosetta Stone Tutor.


When life gives you
lemons, make lemonade. You may have been worried about how you’ll make ends
meet or concerned about your job security. These are uncertain times indeed,
but one thing is sure – there are loads of opportunities at your fingertips to make
during the quarantine.

It is clear to see that there are
so many ways to start a side hustle. It would be best if you found the idea that’s
right for you. Starting a side hustle during the coronavirus pandemic is a
great way to make use of your new-found extra time. You should bear in mind
that you will have to balance this with a full-time job, so it’s best to pick a
side hustle where you will be doing work you will enjoy; otherwise, you may not
feel it’s worth it the effort.

Your side hustle can
become a business that will generate hundreds, or even thousands, of extra
dollars for you and your family every month. It can be life-changing now and in
the future. You will learn new skills or enhance the ones you already have
while making money on your schedule. The most important benefit is that you
won’t have to depend solely on a job that can be here today but gone in the
next crisis.

What To Do in Beautiful Venice


Famous for its captivating beauty, rich culture, and historical significance, it is no wonder that Venice is one of the most popular cities in Italy. Located on a series of 117 small islands connected by a network of bridges and canals, Venice has one of the largest populations in the Veneto Region of Northern Italy, with more than 250,000 people calling it home. Throughout history, Venice has served as a powerful stronghold and major financial centre, and today is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Europe. 

While it is idyllic for those romantic weekend getaways and loved up honeymoons, Venice has much more to offer almost any kind of traveler. So, if you’re looking to book some flights and explore somewhere new and exciting, Venice might just be the perfect place for you. Here are some of the things you could do while you’re there.   

Stroll through Rialto Market 

You may have heard of the Rialto Bridge, a famous Venetian attraction and photo opportunity hotspot. Just a few yards away from the bridge is the Rialto Market or Mercato del Rialto, a beautiful outdoor market filled with fresh produce. Most of the fresh fruits and vegetables come from the nearby Isola di Sant’Erasmo, which is the largest island and agricultural hub in Venice. Fresh seafood such as octopus, shrimp, eel, squid, and crab is caught in the Venetian lagoon and is expertly sliced by fishmongers here while you wait. 

Buy handmade lace in Burano 

The Italian island of Burano is known around the world for its intricate lace techniques and beautiful designs that have been in production since the 1500s. Whether you’re looking for tablecloths, wedding dresses, napkins, or handkerchiefs, Burano has everything you could need and more. The art of creating handmade lace requires an enormous amount of skill and practice, which is why Burano lace costs more than machine-made versions. Burano is also famous for its colourful houses and picture-perfect streets, so remember your camera if you decide to take a day trip here.

Explore the famous canals by water taxi 

Visit Casino de Venezia 

The oldest casino in the world, Casino di Venezia was built in the 17th century and is more than 380 years old. This beautiful Renaissance building was opened more than 100 years before the second oldest casino in the world, Casino de Spa in Belgium, and has been attracting visitors from all over the world ever since. The casino has belonged to many different noblemen throughout the years until it was purchased by the city of Venice in 1946, renovated and reopened in 1959 as one of the most popular gambling destinations in Europe.

Eat at the Ristorante Riviera 

There are plenty of sophisticated restaurants to choose from in this bustling city, but if you’re after a taste of authentic Venetian cuisine then it doesn’t get much better than the Ristorante Riviera. Located on the Giudecca Canal with stunning views over the waterway, the exemplary service and perfectly cooked seafood will have you coming back for more. Try the homemade gnocchi, pasta with scallops, or the seabass poached with prawns before finishing up with one of the heavenly desserts.

Take a water taxi along the Grand Canal

Of course, you can’t visit Venice without exploring the famous canals by water taxi! Take in the sights of this beautiful city as you glide along the Grand Canal by boat. Look out for landmark palazzos, extravagant Baroque buildings, flamboyant Gothic residencies, and Eastern-influenced houses that line the Grand Canal, described as “the finest street in the world” by French writer Philippe de Commines in the 15th century. Listen to the history of the diverse architectural styles and discover the fascinating stories behind the beautiful buildings and places of historical significance.

So, whether you’re looking to sample the freshest Venetian seafood, buy famous Burano lace or explore the stunning canals by water taxi, there are plenty of amazing experiences to be had in this beautiful city. In fact, there is so much to do that you’ll probably have to keep coming back!

Is Cryptocurrency Safe During Covid-19 Pandemic?


There is no doubt that China is one of the
cryptocurrency investment hubs performing different cryptocurrency exchanges.
In connection with that, Coronavirus affect China’s economic status negatively.

Since there is a current outbreak of Coronavirus
in China, different businesses have been affected. This is always true in both
the cryptocurrency market and in the traditional one. What’s worse is that the
Coronavirus is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic.

This news made the European and Asian
market stocks to get down dramatically. Different cryptocurrencies, such as
Bitcoin, are having a hard time during this pandemic.

Cryptocurrency – Is It Still Safe

Cryptocurrency traders are asking if
trading the different cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, is still safe. Well,
according to research, trading cryptocurrencies is not safe during this
pandemic. It is the nature of humans to protect their wealth and money. At the
same time, during this pandemic wherein the economic status has been down, no
crypto traders will perform trading when the chance of recovering from the
damage done by the pandemic is ambiguous.

Everyone is aware of the possible effects
of Coronavirus to human health and the economic status of a state. The Coronavirus
that started in China is now causing mayhem and havoc around the globe. There
is no doubt when some of the states cannot cope up with this pandemic.

Coronavirus does affect not only the
traditional market but also the cryptocurrency market as well. This outbreak
causes everyone to ask questions on how this outbreak affects the

On the other hand, decentralized mechanisms
support different types of cryptocurrencies. Crypto is being used by many
individuals around the globe and is considered to be independent to the
government. In connection with that, the COVID-19 made people switch the
traditional currencies to cryptos.

The Effect of Coronavirus on

As mentioned, South Korea and China are the
countries that own over 70 percent of the entire crypto mining powers. This
means that you can expect a huge effect on the economic status of a country
when the virus continues to spread.

For the past few years, there is a
formulation of different equipment for crypto mining. Since the price is still
low, these crypto-mining tools are wasted. In connection with this, to get a
balanced algorithm, many of the mining farms get more popular compared with
these crypto-mining tools and equipment.

The mining farms became popular because of
quarantine and isolation. This is because mining farms only require less
movement. During this pandemic, the different cryptocurrencies have a low price
exchange. But, it is expected that after this outbreak ended, Bitcoin and other
cryptos will start to have an increased price.

On the other hand, some researches are
concluding that the cryptocurrency market will not get affected by the
outbreak. But, the crypto market will still perform some precautionary measures
about this pandemic.

The futurists consider the BitcoinRejoin as “beyond safe.” In
connection with that, Bitcoin halving can be an optimum option for a longer
investment. This is because its value will continue to increase as time passes

Since the cases of COVID-19 positive are
continuously increasing, we don’t have enough data to determine about possible
things that might happen in the future between the Corona and crypto. We don’t
know when and how things will go back to normal. Keep in mind that Corona does
not only affect Bitcoin, but it also provides negative impacts to the other
crypto, such as the XRP, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and many others. COVID-19 is
the only thing that made the crypto market to get down drastically.

  • bitcoinBitcoin (BTC) $ 87,945.00 4.01%
  • ethereumEthereum (ETH) $ 2,173.06 4.7%
  • xrpXRP (XRP) $ 2.48 1.7%
  • tetherTether (USDT) $ 1.00 0.01%
  • bnbBNB (BNB) $ 593.86 1.77%
  • solanaSolana (SOL) $ 140.81 5.16%
  • usd-coinUSDC (USDC) $ 0.999897 0%
  • cardanoCardano (ADA) $ 0.858496 11.4%
  • tronTRON (TRX) $ 0.238005 2.51%
  • staked-etherLido Staked Ether (STETH) $ 2,172.60 4.27%
  • avalanche-2Avalanche (AVAX) $ 20.43 6.47%
  • the-open-networkToncoin (TON) $ 2.98 2.22%