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Adding Sale Value Apply These Smart Tips for Taking Home Renovations in Your Stride


Considering your home is
the largest, single investment you will make in your life, you will want to
maintain it to protect its value. Home renovations are perfect for making
changes to suit your lifestyle, or just to repair and upgrade features of your home
to keep it well maintained. It’s worth noting that these renovations will add
value and new additions to your home so check and review your home insurance
policy to protect your home and content. We spoke with Zoom Property Buyers
experts in cash for homes purchases about what renovations will build value
into your home.

Many people consider
doing home renovations when there is a new addition to the family, or when they
would like to change a certain area of their home, or add a new addition to
suit their needs and style.

Home renovations are best done during the summer months when
the weather is warm and the days are long, allowing more time to complete these

Before tackling any home
improvement project there are a few considerations to take into account. These
can include:

• Your home renovations budget,

• The space required for the improvement,

• Arranging the necessary plans for the
renovations or improvement

• Building regulations of the council or

• Getting quotes from reputable building

To begin with assessing
the current condition of your house is important and then visualizing what you
want to improve and whether it is going to be suitable.

Perhaps you want to
simply do cosmetic work which may be painting, tiling, changing doorways and
upgrading your bathroom.

Use a notebook while walking through your home to make some notes and write down ideas on the home renovations you wish to do. There may be certain areas of your home that are really run down and need repairs or upgrades and these are projects you need to consider as priority. Remember to walk around the grounds and perimeter of your home to inspect retaining walls, landscaping and any exterior garden features.

Once you have completed
your assessment you will have a list of what needs to be done and you can begin
putting your projects into action.

Prioritizing Home Renovations

Your home is your haven
for your family and you will want to keep it in tip top condition, comfortable
and safe for everyone Once you have your list of renovations and home
improvements mark done projects that will take priority These could be repairs
to the roof, rain and drainage downpipes, outside exterior walls and
outbuildings. These areas are exposed to harsh weather conditions so they are
apt to get run down.

Prioritize the repairs
that are important just as you will work down your list and prioritize the home
improvements you want to tackle. Many homeowners have huge plans for home
renovations and if you are one of them, it is best to do one project at a time and
move on to the next. If you have budgetary constraints it may mean doing one
home renovation per season or per year.

It’s Time to Get Started.

Now that you have a list
of the home development renovations you want to tackle, discuss these with your
family and choose where you want to begin. Work out what materials you need,
whether you need to adjust your house plans, what your budget is.

Once you have these
basics then you can get a few quotes from different contractors so that you can
make comparisons between them to see what suits your budget. Once you have
everything you need to begin your home renovations project get an idea of what
the time frame will be from the contractors you have chosen, and when they can

Home renovations are
exciting and you will look forward to the completed project while already
visualizing the finished work.

Work through the process
and stick to your plans and everything should be completed just as you

Are Tax Deductions Applicable to Personal Loans?


Personal loans are typically utilised to finance a large purchase like house or cars, fund a big event like a wedding ceremony, or consolidate high-interesting debts. They’re offered through P2P or peer-to-peer lending networks, employers, or banks. 

In today’s market, personal loans are among the cream of the crop. Just between Q3 2018 and Q3 2019, the total amount of both secured and unsecured loans skyrocketed from 20.3 million to 22.5 million. 

While the said increase seems like a big development, personal loans only make up around 2% of the overall consumer debt in the United States. One reason for this is that some (or many) borrowers might not know how personal loans work and how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) deals with them.

Whether personal loans are tax-deductible or not is one of the questions that many borrowers are confused at. If you’re one of them, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ve curated crucial information about the tax implications of personal loans. 

Tax Liability for Personal Loans

A tax deduction or allowable deduction, as the terms imply, is an expense that can be reduced from a person or married couple’s gross income to lessen the amount of money that is subject to a tax. Take note that only “taxable income” can be tax-deductible. 

Personal loans are typically not considered taxable income. Your repayments for these loans aren’t tax-deductible. Say, you borrow a sum of money through a personal loan to finance your wedding ceremony or cover other personal expenses. The interest payments you pay for this loan, be it secure or unsecured, do not reduce your tax liability. 

Tax-deductible Personal Loans 

The thing is, if you use a personal loan to fund your schooling, company launching or expansion, and home improvement, the interest you’ll pay can be tax-deductible. Check them out here:

Mortgages and Home Equity Loans
Mortgages and home equity loans are only tax-deductible if funds borrowed are utilized to finance building, renovating, or buying a property. 

For example, for married taxpayers who are filing a joint return, you may be able to take off interest on the first $750,000 of your first or second mortgage. Alternatively, if you’re planning to file a separate return, you can subtract interest on the first  $350,000.

Business Loans
If you’re a business owner who is using a personal loan for your business, you can also deduct the total of the interest payments. However, only the percentage of the amount used to finance your business is tax-deductible. 

Student Loans

Paying off student loans has been one of the financial crises of many American citizens, including those who already graduated, settled down, and been working for years. 

The good thing is student loans can now be deducted for about  $2,500 in interest annually. However, they’re only tax-deductible if you’ve taken out the loan from a qualified lender, such as the credit or cash ninja

Private personal loans, especially from friends, friends, or colleagues, aren’t deductible. However, if you are the one lending the money to someone else, the IRS can “potentially” treat the interest payments you will receive as taxable. To avoid being dinged by the IRS, you need to get the borrower’s Social Security number and income and file Form 1099-INT. 

Other Exceptions: Loan Forgiveness and COD

Loan forgiveness or cancellation of debt (COD) are two ways to be off the hook in paying taxes for your outstanding balances. 

Loan Forgiveness 

If your loan is forgiven, you don’t have to pay for the taxes of the amount that’s less than your liabilities that are subtracted by your assets. That’s why loan forgiveness is often considered as a form of a gift. 

Cancellation of Debt (DOD)
If your loan is canceled, your lender doesn’t expect and require you to repay the remaining balances or the loan’s principal. It seems like the loan becomes the income that’s given to you by the lender.

Then, your lender might send a form called Form 1099-C, which you have to hand into the IRS. You’ll typically get this form after the abandonment of property, foreclosure, modification of a loan on your principal residence, property return, and repossession. This document will prove that your loan’s interest is now a cancellation of debt (COD) income, which is taxable.

If a percentage of your personal loan is forgiven or canceled, lenders will no longer expect you to repay your outstanding balance. Hence, the IRS will consider the loan balance as income, which can eventually become tax-deductible.


Personal loans aren’t considered as taxable income because they’re “loans” and must be repaid in the first place. There are exceptions, though. Some personal loans utilized for expenses like investments, business expenses, and qualified education expenses are tax-deductible.

Here Are 5 Things to Consider When Starting A Training Consultancy Business

If you’re passionate about training, love impacting
people and organisations, and want to have a career that delivers more than a
payslip, setting up a training firm is the way to go.

This article is intended to help you ask some of the
important questions before you begin, and to provide some knowledge other
platforms do not.

1. Target Market

Your idea may be the best you’ve ever heard, but demand
for your ideas needs to be in place.

Somebody needs to be able to pay you for your
professional advice. To put it another way, who are your future clients? Can you sell your
consulting services to major corporations?

Or are you going to be selling a service that will only
attract smaller companies? In any case, make sure you spend time creating a
business and marketing plan.

2. Staff and Skills Needed

The personnel required by your new training firm can vary
drastically due to the scale of the business. Therefore, it would make more
sense to look at the appropriate tasks, rather than individual members of the

Here’s why: if the company is small only one employee
may be able to carry on many duties. For a bigger company, you will need to
include many team members to perform the same function.

3. Business Model

One of the first (and most important) choices you’ll
have to make is ‘where do I get my revenue from?’

If you’re not okay with selling your services, then
you’ll need to concentrate on seeking out opportunities for backend income. You
need to make sure that, as a freelancer, you are not too reliant
on one client.

4. Business Insurance

No matter how professional you are, there’s still a
risk something might go wrong. If it does, you’ll need to be sure your company
has the right insurance cover to protect it.
Getting the right cover right from the start means that the company is in the
safest position to rebound in case something goes wrong.

5. Registrations and Licenses

You may either run your company under your personal
name or a made-up business name, based on your ambition and the degree to which
you plan to expand your practice. If you are operating the business in your own
name, you are generally going to operate as a sole proprietor.

Registering as a sole trader ensures that you will be
fully responsible for the responsibilities that come with your service. When
you lose, you will be financially responsible, so if the company is profitable,
you also are.

An option is to set up a Limited Liability Company
(LLC), in which your firm is treated as a distinct company and your personal
finance is not in threat.


If you are self-motivated, have experience, and are
skilled with people, then you are well on the way to beginning a training
consultancy company.

When you have what it takes, the
best way to learn is to take action. Bring yourself out to try to find the
first client. After you have developed a strategy, revisit it periodically and
ensure that you make decisions in accordance with your business and priorities,
as well as making any changes required along the way.

How to Look After Yourself as a Busy Professional

Self-care can be one of
the first things to drop off the end of the ‘to-do’ list when we’re busy. It’s
really tempting to think it’s not necessary, and that we need to do other
things first.

Experts say self-care is
a must for mental health, so how do you find the time when you are a busy

Take Time to Exercise

A little exercise to
reduce stress will go a long way. Even a short morning stroll will boost your energy
and inspiration for the day ahead. Set your alarm a little earlier than normal
and hit the pavement. Save time by preparing the night before the exercise.

How? By choosing what
you will wear and keeping other necessary items, such as headphones, a snack
and a water bottle, where you can easily grab them. The idea is to get moving
as soon as your alarm rings without spending too much time preparing.

Keep Healthcare Appointments

Have an appointment to
see your doctor? Schedule it into your calendar and plan to keep the
appointment. Do not postpone it because you are busy.

Or perhaps you need to
see a doctor last minute, but you are too busy to wait around all day at a
doctor’s office waiting to be seen? In that case, invest in a private health
insurance plan so that in the future you can fast
track your doctor’s appointments
and see a specialist sooner, allowing you
to put your mind at ease without disrupting your working life too much.

As the wise saying goes,
prevention is better than cure.

Eat Right

There is so much
information on nutrition and
eating well
out there that it seems to be everywhere you look. A lot of the
time it can seem like eating healthy and nutritious meals requires a lot of
effort, which is why it seems a lot easier to get fast food when you’re busy –
saving time and energy for other things. But – not all foods are created equal.

Your food preferences
have a direct effect on your physical and mental health, so choosing your food
carefully is crucial. To know the right food to eat, you should talk to a
nutritionist and visit trusted sources of health information online, such as government
health websites.

Practice Meditation

Meditation is the
perfect way to get in touch with your instincts and listen to yourself. Many
achievers in the world credit meditation as an important practice in their
daily routine. Not only that, but it can have great
benefits for your brain and body

Try to set up an area
within your home (or even your office) where you can sit in peace and quiet and
really focus on your practice – even if it is only for a few minutes a day.

Squeeze in a Few Breaks into Your Schedule

Don’t forget to plan some
“me” time
into your day, so that you’re not going absolutely
nuts. Take a short walk, listen to some music in your car. Doing so can greatly
reduce your stress to remove yourself from the work environment for even 10 to
15 minutes.

Lastly, Ask for Help

However, busy you are,
whatever happens in your lives, we are important. If you need it, support is
always available. You have to put yourselves first sometimes and incorporating
any of these tiny suggestions of self-care in your day will help keep you in

A Guide to Budgeting for Loan Repayments


You may have opted to get money to buy your dream home, or maybe you’ve just had your home loan approved. Working out the total cost of the loan you are taking out, not just the amount you are borrowing or how much you can afford to pay each month, but also
including interest payments, is crucial.

Here’s a handy guide here to steer you in the right direction.

Make a list of your debts

You need to be able to access all your debts and the amounts you owe in one place before you can come up with a solution. An ideal way to do that is by using a debt reduction spreadsheet. This list will include the amount of the loan, the interest rate and the overall amount that you owe.

A debt reduction spreadsheet is a valuable financial tool that helps individuals track and manage their outstanding debts, providing a clear overview of payment progress and facilitating strategic planning for effective debt repayment.

This statement will also cover all of your debt, including your mortgage, from credit cards to personal loans to student loans. If you owe the family and friends money, you should have it on your list as well.

Prioritise your debt

After listing your debt, the next step is to prioritise your debts, so that you can determine which to pay first.

Most people advocate starting from the smallest number to the highest because this will carry the momentum to a head. Others would consider ranking debts from the highest to the lowest interest rate because that would save you the most time.

Credit loans, like credit cards, can have a much higher interest rate, and it’s usually better to start there, but the main thing is to stick to the list after you make it. But it is crucial that you work but a way of repaying your debts that not only considers the most important debts to repay but that also works for you.

Consider the 20-30-50 Plan

Better than a standard budget, the 20-30-50 rule is a convenient, versatile way to keep your expenses accountable.

It involves committing 20% of your income towards strengthening your finances. In this scenario, each month, you might channel it into paying off your loans. Then share 30% for
personal things such as eating out and going to the movies, then finally, spend50% on what’s necessary, such as rent and bills.

Track your expenses

It is easy to spend money quickly because you are not carefully watching your investments. To avoid this, track all costs, including those payable in cash. Luckily, most banking apps nowadays allow you track every penny you’ve spent, and with some, you can even receive alerts when your spend or receive money as well as group similar transactions in one place for easy reviewing. This makes working out where you are overspending much simpler.

Build up your savings

Once your debts have been paid off, then you can work on setting up a savings account. This will help keep you from falling back into debt. One of the best strategies you can use to gain care of your money and to stop getting into debt is to set up an emergency fund.

When you take out a personal loan, it is your responsibility to repay that loanunder the agreed-upon terms. Budgeting I a great wat to help you save the moneyfor your loan repayments to stop yourself from falling into debt.

eLearning Becomes Big Business


The online learning industry has expanded in recent years
and further growth is expected. By 2025, the sector is predicted to generate revenue
of over $325 billion.
With the potential to triple its value in just ten
years, it’s easy to see why so many entrepreneurs and budding businesses are
focusing on online learning management systems.

As the industry grows, it will bring new job opportunities
and career paths with it. If you want to be part of the eLearning boom, take a
look at these top tips for what it takes to succeed in the industry.

1. Business Acumen

Any successful manager or entrepreneur needs to develop good
Understanding the market, predicting future developments, and
having in-depth knowledge of how to leverage corporate structure for financial
gain are key attributes of effective business owners.

Whether you choose to launch your own online learning firm
or join an existing enterprise, possessing business acumen is advantageous.
While eLearning is focused on online education, the organisations within the
industry are operating to generate revenue. Being able to increase this revenue
and secure a bigger market share will ensure you can look forward to a
glittering career within the industry.

2. Understand Education

Effective eLearning is about much more than making materials
available online. Although many people will seek to capitalise
on the eLearning industry
in the next decade, few will have a thorough and
nuanced understanding of education.

By enhancing your understanding of education, you will bring
unrivalled insight into your next role within the sector. Formal training in
education will give you the opportunity to delve into critical issues and concepts,
such as:

  • How do we learn?
  • What hinders the learning process?
  • Does the environment affect learning methods?
  • Group vs. individual learning
  • What improves learning outcomes?
  • How can learning be measured?

As you might expect, these types of issues are at the core
of the eLearning industry. When combined with business acumen and commercial
awareness, they are the backbone for a successful career within the online
learning sector.

Many people assume that you need to train to be a teacher in
order to study education in detail. While this is certainly an effective way to
understand education, it isn’t the only way to gain the knowledge you need to
succeed in the eLearning landscape.

There are a number of highly respected programs designed for
non-teaching professionals, which enable you to increase your understanding of
education. At the University
of Exeter Online,
you can advanced post-graduate qualifications in
education easily into your life, even if you don’t have previous experience in
teaching.  What’s more – completing a
post-grad program online will give you key insights into what it means to be a
student within an eLearning environment!

Studying online is an ideal option at post-graduate level,
as many people want to continue working on a full-time basis while completing
their qualification. In addition to this, completing a post-grad program online
typically means:

  • Lower fees
  • More flexibility
  • The ability to pace your learning
  • The opportunity to use your skillset in
    real-world settings

If you want to develop a career within the online learning
sector, becoming an eLearning student will give you an exceptional
understanding of key industry issues. Furthermore, obtaining an advanced
qualification in education will establish your specialism and give you the
skills you need to thrive in a growing sector

3. Tech Knowledge

Online learning is centred around technology, so it’s
beneficial to have a good understanding of what it takes to create a great
learning management system. Online learners prioritise a number of factors when
selecting online learning tools, including:

  • Reliability
  • Accessibility
  • Compatibility
  • Intuitive UX
  • Security

Depending on your target market, you will need to ensure
your future learning platforms offer an enjoyable, stimulating, and rewarding
experience to students, as well as improving
learning outcomes.
Although you may choose to work with developers and
designers to create an innovative learning platform, having an understanding of
the technology driving the industry is always beneficial.

Building a Career in eLearning

The internet has changed the way we live, and it’s certainly
revolutionised the way we learn. With information at our fingertips, we can
access any type of data within seconds and connect with experts across a number
of platforms.

As more educational
institutions and private companies seek to implement online learning
opportunities for students and employees, the future of eLearning is undeniably
bright. For the savvy entrepreneurs who choose to hone their business acumen,
develop their understanding of education and enhance their tech skills, the
online learning sector offers unrivalled opportunities.

What does Coronavirus mean for the UK housing market?


The Coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on the UK’s economy, not least because during the period of social lockdown many people have been unable to get to work or, in some cases, be economically active at all. This has played its part on the country’s housing sector, too, of course. Both renters and owner-occupiers have seen a significant shift in the way they have had to adapt to meeting mortgage payments and handling rental arrears. However, the crisis comes down to more than the ability to make payments on time. 

In the final analysis, no one can truly say what state the UK’s housing market will be in once the social lockdown is lifted. Several factors will come into play, not least whether or not the pandemic will worsen and further restrictions will be needed down the line. Nevertheless, there are some things we can already say about the shape of the country’s housing market and the likely future effects of it once the crisis has passed.

Buying, Selling and Renting – What Is Allowed?

It’s important to note that the housing market has not come to a complete halt in the UK, and it is still possible for people to market their homes in print and online. You can still visit estate agents’ websites and view places that you might like to buy. Indeed, you could make an offer on a property today and have it accepted. You are not prevented from engaging the service of a solicitor to begin the process of conveyancing for you either. As such, you might think that it is business as usual for homeowners. 

Unfortunately, the rules on social distancing during the lockdown period mean that in-person visits to occupied properties are virtually impossible. Even if the seller could temporarily vacate for you to look around, it would probably be advisable to stay away in any case. This means relying on virtual tours and high-quality photos if you want to market a property successfully, whether you are letting it or selling it.

So, theoretically, you can buy, sell and move but the practical reality is that many people are staying where they are. The good news is that several mortgage lenders are offering temporary mortgage holidays for those who have seen rapid income drops. You will still owe the money but deferrals are being allowed by lots of lenders. Equally, the UK government said that landlords should not seek county court judgements to evict tenants for rent arrears during the crisis. However, renters who were already behind with their payments before it took hold are exempted from this protection. 

Asking Prices and Sales Figures

Because moving is simply not practical for many people at the moment, the number of completed exchanges and completions since the lockdown began is consequently lower than it otherwise would have been. In fairness, many estate agents reported fairly sluggish activity over the course of the last six months or so. As such, asking prices were often highly negotiable and buyers could expect to pay beneath the marketed price as there was not always a great deal of competition. Although places like London have seen falls in housing prices over the last year or so, in other parts of the country the downward trend has been much less marked. 

Now, however, pricing stagnation in many parts of the country has been the norm as most people realise their house won’t sell unless they are remarkably lucky. So, they’ve been tending to hold their price rather than drop it, waiting for the crisis to abate and to see what the market looks like on the other side. In short, there has been no collapse in the UK’s housing market as many predicted there would be.

The Impact of Brexit in the Same Year as Coronavirus

One of the wider reasons that sellers and buyers have been in somewhat of a hold patter is because of the B word; Brexit. It may seem like a distant memory but uncertainty over the issue was already causing some to delay their plans until the economic effects of it were truly understood. So-called no-deal Brexit may be on the cards later this year and if that happens off the back of a struggling UK economy due to coronavirus, then few commentators would predict widespread growth in the market.

A Fast Bounce Back?

It is possible that the UK’s housing market will bounce right back – and could even steam ahead – once the current coronavirus restrictions are lifted. There will be a lot of pent up demand, after all. Some people will be behind on mortgage payments and want to downsize. Others will want to move up on the property ladder before prices start to rise once more. Greater monetary liquidity in the market may also be reasonably expected, thereby creating more attractive mortgage packages. There has never been a crisis like this one, so the return to normality could be just as remarkable as the shift away from it was.

8 Questions You Should Ask When Prototyping a Product


is the critical step between initial design and mass production. Skipping
prototyping is always a mistake since you risk launching a product that doesn’t
work or fails to meet customer expectations. Delays in prototyping can delay
the release of your product, and poor quality prototypes may lead to incorrect
design decisions. On the other hand, choosing the right prototyping service and
making other good decisions during this process can save your company time and
money during this critical step. Here are eight questions you should ask when
prototyping a product.

How have Previous Solutions Fallen Short of Market

It is far
less painful to learn from another’s mistakes than to make them yourself. So,
before you start, you have to do an honest assessment of the solutions to the
problem you’re trying to solve and try to determine why they failed. Were their
products too expensive for their customers? Was it too difficult to use?
Understand why they fell short of market expectations so that you don’t make
the same mistake.

also notice that it’s rarely because the product was delivered ahead of schedule.
For example, the answer might be that the devices they offered were too slow or
inconvenient for the modern consumer. Read customer reviews before you make
assumptions about your product being better. What would keep them from buying
the product, and what makes them regret the purchase they made? These are all
questions that will allow you to refine your product, and give your clients
exactly what they need.

What are Customer’s Behavior Patterns?

A good
rule of thumb is to always make your product fit the customer’s current habits.
If you change how they do things, there better be a very good reason. For
example, people will use more expensive disposable straws before they buy a
reusable straw that has to be purchased and then sterilized.

how your target audience uses current products to solve their problems. A
product that’s too different will be disregarded in favor of the familiar. This
is why successful wearable devices tend to be more similar to watches.

the ergonomics of your target user base, and ensure that your products
literally fit them. If the item is too large, heavy or hard to use, they won’t
use it. This knowledge can prevent you from adding features that get in the way
of the product’s core purpose, too.

What is your Turnaround Time?

you’ve finalized your initial design, it is time to find a prototyping service
to make the first prototype. Understand that prototypes are intended to be
rough, disposable, initial versions of the product. It won’t be perfect the
first time, and you’ll probably need several iterations to get a good final
design to hand off to production. This means you’ll want to get each prototype
back as soon as possible for user feedback and product testing. You’ll also
find that the best prototyping services balance speed with quality of work.

What Services do You Offer that can Improve the
Prototyping Service?

You can
find a variety of CNC services online, and they all have a different scope of
service. Some will allow you to send them your design files, and the online CNC
machining service will make it in their shop and ship you a prototype. That
allows startups and small businesses to quickly get a working prototype,
assuming the design is viable.

However, there are CNC prototyping services that will go the extra mile and give you invaluable advice on improving the design and electronics compliance. For example, prototype machining company Rapid Direct has a blog where they discuss design for manufacturability or DfM. They touch on recent tools that have come out online that allow you to upload a CAD file and grade the manufacturability of a part. You could use this information to make changes to the design to make it cheaper and easier to manufacture before you ask them to make it for you.

How do we Communicate Design changes?

prototyping manufacturing services require you to place a brand new order and
pay full price yet again if you ask for a modified version of the original
prototype. Other companies allow you to make modest changes to the design and
order a few more. You want a team that will be as flexible as possible and will
leave you some space for some alterations.

On the
other hand, you also need a process for receiving feedback regarding their
proposed changes to the design during their manufacturing process. You want to
know when they’re having problems 3D printing or injection molding the product.
You can’t maintain your schedule if you don’t know about delays until it is too
late. You should also know what the process is if you want to order an
additional three prototypes for testing.

Do you use Non-Disclosure Agreements?

You don’t
want to hand your design to a prototyping service that won’t respect your
intellectual property rights. You also can’t afford for one of their employees
to discuss your product development with other companies that might steal the
idea. Ensure that they have a non-disclosure agreement they use and enforce so
that your prototype is protected. This is crucial if you
hope to get a patent for the product.

How Much Do You Charge for the Manufacturing of
the Prototype?

Cost is a
factor in the selection of a prototyping service, but it is far from the most
important one. For example, it is worth paying more for a service that can not
only make it according to your plans but gives advice on how to make it faster
and cheaper. You also can’t afford a cheap prototyping service that takes weeks
to send you a working unit.

You should
ask about the materials that are available as well. Some companies offer low
prices because they’ll only make the prototype out of cheaper materials. This
could result in an inferior prototype. Then you waste money on a prototype that
falls apart in the user’s hands or fails during performance testing even though
one made of the same material as the production version would survive.

A good
company will be able to give you advice on which materials would be the best,
and which ones could cause trouble. Some pieces might absolutely need to be
made out of metal, and in some cases, polymers and plastic might work. So, make
sure that you work with a team that will be ready to give you some suggestions,
and look at the suggestions with your development team.

What other Services do You Offer?

printing is commonplace. CNC machining is commonly available, as well. Sheet
metal fabrication isn’t as common. The best prototyping services offer all
three so that they can make every piece of your prototype in house. This
simplifies the manufacturing process and typically speeds it up. It also helps
protect the intellectual property itself since the prototyping service will not
have to share your design information with third parties in order to
manufacture the item.


Take the
time to ask questions during the design and prototyping process. Rushing
through this critical phase can cost you dearly later.

Covid 19: Tips for struggling SMEs during a crisis


The coronavirus pandemic has created one of the biggest threats to the British economy since World War II. The country going into lockdown has put an immense amount of pressure on small businesses up and down the country. As such, experts are predicting that the United Kingdom is heading towards another recession. The government has been putting a number of measures in place to support small businesses through this crisis. They have announced the furlough scheme, for instance, which ensures small businesses can retain their employees at a time when they may not have work to do. They have also delayed certain changes, such as the IR35 reforms, in order to help small businesses maintain their stability. However, very few small businesses will find themselves safe from the adverse effects of the Covid-19 crisis, regardless of the efforts by the British government. One in five British firms are warning that they have less than one month’s worth of cash in reserve, whilst just under half saying they have three months’ worth of cash.

The first and most important step that SMEs can take in order to offset some of these effects is to support their staff. A struggling small business will only continue to struggle without productive, happy employees determined to help your company weather this crisis. With most small business’ staff now working from home it is crucial that they have all the necessary equipment and supplies to work at full capacity. Managers should check that their employees have access to wireless internet, laptops and any other technology they would usually have in the workplace. Also ensure that important documents are safely accessible online via a file sharing platform like Google Drive. Furthermore, whilst there must be an element of trust given to staff whilst they work remotely, managers should utilise project management tools to ensure work is being completed. Project management platforms Monday, Asana, Trello and Basecamp are ideal for establishing tasks, assigning team members and setting deadlines.

It is not only important to reflect on the impact coronavirus will have on your staff though; it is also essential to consider how it is going to affect your customers and suppliers. This will allow you to see a clearer picture of how your cash flow might look in the next three to six months, for starters. If there are high paying suppliers that are being heavily impacted by the crisis, you may be able to put precautionary measures in place in case they drop your business before it is too late. Being aware of suppliers’ conditions may also help you to negotiate alternative payment terms and strike deals that are mutually beneficial to both of you. You could offset payments for six months, for example, or put small deposits in place to ensure there is still money coming into the business.

Is Now the Right Time to Move to An Online Brokerage?


To prevent the spread of
coronavirus (COVID-19), face-to-face businesses around the world have been
forced to shift to remote operations. This shift has proved to be particularly
difficult for traditional investment brokers, many of which still rely on face-to-face
contact with clients. Fortunately, online brokerages have been able to take on
the additional demand for brokerage services.   

Given their growing popularity,
we thought now would be a good time to take a deeper look at online
and determine whether they’re an effective investment platform
for today’s turbulent economic conditions.  

What Are Online Brokerages?

The term “online brokerage”
refers to a class of brokerage firms that use digital interfaces to both host
their services and communicate with clients. Unlike a conventional broker,
investing through an online brokerage does not require face-to-face
consultation. By shifting their services to the web, online brokerages do not
have to maintain or staff brick-and-mortar business fronts.

In comparison to a conventional
brokerage service, online brokerages—which benefit from very low running costs—are
usually far more affordable when it comes to brokerage and account fees. What’s
more, many online brokerages offer additional affordability bonuses. For
instance, top Canadian brokerage Questrade offers zero account keeping fees and
$0 brokerage for exchange-traded fund (ETF) products.

The Economic Impacts of

To combat the spread of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the international community has implemented strict
containment and social distancing policies, shuttering non-essential businesses
and, for all intents and purposes, locking down the global economy. While
unquestionably necessary, there’s no doubt that COVID-19 prevention measures
have wreaked
havoc on global equity markets

In the U.S. and Canada, dozens of
industries, especially businesses in the tourism and entertainment sector, have
been pushed to the brink by the ongoing wipe-out in earnings. According
to the U.S. Commerce Department
, month-to-month retail sales have already
fallen by a staggering 8.7 percent. U.S.
unemployment data
is similarly bleak, with slightly more than 10 percent of
the domestic workforce, some 16 million people, losing their jobs over a three
week period. Unfortunately, the economic impacts of COVID-19 are not isolated
to North America., comparably bleak figures have been recorded in the
Indo-Pacific, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Although it recently recorded an
encouraging rally, the benchmark S&P 500 index (sitting at 2,783 points as
of April. 16) is still a long way from its record high of 3,386 points on Feb.
19. When you consider that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, it’s
entirely possible—maybe even likely—that global equity markets will undergo
further falls.

Why It’s Still a Good Time to

On the surface, you might think
it’s crazy to even consider investing in today’s hyper-volatile geo-economic
environment. However, as anyone who’s seen “The Big Short” would tell you,
financial crises pose unique opportunities to savvy investors.

Broadly speaking, when retail
investors rush to take their money out of the market, they’ll often leave
behind a treasure trove of distressed assets and undervalued stocks. Remember,
looking for opportunities during a market downturn doesn’t mean you should go
out and buy every cheap stock on the market
. There are a lot of
under-valued equities on offer right now, but you have to be discerning.

If you’re in a position to
invest, opening an account with an online brokerage will give you access to a
wide range of low-cost stocks, bonds, and commodities. By getting a 20 percent
to 30 percent discount on these assets, your portfolio will be primed for
significant growth when the global economy starts back up and markets
inevitably begin to recover. Encouragingly, there are several factors which
suggest that the global economy might recover sooner than expected.

The first factor is the extraordinary
level of monetary and fiscal stimulus being hurled at the global economy. On
March 26, the collective economies of the G20 announced that they would be injecting
over $5 trillion
into the global economy, mostly via central bank monetary
stimulus and liquidity operations. In the U.S, the Federal Reserve has
committed to buying an unlimited amount of Treasury Bonds, corporate debt, and
municipal bonds. These unprecedented measures show that central banks are
willing to do anything to pull the global economy out of recession.  

The second key factor is the fact
that the international COVID-19 outlook is slowly improving. While we’re not
out of the woods yet, many countries have experienced a slowdown in the rate of
new cases. For instance, in the U.S., models for the rate of new COVID-19 cases
have begun to resemble a standard growth curve rather than an exponential
growth curve. Meanwhile, in places as far afield as Australia, the daily infection
rate for new COVID-19 cases has dropped from between 25 percent and 30 percent
to 5 percent. The sooner we reach an international inflection point in the
COVID-19 viral curve, the sooner economies around the world can begin reopening
and recovering.

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