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Things a business consultant has to do for a business


business consultant is a man to make policies and strategies to implement them
in different businesses. He works directly with business owners to develop a
business plan, to identify marketing requirements as well as to create
significant skills for business ownership.

A smart business consultant such as Alessandro Des Dorides will never utter the word “problem”; instead, he will talk to you about opportunities to increase value. Alessandro Des Dorides know the purpose of business consultant in a business. According to him, here are some points that a business consultants must do for a business.

Gets To Know the Business

 What does a Business Consultant can do? First
and foremost, a good Business Consultant having the ability to understand and
examine your business. After the complete understanding of a business, Business
Consultant will provide his services to the business. Ed Finkelstein
narrated a quote that, “A consultant is someone who takes your watch to tell
you what time it is.” This quote has a very broad sense means every single task
will be handled by the consultant.

business consultant can assist business owners to get know marketing demands
and to develop a strategy, and awareness for the acquisition of customer.

Identification of issues and

evaluating the complete details of your business, a Business consultant will
work on and to identify issues and opportunities. Those may be few issues and opportunities
which you point out to the consultant, but also a good business Consultant will
have a process to identify issues and opportunities which a business owner has
not identified.

good business consultant have a smart and sharp eyes on, great expertise and
having open mind to your business enterprise.

Provides solutions for your business:

good business consultant have sound knowledge and practice about business. And
he can offers a great value to your middle market company.  A consultant can give you help which needs into
highly beneficial solutions.

a Business Consultant will then analyze this gathered information in order to
provide solid solutions and plans for the future. A consultant takes micro
opinion at your business and gives solutions for the macro outlook, and make
best strategies for the future success of your business. He will give short
term and long term outlooks and strategies for your business that were
neglected. Moreover, a good business consultant will reduce expenses and
increase profits through his great ideas.

Final Words:

sum up, a good consultants always have a deep look for a business. Sometime an
outsider come in and provide his ideas that can tremendously helpful for your
business. Peter Druker said that “The purpose of business is to create
and keep a customer.” So, a well experienced consultant can do it for the

the other hand people in your home which are too close to your company but they
have no any perspective to evaluate the broad picture within your market. But a
good consultants can share valuable insights that can stimulate your internal
creative thinking and skills.

Can Awnings Add Value to Your Real Estate: What Should You be Looking For?


Awnings are gorgeous, and that’s just one of the many
reasons why they add value to any real estate property, especially when we are
discussing residential real estate. Whether you are planning to sell a house or
redecorate your current home, awnings have more to offer in both situations
than most of us realise. Therefore, along with the main benefits of investing
in the shades, we are also going to take a brief look at some of the factors
which can be key in making the right choice in awning installations.

Useable Outdoor Space Expansion

Depending on the choice of awning, we can do either
one or all of the following to expand a property’s outdoor space usability:

  • We can add glass verandas and patio roofs to make an
    external section of the house much more useable
  • Freestanding awnings in the garden can expand the
    external living space
  • A terrace awning, on the other hand, can essentially
    add a temporary, retractable floor to your home!

Freestanding awnings are perfect for garden parties
and barbecues, while a patio roof to sit under and enjoy the weather outside
adds to a residential property’s external appeal. If by any chance you are
lucky enough to have a beautiful view of nature from the windows, sitting under
the terrace awning on a rainy day will just offer a better, wider view
altogether. As should be easy to imagine why, this adds to the real estate’s
overall perceived value as well.

Can Awnings Bring Down Electricity Bills

Although awnings most certainly can help to keep a
house cool, the energy savings can only be significant enough to be considered for
houses located in sunnier parts of the world. So, it may or may not be able
bring down summer energy consumption, depending on where you live exactly in
the UK. Sun canopies can, however, help the homeowner shave off a good few
pounds from the cooling bills even in the United Kingdom, provided that the
property is located in one of the very few areas known to experience proper summers; namely
Kent, Brighton, Flintshire and Greycrook mostly.

Due to this limited nature of sunlight availability in
the UK, retractable awnings are the popular choice. The option to retract them
and receive a few rare hours of sunlight during the colder months is a

Aesthetic Appeal: Make a Strong First
Impression with Beautiful Awnings

Well planned, bespoke awnings and verandas can
practically increase the financial value of the property, simply because of how
aesthetically pleasing they can be. To see how much of an impact that well-planned
awnings can have in raising the aesthetic value of a property,
pay a visit to nationwideltd.co.uk and see some of the work that they have done
over the course of three decades.

From bright and radiant glass verandas in a traditional
or contemporary style to sun canopies, rain awnings and terrace and patio
awnings in bespoke designs, they can give any installation a personalised touch
that is in line with the client’s expectations and the surrounding décor.

Protection from the Elements

Homeowners may like the sun, but rest assured this is
not the case with the house itself! Rain, snow and sunlight can and will make any house
lose its external appeal
over time, and it’s practically an
inevitability. However, depending on how often you have to repaint, the costs
can go up unnecessarily high without awnings. With intelligent awning
placements, however, the paint jobs should be far and few between.

Considerations: How to Know What’s
Right for Your Home?

It can be challenging to know exactly what’s right for
which property without proper guidance, so go through the following pointers to
make an informed, intelligent investment:

Bespoke Solutions – In spite of how beautiful
some of the installations can look on paper or on a website, there is no
guarantee that they will look just as beautiful on every property. This is precisely
why bespoke awnings are so important. Everything from the materials to the designs
and colours are to be decided in accordance with the property in question.
Considerations should include but don’t need to be limited to the following

  • External décor of the house
  • The immediate decor that surrounds the area/areas
    where the installations are about to go up
  • Climatic factors – how bad is the rain/snow in your
  • The functionality aspect, or the main objective behind
    the purchase
  • Available space

Experienced Workers – The company you choose for
the job must have sufficient experience to not just do what they are told, but
to also help figure out what you need. They should be able to advise you
against any possible mistakes that you might be making because it’s not an area
that the average homeowner is familiar with.

High-Quality Motors – Given how important it is
to be able to retract the awnings as necessary, do make sure that the products
are made with high-quality motors. Servicing may still be required every once
in a while, but if it stops functioning far too often, that could become a real

Know Your Options Well

When it comes to home renovations and improvements, we
are talking about significant investments here. Granted, awnings aren’t
necessarily the most expensive renovation project that you can undertake, but it
still wouldn’t make financial or common sense if you made choices without even
knowing what your options are exactly! To prevent that mistake, let’s take a
brief look through the options next.

Options for Material

Awnings can be made from surprisingly different
varieties of materials as it turns out, and some of the more popular options

  • Natural awnings are made out of canvas, wood and fibre:
    Expected maintenance is around 5 – 7 years
  • Polyester laminated/coated with vinyl: Long-lasting
    and offers UV protection, but limited colour/design options
  • Polyester coated in acrylic: Not as heavy as vinyl-coated
    polyester, but just as sturdy and UV protective
  • Pure acrylic fibre: More expensive and heavier than
    the above, but sturdier as well
  • Steel: Easy to paint and design, but may rust easily
  • Aluminium: A cheaper metal that dents very easily and
    requires regular maintenance
  • Fibreglass: Looks great, allows light through and
    doesn’t require too much maintenance except occasional cleaning. However, it
    doesn’t last as long as metal either, since it can crack or shatter over time.

Options in Retraction

The property, the placement, and the materials used
will determine the retraction options, which are:

  • Full Cassette: For large awning installations in large
    spaces such as the terrace or the patio
  • Semi-Cassette: Ideal for areas with small wall space
  • Folding: Meant for metals mostly, like steel and aluminium

Whether you are looking to read books outside your own
home in the afternoon, or want to get the maximum possible price for a house
that you are about to sell, awnings really do add functional, aesthetic and
financial value to any residential property. Just make sure that an experienced
team is on the job though, because unless they know what they are doing, that
bright green rain awning can end up looking pretty out of place against a
Victorian townhouse!

How positive reinforcement can benefit your business by Alessandro des Dorides


“You’ve got to use a powerful tool to make your business boom,” says global business consultant Alessandro des Dorides. Here’s why he claims it’s time to jump on board the positive reinforcement wagon and influence employees’ behaviour to the max.

Associate behaviour with reward

Who? B.F Skinner was a psychologist back in the 1930s who came up with a
theory about learning through reward and punishment.

Skinner placed a hungry rat in a ‘Skinner box’. The
box contained a lever. When the rat moved around and accidentally knocked the
lever, a food pellet would drop next to the lever.

The rat quickly learned to go straight to the lever
after a few times of being put in the box. The consequence of receiving food if
they pressed the lever ensured that they would repeat the action over and over.

Skinner called this ‘conditioning’ – individuals make an association
between a certain behaviour and a consequence.

For example, rewarding a sales rep for hitting his targets means they
will continue trying to strive for them.

Use incentives for staff

One way of using positive reinforcement is incentives.

To incentivise is to motivate and to motivate is to create action – and after
all, what is business all about?

What do employees want most? Probably a promotion or a salary
rise. These serve two purposes, acting as a positive reinforcement for the
employee and an incentive for others who see it.

Rewarding behaviour and instilling the expectation of rewards is a
powerful tool when managing employees. This can be as simple as acknowledgment in
the company weekly newsletter of how well someone has met their targets and
simply, encouragement. This could be a verbal ‘well done’ in the morning

After all, no one likes working their backside off for something and
getting zero reward for it. Feedback that is positive, and preferably in front
of others, is always a good place to start.

Encourage customers back

What can you do to incentivise the most important people to your

Here are a few things to try to keep those one-time users of your
business coming back for more.

You could try offering discounts when they place a second order with
you. This will encourage them to use you rather than a rival when they need a
similar product or service.

Who doesn’t like freebies? This is a great way to positively reinforce
the message for customers. You’re not trying to trick them but more, to make
them think about your business next time.

Limited stock? Really? Or are you using it as a tactic? Quite often
using words like limited stock or sale ends tomorrow often encourages immediate

Avoid negative reinforcement

If you want to change someone’s
behaviour, rewarding the new behaviour is more effective than punishing the
behaviour you don’t want. After all, no one likes being nagged.

Punishment only makes staff feel
aggrieved or alienated, which ultimately makes the desired behavioural change
unlikely. If you want to succeed with your employees, you’ve got to use reward
and positive reinforcement. Reward leaves employees feeling proud.

Advantages of hiring a business consultant by Alessandro Des Dorides


the contemporary economic context, businesses must find ways to emerge, tighten
their services, and enhance their profits. They try to reduce their expenses as
many businesses are striving to stay ahead of the competition. The daily
routine activities of the business are more than enough to keep management
busy, especially in smaller enterprises.

companies, the flexibility offered by an outside consultant can be the most
cost-effective. It could be a valuable option for business development and
revenue growth. A business consultant can also provide much help in this

Deciding to use an experienced business consultant like Alessandro Des Dorides may help businesses to grow. The following reasons show why consultants are significant for businesses of any size to the next level.

Hiring a consultant enables cost benefits:

hiring of a consultant facilitates cost benefits correlated with a reduction of
taxes, the requirement to pay benefits, or human resources problems that are
linked with hiring a fresh full-time employee. The costs concerned with hiring
a consultant are also scalable.

quote narrated by Thomas Sowell that, “To weight benefits for costs is
the way most of the people make decisions and the way large businesses make
decisions if they desire to maintain business.” So, the business gets enable of
finding costs and matching them to the projects attained by the consultant. It allows
the firm to examine the value presented by the consultant.

Consultant giving you the best strategies for your business:

are also contributing a significant amount of value for a business
organization. They can assist a business firm to acquire strategies for the
growth and management of business projects.

Moreover, business consultants like Allesandro Des Dorides are not confined to a single firm. Such consultants are experienced by many companies and industries, which enables them to give creative solutions.

Consultants can give you an accurate opinion:

can render an accurate and reasonable opinion to a business firm, which permits
more distinct ideas which could not be presented only by workers inside in the
business organization. A business consultant like Alessandro De Dorides
has a tremendous level of business expertise than the ordinary employee. And he
has the abilities to give unique solutions for your businesses.

may desire to consider the advantages and the level of knowledge and expertise
that can be brought by a consultant. A consultant will share his expertise with
your company on how you can improve an already existing strategic plan.

Final words:

business organization must proceed to track the advantages provided by a
consultant. As the business firm develops, it may become more cost-efficient to
bring the services provided by a consultant in-house, so the value must be
checked daily.

business prevail to exist a customer”, as quoted by Peter Drucker. So,
to keep customers on, you require the best consultant.

How to Collect the Right Customer Data for Better Marketing Outcomes


Data is a big deal now that we are living in an increasingly connected world. Businesses have to be able to collect the right data so that they can streamline their marketing efforts. The most important thing to think about is how to collect the right user data and analyze it so that the conclusions that come from that analysis can be used to make marketing decisions. Below are a few ways of collecting the right user data.

a Form

If you
already have a website, it is a good idea to set up a form so that users can
enter their data before or after a sale. A good form should collect simple data
like their name and address. If you want to go deeper, you could set up the
form so that you can collect more data like what products and services your
customers need. You can use this form for user feedback too.

There are
also other places where you can create forms online, like Google forms. This is
a good option for businesses that do not have a website but still need user

can also set up surveys
using forms. Surveys that are set up like this are usually very successful
because customers know that they are giving you their data and thus will not
have any problem doing so.

Social Media

If you
have social media pages, you can use them to collect user data too. Running a
poll or even asking for data upfront can lead to a good amount of data that you
can then use as you wish. Just remember to let your customers know that you are
collecting their data so that they see you as transparent and trustworthy. If a
user tells you they do not want you collecting their data, you must respect
their decisions.

More Tools

There are
so many different tools that you can integrate to gather user data. These
include software like email marketing software. You can also use a webhook
to connect different marketing and automation software like If This Then That
so that you can get notifications when users fill out a form or send you their

are also important for integrating data analysis software because they can help
send data to these analysis tools automatically.

the Data

There are
lots of companies that sell user data. These include companies that harvest
data from social media and other places for analysis purposes. Although some
businesses might not agree with these practices, buying data
is a very good option for new companies that have not yet started collecting
their user data. They are also a good option if you do not have the right tools
to collect the right user data.

Thing to Keep in Mind

countries have some form of data collection and privacy laws. Ensure that you
are always following the law and let your users know that you are collecting
their data for analysis purposes.

Data is very valuable to businesses that would
like a better insight into their customer base. The tips above are a good place
to start so that you get the data you need to enhance your marketing and

5 Useful Ways to Improve Your Credit Score – Crediful


Throughout this
article, we will look at five useful ways to
improve your credit score

In the modern
world, your credit score has never been so important. It can determine what
home you invest in or what job you apply for, which proves the impact it has on
different aspects of your life.

The standard credit
score ranges anywhere between 300 to 850, and the higher your score, the less
restricted you are with future investments.

Your credit score
can advantage you in many ways, however, it doesn’t define you as a person.
That said, you can increase your score, but you should know it won’t be an
overnight feat.

If you’re worried
about your current credit score, you should know that there are many ways to
elevate your score and can be done by following useful steps and suggestions.

Stick around to
check out some of our best tips to improve your credit score!

  • Pay your bills on time

The most straightforward and impactful way to improve your credit score is to keep track of your outings and paying your bills on time.

It is worth
mentioning, however, that there are different shades of difficulty to pay your
bills on time, depending on your job role and financial situation.

That said, these
tips don’t discriminate, and we always recommend people to live within their
means and make the payment of bills a priority before anything else.

Remember, you are
not alone, and there are financial advisers at your bank and a multitude of
apps to use to form a plan to understand your cash flow.

Knowing what money
is coming in and out when it is coming in and out, etc. will kickstart your
journey to a desirable credit score.

  • Monitor your credit report

According to the
FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 5% of customers have at least one error on
their credit report.

If you’re worried
about any mistakes on your report, it is essential to monitor it. You should
know you are entitled to receive one free copy of your credit report each year,
and if you need another, you should expect to pay out for further monitoring.

After you acquire
your reports and if you see any inaccuracy, then you should immediately dispute
these charges and get to the bottom of anything burdening your cred score

It also helps to
keep an eye out for outdated collections items that still appear on your
report. In alignment with the law, these items can only stay on your credit
report for seven years, and therefore if it’s been longer than that, you can
always request to have these items removed.

  • Don’t close out any credit cards

If you’re paying
off any credit card debt and feeling worried about your credit score, it is
best not to close out your cards once you have paid them off.

The reason being is
because if the card is closed, you can’t spend any more money on it and will
have an impact on your credit score.

It can hurt your
credit if you are consistently opening and closing credit cards, and therefore
it is wise to have one which you know yore able to pay off on time without any

Even if you don’t
have any intention to use the card, if you keep it open, it will improve your
credit score and broaden your chances for home investment and job prospects.

However, if there
are inconvenient charges with the card, it is understandable to close it to
work on your financial circumstances.

  • Increase your credit limit

After gaining a
good understanding of your cash flow, you should consider improving your credit
utilization rate. A strategic way of doing this is to ask your lender for a
credit limit increase.

A credit limit
increase of $1,000 to $2,000, for example, will immediately refine your credit
utilization rate. Before doing this, it is best to confirm your lender doesn’t
already routinely increase your limit without informing you.

That said, this
strategy only serves you if you don’t have any other additional expenses. If
you increase your credit limit only to make room for more consumption, it won’t
benefit you in the long run.

  • Lower your credit utilization rate

A beneficial way to
improve your credit score is to lower the amount of credit you spend in
comparison to your total credit limit.

Your credit score is calculated using these five

  • Payment history: 35%
  • Amounts owed: 30%
  • Length of credit history: 15%
  • New credit: 10%
  • Credit mix: 10%

If you have multiple maxed-out credit cards, it will automatically impact your credit score because one-third of your score is determined by the amount you currently owe.

The takeaway here is
the higher your credit utilization rate is, the less attractive your account is
to lenders. So, to quickly improve your score is to finalize payments for any
old balances to lower your utilization rate.


While everyone has
different financial circumstances, the tips we’ve explored in this article can
assist you on your journey of improving your credit score.

Whatever your
situation, it is sensible to understand your finances and to live within your
means. It can be challenging, but as we have outlined here, higher credit
scores can entertain future opportunities more than a low credit score.

After reading
through our tips, we hope you have a better understanding of how to manage your
money and ultimately improve your credit score.

Do You Have a Funeral Payment Plan? Join the Ancient Burial Club.


If you watch a lot of daytime TV, it’s likely that during
every commercial break you’ll be invited to ‘protect your loved ones’ by
spending a few pence a week to cover the cost of a funeral.

It’s so easy, you should do it now and you get a free
high-street store voucher to seal the deal.

The safety net of pre-paying for a funeral is becoming ever
more common in the modern age, along with insurance for just about everything
you can think of (and probably some you can’t. Insurers Lloyds of London once
created a Death-by-Laughter policy for a confident comedy act in case someone
in the audience died from laughing – BBC

But planning for a funeral is a business going back
thousands of years. And the job of a funeral director involves education,
creativity, science and business acumen.

The Original Pyramid

Is arranging a funeral before you die a phenomenon from the
modern age of advertising? History says not…

While pharaohs were entombed in glorious pyramids, ready to
make their journey worry-free to the afterlife, noted Egyptologist Professor
Flinders Petrie found evidence that an Egyptian soldier had been making
payments to stone masons – the craftsmen responsible for creating pyramids,
cemeteries and tombs. Its’s thought the soldier was paying instalments for his

The after-life was a big thing for all in the world’s first

Medieval European tradesmen formed guilds to support members
who were too ill or old to work, and to help pay for burials.

And Burial Clubs were common in Victorian Britain.
Tombstones and ornately carved memorials also became hugely popular during this
era. Historian Julie-Marie Strange estimated that 19 million people were
members of Victorian Burial Clubs.

These days, according to the Guardian, the pre-pay funeral
industry in the UK is alive and well, worth a staggering £2bn.

But it’s no surprise because it seems every culture,
civilisation or era has attended to the dead in some way…

… and there are three things they all have in common:

  • A place of burial
  • A memorial
  • A ceremony, rites or

That antlers and flower fragments were discovered in
Neanderthal burial grounds, going back 60,000 BCE suggests that rituals or
gifts have been a part of an evolving civilisation. It’s instinctive to
commemorate the passing of a loved one.

But What About
Funeral Directors?

A very high-profile theme when talking about funerals is the
cost. Funeral payment plans are used to buy peace of
mind and they also create newspaper headlines.

So, what are you getting by hiring the services of a funeral
director? Being a funeral director involves a heady mix of creativity, empathy,
emotional intelligence, science and education.

At one of the most devastating of times the funeral director
and the team (there’s always a team) will arrange the funeral service,
transportation, offer advice and support. This might include:

  • Transporting the
    deceased from the hospital or other address to the funeral home
  • Tending to the
    deceased and creating a private chapel where family can pay their last respects
  • Registering the death
    and complete paperwork, along with other legal guidance
  • Setting the time and
    date of the funeral
  • Paying any required
    fees on your behalf
  • Arranging the
    deceased’s journey to the service, and providing transport for mourners

Being A Funeral
Director Can Be Hard…

Directing a funeral can be both emotionally challenging and
physically challenging. There’s the environment of sadness, grief and sometimes
anger from mourners, although those things don’t make it a morose occupation.

There’s a lot of leg work too. Flowers need moving, coffins

… and just as with births, deaths can happen at any time
too, so a funeral director might keep some odd hours while at work.

Funeral directors are often well educated, qualified in
business management, pathology, biology or chemistry. Some learn Thanatology –
the study of death in its various stages including the physical changes that
happen before death occurs, post-mortem and the psychology of death and dying.

So there’s more to the
process of burial than is immediately obvious.

Hiring A Funeral

Today there’s a variety of funerals including traditional
church burials, direct cremation and eco-friendly woodland burials.

But when you hire a funeral director it’s worth checking
that they are a member of the National Association of Funeral Directors or
similar professional organisation, and as cost is a major talking point with
any funeral ask for a quote that includes all elements, not just the funeral
director’s fees. This might typically include church fees and cremation fees.

Get more than one quote and don’t be pressured into having
services you don’t want you don’t want or need.

After all, like Stephen King wrote in Pet
Cemetery, “Death is a mystery, burial is a secret”.

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Tag Heuer


Are you considering buying a luxury watch, and
you don’t know where to start? Well, you can never go wrong with TAG Heuer. Tag
Heuer is arguably one of the best luxury watch brands in the world today. Since
1860, when it was first introduced into the market, the brand continues to
boast of prestige, class, top-notch performance, absolute reliability, and
world-class technology.

Besides, this exceptional watch makes an
excellent choice because of its affordability when compared to other high-end
watches of the same category. Here are a few more exciting facts you need to
know about TAG Heuer
before you settle on one:

  • Sporting background

Heuer Watch Company, which was founded in 1860
by Edouard Heuer, established a solid reputation for making quality watches
that featured precision, timekeeping and quality workmanship. Because of its
reliability, the watches soon became a favorite tool for sporting stakeholders
who were looking for a reliable tool for timing sporting events.

And in the 1880s, the company focused its
efforts on building brands that were dedicated to the sporting industry. In the
1920s Olympics, the Heuer watches were used to time sporting events. And in
1933, the company launched the first-ever dashboard stopwatch christened
Autavia, which was used by racecar drivers. Because of its precision in
timekeeping, this watch is now synonymous with sports.

  • Simplifying of the chronograph

A long time ago, a watch brand was judged by
its exceptional engineering features that made a product user-friendly. As a
result, watchmakers were focused on making calibers that came with fewer parts
to make the product reliable and its service easier. Edouard Heuer, the founder
of Heuer watches, went a step further to develop and patent the oscillating
pinion. This was a significant development in the watch industry then.

oscillating pinion greatly simplified the watch chronograph. To date, the
pinion idea is still being used across the world by major watch
manufacturers.  The pinion replaced a
more complex mechanism, and it has simplified the watchmaking process in a
significant way. It has also enhanced easy assembly, adjustment, and service of
a watch.

  • First stopwatch

In 1916, Charles-Auguste Heuer launched the
first Mikrograph. This was the first Heuer stopwatch brand with capabilities of
measuring 1/100th of a second. He enabled the watch to move at a rate of
360,000 vph. This was ten times faster than the fastest chronographs at the
time. For its reliability, precision, and speed, the Mikrograph was used as the
official stopwatch for the 1920 Olympics.

  • The first watch in space

TAG Heuer was the first Swiss watch in space.
It has explored the moon and came back safely to mother Earth thanks to John
Glenn. In 1961, through the initiatives of President John F. Kennedy, John
Glenn flew on a space mission to the moon while wearing a TAG Heuer watch. He
orbited the earth three times while wearing a Heuer 2915A stopwatch on his
wrist. The watch, which was firmly held onto his spacesuit by a custom-made
strap, served as the mission back up timer. 
At the moment, this particular brand is kept at the National Air and
Space Museum, Washington, D.C.

  • Automobile racing tag

Some of Heuer’s most famous brands are
associated with auto racing. Carrera watch brand has long been associated with
racing sports personalities. The founder christened this particular brand as
Carrera when he was looking to establish one specific brand for car race
drivers. The name Carrera originated from a dangerous car race runs in Mexico.

Edouard Heuer had a desire to create a watch
brand that was legible, sturdy, and reliable enough to withstand the ruggedness
that race drivers go through during a rough road race. And he not only
succeeded in creating a unique and robust product but also one who enjoys a
near cult status.

Another timepiece that is closely associated
with auto racing is Heuer Monaco. The watch, which celebrated its 50th
anniversary in 2019, gained much of its popularity when actor Steve McQueen
wore when he played the role of a racing diver in the 1971 blockbuster film Le
Mans.  And McQueen’s role in popularizing
the brand was so significant that one of the latest brands, the 1133, carries
the collector’s nickname ”McQueen Monaco”.

to Look for When Buying TAG Heuer Luxury Watch

Choosing a suitable Heuer watch that meets your
needs can feel like a daunting task. However, your selection can be much easier
if you consider the following factors:

– most Heuer watches are mechanically operated.
They run on a complex system of cogs and springs that need to be adjusted and
serviced regularly. Maintaining the brands can be expensive. Before buying a
specific brand, ensure you are familiar with its care and maintenance

– luxury watches are made from a wide range of
materials. It would help if you went for brands that are made of stainless
steel. They offer better value, versatility, and sturdiness. They also provide
better aesthetic value. If you prefer a lighter product, then you can buy one
which is made of titanium. Titanium made watches are suitable for people with
sensitive skin because of its hypoallergenic properties. You can also opt to
buy a ceramic made watch. These brands are becoming popular due to its
scratch-resistant properties.

-Heuer watches come with several features. You
should go for a specific brand that has unique features that suit your tastes
and lifestyle. For example, if you are a frequent flier, then a watch that
displays multiple time zones will be the most appropriate one to buy. If you
are into motor racing, scuba diving, or running, then Heuer chronographs that
have stopwatches will be the most suitable watch for you.


You can tell a lot about a man by the watch
they wear. The right watch can elevate your status and help communicate your
passions, priorities, and aspirations to the rest of the world. In case you
want a unique watch that will make the world take note of your existence, then
go for TAG Heuer. Discover TAG Heuer models at

When is a whistleblower not the hero but the villain?


The protection of Whistleblowers is a crucial element in contemporary corporate governance. In the UK they are protected by law and rightly so. But the motivations of whistleblowers and their behaviors vary a great deal. So while it is vitally important that they are protected, they should not be immune from criticism. There are many things that can inspire a person to report his or her colleagues. This is the story of a whistleblower who nearly destroyed a company by his actions. It raises the question: should the whistleblower also be held to account for what they do.

In May of 2009, the Swiss investment house GAM acquired Augustus Asset Managers Limited, a fixed income and foreign exchange investment management company, and brought in Tim Hayward and Daniel Sheard. The two became co-managers of an absolute return bond that made them and GAM a great deal of money over the next decade. (Sheard bought his six-bedroom house with indoor swimming pool in Grantham for £850k cash in 2010 and four bedroom holiday home in “Chelsea on sea”, north Norfolk, for £475k in 2014. Also without a mortgage.)

In May 2011, Sheard and Hayward,  launched GAM’s Unconstrained Bond Strategy designed to generate positive absolute returns with a low correlation to global bond markets – this became the Absolute Return Bond Fund. GAM’s Unconstrained fixed income team was primarily based in London with a team of 28 individuals, including three co-portfolio managers, Hayward and Sheard and Jack Flaherty, who oversaw strategy. Most of them have now been made redundant. 

Haywood had joined Augustus (then Julius Baer Investments Limited) in 1998 from Orient Overseas International Limited in Hong Kong, where he was Chief Investment Officer. He had worked as both CIO and CEO of Augustus, established the hedge fund business, as well as being the founder and original investment manager of an emerging market bond fund. Haywood did his MBA at the University of Cranfield and a BSc in Chemical Engineering at  Edinburgh, and had passed the General Securities Registered Representatives examination. 

Sheard had joined Augustus in 2006 as deputy Chief Investment Officer and became Chief Investment Officer in 2008. Sheard previously worked at Prudential M&G, where he was a Director of the Institutional Fixed Income group. Prior to that he was a Principal within the Advanced Strategies group at Barclays Global Investors, and before that was an Associate Director within the Fixed Income unit at Schroders. Before that he was dismissed from HYPO Foreign & Colonial, who he joined from university, when an overvaluation of an asset was discovered while he was away on holiday. Sheard holds a BSc in Financial Services from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, a Postgraduate Diploma of Law from Nottingham Trent University, and is a charter holder of the Chartered Institute of Bankers.  

Sheard and Haywood, were known internally as the mother and father of the absolute bond. But divorce can be messy. Daniel Sheard is a short, driven individual who is highly competitive, a compulsive obsessive cyclist who likes to be around combative people. In the early days it was clear that Tim, Daniel and sometimes Jack Flaherty were the star team. They were listed in corporate structure diagrams as three equal  co-managers.

After the breakup, Sheard told journalists, including Katherina Bart and Tom Bergin, that he had been the quiet, cautious, background one and Haywood liked the limelight. He tried to paint a picture of himself as the responsible, ethical one. What his actions during the crisis and since make clear, is that there were actually years of cumulative anger building up which in the end destroyed his judgment. Because by 2017 Tim Haywood was getting star treatment in coverage of the team. If Tim Haywood was the star, Daniel Sheard was the grunt. They had worked closely together for years but Haywood was getting the praise and presumably, the bigger bonuses. Sheard was falling behind. People close to the pair suggest that he especially disliked one source of investment opportunities in particular: Lex Greensill. 

Lex Greensill, an Australian, had introduced GAM to the industrialist Sanjeev Gupta. It was Gupta’s GFG group that had been very lucrative for GAM but Sheard was not included in the negotiations for the deals and felt left out and exposed. In Sheard’s view GAM was putting too much investment into GFG companies. Sheard began to confront Haywood in internal weekly meetings, he complained formally to their boss. Sheard became so obsessed by Haywood that he stopped coming into work towards the end of 2017. Some close to the events suggest he had a breakdown. He filed a freedom of information request with the Scottish government that turned up nothing. When fired for misconduct earlier in his career he gave an interview in which he said the “The regulatory environment is a bit of a witch-hunt.” But now he reported Haywood to the FCA. 

After the formal complaint by Sheard, an internal inquiry compelled Haywood to report all gifts he had received from Greensill and these included flights, including one for a holiday. The internal investigation found that Haywood had failed to declare these gifts, he had used work email for private purposes but that there was no impropriety as far as GFG was concerned. Moreover, all of the investments with GFG had shown returns on par with other parts of the fund and there was nothing wrong with any of the investments. The funds exposure to GFG was only 12% of the overall fund. Haywood had his knuckles wrapped by GAM and was given a warning in March 2018.  

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That was not enough for the disturbed Sheard. He wanted to win, so he leaked all the details of the investigations that he could to the press. He contacted Katharina Bart, a financial journalist at finnews.com. She in turn shared the story with her old colleague from Reuters, Tom Bergin. It is not clear if Sheard paid the journalists to push the story but he clearly thought little of the consequences for his colleagues. Since his first firing he had clearly been much more careful. Now he seemed to lose all sense of proportion or collective responsibility.

Once GAM knew that the press had the story, they had to then confirm the reports and issued a statement suspending Haywood and promising to protect the identity of the whistleblower: Group CEO Alexander Friedman saying: ‘At the heart of every modern financial services firm’s systems and controls should be a culture that encourages people to come forward with concerns about colleagues’ behaviour. The only way to maintain that culture is to protect those who are brave enough to do so and to hold accountable those found to be breaking the rules.’  

In the aftermath the absolute bond was liquidated and all the funds were returned. Sheard was taken off any role in the fund. The news was released by GAM at 7am on 31 July 2018. The share price collapsed.  GAM went from a net  profit of CHF123.2 m in 2017 to a net loss of CHF929.1 million in 2018. As the profits collapsed so redundancies followed. They included Daniel Sheard. He did not go quietly, leaking the story to his existing journalistic contacts including Katharina Bart. He also continued feeding stories to the FT. When he was first fired from a job in 1994, the company made clear there had been no fingers in the till. This time he was fired because his actions had resulted in the till being emptied. 

The whistleblower in this case outed himself to the media. Destroyed the company that he spent years helping to build up. Caused most of his close colleagues to lose their jobs. He did this while failing to show that any losses were incurred by the investments that he questioned. GAM has maintained throughout that Hayward did not break any internal or external rules as far as the actual investments were concerned. So the matter could have been dealt with internally but instead Sheard set fire to the house. This represents a fatal lack of judgment on his part. It is vitally important that whistleblowers be protected when they are acting in the public interest. But what if they are not? What if they are compulsive obsessives who have been driven by jealousy comparable to a lover scorned or a wife betrayed. Surely in these circumstances it should be the whistleblower who is prosecuted for the irresponsibility of their actions and it is the whistleblower who should face up to and admit the consequences of those actions. Mr Sheard does not appear to be doing that. Rather he is set on trying to further undermine and destroy the lives and reputations of old friends and the current and former clients of GAM . Sometimes it is not the whistleblower who needs to be protected in the public interest, it is the public interest that needs to be protected from the out of control whistleblower.

Effective Ways to Get to Know Your Customers Better


The most successful businesses don’t sell the products and services they think customers will buy. Instead, they find out what their customers need and sell to them accordingly. While getting to know customers can be a challenge, it’s certainly worth undertaking for the sake of greater brand loyalty and higher revenue. It can start by taking advantage of social media and break your echo chamber by sharing your stories at The Doe site.

Modern Businesses Must Have a Social Media Presence

What better way to interact with and get to customers than to be in the same place where they hang out online. With a business account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other major platforms, businesses can learn more about the habits, interest, and buying habits of customers without ever asking them a thing. It also gives customers the chance to interact and give recommendations to each other.

By conducting social listening, then responding to inquiries, praises, and complaints publicly, the brand can demonstrate its firm commitment to customer service. Creating a private Facebook group for select groups of customers makes it even easier to learn who they are.

Turn Unhappy Customers into Loyal Customers

Before the Internet era, an unhappy customer might grumble to a few friends and leave it at that. Today, hundreds or even thousands of people can read his or her poor review of a business almost immediately. That can feel discouraging and intimidating to a business owner, but it doesn’t have to feel that way. 

Looking at the negative review as an opportunity to reach out to see what went wrong can turn everything around for the better. Customers are often so impressed that a business wants to improve because of their feedback that they return as loyal customers from that point forward.

Create a Short, Open-Ended Survey

People often don’t want others to see them as a complainer or feel too modest to share their honest feedback with a business. Unfortunately, the lack of authentic feedback can be detrimental to brands and prevent customers from getting what they really want and need. Giving customers the opportunity to complete an anonymous survey with open-ended questions is one way around this dilemma. Be sure the survey is no more than five questions to avoid taking up a lot of customers’ time.

Hold or Sponsor a Community Event

Any business with a physical location has an excellent opportunity to get to know its customers better by attaching its name to a local event. It could host a family carnival on a Saturday, for example, or sponsor a Little League team. This not only gets the business name out there it also brings management and customers together on a closer level. Brands should be certain to take advantage of the extra time with customers to learn more about them.

Create a Profile of the Typical Customer

After gathering data about groups of customers, creating a profile of a composite customer can help to serve everyone better. It should include a thorough understanding of customer likes and dislikes and demographics like age range, income, and family status. When used correctly, the customer profile is often the first step towards improving service and increasing profits.

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