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How can worldwide interest in sports be increased?


Head to any country around the world, and you’ll quickly be able to find out what the local much-loved sport is. From football in an English city such as Liverpool to baseball in the centre of New York, finding out which sport is the most popular is an excellent starting point for those who want to learn about the identity of a new place. Finding free events is a bonus.

However, while sport is clearly a global phenomenon, there’s also some evidence to suggest that it is highly localised in many ways. Certain types of sport are peculiar to particular regions: NFL, for example, is a largely North American phenomenon kasyno z bonusem na start bez depozytu. Cricket is another example, with certain places – such as India, England and Australia – enjoying the bulk of this sport’s support. For a sports marketer, it can sometimes seem like an uphill battle to persuade people to pick up an interest in an all-new sport that seems to only be relevant to people who are thousands of miles away. Regular esports events are diminishing this battle and this article will explain ways how.

Facts and figures

First off, it’s important to acknowledge the reality of the situation, which is that certain sports are bound to certain geographical regions. The National Football League in the US is a prime example of this. While there are 40 million non-Americans around the world who watch the Super Bowl, this figure pales into insignificance once it is known that over 100 million Americans watch the big match.

For international tournaments in which many different countries play, there’s still an inequality, with viewers in some of those countries more likely to watch these games than others. Despite the fact that many nations around the world enter teams in football tournaments such as the FIFA World Cup, for example, interest levels in football are very high in some places (such as Nigeria, with an 83% rate of interest) and low in others (with even Canada showing rates of under a third).

The global media village

How can these imbalances be rectified? From the point of view of a sports marketer or a person tasked with promoting sport in a certain place, the best thing to do is to ensure that the tools of the global media can be leveraged to provide everyone with the opportunity to enjoy sports. In an age when sports matches in a far-flung destination are available to be screened either through television or through web streaming services, it’s likely that as modes of dissemination like these become more popular, the level of worldwide interest in sports from other cultures will rise.

There are other ways that the media, especially the online media, can be used to enhance interest. One such way is through the use of betting systems. Interest in sport is often driven up when people have the opportunity to win some cash off the back of a match! There are a number of sportsbook news site options available for those who want to get the knowledge they need to place bets, so it’s now easier than ever for those who are potentially interested in sport to get the information they need to participate – even across borders.

Cultural changes

Overcoming this country-by-country attitude to sport will also be affected in part by cultural shifts. Until relatively recently, it was very common for most cultural trends to remain entirely self-contained in their home nations. It’s only been in recent decades that a culture of positivity has emerged around bringing together different cultures: television shows, music and more now cross borders without too much difficulty. While it’s perhaps easier to export a self-contained TV series than it is to train a new generation of people in an unfamiliar sport, as the years go on, it’s likely that these barriers will fall away and this sort of international sharing will also happen to sport.

Sport is a key node in the culture of almost every country on Earth, but this article has shown that while sport is a global phenomenon, it is also a territorial one – and many nations can be quite possessive over what they consider to be their national sport. Building global interest in sport, then, may seem like a challenge. However, thanks to the potential for advertising, cultural changes and even changes to the media landscape, it is certainly possible to enhance worldwide interest in sports – even when geographical barriers are in place.

Freelancer vs. small business owner vs. entrepreneur – what is the difference and how to make a transition


If you’ve decided to turn your hobby or a skill you are good at into a business, there are several things you need to make sure you have on your checklist beforehand. If you are planning to operate your own business in the future, then you might consider checking out  Money Brighter to learn how to start an llc in texas in 6 simpler steps.

In today’s gig economy, more and more professionals are deciding to become self-employed or work in some sort of freelance capacity.

As job security is on the decline, there has been a shift  from traditional permanent employment towards work-from-home roles, contracted positions and project-based work.

In reality, there are different kinds of being your own boss and, although transitional, each of them has its own specifics.

Knowing if you’d like to be a freelancer, a sole business owner or an entrepreneur may turn out to be crucial for your future efforts and success as it will help you plan accordingly for the right kind of growth, saving you loads of time, money and headaches along the way.


Most people who make the choice to work independently start off as freelancers.

The reasons for that may be different – it may be seeking a better work/ life balance, a wish to perfect your craft and focus on this particular skill or service you are good at, or it may happen by accident while you still have a full time job.

Freelancing is a lot different to a full-time job with regular income to cover all your liabilities. There is no set work schedule to adhere to and no team to work with.

Freelancers often work on their own and may sometimes hire other freelancers or short-term contractors for some of their projects. Essentially, though, they are responsible for finding their own clients, setting their prices and managing deadlines.

Freelancers trade their time for money, they create a job for themselves and if they do not work, they do not get paid.

Freelance work is not scalable and sustainable – freelancers have no long-term commitment to any client and need to constantly be looking for projects. They tend to be particularly good at one skill but not experienced in others, which limits their capacity. Another drawback is that the amount of work and the size of their clientbase is limited by time as there are only that many hours in the day!

From freelancing to owning a small business – how to make it happen?

To begin with, if you want to have a small business, you need to build it larger than yourself. You would be focused on branding, sales, systems and processes to put in action so your business runs smoothly without you being directly involved day in and day out. You might want to think about taking out a loan, such as a loan for the self employed; as a way to help finance the additional costs needed to get to this point

This is the stage when you may take on your first few hires – maybe skilled junior staff you can train up gradually on your own terms.

Instead of you completing projects and being hands-on from start to finish, your efforts would be directed in managing your team to effectively do that.

As a small business owner, you need to feel more confident about your work and trade your services at least at market rate. If, when you were a freelancer, you did not invest in a professional website, now is the time to do so.

Small business owners still need to go to networking events themselves to look for clients, but they are able to pick the projects they want to work on and take on more varied tasks that they used to when they were freelancers.

Entrepreneurship – the ultimate goal

OK, so you have started from a busy do-it-all freelancer and grew your company with a small and trustworthy team. It has been a bumpy journey and you’ve probably had a lot of clients that did not want to pay or that were simply too risky to take on board but yet, you got to this point. What’s next?

If you are wondering about your next step, you are already on the track of entrepreneurship as you are now looking at the bigger picture and what you can do beyond your business.

Entrepreneurs think as leaders and are more prone to take higher financial risks.They have the opportunity to expand their potential further and take more varied and interesting projects. Entrepreneurs are in a position where they can afford to turn down a project they feel won’t bring the business high ROI.

Their mission is no longer simply to figure out how to pay the bills every month but  to solve problems and make the world a better place.

4 Ways Software Helps to Manage Your Portfolio


What is the single biggest advantage that today’s investors hold over previous generations? It’s not living in an age of opportunity; other time periods have provided ample chances for savvy investors to make money. Nor is it simply increased networking chances – networking is certainly easier today than ever before, but that’s not the greatest change.

I’d argue that the single biggest advantage the modern investor holds is the immense wealth of information at his fingertips. This may seem self-explanatory – of course, we know more than ever – but we’re going to narrow it a little further. How does modern software take advantage of that information to help investors manage their portfolio? We’ll look at four ways in particular. This is not a review of specific software products, though we may mention some in the course of the article.

Software Curates Information

The first point is slightly counter-intuitive. Software helps manage a portfolio by limiting information. That is, after all, what a curator does. He selects certain aspects of an art collection to display, or particular shows to air – increasing the value of the overall exhibit by limiting the number of pieces shown. 

Any random Google search of “investment,” “how to manage your portfolio,” “investment tips,” or any similar terms will return hundreds of thousands of pages about how best to manage your portfolio. It’s easy to get inundated with so much big-picture information that it becomes impossible to make accurate decisions. The problem is not limited to the strategic level. An active investor may have a dozen different portfolios on different websites and platforms, all with their own unique formats and available tools. Just learning the intricacies of each one can be a job itself!

A good software program helps to limit the total amount of information available, filtering out excess information or even false information to provide the investor accurate information needed to properly manage his investments. 

Software Centralizes Investments

How does good software curate information? Largely by centralising it. This is where software like Personal Capital and Mint come in. These are meta-level programs, bringing together information from as many online investment and financial management tools as an individual has, and centralizing them under one virtual roof. No need to open a dozen different programs at one time just to get a snapshot of your portfolio and expenses; open one program, and see the entire picture.

Centralizing your portfolios provides a level of convenience that encourages further investment. There’s no need to limit yourself to one or two online brokers so you can stay on top of things. The overall ease centralization provides encourages more tinkering with your portfolio, more examination of strengths and weaknesses. 

Software Informs Investors

First, software curates and filters information about your portfolio. Next, it can centralize that information. Having done those things, software then works to provide good information that leads to analysis. Good management software allows an investor to see the big picture when needed, and zoom in to the small details as necessary. It can provide general information on how your assets are allocated, what your cash flow looks like, and how retirement planning measures up. On a smaller level, software enables all the “simple” tasks, in real-time, which used to be done by mail or in person. The performance of particular investments, tracking individual portfolios as part of a bigger one, and a host of other information forms the basis for investors to make wise decisions about their overall portfolio.

Software Opens Opportunities

Finally, software opens opportunities. We’ve looked at some already – opportunities to use portfolio management software to see big-picture strengths and weaknesses and adjust as needed. That’s only one opportunity among many more. Take one sector, real estate, as an example. Tech-based investment platforms like Fundrise allow smaller investors to jump into real estate, while CRM software facilitates the interactions between the real estate investment firms and their investors.

The four ways we’ve looked at today operate on a big-picture level. Above all, software empowers investors, allowing nearly anyone, with large or small portfolios, to improve their investment strategies and overall positions.

Check out useful resources from the best webinar platforms to build a solid portfolio.

5 Reasons Why a Landlord Can Refuse A Tenant


Being a private landlord can be a challenging pastime, particularly when it comes to selecting tenants and understanding the rights and obligations in this respect.

Fortunately, there’s some relatively clear guidance in this respect, as it’s completely unlawful to discriminate against any potential tenant based on their age, sexual orientation, marital status, gender, disability, race or religion.

Whilst this is a given for landlords, however, there are a number of viable reasons for them to refuse a tenant’s application. We’ve outlined some of these below:

  1. The Tenant Doesn’t Make Enough Money

 This may sound harsh, but all tenancy applications require individuals to submit financial details including their monthly income.

In instances where this sum is less than or barely more than the rent, you have the right as a landlord to refuse their application. In general, the tenant’s income should be three-times the price of the rent, although this can be combined across two people in the case of a joint application.

If an applicant earns less than this amount, you can still decide to grant them the tenancy if you wish. This may be viable if you have rent guarantee insurance from a provider such as Homelet, as this will cover the cost of the rent if it goes unpaid. A suggested procedure to make the screening convenient is by using a digital tenant referencing tool where all requirements you might need are provided by this new platform.

  1. The Tenant has a Pet


This also sounds a little harsh, but as the landlord owns the property (and in some instances, the furnishings), he has the legal right to prohibit the tenant from bringing a pet into the house.

There are many reasons for this; whether you’re concerned about long-term damage or the potential noise and allergy concerns posed to other tenants in the building.

Either way, you refuse the tenant’s right to bring a pet with them, and the majority of landlords choose to impose this rule in the UK (although an exception must be made for guide dogs).

  1. The Tenants Income Isn’t Verified


Back on the subject of income, you also have the right to refuse tenancy if they refuse to disclose their earnings or provide employer references.

If they refuse to do both of these requirements, landlords are likely to assume that they’ve lied about being in employment and will subsequently reject their application.

  1. The Tenant has no Credit History


If you’ve ever completed a rental application, you’ll be aware that most agents will run a credit check to verify your suitability as a tenant.

As with most credit checks, you’re likely to fail this if you have no credit history at all, as this makes it impossible for lenders to gauge your risk profile and make an informed decision.

In this case, landlords and agents can refuse the application lawfully, so it’s important to keep this in mind when leasing out property.

  1. The Tenant Provides False Information


We close with a no-brainer, as landlords can automatically refuse applications when it’s proven that the potential tenant has included false information.

We’ve already touched on this when discussing earnings, but tenants who are found to have lied on their application cause considerable uncertainty and make landlords unsure about what else they may be lying about.

Ultimately, trust is an important consideration when renting out your home, and it’s crucial that you only deal with tenants who you can rely on.

Why is Bitcoin better than traditional paper currency?


Technology and digitalization has taken over everything in 21st century, even currency. Yes, you heard it right! Gone are the days when people used to invest their hard earned paper currency in stock-market. No more because people are now more interested in investing the digital currency or what is also called crypto-currency.

Though since last one decade there are a lot of cryptocurrencies that have come to origin like Altcoin, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litcoin and Libra among others but Bitcoin is the most famous among all the crypto-currencies in the market. Though there is no exact explanation for it but yes the unstable and volatile nature of Bitcoin is responsible for it to a great extent. People kind of have high hopes with the unstable nature of Bitcoin which always kinds of hikes up the price of the crypto-currency and have made thousands of people rich.

It will not be wrong to say that paper currency is outdated now and Bitcoin may soon take over the traditional currency.

How to define Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that you cannot touch. You can see it on your computer and smart phones screens though, same thing as online banking. However, many people who are reading this article must be thinking that what is so special about Bitcoin? Why is it considered as the first choice for investment? Well have patience! You will get the answer in this very same article. Get more information about Bitcoin in Bitcoin era.

First of all, it is important to understand that how Bitcoin works?

Bitcoin works on the theory of Blockchain and algorithms and you need to understand algorithms for making the correct forecast regarding the value of Bitcoin in future. Once you have understood how algorithms work, you can go ahead and start investing in Bitcoin or even try the latest algorithm of the Bitcoin Loophole.

The best feature about Bitcoin is that it is not controlled by government or banks and is complete free from restrictions. Also the blockchain technology of Bitcoin keeps records of all the transactions occurred and so there is no chance of fraud and identity thefts, and hence is considered a safe mode of holding money.

Here are so of the advantages of Bitcoin that makes it superior to traditional currency:

  • Bitcoin is one of the easiest and the most preferred method for online shopping. There is an e-wallet just like online banking where you can store Bitcoin, do transactions and pay for services.
  • Bitcoin is a very famous form of trading all over the world and it is accepted as a mode of payment everywhere. Even the world’s largest software company Microsoft accepts Bitcoin as a mode of payment.
  • Bitcoin gives people the independence to exchange currency and do the transactions without the involvement of any third party unlike traditional currency that is controlled by government and banks.
  • The technology behind Bitcoin, which is, blockchain is what makes or breaks it. Thousands of computers during a distributed network use cryptological techniques to form a permanent, public record of every Bitcoin transaction that has ever occurred.
  • This record is going to be very valuable for numerous things besides following the payment. Bitcoin is secure, open for all yet private at the same time. So, there is no chance of any fraudulent activities.

Each Bitcoin has a different code and the blockchain technology keeps a record of every transaction that ever took place, so there is no chance of any fraud activities here.

How Can Investors Make Profits in Energy Markets?


If you’re an investor looking for the next big thing to invest in, you might want to pay attention to the energy markets. This essential sector can be a lucrative one for investors, yet in recent years it has reduced in popularity.

Now, as the sector begins to show signs of improvement, investors are once again starting to take advantage of the market. Here, you’ll discover how investors can make profits in energy markets.

High levels of growth expected

The energy sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the current market. By 2035, the global energy demand is set to increase by 30%. This is said to be down to increasing prosperity being experienced within developing countries, alongside a rise in he need for renewable and greener energy solutions.

Oil prices are also expected to rise and the number of cars on the roads is set to double to a staggering 1.7 billion. The demand for electricity is expected to double, leading to an increase in around 15%. So, if you’re looking for an investment opportunity that’s set to grow in the near future, energy is definitely worth considering.

Above average returns

At the moment, energy investments are providing above average returns. This is especially true for alternative energy investments such as solar power. In fact, over the past decade returns have been pretty great, surpassing Dow Jones Industrial returns over the past 15 years.

One of the key things you look for when choosing a good investment opportunity, is the returns you’ll get back. So, if you want to experience better than average returns, the energy sector is a good one to invest in.

A diverse market

The energy sector is incredibly diverse. This means you’ll have a lot of different investment options to choose from. Oil, solar, electricity, wind and nuclear energy are just some of the key sectors you can invest in.

As well as the direct markets, you can also invest in energy related components. For example, you could invest in power supplies. Another option would be to invest in energy technology. There are so many different ways you can invest in the energy sector. Therefore, it’s worth doing your research to see which types of investments would be better suited to your preferences.

Growth opportunities

When you invest in energy, it gives you the opportunity to grow your business. You’ll be able to meet multiple investment goals, such as income opportunities and large returns. If you invest in pipeline operators, you’ll receive steady income generation, whereas investing in oil will bring you the biggest returns.

These are just some of the reasons why you might want to consider investing in the energy sector. When done correctly, it can be a very lucrative sector to invest in. It’s important to research as much as you can about each type of energy and its investment opportunities. This will help you to ensure you’re making the best investments in the right sectors.




Clinical Trials – Exploring the Link Between Science and Law


Throughout history, clinical trials have played a key role in informing scientific research and developing some of the world’s most advanced medical treatments. In the modern age, however, companies must also ensure that the trials they fund are compliant with law and capable of maintaining the safety of participants at all times.

This was borne out recently, when dozens of clinical trials were revealed to contain suspicious statistical patterns that may be indicative of inaccurate or falsified data.

A study, which used statistical tools to identify anomalies hidden in the data sets, has unsurprisingly prompted a widespread investigation into the trials. It has also raised concerns about the reliability of trial findings and the role that the law plays in regulating such studies in the UK.

The biotech industry’s latest innovations using Pichia pastoris expression company are in the biotherapeutic and food industries.

What are Clinical Trials?

 In simple terms, clinical trials are research studies and programs that are designed to evaluate a surgical, medical or behavioural intervention.

In most instances, they’ll analyse the impact of a new drug, diet or medical device in real-time, paying attention to its performance and any side-effects that are triggered in participants.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that a potential treatment is effective and safe for consumption, whilst individual trial subjects are usually measured against existing alternatives in the marketplace.

How are Clinical Trials Currently Regulated in the UK?

 Between 2004 and the present day, clinical trials in the UK have been regulated by the EU Clinical Trials Directive, which outlined a standard set of guidelines for businesses and laboratories throughout Europe.

The most up-to-date legislation was rolled out earlier this year, after the EU agreed to address some concerns of its member nations pertaining to the bureaucratic burden and cost of running clinical trials in the UK and similar nations.

Many of the recently unveiled changed were agreed back in 2014, including the introduction of a new, EU-wide portal and database to provide a single point of entry for all clinical trials in the single bloc.

The new guidelines will also drive greater transparency across all clinical trials, whilst simplifying the application process and allowing for faster innovation.

The Importance of Recognising the Legalities of a Clinical Trial

 With the UK set to leave the EU on January 31st, 2020 (although this may be subject to change), the government may choose to repeal the existing legislation and pass new clinical trial standards at some point in the near-term.

In the meantime, however, it’s important that firms continue to familiarise themselves with the legal implications of conducting clinical research in the UK. From the underlying ethical issues to the rights of participants, there’s a diverse body of legislation that businesses must get to grips with before funding and carrying clinical trials.

It’s also important to note that much of the clinical research and trial law in this space is relatively recent, meaning that you may need to partner with industry experts such as Gallagher to protect your interests adequately.

When driving compliance, you must pay particular attention to the standards and duty of care and informed consent, whilst there’s a pressing need to tackle any potential conflicts of interest and address these before committing to a formal trial.

Almost 90% Of All Potentially Available Bitcoins Are in Circulation – What Does This Mean for The Crypto Market?


As of right now, over 17 million Bitcoins have been mined and are either being actively traded or held in wallets. You may think that is a huge number, but it’s not with the maximum cap of Bitcoins being 21million. That puts the total number of already mined Bitcoins to around 90%. This leaves us with only about 3 million Bitcoins to be mined. If you are a Bitcoin investor or miner, that leaves you wondering what exactly will happen to the crypto market once the last Bitcoin is mined and in circulation?

There is no need to panic, though, as Bitcoin’s limited supply gives it anti-inflationary properties. Bitcoin’s finite supply ensures its scarcity and value. As such, it cannot be devalued by limitless supply. Imagine if the world had a limitless supply of gold; it wouldn’t be as much of a priceless metal then.

Bitcoin Halving and The Crypto Market

Bitcoin halving is the process by which the miner’s compensation hold declines by 50% every four years. This idea was meant to build a method that would self-sustain itself, like gold mining. Thus, the idea of Bitcoin halving came to life as a way of managing stock.
After the first Bitcoin halving on November 28th, 2012, mining awards dropped from its initial 50 BTC to 25 BTC.

The following year, Bitcoin’s market price crashed to 1,000 USD.
On July 9th, 2016, another Bitcoin halving occurred and had an all-time wave of around 19,000 USD, which jumped to 20,000 USD by December 2017. Similarly, BTC mining compensation dropped to 12.5 BTC. It was after the Bitcoin halving that its price started climbing exponentially.

The next halving is expected in May 2020, with the market, miners, and investors in Bitcoin wondering what will unfold. We are months away from the next halving function. It is, however, key to note that the 2020 Bitcoin halving will probably produce a comparable development to its predecessors. For one, we are sure that the Bitcoin miner’s compensation will be halved from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. Many crypto supporters and marketers expect the Bitcoin price to skyrocket during the BTC halving stage.

Should this trend continue, then we should expect a total of 64 halvings before the total cap of Bitcoins is tapped out. That will be sometime in 2140. So, there is still plenty of time to prepare for and keep the crypto market afloat and profitable. If anything, it is really a problem for the incoming generation to deal with.

How the Crypto Market Will Survive

There are three vital pillars that the crypto market can implement to keep the Bitcoin ecosystem functioning. Here are the pillars that the crypto market can implement:

1. Transaction Fees

Miners in the Bitcoin network both for mining new Bitcoin blocks and confirming transactions. Therefore, anyone who wants to make Bitcoin transactions have to pay a transaction fee. And with the Bitcoin network growing popular by the day, these fees also keep rising. The crypto market benefits from this by ensuring providing miners with the incentive to get more blocks for trading. You can, therefore, expect transaction fees of Bitcoins to keep growing in the future to ensure that miners don’t leave the Bitcoin network. Take the use of Bitcoin CFD, for example. Bitcoin traders will still be able to capitalize on the coin’s price movement without necessarily having to purchase it. Then make a buy or sell decision later when they believe that the market is ripe for it. Thus, keeping the crypto market running. Read these Bitcoin trader reviews for more guidance about who you should be trusting with your investment.

2. The Value of Bitcoin

In an ideal scenario, you can expect a significant increase in the value of Bitcoins. That will probably be the only option for transaction fees and other factors to remain enough incentives for miners and keep the crypto market afloat. Interestingly, the structure of Bitcoin is built in a way that its value keeps rising no matter the number of Bitcoins already mined and the number still left behind.
The finite supply of the cryptocurrency also ensures that its demand keeps rising, benefiting the crypto market, for now. An increase in demand automatically increases Bitcoin’s value and as such, also increases the fees that miners receive for every Bitcoin mined.

3. Mining Costs

With technological advancements, we should also expect the cryptocurrency mining costs to go down significantly. When this happens, it can significantly reduce the number of investments that miners make for trading. This can work in favour of the cryptocurrency as both miners and investors in the cryptocurrency industry will be more open to their higher ROI. As such, even if miners receive lower rewards than they initially received, both parties will still profit from Bitcoin investment.

Bottom Line

From the above content, it is a possibility that Bitcoin mining might remain profitable even after all the 21 million coins have been mined. The crypto market still has enough time to adapt to the inevitable Bitcoin future. As such, you can expect to see the crypto market generate even more revenue from the world’s leading coin.

Q&A with Danny Haber of oWOW


Danny Haber of oWOW is a real estate developer. oWOW has an impressive portfolio of investments around the world. His companies use innovative technologies and vertically-integrated solutions.

Danny Haber is the CEO and co-founder of oWOW, a real estate development company. The objectives of oWOW are clear: solve the housing crisis in the greater Bay Area, and build affordable housing for any income. We sat down with Danny for a full interview regarding the housing market, innovations, and trends heading into 2020.

Question: What do you foresee as the biggest challenges for the housing market in 2020?

Answer: ‘Over the years, I have learned a great deal about how the housing market works. On a basic level, demand/supply considerations are largely responsible for housing prices. There are demand-side factors and supply-side factors to consider. In the US, the Federal Funds Rate plays a critical role in the process. Currently, we are looking at a rate of 1.75%, and while the correlation between the FFR and bank lending rates is non-linear, there are certain correlations. For example, increases in the Federal Funds Rate invariably make the cost of short-term borrowing more expensive. This impacts discretionary spending (personal disposable income) by way of increased payments on credit cards, short-term loans, et cetera. The impact on long-term loans such as mortgages is real too. The lower the bank lending rate, the better it is for potential homeowners. In 2020, we are going to see an increase in the demand for affordable housing, particularly in San Francisco and surrounds. I think that the pledges from Facebook, Google, Apple and other big tech companies will help to accelerate the growth of new housing units, but it’s not sufficient to meet demand. The economy is booming – that means that there is low unemployment, steadily rising wages, and increased demand for housing. Consider that in 2018, US homeownership rose to 64.8% – the highest in many years. These trends are going to continue, and we need to curtail runaway property price growth so that younger generations like the millennials will be able to afford their own homes.’

Question: Why does San Francisco always get a bad rap when it comes to housing?

Answer: ‘San Francisco and the Bay Area are unique. This particular housing market is characterized by extremely high demand, by dint of the fact that the cultural, art, and technology scene leads the world. It is a cosmopolitan metropolis and arguably the biggest liberal enclave in all of the country. It attracts tourists from far and wide, boasts an eclectic mix of populations, and is highly desirable to many people. That being said, housing demand outstrips supply by a long margin. Many years ago, Proposition 13 passed, and while it was designed to protect existing homeowners from outrageous increases in real estate taxes, it had an unintended effect on new housing developments in and around the city. Property prices that were purchased for $100,000, 30 or 40 years ago may be selling for 10 times that amount at least. If you consider that the median house price in San Francisco and surrounds is $1.3 million – $1.5 million (depending on where you look), and the average rental price ranges between $3500 – $4500 (depending on where you look), it’s clear that there is something unique going on in this city. Proposition 13 limits property tax increases, meaning that city and town councils have to find alternative ways of generating revenue on new developments that are built. This often means that expensive licensing and development fees come into the picture. Unfortunately, these costs are passed on to tenants and homeowners in the form of higher prices. When you add excessive demand into the mix, it’s a recipe for disaster. The current building rate cannot keep pace with the existing demand. If 10 homes are required every year and only 2 homes are being built, you can understand why there is such a dilemma. And why do we have such incredible demand? Silicon Valley companies! The robust growth of major tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, and dozens of others means that more people are working in the city, and they need somewhere to live. Since 2008/2009, we have seen hundreds of thousands of new hires, yet new housing developments are sorely lacking. These are some of the issues that we are dealing with.

Question: What types of solutions do you foresee?

Answer: ‘We need to stabilize prices for one thing. As a property developer myself, I also understand that if prices keep rising unchecked, this is going to have an adverse effect on the success of the metropolis. Think of it this way: if low-wage workers such as wait staff at restaurants, hotel workers, teachers (yes, I know it’s a shame), municipal workers, childminders, dog walkers, policemen, firemen, emergency workers, and others cannot afford to live in a city, that city will start to fall apart. We already have the worst homeless problem in the country, with thousands of people living on the streets, in their cars, in tents, or in shelters. These are issues that we need to address quickly. From my perspective, it’s important to cater to low-to-middle-income earners just as much as it is to provide high-end units for the well-heeled. That’s why my company – oWoW- is invested in providing luxury-style living 50% cheaper than the going rate. Our model works because we are a small, integrated company with a hands-on approach to everything that we do. We focus on paring the right people together in apartments, and managing existing square footage as effectively as possible so that everybody can live comfortably in their own space. We do this by way of MacroUnits and a flexible wall system known as Magic Walls. These pre-fabricated designs are built offsite, allowing us to rapidly deploy them and rent out the apartments that we have renovated. Granted, this is a drop in the bucket for a much bigger problem that San Francisco and the Bay Area currently faces. We are doing our part, and we are seeing results.

Question: When do you think things will turn around in San Francisco and the Bay Area?

Answer: ‘Things are already turning around. It’s hard to see the big picture when there is so much negative press making the rounds. However, we already see results in Oakland California, where we are operational. For example, our developments in 1919 Market Street, 674 23rd Street, and 316 12 Street are success stories. We can proudly say that we accommodate people across the spectrum. Our buildings house educators, tech workers, artists, entrepreneurs, pretty much every other possible vocation you can think of. It’s an eclectic mix of people to say the least. This gives us hope that it is possible to build communities in forgotten places. We take abandoned or condemned buildings, and bring them up to code so that they are places where people really want to live. More importantly, it’s the type of quality you seek at prices you can afford. Now if we can propagate this same thinking in other enclaves, it will be terrific. There are nine counties in the Bay Area, there are lots of jobs available, and it’s a competitive market for sure. There has been a notable cooling heading into Q4 2019, and counties like Alameda are attracting people that have lost confidence in property prices in San Francisco. Watch this space – its unfolding right before our eyes!

You can connect with Danny through LinkedIn, and Twitter.

How to Take Care of Your Classic Car


Owning a classic car means that you are faced with a very special set of responsibilities that someone with a newer model may not be privy to. Since the age and overall condition of an older car means that it may need a little bit of extra love and care, you will definitely find yourself having to look after it more than your other cars. However, as every classic car owner like yourself knows, part of the joy of owning this special type of car is the act of taking care of it.

If you are someone who is new to the whole classic car scene, then take a deep breath. We know it can get overwhelming reading through all the things you have to do. All of the upkeep and maintenance that your car requires may be one of the biggest challenges you will face, but trust us: it is exactly the reason why so many people fall in love with owning a classic car.

Here are the following tips we have as to how you can safely use your classic car on the road:


  • Don’t forget to wax it. Before you get the engine running, make sure that your car is cleaned, polished, and waxed. We put emphasis on the fact that you should get it waxed because your car’s paint work is something you should pay special attention to. For classic cars like the one you own, our expert tip is for you to reapply wax every 2 months, or more frequently if it’s the car you use on a day-to-day basis. Applying wax will ensure that your car’s paint stays pristine and safe from nasty weather, grime, dirt, or whatever else the road will throw at it.
  • Have it fully checked by an auto repair shop. Before you take your classic car beyond short drives, make sure that you’ve dropped by an auto shop that specialises in classic car repair services in Sussex. This is one of the most important things you should remember because this is how you can have a good time, knowing that you are less likely to encounter any hiccups with your car. All you have to focus on at this point is being one with the road as you drive your classic car!

Consistent cleaning is key. The rule of thumb here is that, apart from the bimonthly cleaning your car receives, you should also look after it before and after every trip. This means that before you take it out for a spin, you give it a thorough clean up and check up. On top of that, you should also make sure that you have hosed down the undercarriage of the car before you keep it in the garage. You do not know when you will take it out again and in that period of waiting, salt and road dirt can cause corrosion on the unkempt metal surfaces of your car.

  • Do not forget the battery! Now that you have looked after the exterior of your car, it is also a matter of importance that you pop the hood open and check on the machinations. This is because old car batteries, such as those found in classic models, are prone to losing power. This is particularly true during colder weather, or when they’ve just been lying dormant and unused for a long time. You should charge the battery manually using a 12V battery charger every now and then so that you won’t avoid any delays to your trip all because your car wouldn’t start!
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