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Why your business needs a digital marketing strategy


4 Services that will Enhance your Digital Marketing Strategy

A comprehensive digital marketing strategy should be an essential part of any business plan. In today’s business climate it is crucial to implement and maintain an online presence if you have any hopes of growing your business. The world of business is fierce and you need to be in the forefront of your field if you hope to make a significant ROI.

As such, having a strong online presence is the difference between being successful and being moderate – or, even worse, failing. A well thought-out digital marketing strategy is what will single you out from your competitors; these four services, together with hard work and dedication, will drastically increase your chance of success.

4 services Well Worth your While

1. Pay Per Click – pay per click or PPC is one of the most cost-effective methods for a business to use when advertising online. The entire idea of PPC is that you as an advertiser only pay when a user actually clicks on your ad, making it more financially sustainable. It is also possible to determine how much you have to pay for each click, which makes it easier to determine how much of your marketing budget you should allocate to this specific marketing strategy.

PPC services are incredibly fast and it won’t take you long to experience first-hand the impact of these online ad campaigns. Choose the PPC platform and channel that best suits your purposes and it will be one of the wisest business decisions you can make online.

2. Search Engine Optimisation – SEO is a common concept among those looking to have a strong online presence. Good SEO practices allow you to improve the visibility of your business’ website in the organic search results of search engines. Check CoolBison for a reputable seo company based in Bristol, managing projects for local and national campaigns.

Why do you then want this service? Whether you have a website to sell online, plumbing service, computer repair business, estate agency or food business, you would need clients to grow your business. Well, SEO highly increases the chance of your target audience finding your business online. Any digital marketing strategy worth its name has SEO as one of its main components and it is one of the most profound ways you can focus your efforts on reaching your intended customers.

When you’re searching for an SEO service, it’s important to do your research.

The best SEO businesses are those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Look for agencies that lean on data and established strategies to help you get where you need to in search engine results pages.

Many agencies will have case studies from previous clients you can look at, or at the very least testimonials that attest to your prospective SEO agency’s quality of service.

3. Social Media – it’s the name of the marketing game. Through different social media platforms it is possible to connect with different target groups. As such it is a highly effective service when it comes to customising content.

Recent studies have shown that over 42% of the public are using social media on a regular basis. Not having social media as an intrinsic part of your social media strategy could be a costly mistake. Regardless of your intention when it comes to using social media to your advantage, i.e. brand awareness, new potential customers or traffic generation to your website, there will be a social media platform for your need.

4. Content Marketing – as opposed to copywriting, the primary purpose of content marketing is not as a sales strategy. Content is what you create when you want to inform and educate the audience of your brand. Content needs to be carefully planned and shared on the right types of platform in order to be effective though.

Content marketing will add value to your marketing strategy and it is important to know that even though the focus is not on sales, this will be a much welcomed side effect. Create an inspiring video or tell your target audience about your business’s core values through a blog. There are endless possibilities and if you let it, content will bring your brand forward.

Strength in Numbers

All four services mentioned here are great additions to any digital media strategy. A word of caution though: even if they may seem easy to grasp, they are in fact complex additions to your business structure that have tremendous power to either make or break your success.

For this reason you would be wise to seek advice from professionals that have made it their ambition to assist you in creating your own comprehensive digital media strategy. If you truly want to succeed it is important that you understand what makes each individual service tick as well as matching it with your own specific needs.

That is not to say that you should stop exploring or learning on your own. Today there are tremendous opportunities to educate yourself by means of “learning by doing”.

Find the Services that are Perfect for Your Business

A digital media strategy should have the focus of enhancing your business. It should take your goals and ambitions into consideration. It should increase your ROI and it should promote your brand. Quite the tall order, but with services such as the ones mentioned here it is all possible.

By seeking advice from experts as well as educating yourself on current digital media trends, you have the opportunity to create a comprehensive digital media strategy that will add to the value of your business.

Look at the Equity Release Industry 

If you take a look at the growing equity release industry in the UK, you will see these companies embracing all of these strategies extremely well. They’re big on paid ads, SEO, and content marketing as combined they can have a great effect.

In conclusion, if you want your business to thrive, you need a digital media strategy. It really is as simple as that.

5 tips to keep in mind before you rent a house in London


Whether you’re moving to London for the first time or you’re just moving from one city to another because of work, you’re going to need to rent a new place which you can call home. Estate agents make renting sound pretty easy – you find the place, you fix the price with the landlord, you sign the deal and you move in. Unfortunately, it isn’t all that easy. Finding the right place to rent, accounting for all the additional expenses and keeping aside a fixed amount of money every month to pay the rent! To make the renting process a little easier, here are 5 tips that you need to know before you decide to rent a house in London.

1 First, do your research online, then go through estate agents

If you’re living in Bristol and you need to shift to Battersea, you can’t hire Battersea letting agents to show you potential properties without being in the vicinity. Instead, you should do your research online. There are various websites online which will show you all the properties that meet your requirements which are available for rent in a certain area. You can get a fair idea of the locality and the surrounding neighbourhood, plus you get a glimpse of what to expect from the pictures online. Only after you have shortlisted a few properties, you should head to that area and hire an estate agent who can help visit these properties and then seal the deal.

2 Make sure you have everything in writing

Of course, you will have your rental agreement contract in writing, but that isn’t all. Is your landlord asking you to pay one weeks rent as an advance? Make sure you take it from your landlord in writing that he or she has received the payment. Will the landlord be paying for the initial cleaning on the house? Make sure to get that in writing so that your landlord does not cut that from your security deposit. Basically, any conversation that you have with your landlord or your estate agent regarding any important decisions should be stated in writing so that no one can go back on their word.

3 Do a self-inventory

Usually, the landlord will have a list of inventory which he or she will double-check before renting the house to you. Regardless, you should re-check that list by ensuring that everything on that list is actually in the house. If the landlord does not have an inventory, you can make an inventory yourself and get that signed from your landlord. That way, you will not be responsible if something that the landlord claimed was in the house suddenly goes missing. The only things you will be responsible for is what will be on the inventory list. If the rental property has a slightly stained couch or a table with one broken leg, then make sure to document these findings in writing or take photographs so that the landlord cannot blame you for any damage.

4 Where is your deposit going?

As per the UK regulations, it is compulsory that your rental deposit is put into any 3 of the government-approved tenancy deposit protection schemes. Is your landlord going to be placing the deposit in one of these protection schemes? The reason for putting the deposit in these government-approved protection schemes is that if your landlord wrongfully cuts your deposit or does not return the full amount without valid reason, you can always file a complaint by raising a deposit dispute issue, for free. Better safe than sorry.

5 Who is going to supply the basics?

Basic amenities like a dishwasher, a microwave, a kettle, a refrigerator, a toaster and in some cases even a washing machine are usually given with the house. Just because you see these items lying around the house doesn’t mean that you can assume they come with the house. Ask your landlord if these basic amenities are included in the rent. Also, test every appliance before you finalize the rental price or sign the agreement. If anything is damaged or not working properly, you can always ask the landlord to replace it or you can offer to buy it yourself if the rental price is reduced.

How to negotiate over the phone: 7 easy to follow tips


A good number of people have gained top-notch negotiation skills and have mastered the art of getting deals settled in one-on-one conversations by following the negotiation society.

In today’s world, negotiators have gone far beyond a physical interaction involving two or more parties. It can be done in different contexts and with various media. One of such ways is negotiating over the phone. 

People choose to negotiate over the phone for many reasons. First, it is quite convenient and can be set up with ease. Sometimes, people operate within time constraints and can quickly go over and agree on the terms and details of a deal via their phones.

Furthermore, the accessibility to mobile phones makes it a preferred choice for people in different geographical locations to conclude a deal, while saving cost on transport and time. Also, over-the-phone negotiations are less strenuous. You can get support from people around you and in a familiar environment, where you feel more comfortable.

Giving a surprise call to your counterpart can get them off guard and turn the negotiation to your favor. However, the same strategy can be employed against you. Which is why you should understand the rudiments of engaging in a negotiation over the phone, and best practices to ensure you get the best deal. 

While setting up a negotiation over the phone is quite easy, many factors should be considered in making sure your dialogue goes as you desire. You will want to have this kind of conversation in a place with minimal distraction, for instance. 

  • Be careful not to expose too much: When speaking on the phone, it is easy to ramble on and on, as you do not have visual cues to determine if what are you saying sits well with the other party, or if your point is well understood. As such, you may compensate by going into too many details or giving away too much info. 

Endeavor to prepare your points before talking on the phone. You will use a different approach, as people do not interact over the phone, as they do in real life. Logic is used in decoding emotions, as perceived while on the call.

  • Listen attentively: Humans are visual creatures, and as such, visuals account for about 90% of the information taken in, about the surrounding. When on calls, you are not privy to visual cues that determine the body language of the other party. You have to rely on the words used, tone, and manner in which they communicate. Active listening is, therefore, important if you want to get the best possible deal without missing out on any important info.

 An excellent way to check if you are on the same page is to repeat what you heard at intervals. Doing this clears any discrepancy or ambiguous detail. It also helps you understand the situation better. 

  • Give room for the other party to speak: do not be the only one talking, throughout the call. When you speak more, you are likely to give out too much information (see the first tip above). Allow the other party to fill you in with as much information as possible. You can use this to your advantage by tailoring your request to suit their needs.
  • Control the pace of the conversation: when you are involved in a conversation over the phone, try to take charge of the negotiation by controlling the speed at which decisions are made. When you are not in haste to sign, you give yourself room to think things through. You can then reschedule the call for when you are fully decided.
  • Ensure the negotiation is following the right procedure: when you do not check to see if you are on the phone with the right person, you may be roped into a conversation with an inappropriate channel and have a deal go awry. Check to confirm that you are negotiating with the right person and, if not, route the call to the appropriate party. 
  • Make sure you are clearly understood: even when you are not talking over the other party, do your best to communicate clearly in a way the other party understands you. Go over your points, ensuring your counterpart is carried along.
  • Follow up after the call: in the course of the phone call, you must have made essential notes and reached certain conclusions. Prepare these as a document and send it to the other party, to confirm all the details and clear out any possible misunderstandings.

Having negotiations can result in more back and forth than a physical meeting. It can also negatively affect the relationship with the other party. As such, endeavor to have physical deals with parties you intend to maintain their relationship. Otherwise, negotiating over the phone provides an effective means of fast-tracking deals and conveniently reaching decisions with other parties, especially when distance is a barrier. 

Where Are the Best Place to Invest in Asia?


Throughout the UK and much of Europe, slowing household spending growth has caused many economists to take something of a cautious look at the future.

According to PWC, the UK’s gross domestic product is projected to grow by an at best modest 1.4% in 2019. In 2020, GDP growth is predicted to slow even further to a somewhat concerning 1.3% for the year. 

This situation isn’t unique to the UK. Throughout Europe, North America, Oceania and a range of other industrialised countries, growth is projected to slow. Even China, which for a large part played the role of the world’s growth centre for the last decade, is starting to slow down.

As a result, a growing number of UK-based individuals and businesses are looking abroad for new investment opportunities, including in high-growth emerging markets. Below, we’ve looked at the world’s best places to invest in Asia for optimal growth in 2020, 2021, and 2022. 


Although Singapore’s economy isn’t growing particularly quickly — based on data from Trading Economics, it’s projected to grow just 1% during 2019 — its access to rapidly-growing emerging markets in ASEAN and its solid legal system makes it a popular choice for investors.

As one of the world’s wealthiest city-states, Singapore has long been a favourite for investors in the UK and Europe. The country’s reliable banking system and free market economy allows for an easy, home-like experience, with a common law legal system adding to its benefits.

Singapore also offers an investment visa program, referred to as the Global Investor Program, that has made it a favourite of high-net-worth individuals seeking to gain a second country of residence. 


Once one of the world’s most impoverished countries, Vietnam opened its doors to investment from abroad in the mid-1980s and has since developed into one of Asia’s fastest-growing and most dynamic economies. 

In 2018, Vietnam’s economic growth rate topped seven percent. Much of the country’s growth has been driven by increases in manufacturing, as well as the opening up of the country’s real estate market.

From July of 2015, Vietnam opened its property market to foreign investors, resulting in a boom in real estate aimed at foreign investors. This has led to a subsequent increase in values, with the average apartment price in Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon, surging 22.7% in Q1 of 2019. 

Despite this, as a developing country, Vietnam still has several issues that may cause concern for foreign investors. Chief amongst these is the difficulty of repatring any gains from property investment, which can be challenging due to Vietnam’s restrictive money transfer laws. 


Another developing economy, India has posted impressive growth rates over the past decade that show no sign of slowing down. According to a recent UN report, India was one of the top countries attracting foreign investment inflows and a global target for investment. 

Part of India’s appeal is the gigantic scale of its domestic market. Unlike many other emerging markets, which are often heavily dependent on exports, India’s large population may eventually allow it to build a strong, self-sustaining consumer market for its own goods.

In the meantime, India’s manufacturing and exporting boom is very much underway, with auto manufacturers and manufacturers of consumer goods looking to tap into India’s large pool of workers to avoid fallout from the growing US-China trade war. 

New partner of the world giant Xero – Osome brand is rapidly developing business


The young Singapore Company, which provides online accounting services, has been operating steadily in the market for more than a year and a half. During this period, top managers were able to take their organisation to an incredible level – Osome have now been announced as an official partner of the giant with the world name Xero.

Why would such a prevalent organisation such as Xero be interested in a relatively new to market company? There is no doubt that the employees at Osome provide quality services in the accounting and tax support market. But in addition, Osome creates the most customer-oriented products with 24-hour online support. Wherever you are, anywhere in the world – if your partner is Osome – you will receive the answers to any questions you may have. These factors consequently attracted the experienced managers of Xero Group to establish a foundation of a partnership with this young, but noticeably promising, team from Singapore.

How to Get a Better Deal from Your Business Energy Provider


Energy costs account for a large portion of a company’s expenses, and can have a direct influence on how profitable a business is. Thankfully, it’s also an area where it’s possible to make some significant savings. You can make quick changes to your operations, reduce your energy spending, and be more responsible with your consumption. Another thing you could do, however, is to arrange for a better deal with your current provider. Business Energy UK shares how you can renegotiate your energy costs with your current energy provider.

Look Around

The first thing you should do is look around and compare energy providers so you’ll at least have some options and be able to come to the table with a point of reference. You could use a tool like Utility Bidder to compare business energy suppliers. Let them know how much you could save by switching and see if they’ll lower their rates to match it when you ask for a renewal quote. Turn on the charm as you ask for discounts and better rates; you won’t win this fight by being aggressive or angry.

If you decide not to switch contracts, you can still benefit from the information when you switch suppliers at the end of your contract. If you don’t know when the contract ends, ask. Some suppliers print the termination window on their invoices. Note that you have the right to know this information.

Give Yourself Time

There’s a good reason to know your contract expiration date as soon as possible – it gives you, not the energy company, leverage. If you only have a few days left in the termination window, the energy supplier has the advantage. Start shopping around for new energy providers a month or more before the contract termination window ends. This gives you more leverage when negotiating with the current energy supplier.

Pay Attention to Your Monthly Direct Debit

Monthly direct debit is a good way to pay your energy bill as long as the fees are reasonable. The company estimates how much you are using and sends you a bill based on that estimate. Unfortunately, if they overestimate your usage, you’re going to be overcharged. Check the usage you’re being billed for against the usage reported on your smart meter. If there is a discrepancy, call up the vendor and ask them to bill you for what you’re using. Talk to customer service, since you may be owed a refund for the over-billing, too. Simply ending direct debits can also stop the slow steady rise of the bill that the energy company may be sneaking in instead of charging you for your actual usage.

Check for Credits and Refunds You’re Owed

Many people forget about the credits they may be owed, though this could offset future energy bills. Whether it is refunding a utility deposit or credits you’re owed for energy savings, ask for all such credits to be applied to your bill. On the flipside, if you are owed credits and don’t do anything about it, you could lose it when you switch to another supplier.

Look at Your Contract Terms

Energy contracts vary widely. You can often get a better deal by locking yourself into a longer contract. However, this isn’t always the case. Do your homework so that you always get the best energy rate possible. You don’t want to sign up for a five-year contract and see yourself over-paying because energy prices dropped. You have to be careful of exit fees that may be charged if you switch suppliers before your current contract ends, too.

You’ve probably negotiated with car dealers and the cable company for discounts and deals. Don’t forget to do the same with your energy supplier. You can’t afford not to.

Government Schemes For UK Startups


Running a business is never simple; it’s even more complicated with start-ups. As a startup, you’re actively trying to learn the ropes of the industry while managing multiple financial and administrative challenges. Making use of all advantages is important to see through the moments of uncertainty.

Thankfully, there are government policies and schemes that are designed to ease business. Startups have been the major drivers of innovation and the UK government is not oblivious to that. Here are some government initiatives that UK startups can take advantage of:

  • R&D Tax Credits:

As a way to encourage startups to focus on innovation, the UK government gives tax credits to businesses engaged in research and development. This policy is targeted at companies that invest in making new products, services and processes; or improving old ones. If you’re spending money on innovation, you can claim tax credits in terms of cashback or corporate tax reductions.

Companies can get up to 33p on £1 if they are loss-making organisations. You might even be able to claim up to £60,000. There are a number of conditions that are considered before R&D tax credits are given out, but it’s definitely worth looking into if you’re running a startup. What’s more, you can get tax credits in almost any industry.

  • Loans and Loan instruments

The British government has a number of loans directed at startups. The loans are traditionally structured to be low-interest and easily payable. To have a good chance of getting most government-backed loans, you must have a well-detailed business plan which shows the scalability of your business model.

The Small Loans For Business Scheme is one of such loans, providing startups with access to around £25,000 in loans. The loans carry a reasonable 6% interest rate per annum and are structured for ease of payment.

The Enterprise Finance Guarantee is another very helpful loan program. It helps startups that have been denied access to loans because of a lack of collateral by providing a guarantee for the lenders on their behalf.

  • Grants:

Unlike loans, grants do not have to be paid back. This makes them quite popular for startups. Alongside low-interest loans, there are also a couple of grants backed by the British government. A number of the grants are targeted at specific industries such as technology, green-energy, recycling etc. The grant amount is usually a factor of how big your project is. Some government-backed grants are:

  • Grant For Business Investment (GBI): this grant is given out through Regional Development Agencies (RDA). It is usually given towards projects that help bring prosperity to economically deprived areas. The grant is available to startups and gives out a minimum of £10,000.
  • National DTI Grant for Research and Development: Organisations involved in R&D also have access to grants through this scheme. There’s also “Framework 6” which is available to organisations involved in R&D in collaboration with other companies and universities around the EU.
  • Export Credit Guarantee Department Scheme: This scheme helps startups with grants to participate in exhibitions outside the country.
  • Training

As much as finance is a major challenge for startups, good administration is also a factor in helping businesses succeed. The UK government offers a number of initiatives to help startups and entrepreneurs cope with the administrative demands of their organisations.

Entrepreneur First is a scheme targeted at fresh graduates who have an eye for entrepreneurship. The program lasts for two years and provides participants with access to training, mentoring, funding, legal advice; all of which are necessary to run a successful company.

Other notable schemes include the UK business Incubation which runs various R&D centres open to businesses and Enterprise Enfield which provides startups with business advice and a platform to network with other organisations in the same industry.

The UK is reputed to be one of the best places in the world for startups. The government’s active involvement in making the business environment better for startups has set a precedent for other countries to follow. UK-based startup founders should look to take advantage of these schemes to stand a better chance of success.

  • The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS)

The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) helps small, early stage companies attract investment by providing investors with generous tax breaks.

Small companies that have been trading for less than two years can raise up to £150,000 in capital. The money raised must be spent within three years of receiving it in a ‘qualifying trade’.

SEIS investors are provided with significant tax breaks to encourage them to fund early stage startups. Investors can claim up to 50% income tax relief on amounts up to £100,000. There are also generous capital gains tax reliefs available to investors.

Importantly, investors that hold their SEIS shares for a minimum of three years pay no capital gains tax when disposing of their investment.

Spanish SEO


Since the first search engines emerged in the early 90s in the US people realized that money could be earned with them. So they realised that web pages needed to attract traffic, and the best way of doing it was by search engines. Little by little, and some years later Spanish SEO also gained strength, and the fever to reach the highest positions in this language proliferated as well, such it did in English.

The Importance of SEO 

Before going deeper, it is important to have all concepts clear. SEO, the Search Engine Optimization is a way of enhancing the perceptibility of a web page on different search engines, specifically in organic results. Even though there are tons of factors on which a search engine counts to position one page or another, it could be said that there are two basic ones: relevance and authority. On one hand, the authority is the acceptance and popularity of a web page. The more popular it is, the more valuable the data it contains. On the other hand, relevance is the connection a web page has to a particular search.

SEO can be divided into On-site and Off-site:

  • On-site SEO focuses on relevance. User experience, loading time, Keyword optimization, URL formatting.
  • Off-site SEO works on attributes external to a certain web page, such as the quality and number of links, its presence in social networks, the brand authority, the mentions in local media and performance in search results.

The most important reason why SEO is relevant and necessary not only in Spain, but in the world, is because it makes your site more useful, in order to understand what each website is about and whether or not it is functional for users.

The Evolution of Spanish SEO in Recent Years

There is a clear potential in Spanish SEO, because it has clearly improved in recent years. We just have to look at the large amount of updates that have had the algorithms such as Panda and Penguin.

Each search on Google now requires hardly any clicks to study or analyze the result we want. Especially if only data is needed. Now it is going on an unknown direction. Evolution between searches with no clicks and the reduction in interactions with natural positioning has set almost simultaneously on mobile telephones.

It is a fact, the search ratio without clicks has increased suddenly and extremely on mobile devices, and the synergism with payment results has remained stable on computers while it has raised lightly on mobile phones. Because there has been a deceleration in revenue from Google Ads, and a growing similitude between paid and organic results.

Google wants to ease user interactions, it wants them faster and more efficiently. That is why voice searches are being successful. At least all the studies carried out point in that direction, forcing professionals to diversify certain strategies in order to earn money. One of them will be set on Google Adsense; but without a doubt, the strategy at the local level is the one that will definitely have to be polished to continue to the forefront.

How the rental market in Manchester is changing and what it means for Landlords


Over recent years Manchester has made itself a popular destination for property investors not just in the UK but from all over the world.

For the most part, this has been good news for both renters and residential buyers as competition between landlords has kept down rents and funds from off-plan buyers have allowed property developers to finance the housing developments Manchester needed (and still needs).

There are, however, growing concerns that certain segments of Manchester’s population are being increasingly priced out of the housing market as flats to rent in Manchester become more expensive.

Housing affordability in Manchester is still, essentially, good

Even now, after several years of growth, house price estimates in Manchester are better than in England as a whole (average house prices are around 7 times earnings versus around 8 times earnings).

This means that those who are on average earnings or better still have a reasonable expectation of being able to rent within their means and buy at a price they can afford (especially if they do so as part of a couple).

Those on lower incomes, however, are much less likely to be able to do so and may even struggle to be able to afford a place to live and pay their essential bills and other expenses.

The problems faced by lower-income workers are hardly unique to Manchester

At this point, it has to be noted that the problems faced by those on below-average and/or erratic incomes are hardly unique to Manchester and frankly pale into insignificance when compared to the problems faced by their counterparts in London.

That said, the fact that problems are worse elsewhere is not an excuse for failing to address them. This then raises the question of how to do so.

Some form of (local) government intervention seems highly likely

In principle, the Westminster government could follow in the footsteps of the Scottish Parliament and create a system where rent controls were managed locally but supervised nationally.

In Scotland, local authorities can apply to the Scottish Parliament to have an area designated as a Rent Pressure Zone and, if their request is granted, rent controls are then applied to that area.

In practice, the Westminster government has shown no indication of doing this, possibly because England and Wales together are massively bigger than Scotland and have a substantially higher population, which means that the administrative burden of such a scheme would be correspondingly higher.

The local authorities in Manchester (and London) by contrast have expressed strong interest in being granted the powers to levy some form of control over local rents.

As this is currently all just a suggestion, it is impossible to say how this would work in practice and, rather ironically, Scotland does not actually provide a real-world case study since the Scottish Parliament has yet to use its rent-control powers in any meaningful way.

Mark Burns, Managing Director of Manchester Estate Agents Indlu said: “Landlords should make a point of keeping track of any changes in this area and should also look to ensure that their rents are set at a realistic level, i.e. one which takes into account the impact of the tenant-fee ban, in case they find themselves being limited in their ability to raise rents at a later date.”

10 Best CBD Oil Capsules and How to Choose One


CBD soft gels are ideal for those who want to enjoy the benefits of the CBD flower without using oil tinctures that require measuring. They also have absolutely zero taste, something many customers enjoy because CBD oil itself has an earthy flavor that some people simply don’t enjoy. But with CBD oil UK surely customers will definitely enjoy and love it. Let’s take a look at our list of ten best CBD oil capsules. 

Joy Organics CBD Gel Capsules 

Joy Organics is known for its broad-spectrum CBD products. You can choose from 10 mg or 25 mg of CBD, depending on your regular dosage. These capsules promote quick absorption, and you can expect an 18-month shelf life. Want to know about CBD? no worries, visit this site for more information.

CBDistillery CBD Capsules

These capsules are only available in 25 mg of CBD, so they’re not ideal for those who don’t currently know their dosage. It’s best to start off with a smaller dosage and work your way up. These capsules are manufactured without pesticides or GMOs and only harvested from mature stalks and stems. 

Bluebird Botanicals

These 15 MG hemp extract soft gels are gluten-free and non-GMO. Bluebird Botanical capsules are flavor-free and a discreet way to take CBD. 

Read more: Freed CBD Oil Capsules & Softgels

Freed CBD Oil Capsules 

Freed’s SoftGel Capsules are water-soluble nanoemulsion soft gels that are designed to help aid sleep. Soft gels are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly and more effectively, about 3 to 5 times higher than hemp oil. 

These capsules are made from broad-spectrum CBD oil. They even work quickly on a full or empty stomach. It’s one of the most affordable brands on our list, but still maintains all of the same benefits as the others. 

Palmetto Harmony Spectrum Capsules 

This brand offers a 60 count of CBD capsules which include 10 mg of CBD per capsule, but also antioxidants and omega acids. All CBD hemp oil capsules from Palmetto Harmony are produced via organically grown, non-GMO farms. 

Floyd’s of Leadville

These full-spectrum CBD gel caps are manufactured in Colorado. The CBD has been extracted using the CO2 method, and they partner with organic and non-GMO farms to keep quality above all else. These capsules pack a punch with 50 mg of CBD in each one. 

Lazarus Naturals 

These full spectrum 25 mg CBD capsules are available in 10, 40, and 200 count bottles. Their CBD products are vegan and gluten-free with no preservatives or flavoring additives. Also, the CBD itself is made in-house for quality control, and third-party tested to ensure effectiveness. 

Pure Hemp Botanicals 

These CBD capsules are packed with quality CBD that is grown and harvested in Colorado. They are organic and free of herbicides, pesticides, and GMO’s. Additionally, they are vegan. 

Endoca Raw Hemp Oil Capsules

Endoca’s ecological and sustainable practices are well known in the hemp industry. They offer 50 mg CBD capsules which contain raw CBD and other cannabinoids. Each capsule is gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, and kosher. There are also lower dosage options available on their website. 

Green Roads

Each capsule from Green Roads contains 25 mg of CBD oil and have been formulated by a pharmacist. They use third-party lab testing to ensure potency and purity. The CBD is extracted from industrial hemp using the CO2 method, and the capsules themselves are easy to digest. 

 How to Choose the Best CBD Capsules 

Choosing the best CBD capsules can be difficult since there are so many brands and so many products out there. Here are some important considerations when buying CBD oil capsules. 


Dosage for CBD capsules ranges from 10 mg to 50 mg of CBD per capsule. Some bottles may list the total concentration of CBD in the entire bottle, but will typically indicate the dosage per capsule as well. Your dosage will depend on a variety of factors, including your weight and tolerance. For example, if you’ve never taken CBD before, you will want to start with a low dosage. 

Vegetarian and Vegan 

Most supplement capsules are made with gelatin because it dissolves quickly once it enters the body. It’s also relatively inexpensive, which means that it keeps costs down for the manufacturer, which keeps costs down for the customer. However, the downside is that gelatin is derived from animals. 

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you may want to choose capsules made from vegetable cellulose. You can expect that they will cost a little bit more, but they will perform just as well as those made from gelatin. 

Where You Live

Laws related to cannabis vary from state to state, and they are always changing. Hemp-sourced CBD is legal in every state within the United States. However, marijuana-based CBD may not be legal in your state. It depends on the legal status of marijuana where you live. 

Some states may also have laws for the THC content of CBD oil, so always make sure to do your research to know what products you can legally purchase and those you cannot. 

Drug Testing and THC Content 

Full-spectrum CBD oils contain trace amounts of THC, which may show up on drug tests. If you have a job that requires drug testing, you can choose crystalline CBD isolate that contains only CBD and no THC. Make sure you know how much THC (if any) is in the CBD product you buy before you buy it.

Available Third-Party Lab Results 

You should always feel confident about the CBD capsules that you purchase. For this reason, it’s important to only do business with brands that do third-party lab testing to ensure the quality of their products. Lab results should also be readily available to customers so that you can see for yourself the quality of their products. 

Other Methods of Taking CBD

Remember, Freed CBD capsules aren’t your only method for getting your daily dose of CBD.

Tinctures: These consist of CBD oil in dropper bottles so that you can put drops under your tongue. 

Vape: You can vape your CBD oil with specially formulated e-liquid that’s used with your vape pen or e-cig. 

Spray: These can be sprayed directly into your mouth. 

Topical: Topical applications go directly on your skin.

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