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The Dos and Don’ts of Fine Wine Investment – UK Agora


Investing in fine wine is popular among grape aficionados, fund managers and laymen alike, and there’s reason for that. It can be an enjoyable and profitable journey if done correctly and approached with the right attitude.

Here’s some of our top tips that’ll help get you started along the right track:


Read what critics are saying

Trust critics; they know what they are talking about. It can often be best to stick with just one or two trusted critics, as (as with anything involving matters of taste) disagreement is often rife, and this can get a little confusing, particularly if you’re just starting out. However, you’ll find that certain types of wines (whether that’s certain grapes, vintages or certain vineyards) will consistently be well received.

Keep your wines in a private account in a professional facility

Wines not kept in bond are effectively worthless. In order to protect your wine, and its value, you should make sure that you keep it under your own name in a reputable facility, and you should insure it to its full value.

Be patient & think long term.

It can be easy to get caught up in hype within the market, but you should always aim to keep a cool head and think long term. Wine is considered a reliable investment, with the market often seeing several consistent months of growth. But don’t get overexcited.

As Nick Gibbs over at UK Agora tells his clients: “Don’t buy fine wines simply because the market is on the up. Have a long term view”.


Buy more than you can afford to lose

It’s important to remember that, as with any form of investment, by buying wines to sell on and profit from you are, effectively, gambling, and you should act as such. Don’t get wedded to potential gains, or devastated by losses, and only spend what you can afford to throw away.
Get over excited about en primeur wines

You’ll often get the chance to invest in wines en primeur – meaning that they are still in the barrel, yet to be bottled. Wines are tested generally after around 6 months of maturing in barrels, at which point an en primeur price is set. Bordeaux has a particularly prominent en primeur market, though other regions are slowly catching up.

En primeur prices will typically be cheaper than when the wine is actually bottled, but there is much more risk associated with investing in these wines than in already bottled, established wines.

Expect instant, large returns

We cannot stress this enough; don’t think of investment fine wine as a one-stop shop for swift financial gains. While it is considered a very reliable investment asset, weathering even the most severe economic storms, it is still, as all investment is, to be approached with caution, patience, and understanding.

These steps do not constitute a comprehensive wine investment guide by any means, but rather should act as a primer. Read these tips, go on and read more information online and speak to brokers and merchants to get a feel for the market (though be wary of the fact that most merchants will have their profit, not yours at the forefront of their mind) and hopefully you’ll be ready to embark on a fruitful voyage across the high seas of investment wine.

CVS Business Rates voice heard loud and clear as the Chancellor announces £435M cut in business rates for those set to be worst hit


Chancellor Philip Hammond unveiled his first and last Spring Budget yesterday, and, we are pleased to say, announced three key measures of support to alleviate the pain of the imminent Revaluation.

As the leading voice in the business rates debate, CVS business Rates was keen to learn whether the recommendations put forward in our recent meeting with the Rt. Hon Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, would be implemented.

We’re delighted to say they certainly have.

During the meeting CVS presented three main recommendations to the Secretary of State:

  • Help those 25,000 small firms exiting small business rate relief after 7 years, and provide protection –  protection which the current transitional relief scheme fails to offer
  • Provide a business rates discount for pubs – over 11,000 public houses have sadly closed their doors during the current rating period
  • Offer a discount to small high street shops unfairly treated when it comes to business rates, especially when compared to many out of town retail giants

Pleasingly the Chancellor has adopted the following points:

  • A cap resulting in business rates rising by no more than £50 a month for small businesses who are losing their small business rate relief as a result of their RV increasing above the threshold
  • Public Houses to receive a £1,000 discount on business rates if the RV is less than £100,000– equating to 90% of pubs
  • A £300m fund for discretionary relief for local authorities to support the most affected businesses

 The above amounts to a £435m package of relief for businesses.

We would like to thank the Chancellor and Secretary of State, who have clearly demonstrated that they have listened to the concerns of business and, more importantly, have acted upon those concerns with meaningful financial support.

Longer Term Reform

Notwithstanding the positive changes above, CVS is not entirely satisfied as the package does not offer much support for those businesses with higher rateable values. Given the issues we have highlighted with the tax reductions for large distribution centres, and the dismay and deep concern that this has caused, meaningful discussions must now be had around the tax system as a whole to ensure that it is fit for purpose for the 21st century economy.

It remains our opinion that a long term reform of business rates is required to make the system more responsive and fair. It is essential that business rates are not perceived as ‘anti-business’ but rather as a key funding element for local services.

Top six ways to save money this year


Somehow, we’re three months into 2017…and no, we don’t know how that’s happened either. Summer is fast approaching and then before we know it, it will be Christmas again.

You’ve more than likely got a whole host of things to save money for and it can be difficult to know where to start but there a tonne of clever ways to cut down on your spending so you can watch your savings roll in.


TransferGo is a very useful website for people and businesses who need to transfer money overseas.

It will allow you to save up to 90% on international money transfers with no hidden fees or conditions. Whilst banks typically hold an average transfer fee of £10.00 with an exchange rate up of 5%, Transfer Go offers a fixed transfer fee of just 0.99p and an exchange rate mark up between 0.4-1.9%.

This is a perfect solution for anyone who owns a business that trades abroad, travels a lot or has loved ones living overseas and are often met with nasty bank charges.

Packed Lunches

It’s surprising how much you can save by reducing spend on your lunch. If you are eating out then opt for something from the saver menu, say no to a start and desert and try to resist going large.

You can also take food from home to work, a few sandwiches, a piece of fruit and some crisps will throw you right back to your childhood packed lunch but it will also save money in the long run.

Car Share

If you drive to work and a colleague lives nearby, you could car share for alternating weeks. This will save you and your colleague a small fortune on fuel and you have to fill your tank up as half as much.

Plus, it’s beneficial for the environment, two birds with one stone!

Nights in

Instead of having a night out, have a night in. Nights out can end up being very expensive, especially if you end up drinking more than you expect. Instead, invite everyone round to yours and tell them to bring their own drinks.

You won’t have to pay for everything, plus it’s in the comfort of your own home – no expensive taxi rides back!

Shop around for discounts

When looking for new clothes, look at online retailers and browse their outlet sections. Giants such as ASOS have a huge outlet section with thousands of clothes discounted heavily.

You can pick up some pretty nice threads and even some designer brands will appear every now and then.

Money Box app

The Moneybox saving app is a simple yet brilliant invention, all you need to do is securely connect a spending card to your smartphone.

It works by rounding your everyday purchases to the nearest the pound, whether it’s your morning commute, the sandwich you bought for lunch or that coffee you bought to get you through the day.

Once your change totals up to £1, you are able to invest into over 6,000 global companies within a Stocks and Shares ISA including Netflix, Unilever and Disney.

The Do’s and Don’ts Of Corporate Hospitality


Corporate hospitality can be an important part of winning new clients and improving your relationship with current clients. However, the line between getting it right and overstepping what’s appropriate can be a fine one. So here’s what to do, and just as importantly what not to do, when entertaining clients.


Do… think of corporate hospitality as an investment


Corporate hospitality is big business. In fact, corporate events are worth a whopping £1.2 billion to the UK economy annually, with 1.3 million business events held each year.


Unfortunately corporate hospitality doesn’t always come cheap, and treating clients may seem like an expense that’s difficult to justify. However research from STH Group has found that more than 80% of businesses believe it is ‘extremely effective’ at improving relations with clients, while 71% of clients who are treated to corporate hospitality events say they are likely to increase the amount they spend with that company as a result.


So think of corporate hospitality less as a bit of frivolous fun to be had with your clients, and more as an investment. If you consider your budget carefully, measure it against what you hope to achieve with the event, and follow the rest of the tips in this article, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t see a solid return on that investment.


Do… tailor the event to your clients tastes


Corporate hospitality may be valuable but you still need to tailor the experience to the clients. Corporate experiences are specifically designed to be aimed at specific tastes, however an amazing experience for you may be a chore for your client.


For example, Smart Group run official hospitality packages at a number of world famous sports events which are all tailored to sports connoisseurs. To you, Smart Sport experiences such as a VIP package at Royal Ascot or Centre court tickets at Wimbledon might be an unforgettable treat. But if your target clients can’t stand sport, then this will not be the case for them.


David Spicer, director of UK events at agency Rodber Thorneycroft, believes many businesses invite clients to events without any consideration about whether the said client will actually enjoy the event. To remedy this Spicer suggests sending a questionnaire to clients asking them to list their favourite activities, remembering to include other personal preferences such as whether they prefer to attend during office hours or at the weekend.

Don’t… drink excessively


Drinking alcohol is often part of the fun of a corporate event, however, it can also go too far. The days of Mad Men-style corporate schmoozing with the Old Fashioneds flowing are becoming a thing of the past, but that doesn’t mean treating clients can’t be genuinely fun and enjoyable. It’s just about finding the right balance.


Drinking can play a part, but perhaps the event shouldn’t be centered around alcohol. You might consider taking clients to sporting events, or a restaurant, rather than a bar. For example, the Taste of London 2017 corporate event combines complimentary champagne with small plate taster dishes from some of London’s most prestigious restaurants. Alternatively, you could shun alcohol altogether. The Tough Mudder corporate packages involve putting you and your clients through a gruelling 12 mile mud and obstacle course. The Outdoor Adventure Company run a number have a number of fitness based corporate events if your client will feel more at home quad biking or whitewater rafting than in a luxury restaurant or bar.


Remember, excessive drinking and corporate hospitality can be a dangerous cocktail. Not only do you run the risk of giving off the wrong image about yourself and your business, you may end up being hit by a larger than expected bill afterward.


Don’t… act in a way that could be considered unethical


Businesses always need to pay attention to the 2010 Bribery Act. The Act has made it more complicated for businesses to organise or accept event invitations and gifts. Again, balance is key. Complimentary tickets to an England rugby hospitality event or corporate events at Wimbledon are perfectly acceptable, but a free lavish holiday or expensive jewelry is not really appropriate.


For there to be an offence, the prosecution must show that the client was offered something with the intention of inducing the person to perform a relevant function improperly or in the knowledge that acceptance of the gift would in itself be improper. The Bribery Act shouldn’t deter you from dipping your toes into the mutually beneficial world of corporate hospitality. The Act recognises that hospitality is an important part of doing business and building relationships with clients.


If you’re concerned about crossing the line, ask yourself if what you’re offering clients is appropriate according to the business relationship. Similarly, it is wise to tend to stick to smaller events than anything too flash or extravagant. If you’re still unsure, choose an established corporate hospitality event supplier. If you bear these things is mind, there’s no reason your business can’t benefit from corporate hospitality in an ethical and successful way.

Company Director Disqualified After Failing to Co-Operate with Liquidator


The director of Scotboys Group Plc has been disqualified for seven years after an investigation by the Insolvency Service discovered that he had breached his statutory obligation to co-operate with the company’s liquidator in order to deliver the company’s previous accounting details.

Mr Christopher Ireland is now disqualified from acting as a company director or taking part in the formation, management or promotion of a limited company.

The company in which Mr Ireland was the director of was a company set up for travel agency and wired telecommunication activities. However, the company was placed into compulsory liquidation after a petition with Direct Response Limited, with liabilities totalling £52,106. Mr Ireland was the sole director of Scotboys Group Plc at this time.

However, the director failed to co-operate with liquidators and as a result, the following were not possible to verify:

  • The true nature of Scotboys Group Plcs’ business and trading history
  • What happened with £24,958 worth of unpaid goods supplied by creditors
  • The financial position of the company between incorporation and liquidation
  • Why the company failed to meet the requirements for a Plc

Robert Clarke is the Head of Company Investigation at the Insolvency Service. He said,

“Keeping proper records is a pivotal duty for directors and there is no place in the business environment for those who neglect their responsibilities in this area and thereby cover up the activities of the companies they manage.

The lack of records in this case made it impossible to determine whether there was other, more serious, misconduct at Scotboys Group Plc and that is reflected in the lengthy period of disqualification.”

As a result of the disqualification, Christopher Ireland is also unable to be the receiver of a company’s property or act as the director of a company without specific permission of a court.

Diversify or… You Know What


Diversify or…  You Know What: The Business Adage That is even More Pertinent in the Modern Age

It’s the age-old business proverb, the first thing they teach you at business school: Diversify or die. In an interconnected world that consists of so many unique people all with different personalities, ideas, and tastes, how can one product or service expect to attract them all if it only caters to a specific subsection? A successful business must expand its target audience, and the best way to do this is to offer a multitude of services under the same brand name. So which multifaceted companies are doing it right at the moment?

Sun Bingo

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9hnKwk0CvU]

In the days of the traditional bingo hall, the player demographic was predominantly senior females. But since bingo moved to an online setting, sites have been attempting to shift away from targeting such a niche audience and branching out to other age groups as well as male users.

Sun Bingo stays true to its roots by appealing to the bingo hall visitors of old with things like the chat rooms, chat hosts (see video above), and bingo lingo, but it also reaches out to other users with its varied game types and energetic hosts. For example, research has found that men like the thrill of casino games, so Sun Bingo also offers a wide range of slots, jackpot games, and table games like roulette. Going to the site to play table games may then lead men to partake in some of the bingo games offered, and vice versa for women.

Offering multiple games is a common theme for bingo sites and online casinos now, and those that don’t diversify in this way will get left behind.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5xKm8tf9Ks]

Walmart, the world-famous retailer and biggest company by revenue in the world, started out as one small store in 1950 opened by Sam Walton. Walton initially increased sales by lowering prices and taking a smaller profit for himself, and then set out to form a chain of stores that all operated under the same brand name. As the company grew, it diversified by taking over smaller companies and selling their products under the Walmart logo. This started with the capture of Mohr-Value Stores, and was soon followed by the acquisition of the Hutcheson Shoe Company. Walmart also began selling products from other markets in the same year, including pharmaceuticals and jewellery.

It wasn’t long before Walmart became renowned for being the one-stop shop for anything you need, and this led other retailers all over the world to follow suit. UK shoppers will know of Asda, which is the British version of Walmart. Boots is a prime example of a superstore that has adopted a similar model to the American giants. It began as a pharmacy but now sells everything from food and drinks to skincare and perfume.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUleUOD8sFc]

For many years Apple was merely a computer company, producing different versions of the Apple Macintosh computer between the years of the company’s inception and Steve Jobs’ return in 1997. It was when Jobs came back in as CEO that he began to restructure the product line and seek out ways in which the company could diversify. This began with the Apple Store, the now famous place that Apple users visit to download their apps.

Soon the company decided to tap into the booming music industry and seized on an opportunity to offer an alternative to the outdated portable CD player. This was the iPod, which was an instant success and dominated the up-and-coming mp3 market. Releasing the iPod effectively made Apple cool, and introduced young audiences to the products, thus paving the way for the release of the first iPhone in 2007 and the original iPad in 2010.

Through these varied products, Apple has managed to attract multiple audiences. Youngsters buy the products for the music accessibility and apps, professionals can send emails and create documents, seniors can download bingo apps, the list goes on. This is why Apple is now one of the richest companies in the world with a value of $234 billion.

All these case studies are testament to the fact that diversification in business is key. And if you want more proof, what about the companies that failed to adapt and evolve? Blockbuster is a prime example of this. The once hugely successful video rental store ceased operations in 2013 because it failed to move with the times and offer customers other ways to enjoy its products, such as through downloads. The company died through lack of diversity.

2017’s Most Fashionable Bedroom Designs


Whilst other areas of the home such as the kitchen and living room can be used to show off to guests, it’s in the bedroom where we can enjoy being much more creative in indulging our own personal tastes.

This private space gives us all the chance to try out some great new interiors trends, whilst ensuring that it provides an adequate sleeping environment with plenty of bed storage space too!

Lamp Electric Power Design Electricity Light

2017 looks to be another year where our bedrooms will keep things stripped back with plenty of cool minimalist furniture and contemporary urban touches. This means that we’ll be seeing plenty of exposed brickwork, raw materials like stripped-back wooden furniture, and those omnipresent filament lightbulbs that have been popping up everywhere from the big design shows to our coffee shops.

But to make sure that our brutalist bedrooms don’t feel too sterile, we’ll also be seeing the gradual introduction of many soft furnishings that use fun and friendly ethnic patterns. Whilst the geometric print trends were big news in 2016, this year we can expect to see plenty more adventurous designs that use asymmetrical patterns to provide an eye-catching new look for 2017.

If there’s one thing that the fashionable modernist hates, it’s having to deal with too much clutter. This is why keeping everything stripped back to the bare minimum is a must in 2017. So whether it means going to Bedstar to get an Ottoman bed with a large space underneath to store items, or even just whitewashing the bedroom walls, it’s all about getting rid of the chintz!

For those who aren’t into the idea of clean white walls, there are plenty of other more vibrant colour schemes to try. On-trend colours to experiment with in 2017 include confident hues like dusky blues, vibrant reds and even lime greens that would all do a great job as an accent wall to add a touch of colour without overpowering the whole bedroom.

And whilst we’re all increasingly technology obsessed in 2017, it seems that the bedroom could be our last haven away from those omnipresent screens. So be sure to make your modern bedroom as tranquil as possible by using plenty of natural light and candles, and don’t be afraid of implementing some floral touches to welcome spring into your on-trend bedroom in 2017!


Only Fools and Horses: The disastrous consequences of the business rates revaluation


A horse walks into a bar. The barman asks “Why the long face?” The horse replies, “because the forthcoming changes to commercial property tax looks set to cripple both the British equine industry, and rural businesses with an extortionate increase in bills”.

The barman faints from shock, not due to the talking horse, but because the 2017 business rates revaluation could have severe consequences for the nation’s pubs as well. In fact, many small to medium sized businesses in a wide range of industries look set to be unfairly impacted by the forthcoming changes, which look to be so ill-thought out and potentially harmful that the Countryside Alliance has called for the government to “go back to the drawing board”.

Here’s how the 2017 business rates revaluation could affect your business, and what business should be doing to counter these measures.

So why has this year’s business rates revaluation caused so much controversy?

Originally, the government announced that the number of properties eligible for rates relief would be increased. Since 2010, properties with a rateable value of up to £6,000 have qualified for exemption; this was set to increase to £12,000 in 2017. For many businesses —including those in the equine industry—this was welcome news.

Unfortunately, what the new valuations of properties actually means for pubs, rural businesses, and SME’s across the UK is a sharp increase in their bills. Not the rates relief they originally thought they were due.

The general consensus from the Countryside Alliance is that the valuation system is flawed, as it calculates the rateable value of a property based on it’s size. Rural businesses, such as riding schools and livery yards demand a lot more space than most offices for the very simple reason that horses require more room than computers. This, unfortunately, seems to have eluded decision makers at The Valuation Office.

It is the concern of these rural business representatives that the revaluation has been created by pen pushers, who haven’t the faintest idea about rural businesses and the challenges they face. But, it seems like these so-called pen pushers haven’t given too much thought to businesses in London either. London based business rates experts, Gerald Eve, warn that the 2017 business rates revaluation could be result in a 42% rise in rates for some businesses, at a potential cost of £500 million for London’s ratepayers.

What businesses are affected by the revaluation?

Whilst the Department of Communities and Local Government said no small business will see an increase of more than 5% this year, that doesn’t tell the whole story, and is especially unhelpful to businesses that are already financially stretched.

One of the reasons horse-based businesses resent the revaluation is that their properties will be among the hardest hit outside of city centers. According to the British Horse Society, with more land than the average high-street shop, some riding schools in the Southeast are being hit with increases of 365%.

Publicans certainly aren’t mincing their words either They’ve described the revaluation as ‘potentially disastrous’. The brewing industry contributes £23 billion to the UK economy, but the revaluation could be ruinous to hundreds of pubs and bars – an industry which is struggling as it is. In early 2016 the number of pubs fell to its lowest level for a decade, with 27 closures a week. Those that remain may be forced to hike up their prices to stay afloat, the price of the average pint is set to increase by 5p following the revaluation.

Beyond paddocks and pubs, SME’s in a wide array of industries have reacted with anger and confusion to the news. In London, entrepreneurs, small businesses and startups could be hardest hit. The Guardian reported that many London-based SME’s are facing steep rises, whilst businesses in the North are enjoying reductions. A report by estate agents, Colliers, claimed that certain businesses in particularly fashionable areas of central London could face rises of a staggering 415%.

What can businesses do going forward?

It seems that businesses in both rural and urban areas in the Southeast feel that they have been dealt a poor hand by the 2017 business rates revaluation. Neither group, it appears, are taking it lying down.

In response to the fallout with equestrian businesses, the VOA told Horse and Hounds magazine that their calculations for the sector are in fact accurate. Businesses can choose to challenge their rates from April 1st onwards. As for the British Horse Society, they’ve been campaigning hard for changes, writing to every MP in England and Wales.

Pubs are responding too, with many in the industry calling on the new chairman of the ‘Save The Pub Group’, Labour MP Toby Perkins, to make the issue a priority. Meanwhile, business in London are up in arms too. The East End Trades Guild, which represents a community of small businesses in the East End of London, delivered a letter to 10 Downing Street which warned excessively high rates could extinguish SME’s in the capital.

Businesses from all sectors are vital to maintaining a stable economy. These changes threaten to undermine that. If businesses are concerned that they are being unfairly treated by the revaluation, they can appeal. Since the former rates revaluation in 2010, billions of pounds have been saved by doing just that.

Restaurateur Banned for Employing Illegal Workers in Romsey


Mohammad Shajahan, the director of an Indian restaurant in Romsey, has been disqualified for acting as a company director for seven years after he was found to employ illegal workers in his restaurant business.

The discovery came after Rose Garden (UK) Limited (Rose), trading under the name of Alresford Indian & Bangladeshi Restaurant, had an investigation by the Home Office Immigration Enforcement Officers on 9 March 2015. It found that five workers were illegally employed and not eligible to work in the UK.

On 25 April 2016, the company went into liquidation whilst owing £223,547 to creditors. Of this sum, £100,000 was the fine which was imposed by the Home Office Immigration and Enforcement.

Following an investigation by the Insolvency Service, it was concluded that Mr Shajahan failed to ensure that the company complied with immigration legislation and statutory obligations to ensure that relevant checks were completed. It also found that copy documents were retained, resulting in the illegal employing.

According to Robert Clarke, Chief Investigator at the Insolvency Service, “Illegal workers are not protected under employment law, and as well as cheating legitimate job seekers out of employment opportunities these employers defraud the taxpayer and undercut honest competitors.

The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, makes employers responsible for preventing illegal workers in the UK. To comply with the law, a company must check and be able to prove documents have been checked prior to recruitment that show a person is entitled to work.”

The disqualification means that Mr Mohammad Shajahan is now unable to act as the director of a limited liability company, without specific permission from a court. He is also unable to participate in the formation, management or promotion of a company, or be the receiver of a company’s property.

The disqualification was given for a total of seven years, starting from 20 December 2016.

P2P Lending Platform Proplend Granted Full FCA Authorisation


Proplend, a peer to peer lending platform that directly connects creditworthy borrowers to investors, has been granted full authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The company is now a fully authorised FCA platform that specialises in sub £5m, secured commercial property loans; all of which are secured by income producing commercial property located in England and Wales.

The Proplend platform is beneficial for both parties involved in the peer to peer lending scheme. Whilst providing creditworthy borrowers with financial assistance as they are able to gain access to funding which is otherwise unavailable, the investors also receive attractive returns on their investment.

Founder and CEO Brian Bartaby, said:

“After a comprehensive approval process, we are delighted to have reached this significant milestone. The granting of full authorisation demonstrates to current and future investors that Proplend’s regulatory and operational infrastructure has met with the highest standards demanded by the FCA.”

Their main customers are corporate borrowers and owners of LLPs and limited companies, who have an income-producing investment property to borrow based on an interest-only basis.

Their investing customers are individuals who are lending personally, as well as institutional investors. The rates of risk adjusted returns are between 5%-12% and the minimum investment is £1,000.

The P2P tranche model is separated into three models, based on three loan to value (LTV) tranches:

  • Tranche A – 0-50% LTV
  • Tranche B – 51-65% LTV
  • Tranche C – 66-75% LTV

These tranches offer investors with varying risks and requirements to select the investment type that suits their own needs.

Proplend will now submit an application to HMRC to become an ISA manager. This comes as the authorisation is said to pave the way for the launch of the company’s Innovative Finance ISA scheme; an exciting addition to their current list of P2P lending services.

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