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The Street Fashion Industry


While the street fashion has only recently come into prominence, it has been around for over half a century. A recent report suggests that street fashion started in California in the 70s defined by the laid-back surfer dude style. Today, it has gone global with an estimated valuation of over $300 billion. Take a look at these costa del mar sunglasses as an example of the kind of product that haas taken on worldwide.

Influencers and Ease of Access

Influencers such as celebrities, athletes, and social media personalities have fueled the evolution. One of the largest consumers of this street fashion is Generation Z. They are tech savvy and have a huge online presence. Besides that, their spending power has grown in recent years. In the past, few stores were willing to offer these street fashion brands a place to sell their wares. However, nowadays, they are very easy to find on online marketplaces and they do not even have to be niched at just streetwear. You can find clothing as this on sites such as 24mx as well as in brick-and-mortar high-end fashion stores.

Trends around the World

In the past half century, street fashion has become an urban uniform for young people globally. Even places that often fall off the fashion rad have become leaders in the street fashion world. A good example is Kazakhstan. Wherever you go around the world, there is a uniqueness to it. For instance, in Iceland, street fashion has heavy tones of vintage. In Mexico and South Korea, the punk rock undertones are easy to see.

The Influence of Street Fashion

Most street fashion is based on urban subcultures. For instance, skaters, hip-hop, and punks have had a major influence on the street fashion world. Most of the major influencers in these categories have remained unchanged. However, in hip-hop, a new lineup of influencers is changing the street fashion world. They include Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, and Drake among many others.

Social Media and Street Fashion

Most street fashion brands are not large enough to splash out money on major ad campaigns. Thus, they rely on social media to market themselves. They actively engage with the social media users and most posts end up spreading organically. In fact, street fashion brands such as Fear of God were at one time getting four times as many social actions per mention compared to Adidas.

Collaborations with Major Brands

Social media has played an important role in keeping street fashion brands relevant. Now major mainstream brands and personalities are working with these street fashion brands. Major personalities and brands such as Lebron James and Converse have been collaborating on projects with these street brands in the recent past. For instance, Fear of God recently partnered with Justin Bieber on a line of shirts. Immediately this happened, the brand got in with all his 101 million followers on The Gram.

By working with mainstream brands, these street brands also avoid being thought of as sellouts. For instance, if Supreme decided to produce an extremely expensive item piece on its own, this would raise eyebrows amongst its supporters. However, if it worked with a major brand such as Louis Vuitton, this would help to justify the high price of the item to its base. It also makes the item even more of a collector’s item and its resale value shoots.

How Can I Future Proof My Home?


Technology seems to change by the minute so by the time you spend your hard-earned money to update TV’s, computers, not to mention video game consoles, there are new versions being released. If you are planning a big home renovation, adding a home lift may be part of future-proofing your home. You can make it easier for your future self to access multiple floors and provide value to buyers if you decide to sell your home in the future. Home lifts used to be reserved for the rich and famous in society, but nowadays they are more accessible than ever. A home lift can be installed quickly and easily if you know what features you need. Much like any home renovation project, it can get overwhelming, so if you need assistance, UK home lift experts are on hand to help you. They can answer any questions you have about home lifts and whether or not one might be right for you.

What Is A Home Lift?

A through-floor or domestic lift allows homeowners to move freely between floors without the need for stairs. Home lifts are safe and allow independent movement, making them ideal for the aging in place movement, which allows you to stay and continue to build equity in the home you love. Home lifts offer independence to those who may have mobility issues, either temporarily or permanently.

How Much Does A Home Lift Cost?

The price of home lifts depends on several factors. The size and style of the lift are the two main factors, but retro-fitting work may also be needed. There are three main styles of home lift including traction, hydraulic, and pneumatic. Each of these lift types has their own pros and cons, so a home lift expert will help you decide which is right to install for your home.

Why Do I Need A Home Lift?

Not convinced that a home lift is right for you? There are two main reasons why most look to install these devices in their homes.

  • Regain Independence: If you have mobility issues and are currently only using one floor of your home, a home lift could help. Getting up and down the stairs doesn’t have to be a struggle. A home lift provides a safe environment to access the upper floors of your home.
  • Stay Where You Are: Many older individuals fear having to sell their home to downsize because of decreased mobility. A home lift solves this issue by making the rest of your home accessible again.  

So, Are Home Lifts Affordable?

How much you pay for a home lift depends on the style and features you want for your home. Typically, you can expect to pay around £10,000 or more for the elevator alone. Keep in mind that the price does not consider contractor costs for retrofitting the elevator to your current home. The amount of work that needs to be done to retrofit a home lift is hard to estimate online. That’s because no one knows what the job may require until they visit your home and give an assessment.

What FAANG Stocks to Watch in 2019?


Although the US equity markets saw a greater amount of volatility in Q4 2018, the first two months of 2019 seem more promising from a performance point of view. Also, FAANG stocks continue to dominate the markets and despite heavy losses, they have managed to recover a significant amount of lost ground.

However, despite being part of the same industry, we can notice a certain divergence in terms of performance, which is why today we will talk about the most important FAANG stocks to watch in 2019 if you are active in live stock trading.

AAPL Stock

After reaching an impressive $1 trillion in market cap, AAPL had been the second biggest disappointment after Facebook, since it lost around 40% in value between October and the beginning of January.

In line with the market performance, the stock price had recovered 28% from the lows and it is now considered to “present opportunity”. That’s how Bank of America labeled the AAPL potential, after upgrading it from neutral to buy.

Despite its lower valuation, several headwinds lie ahead. The smartphone industry seems to have topped, as the latest numbers show a diminishing demand, especially in important markets like China. Second of all, it will be important to watch the earnings report due next month, in order to see whether we are headed towards an earnings recession, as some analysts predict.

FB Stock

The Facebook stock topped since June 2018, after poor earnings guidance drove the price lower, in what will eventually become a -48% drop in value. However, the selling pressure had been gradually evaporating and since December 24th, the stock set up a nice 40% rally, with improved prospects for the months to come, if we judge by the current price action structure.

As with AAPL, earnings will be on the spotlight for Facebook as well. Since the Tax Reform, most of the major US public companies posted strong gains, but as many experts expect, the influence of lower taxes is close to an end.

We could soon enter a period of slower growth and investors might want to adjust their portfolios once again. If earnings will continue to surprise on the upside and if China and US will show that the trade war is close to an end, Facebook could continue to edge higher, thanks to its lower valuation as compared to the other FAANG stocks.

How can your Business Benefit from Ethernet in First Mile Technology?

There’s a huge amount for small businesses to contend
with in the current economic climate, particularly when it comes to the world
of technology.
Many small and medium-sized are struggling to get to grips with
the Internet of Things (IoT), for example, with 60% of companies admitting that
they’ve been slow to
integrate this into their ventures

In fact, a more pressing concern for businesses is securing more
affordable and effective Internet service. This is where “Ethernet First Mile”
(EFM) comes into play, as this is a low-cost, leased line technology that
delivers huge potential savings to SMEs.

In this post, we’ll explore the concept of EFM in further detail
whilst asking what benefits it can deliver to your business.

What is EFM and how Does it Work?

From a practical perspective, EFM provides symmetrical bandwidth
at impressive speeds of up to 35 Mbps with no contention. In this context, the
use of the word symmetrical refers to the delivery of identical upload and
download speeds, which also remain consistent during a company’s day-to-day

To achieve this, EFM utilises multiple copper cables to connect
you directly to the Internet, bridging the cavernous gap that exists between
broadband and leased lines.

This is an extremely effective combination, and one that
delivers increased speeds, higher bandwidth and far greater levels of

The latter point is particularly important, as EFM cables
operate in multiple pairs that will continue to deliver a consistent and
reliable service even as one pair fails.

How can EFM Benefit your Business?

Despite being relatively obscure from the perspective of small
businesses, EFM is available to an estimated 80% of firms throughout the UK and
can provide considerable cost advantages.

Aside from this and the additional benefits we’ve already
discussed, EFM can also add value to your venture in a number of different
ways. It’s extremely accessible and can be deployed quickly, for example, as
EFM leverages copper connections that are already available at your premises
and minimises the amount of disruption caused by digging and extended downtime.

With suppliers like Redcentric,
an EFM also comes with 24/7 support that spans 365 days each year, whilst each
associated circuit operates independently and delivers genuine continuity to

So, if you operate an online venture that relies on connectivity
in order to drive sales, you can use a secure EFM to minimise downtime and
optimise turnover in the process.

This technology is also suitable for providing reliable VPN and
VoIP services, replacing traditional leased lines and SDSL alternatives.

On a fundamental level, it’s also a resilient service that’s
reliable, secure and capable of simplifying your router configuration choices. This
should definitely prick up the ear of business-owners, who can finally rely on
a secure and accessible Ethernet connection that helps them to reduce their
operational costs.

What Are The Different Reasons for Remortgaging Your Property?


Remortgaging is a term that gets thrown around a lot when discussing housing.

While it’s a fairly common practice, there are still plenty of homeowners who either don’t understand it or know how it could benefit them.

In layman’s terms, remortgaging is when you take out a new deal on your existing property to either replace the mortgage you already have or to borrow a sizeable amount of money against your home.

For most people, their mortgage is their most significant financial commitment and may be tentative about changing it. However, if you know what you’re doing (or are thinking about getting mortgage advice from a professional like an online mortgage broker), you can save money and find yourself a better deal all by switching your mortgage at the right time.

Reasons to Remortgage

There are plenty of reasons to remortgage, some more specific than others. We’d be here all day if we listed them all, so we’re going to cover the most popular ones.

Your Current Deal is About to End

Even the best mortgage deals only last a short time, usually only 2-5 years, and then you’ll be transferred to the lender’s standard variable rate. This will probably be a lot higher than your current rate, so this makes the perfect time to remortgage. Be timely though! Start looking at least 14 weeks before your rate comes to an end.

The Value of Your Home has Increased

Properties can rise in value for several reasons, but if yours has drastically increased, then remortgaging could be a good idea. Shopping around, you may find a lower loan-to-value band and therefore be eligible for a lower rate. Make sure to check first, but it’s always a good idea to keep tabs on the value of your home.

You Want a Better Rate

It’s one of the most straightforward reasons, but a pertinent one. Some deals may have an early repayment charge or an exit fee (sometimes 2-5% of the original loan), but it’s always worth checking around for other deals. The potential savings could be huge!

You’re Worried About Rising Interest Rates

If you have a tracker mortgage and the Bank of England base rate is predicted to rise, it could be the right time to look for a new deal. However, make sure that an increasing rate would affect your mortgage specifically. There’s no use worrying over nothing and remortgaging is usually very situation dependent.

You Want to Overpay, But Your Lender Won’t Allow It

People can come into money for all kinds of reasons and paying off a mortgage is something many do when in that situation. However, some lenders don’t allow this, or only let people make small overpayments. If you remortgage, you’ll be able to reduce the loan size and get a cheaper rate. Just make sure to keep an eye out for any early repayment charges or exit fees as those could throw a spanner in the works.

You Want to Borrow More

Not all lenders will let you take out extra money on your deal, but remortgaging could let you find a new lender who’ll let you raise money on a lower rate. Just make sure to check if this is the best course of action for you and a cheaper move than other forms of borrowing.

It’s likely that the new lender will ask you what the money is for. You must be honest, or you will end up in trouble down the road. The most common reasons involve getting a better return on investment later on, like home improvements or consolidating other debts. Just make sure you have evidence of these ventures as the lender may ask to see them.

Should I Remortgage?

However, you must be sure that this is the right course of action for you. While remortgaging can be an excellent option for many, it is heavily dependent on your circumstances as well as the amount of time you have left on your mortgage. Like all loans, they work best for certain people and plenty of people want to remortgage when there are other, simpler solutions. Here are some scenarios when you shouldn’t remortgage

The Value of Your home has Decreased

If the value of your house has gone down, you’ll usually find yourself paying back a more significant proportion. Unfortunately, this means you are a victim of shrinking equity which can sometimes leave you with a debt bigger than the value of the property. This is NOT the time to remortgage. In this situation, all you can do is make overpayments if you can and wait for prices in your area to increase.

Your Mortgage Debt is Small

Once your mortgage has fallen below £50,000, it isn’t a good idea to switch lenders as you aren’t likely to make any significant savings.

Your Credit Score Has Dropped

If your credit score has taken a hit since taking out your current mortgage, you aren’t likely to be accepted for a new deal. Lenders are incredibly selective when it comes to approving mortgages and remortgaging your property won’t change that fact. If you want to get a new deal, make sure to check your score. If it’s poor, do some research into what you can do to raise it before you think about applying.

Remortgaging can be a scary idea, but it could really benefit your situation. Almost one-third of all mortgages made in the UK are remortgages, so plenty of people have already realised the benefits. Do some research into your current mortgage deal to see if switching to a new lender could save you some money in the long run. There are always tools like online mortgage calculators and physical mortgage brokers that can help you if you’re unsure.

Deal between New Zealand’s ADD 4 I.T. LIMITED and the American PNC Financial Services Group


For those who have been waiting since 2017 for the details of the record deal between New Zealand’s ADD 4 I.T. LIMITED and the American PNC Financial Services Group, there some information is finally available. Representatives of both companies refuse interviews and comments – some refer us to the PNC press center, others fail to provide specific information.

The deal aroused interest not only because of the sheer amount involved – the controlling stake in the company cost the American giant in a round sum, there is unconfirmed information that about $30-$40 million.. But for a company with a turnover of almost $300 billion, this amount cannot be called excessive. Just the fact that one of the USA’s ten largest financial holdings showed interest in an inconspicuous team with a few IT solutions for the banking sector under its belt is notable, to say the least.

The answer most likely lies in the group’s niche expertise. Chris Scott, the chief technical officer and rumored idea generator (originally from Cairo, Egypt), is a renowned expert in AI software solutions. His projects have been successfully presented at specialized forums and found reputable buyers from fintech organizations. The leadership of PNC Financial Services Group apparently decided not to take the contract-based path, and used its capital to buy out the entire company, headed by Aaron Diggelmann. The benefits for both sides are clear – PNC will now be the first to implement cutting-edge solutions and increase its profits, and ADD 4 I.T will develop at a totally new level with this new financial infusion.

ADD 4 I.T. is ostensibly developing some highly promising solutions, because all information about its current plans has disappeared from the public space. Company representatives, who have been actively sharing their plans and achievements both on the official website and in social networks up until the merger, have been silent for the second year in a row. The fact that the work is actively going forth and the head office is providing comprehensive support can only be judged by tax returns. On average, the income of each of the group’s employees increased several-fold.

The UK CBD Industry


The market for cannabidiol (CBD) is growing fast across the world. By 2020 it is set to reach a turnover of £1.7 billion. In the UK it has already grown rapidly despite a lack of formal regulation. With vendors facing new challenges from UK and EU authorities what is the reality for them and their customers?

When CBD arrived on the UK scene, shops and websites stocked just one or two products. Now there are over seven hundred product varieties available including gummies, CBD infused water, capsules, vapes and tinctures.

Because the industry developed so quickly there are no specific regulations to restrain it. This is great for initial growth but it has resulted in a marketplace where top quality retailers have to battle for customers with companies who do not meet the same high standards.

The current industry is one where any new regulations could force retailers to stop selling CBD products. In the mean-time, companies have tried to create their own self-regulation; customers are beginning to find their feet in such a varied market and demand for CBD continues to grow.

Opportunities for new businesses

In 2017, a Cannabis Trades Association (CTA) study revealed that the number of UK CBD users increased from 125,000 to 250,000. Studies linking it to health benefits, its edgy origins and its versatility resulted in the CBD market being an area of nearly unparalleled growth.

The new industry moved away from its smoky origin in the illegal cannabis market and aims at a mainstream and often boutique health and wellness market. With a large consumer interest, it has become an ideal opportunity for new companies to get on board and create their own CBD brands.

As new businesses developed, the versatility of CBD prevented the market from stagnating. It allowed companies, both new and existing to expand their range and continually provide something of interest to consumers.

Recent developments in the UK CBD industry

“It’s growing so fast it’s all a bit confused” Johan Obel owner of the drug.store in London.

In a market that grows quickly there is the risk that it will come crashing down at any moment. CBD is a product that still has many grey areas. As regulation and policy gets worked out and adopted it could slow or even stop any market growth. However, by creating a more controlled market it may also create greater opportunities for those who are prepared to work within new guidelines.

In the last six months decisions have been made within the EU that will impact the sale of CBD across its member states. The UK has committed to continue to follow any EU guidance on this matter after Brexit. The UK Food Standards Agency can also implement their own interpretations of any EU rulings.

It was recently announced by the EU that CBD was to be classed as a novel food. They stated that it did not have a long enough history of use as a food to be classed as a traditional food. Novel foods are only allowed to be sold when they meet certain requirements.

Following this announcement an application has been made for CBD to be assessed as a novel food. However, the application relates to use that does not exceed 130mg daily. Therefore, if the application is successful there still maybe changes to be made by current retailers.

While the application is being considered CBD is still available for sale. Individual Food Standards Agencies may make their own decisions on how to address the outcome.

While this causes uncertainty for the growing industry it may ultimately offer a more regulated and secure market place. Peter Carroll, patient advocate of the End our Pain campaign said: “We agree that there is a need for more control in the CBD market to protect people from unscrupulous suppliers and to make sure that people understand what they are taking.”

Differences in quality

As with any new opportunity there have been many different approaches within the industry. Many companies have approached it with integrity and transparency and have aimed to craft a quality product for a discerning customer. However, there are also those who have gone for quick wins.

There have been reports of oils not containing the concentrations advertised on the label and products being sold without the required testing. Those seeking to make quick money have also made promises about the medical properties of CBD. This has meant that many vulnerable people have been left out of pocket from inferior products and false promises. For this reason, you must be sure that you are buying CBD products only from reputable businesses like Zamnesia.

Best practice within the industry

Nutritional therapist Dr Sarah Brewer recommends: “With all the change taking place there is still a great deal of misunderstanding and misleading information about CBD Oil on the market. Make sure you buy CBD Oil capsules from a reputable supplier who is a member of the Cannabis Trade Association”.

With a little research it is easy to find some excellent companies providing top quality products. The industry began without regulation, so genuine companies are working on building relationships with their customers and providing complete transparency on their methods and products.

Businesses like for the Ageless have set up their own means of self-regulation. They display assurances like third party lab tests and organic certifications as external measures of quality. These allow you to find the best possible CBD for your needs. For the Ageless is also a member of the Cannabis Trades Association which is seeking to engage with CBD suppliers to ensure that they meet a common standard. Across their website products are clearly labelled to show the amounts of Cannabidiol they contain too.


In a fast growing yet uncertain industry, there are many exciting possibilities. They exist for new, and established companies, who want to create trusted brands and for consumers who now have access to a range of new and exciting products.

While the future of the industry is uncertain, we do know that there are companies who have already made significant quality contributions to our understanding of CBD. They have also brought top quality practices and products to the customers’ attention. When looking for CBD products, remember to check out reviews on sites like trust pilot, find the third-party certificates of analysis and expect clear labels.

The Effects of Brexit: Negotiations Causing Turbulence for Markets


The financial effects of Britain’s impending exit from the EU have been followed closely, as watchers of the market try to determine whether it can survive what is a turbulent time in the UK. Both the Sterling and the FTSE 100 have echoed the political instability, in the almost 2 years since the initial vote to leave.

Take a look back on some of the key moments in Brexit up until now, and their implications on the market.

The Initial Break

June 2016 brought the shock decision from UK voters to break away from the European Union. The Sterling would dip as a result, with many concerned about the disruption exit talks would bring. While the FTSE would hit lows after the vote, it would recover in the weeks following.

Comments by French President François Hollande in October of that year lead to a flash crash of the pound. GBP-USD would trade in 9.72% weekly range (high-to-low), yet the FTSE 100 rebounded by 3.52%.

The pound would go on to rebound slightly, trading 3.6% (low-to-high) in January 2017, following Theresa May’s speech setting out the government’s 12 priorities for Brexit talks.

2017’s General Election

UK PM May made the decision to call a June 8 election, attempting to make a stronger position for herself in negotiations. The election backfired, as May’s Conservative party was unable to form a majority as a result of the vote. GBPUSD would trade in a 3.12% weekly range (low-to-high), while the FTSE 100 fell 3.64% in a week.

Progress in Negotiations

The House of Commons vote on the EU Repeal Bill went through in September 2017, signaling progress in Brexit proceedings. In late 2017 talks would move on to the second phase of negotiations, causing the GBPUSD to jump by 7.85% over the following six weeks, while the FTSE 100 remained stable.

Turbulence in 2018

New directives from the EU27 lead to a drop of 4.42% over six weeks for GBPUSD, and an 11.70% skid for the FTSE 100 over the same time. This would last until March 2018, when GBPUSD hit a 22-month high on the back of agreed dates for a transition period. At the same time, the FTSE 100 grew 15.53% over 2 months, reaching its all-time high at 7,903.

GBPUSD markets would go on to drop 9.87% as talks began to stall.

A big milestone in Brexit proceedings came in June 2018, with the EU Withdrawal bill passing. At this time, the FTSE 100 would continue to hold its strong position, while GBPUSD continued a downward trend.

The FTSE 100 turned and dipped sharply from its strong position in late 2018, as the UK hurried to try and push a deal through. Theresa May presented a draft agreement on November 2018, which was met with largely negative sentiment and criticism. A vote on the deal, planned for December 11th, would be called off.

Both the FTSE 100 and GBPUSD would close 2018 in a weak position, as a result of continued uncertainty. Both have rebounded thus far in 2019, but the inability to settle on a deal before the March 29 deadline continues to case a dark cloud over the markets.

Brought to you by Daily FX

Ways of Choosing the Right SEO Tool for a Small Business


Small business people are required to do a lot of things. In order to achieve success in your small business, it is highly desirable that you should have proper understanding of the tool for your business. It is important to make the right choice while you choose your SEO tool so that you get maximum returns from your business. Along with SEO tools, you can consider hiring an SEO firm, such as whitehat-seo.co.uk, who can help you manage your SEO. However, if you’d prefer to manage it independently, continue reading to learn more about the tools available to you.

The SEO tool should be able to fulfill your requirements. The SEO software saves your time and you can utilize your precious time for new findings and working closely with the clients. You can put a lot of focused content, but the main focus should be given to SEO tool. These SEO tools are pieces of software which are very powerful. They provide the user with good interface.

Which Tools Are Right for You?

Consider your Requirement – You need to think about whether you want all the features in one solution or you want a specific tool for a specific function? There are many options available when you are searching for the best SEO software for small business. Some of the unique features are offered by SEO Buddy, a productivity tool helping businessmen have their own SEO strategy, which can be done in a cost-efficient way.

which is a productivity tool helping businessmen to have their own SEO strategy and this can be done in a cost-efficient way.

Cost of The Tools – There are changes in the price, you need to know about the price and the pricing model. This price should fit in your business model and you should also know how the price soars as more customers are added.

Integration with Other Tools – The SEO tool should have the feature of integrating with other platforms which are used in your business. If you are using marketing applications you should ensure that whether an SEO tool can integrate with those marketing apps.

Are the Tools Updated Regularly?

To get the desired benefit from a software tool it is very important to know whether the tool is updated regularly. This helps in getting maximum benefit from the features that your tool offers.

Provision of Technical and Customer support

With any software, things sometimes can go wrong. Even you have questions on how to use the software. There should be proper knowledge about what technical support the customers are going to be provided.

What Support Is Provided to Help You to Learn About the Tools?

In order to get proper knowledge about SEO tools, there should be videos, guides, FAQs and documents. These can be used to get detailed knowledge of how to use tools.

Do They Offer an API For Their Tools?

An API helps applications to communicate with each other. It is best for you to know whether your tool provider has an API and what is the cost of using it.

Are They User-Friendly?

Whenever you choose an SEO tool for your business you should think about its simplicity and user-friendly design. If the SEO tool is complicated then you need to train your employees on the use of the SEO tools. For this training, you need to have a high budget. In a small business scenario, it is difficult to handle all these expenses.


So, after doing broad analysis about the SEO tools, you will know that small businesses should always look for innovative SEO tools. In the past few years, the SEO strategies have changed radically for small businesses. Today, the focus is more on the content. SEO tools helps small businesses to create user-friendly websites and these websites stand at higher positions on the search engines. It helps them to accomplish their goals and drives readers to their websites.  It is one of the best online tools in today’s time.

PayPal VS Skrill: Which Payment System Is Superior?


In the vast and robust sector that is online payment systems, two companies continuously rise above all the competition: PayPal and Skrill. While there are dozens if not hundreds of online payment systems, few can compare to these two powerhouses, with even Stripe, Dwolla and Payoneer falling short of the leaders. Still, with both PayPal and Skrill both looming over the rest of the options, we have to ask: which is better?


Everyone knows PayPal. It’s every online shopper’s best friend, appearing on almost every site imaginable from ASOS to Samsung and Currys PC World to the Disney Store. To activate an account you simply put your details in once and from there on out purchasing items online can be done with the click of a button. There’s no need to share personal information with merchants either, as PayPal takes care of all the nitty-gritty details and keeps all data safe and secure.

Arguably, it’s PayPal’s outstanding popularity that encourages many merchants to invest in creating an account. Unfortunately, things often don’t turn out to be quite so easy for merchants who wish to use PayPal. Over the years, there’s been a breakdown of communications between PayPal as a service and merchants who use the system. There are reports of PayPal locking accounts before contacting the account holders, as well as a worrying lack of customer service, and so in recent years, many merchants have been seeking alternatives.


Source: Mr Green / Skrill

Online payment system Skrill is one such alternative, and while it may be small compared to PayPal, it is swiftly becoming a giant in the market. While PayPal targets online retailers, Skrill has gone for a slightly different audience, though it is proving just as successful.

Over the last decade, online casinos have become incredibly popular, attracting millions of gamers from around the globe. As financial transactions are a key element of online casinos, the need for a quick, competent, secure payment systems that customers and casino operators alike could work with became more apparent. In stepped Skrill, a worldwide payment service offering 40 currencies, free cross-border transactions and seriously quick registrations.

These are just some of the reasons why the iGaming industry may prefer Skrill to PayPal, though the fact that the online payment system doesn’t have quite as big a reputation as its competition is probably also a factor. After all, the more well-known something becomes, the bigger the chances of negative connotations being associated with it. Found on almost every big brand online casino (and often offering a wide variety of bonuses and offers for new and existing members) it is as if Skrill has developed a niche that increases its appeal within this particular market, while avoiding potentially damning wider public opinion.

So, as we come to the end of our online payment system comparison, one thing has become clear: preferred systems seem to depend upon what we are using them for. As a consumer interested in online retailers, PayPal is probably your best option. However, if you’re an online gamer, a casino operator or a merchant in that sort of sector, then Skrill seems like a far better option. That said, there’s no reason why you can’t have accounts with both, ensuring all your bases are covered.

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