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What Your Brand Could Learn From The National Lottery


Creating and maintaining a familiar and respected brand can be one of the most difficult things for any business owner. While you might look to competitors for inspiration when crafting your own brand, it might surprise you to learn that you could do just as well to follow in the footsteps of the National Lottery. Since launching in 1994, the lottery has become a British institution, paying out over £59 billion in prize money while raising over £38 billion for charities.

From adapting with consumer behaviour to boosting positive brand reputation, the National Lottery has managed to grow alongside its customer base, and remain as popular as ever.

Improve online interaction for customers

Every brand should already be doing making the most of their social media presence, but there are still steps businesses can take to extend their reach. Instead, this entails looking at imaginative ways your customers can interact with your brand, and with each other, online. This could be helping them find quick responses to issues or queries, or providing a place for users to engage with one another.

After launching in 1994, the National Lottery needed to adapt to changing consumer behaviour, especially after the boom of the internet. Players can now buy tickets, check results, and even collect their winnings online, helping the lottery retain its audience. This has since led to more options for users, such as organising and managing lottery syndicates—a group of players who pool their money together to maximise their chances of winning—online. Syndicates are typically made up of colleagues or a group of friends, traditionally requiring the handling of physical cash and entrusting a syndicate manager to be in charge of buying tickets and splitting any winnings. Now, however, online services simplify and automate the process.

Companies like Lotto Social have taken this a step further by allowing single players to enter, who are then automatically assigned a syndicate in an existing group. The company encourages online interaction between users, and provides a members-only area on their website. This enables players to communicate with each other and play bonus draws, keeping them on the website for longer periods of time and encouraging them to spend more money on games while building friendships within the syndicates.

Giving your target audience the chance to interact with—and through—your brand builds a community, and can help encourage repeat visits to your website. This could be with something as simple as letting users leave ratings and reviews on products in exchange for points or vouchers. The added incentive for money off future purchases can work to guarantee more product reviews and interactions, which can encourage new buyers.

Be wary of the risks of social media campaigns

Opening up your brand online and stepping up your social media game can be transformative for your business, but it is risky if you’re not careful. The National Lottery learnt this the hard way after one online campaign went awry.

Teaming up with British Athletics, Twitter users were asked to tweet a post from @TNLUK and include the hashtag #Represent. In return, they would receive a thank you tweet, which included a photo of one of the athletes holding up a sign that showed the account name, which was automatically rendered to save both time and money. However, the Twitterati quickly hijacked the seemingly wholesome campaign, changing their account names to humorous or offensive names and statements. The National Lottery were later compelled to apologise for the campaign going off track.

The campaign was disabled and inappropriate tweets were deleted, but screenshots survived, immortalising the brand’s monumental fail. If you are looking to run a similar campaign, where images or responses will be automatically generated online, make sure you consider the risks. More often than not, if prankster social media users can take over an entire campaign, they will.

Boost your brand’s reputation with charitable donations

A recent survey found that UK consumers are more willing to shop with philanthropical businesses, with 40% of customers even saying they would stop buying from a brand they deemed not ethical enough. Out of the 2,025 consumers polled, 54% admitted they’d like to see sustainably sourced products available for purchase, 38% wanted the company to tackle social issues, and 69% wanted evidence of contribution to the local community.

The National Lottery has recognised this shift towards ethical consumerism, and has started emphasising the charitable side of the game. A large portion of lottery ticket sales funds projects, including donations to youth and sports projects. Noticing the shift to customers wanting to see the local communities benefiting, the focus was switched in late 2018 to helping the homeless. An advertisement featuring homeless people having their hair cut went live as part of the “Amazing Starts Here” campaign, showing off the brand’s charitable side.

The campaign seemed to have worked, as the National Lottery enjoyed an increase of £175.9 million in the first half of the 2018/2019 year in comparison to the same period the year before. Any business will be able to replicate this success by simply highlighting their own charitable efforts, and taking extra care to focus on the local community first while pushing a positive brand identity.

Tell MAMA Reports a Rise in Anti-Muslim Incidents in the UK


Tell MAMA, a UK monitoring group for anti-Muslim attacks, has reported a rise in incidences in the UK, particularly by teenage perpetrators targeting women. The organisation looked at the number of incidences reported in 2017 and saw a rise of 26% year on year, representing a record high since beginning to record incidences. This record follows on from the shocking rise in 2015, where incidents of anti-Muslim abuse rose by 326%.

Growth of the Far-Right

Experts have flagged the growth of the far-right in the UK as one of the main reasons for the increase in anti-Muslim abuse, along with several “trigger incidents” including the Manchester and London terrorist attacks. Director of Tell MAMA Iman Atta stated that the findings showed a growing number of far-right and far-right sympathisers were emboldened by the results of the Brexit referendum and the US presidential elections in 2016. Atta stated that, although some of the increase could be down to an increase in reporting, the fact remains that many Muslims, and particularly Muslim women, are still reluctant to report incidences of Islamophobia.

Feeding Radicalisation

Tahir Abbas, a prominent sociologist, commented on the findings from Tell MAMA and his worries that they indicate an increasing rise in nationalism and populism. With Muslims often being the target of abuse, Abbas pointed out that this only feeds into young Muslims becoming radicalised. Each incidence of Islamophobia can be used as a hook to reel in vulnerable and disillusioned young people, with the radical Islamists and the far-right groups feeding off each other and off Islamophobia.

Increased Violence

One of the most worrying aspects of the results of the Tell MAMA report was the increase in incidences pf physical violence, both in number and in severity. Eight out of ten of the perpetrators were male and most of these were young men and boys aged between 13 and 18. Conversely, 60% of the victims were women. Atta expressed concern at the increase in aggression of the younger generation in their targeting of Muslim women, whom he said were more vulnerable due to their visibility. The actual number of incidences is likely to be far higher than the number reported. In Tell MAMA’s 2016 report, it was found that Muslim women who wore Islamic garments such as the niqab or hijab were increasing finding their right to travel on public transport free from intimidation and fear was severely curtailed.

Targets on Twitter

Another worrying area flagged by Tell MAMA was the inability of online social media platform Twitter to actively police Islamophobia. Despite having made more than 30 changes to the platform in the context of safety over the preceding year, Twitter users were able to easily open new accounts and continue their online abuse even after being banned from the platform. One victim had to report 11 individual harassment accounts, yet when Tell MAMA looked, it easily flagged anti-Muslim material that was simple to find and should have been removed.

About Tell MAMA

Tell MAMA was founded in 2012 and utilises data from UK police forces in tandem with specific reports from victims and concerned members of the public to compile a more complete picture of the reach of Islamophobia across the UK. Anyone who is the victim of an attack or who witnesses an attack that is or appears to be anti-Muslim motivated can easily report the incident via telephone, text message, email or social media.

This information can then be used to map and monitor Islamophobia and victims can be referred to partner organisations for additional support if this is required. Statistics such as those presented in the Tell MAMA reports show that there is an increased need to measure and highlight anti-Muslim incidents in the UK and across the world in recent years.

Relationship Expert Sami Wunder Shows Successful Women How to Crack the Code to Romantic Love


Leading relationship expert Sami Wunder specialises in working with successful, independent women around the world and helps them attract a healthy romantic relationship with a man who is a match for them!

Sami Wunder became a love coach for high achieving women, based on her own life experiences, where she found herself a high-achiever in her professional life but struggled unexplainably in her love life.

An MPP graduate from Germany´s renowned school for public policy, the Hertie School of Governance and a gold medallist in Economics from India´s top college in commerce and economics, Sami´s love life looked the complete opposite of her professional success.

While working in the international development sector as a consultant, it was a heart-breaking experience with a man she loved that finally inspired Sami to dive into studying dating and romantic relationships.

Having always been an ace student, Sami was amazed at what she learnt and how our unhealthy patterns in romantic relationships have much do with our childhood role-modelling, our self-esteem, and an incomplete to zero understanding of how attraction actually works for men (it´s way beyond just good looks, for example!)

Within nine months of her personal transformation, Sami was engaged to the man she would marry. Today, she´s in the 6th year of her happy marriage and they have a son.

It was in 2016 that Sami decided to leave her successful career in international development and instead set up a coaching business, teaching other successful women like herself how to use the skills she had learned to attract the right romantic relationship, without compromising on their careers or intelligence.

Sami Wunder is passionate about all strong and successful knowing that it is possible to have amazing love, and amazing professional success, all at the same time.

Her work has seen tremendous success in a short amount of time. Love can be a hard crack to code say Naturally Dating who organised events for people looking for love.

She is the CEO of a highly successful company that now reaches over 54K + strong, successful women across 30 countries around the globe and over 100 of Sami´s clients have found soulmate love through her work and several others found the love back in their relationships and marriages.

Why Successful Women Struggle in Love

Sami´s classic client is the smart, successful woman leader who has it going for her in her professional life.

This woman knows how to take charge, be in control, lead, plan, execute and be the one many people turn to, when in a crisis.

While on the outside it seems to outsiders that this woman has it all together, on the inside she is often hurting when it comes to her romantic relationships.

Even though she desires to have a passionate partnership with a good man, Sami´s client often has a hard time finding a man who is a match to her level of talent and intellect.

Secondly, when she does like a man or feels like she´s found someone who has potential, these men may not necessarily be interested in her romantically and can fizzle out or ghost without an explanation.

This otherwise successful, amazing, sensitive woman may also get the feedback from men that she is un-approachable or that they cannot seem to connect and “feel for her” at a deeper level.

Many of Sami´s clients are therefore left feeling embittered and sometimes disliking men all together or wondering whether love is meant for them at all. Their bad experiences in dating also make them conclude that good men are intimidated by their success and strength, something that Sami vehemently opposes.

The Sami Wunder philosophy revolves around helping women in these types of situation to develop the skills they need to attract and maintain healthy relationships, without compromising on their professional success.

Wunder explains women how their “doing” (masculine energy) may have got them professional success but it is their “being” (feminine energy) that will help them attract amazing love.

Wunder supports women through a range of group coaching programs and high -end VIP private support to develop and hone healthy dating skills, self -love and feminine energy, personalising the coaching for each client based on the underlying reasons why she is still single.

Masculine and Feminine Energies

A large part of the teachings of Sami Wunder revolve around recognising the difference between masculine and feminine energies and teaching successful women how to harness their feminine energy in dating while keeping their masculine for work.

Each gender has both masculine and feminine energies inside us, which can be described as ‘doing’ (masculine) and ‘being’ (feminine) energies.

Many strong, successful women, the majority of Sami´s clientele, spend large parts of their lives harnessing their masculine energy to achieve professional success. This is all about doing, leading, controlling, planning, pushing forward.

While this is great for professional success, it can hinder these women when they bring the same masculine energy into play when dating.

The scientific understanding behind this is that attraction in romantic relationships is based on the presence of polar opposite energies. The presence of polarity leads to sexual tension and attraction.

Therefore, a woman who wants to attract a strong, ambitious and successful man must learn how to do so using her feminine energy.

Women who lead with their masculine energy, often attract men who are more in touch with their feminine side and this is okay if they´re happy.

However, what Sami notices is that many strong, successful women would prefer to be with a man who is more goal-oriented, ambitious and driven than them– precisely the type of men who are not going to be attracted to masculine energy in women.

Hence, a woman who knows how to reconnect with her feminine energy and embody that when dating will naturally become irresistible to men, teaches Wunder.

This is the science of attraction in operation.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy

Embracing and harnessing the power of feminine energy that already exists inside of you is one of the keys to finding romantic success, according to the Wunder philosophy.

This doesn’t mean compromising on career choices or other aspects of life that require a harnessing of masculine energy.

It does involve learning to let go of that masculine energy and embrace your feminine in personal relationships.

Wunder explains how women who find that the men they date often say they find it hard to connect with them are likely giving off the wrong type of energy to attract the kind of man they want.

She insists that it is not about playing unintelligent or helpless, but more about becoming a feminine diva.

By respecting a man to take the lead in relationships and seeing yourself as the prize that deserves to be pursued, you allow a man to be in his masculine energy for you.

Your only job is to lean back and receive in your feminine energy.  This sets the stage for the polarity of energies to build attraction between highly successful women and men, based on the science of attraction.

When you approach romance with this knowledge, you can see how you can be highly successful in your career and you can still attract an amazing man in your life, if you don´t lead with your masculine energy in your love life.

A big part of accessing your feminine energy is also allowing yourself to be vulnerable and soft and letting men see you this way.

Embracing emotional vulnerability is not a sign of weakness as many strong women of our generation may have been taught.

Becoming a High Value Woman

A high value woman understands that she is the prize in love. She stays in her attractive feminine energy and lets the man choose her and give to her.

This involves practices such as letting him plan dates, initiate contact and pursue his ‘prize’.

High value traits therefore include the ability to receive, joyfully and actively, without feeling pressure to return in the same proportions.

A high value woman knows that the pleasure of her time, company and attention are gifts enough for a high- quality man. That she is giving to him, albeit not in a masculine way.

Next up, inner confidence, the knowledge that we have choices when it comes to dating and an ability to feel worthy of attention and gifts are all high value traits.

A high value woman puts her own needs first and maintains high standards, never settling for less than the best treatment from a man.

Sami Wunder´s work is revolutionising the way strong, successful, feminist women, approach their love lives and it´s truly making a difference!

For more relationship advice, follow Sami Wunder on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

How to Retain Online Shoppers


It’s exciting to watch customers learn what you have to offer when you launch your eCommerce store. As they browse your inventory and buy your products, it’s easy to feel a sense of accomplishment. However, as wonderful as it is when new customers find your site, keeping the old ones coming back for more is key to ensuring the longevity of your business.

To accomplish this, you need to give them a reason to buy from you again. With so many new eCommerce websites launching every day, offering great products may not always be enough. Yes, fielding terrific stock is important, but knowing how to retain online shoppers will ensure they choose you over the competition every single time.

Customer Retention

First off, what is an eCommerce website? According to Shopify, a popular eCommerce platform provider, eCommerce is the sale of goods in exchange for digital dollars over the world wide web. Because the Internet is so large, many e-sellers believe there is an infinite expanse of potential customers.

Funny enough, many eCommerce websites that find success with retaining customers do so by offering their shoppers a sense of temporary status. That’s a bit counter intuitive, but it is true. Offering a guest checkout option has been proven to help boost conversion rates, and even bring back customers.

Why do customers enjoy the ability to bypass creating an account?

Everyone has their reasons, but a main influencer is the lack of intrusion. If prompted to create an account, some customers can feel they might be bombarded with emails, promotions and other materials they probably get enough of already.

If a customer is not interested in these things, offering them a way to shop while still allowing them to avoid these marketing tactics allows them to feel autonomous. This entices them to spend more money and return frequently.

On the other side of the coin, some shoppers love the idea of being kept in the loop. If you run sales, add new products, and even just promote what you have to offer, some customers love hearing about it. This helps them keep you in mind when they shop.

For that reason, a strong email marketing campaign can go a long way.

If you have a customer who subscribes to your email list, you can assume they are interested in your products. Impressing them with great copy writing, flashy visuals and concise marketing pitches can influence them to click-through to your site and shop some more.

If they don’t want this, they won’t choose to subscribe.

Crafting  a strong brand also leads to robust sales. The easiest way to boost your brand is to create a catchy insert to add to your packaging. If branded packaging seems too expensive for your operation at the moment, come up with other ways to catch the customer’s attention when they open your shipments.

Perhaps you have a friend who could do a small series of artwork inserts. Have them do a larger piece that can be cut up into smaller parts that still make sense when viewed. Launch a social media campaign to challenge your customers to collect all of the pieces to create the larger piece of art. Offer a discount code or a free gift to the first 10 winners.

Or, it can be a simple as adding a note of thanks, along with a declaration of your mission statement to help your shoppers connect with you. In the end, it’s all about building a relationship with your customer base to ensure that they look to your store as a source of enjoyment

Grow with the Flow

Building a new flow of customers is tough but keeping them is tougher. In order to retain customers in the online space, it’s important to stand out in a unique and original way. Whether that’s a creative email marketing campaign or some fun packaging add-ons, there are no wrong ways to promote return sales. This is particularly true when you have the customers’ best experience in mind.

How to Stay Money-Savvy During Retirement


Although you might think that retirement is the time for beaches, sun and too much gin, think again. Retirement is the time in which you should be reaping the rewards of your hard work, and yet many people fail to prepare for it. If you are looking for a relaxing and luxurious retirement, read on to discover the best tips to stay money-savvy during retirement.

The Dos

Save: If your parents always nagged you to put money aside for a rainy day, now is the best time to do so. Saving for longer periods of time will allow you to take advantage of compound interest, which can drastically increase the money in your account. It also ensures that you will be able to save up more money while feeling less impact on your bank account.

Enroll: Auto-enrollment schemes mean that employers must pay a proportion of your salary between £5,876 and £45,00 into your pension scheme. Employers only pay 1% of tax on this, while you pay 0.2% on your own contributions, meaning that money can build up extremely quickly when taking advantage of these schemes.

Track: Although pension participation is at a record high, many people leave their accounts without input or tracking for many years, believing that their pension will have a steady growth rate. However, you should ensure that your investment has been worthwhile by tracking your pension throughout your life. This will then reduce the chance of nasty shocks along the line.

Read More: You should read as much about your pension as possible, and resources on Portafina’s social media at Portafina’s Facebook, @portafina_uk, LinkedIn and YouTube can help you to do that. If you are searching for one-on-one advice, you can speak to a Portafina advisor by visiting their website.

The Don’ts

Equity: 441,227 people, according to the Equity Release Council, have released equity since 1992. Many of these have been attempts to make up for lack of saving throughout their lifetimes and an attempt to gain funds through retirement. However, there are cons to Equity release that can seriously damage your house value and your inheritance.

Annuity: 84% of retirees want an annuity, and many of these people get annuities without prior research into the best deals on the market. If you do decide to opt for an annuity, you should look at the annuities available to purchase on the open market, as 80% of purchasers could have got a better deal looking to buy from here.

State Pensions: Many people rely on state pensions during retirement. However, you must have 35 qualifying years to get this, and the release age increases alongside life expectancy. This can leave you without a state pension for much of your retirement, and so you should always have a back-up plan where possible and invest in a private pension to help you to live the high life through your retirement.

Disclaimer: The information above is not financial advice. For any financial decisions you need to make, please talk to a qualified financial advisor before you commit to a decision.

10 Smart Ways to Customize Your Car Without Overdoing.

If you’re a car enthusiast, it’s natural to hope for the perfect ride when you’re ready to own a car. So, you might find a new release that’s quite appealing and copes with your demands, but you’d agree that it’s missing something that would’ve made it just perfect.

According to NBC NEWS, studies show that, industry wide, 49 percent buyers show interest in accessorizing their vehicle when they buy them. An additional 11 percent plan on doing so, in the future. The main reason could be that most vehicles are designed to attract the interest of masses, not just one person.

To make your ride more personal and unique, you will have to look for the prospects of customizing your wheels according to your character and personality. The problem is, while most people are just trying to pimp up their ride, they end up overdoing it.

In that scenario, here are some tips that will help you decide on the dos and don’ts.

  1. Aftermarket wheels

To add class to your car’s wheels, the perfect option would be to go for an aftermarket upgrade such as Konig, Enkei or Ronal wheels. These will improve control over your vehicle by reducing the unbound weight. It’s also important to steer clear of 28” rims that are a trend of the 90’s which only posers seem to be clinging on to.

Dynometers are worthwhile additions used to measure the power output of engines or other mechanical systems. Dynometers play a crucial role in assessing the performance and efficiency of engines, providing valuable data for optimizing design, improving fuel economy, and enhancing overall vehicle performance. The all wheel drive dyno accurately measures the combined power output of vehicles’ front and rear wheels, providing comprehensive data for performance analysis.

  1. Upgraded brakes

If you want to show off your speed, opting for high quality brakes is the way to go since excellent brakes allow you to have more control over your vehicle during fast drives with less risk of crashing. Since you are considering customizing your ride, why not go for the right options?

  1. Private number plate

Private number plates are one of the growing trends these days. It not only adds value to your vehicle but also makes it unique and exclusive. Instead of having the usual registration number that comes with the car, you can go for a personalized legal pattern that matches your personality and make your vehicle stand out. Companies like Carreg have made the job of registering private plates a lot more easy and now you can get your favorite one from comfort of your desk.

  1. Short throw shifter

If you have a thing for racing, this will modify the geometry of your shifter,causing the travel distance of the shift lever to be reduced, subsequently helping you shift quicker during your laps.

  1. Pedals

To improve your shifting even more, you can get rid of your stock pedal and replace it with motorsport-ready pedal. This will help you improve the control and handle over your vehicle.

  1. Upgrade your engine

This is something you will have to be very careful about. Finding the perfect engine that your car can handle might be a little more challenging than you think. Also, this will surely be the most expensive addition to you vehicle but if you’re a true enthusiast who’s looking for extra horsepower, this one is a must.

  1. Performance exhaust

Some might believe that the louder an exhaust is, the better the performance, but that is quite contrary to the reality. An overly loud exhaust is an indication that the exhaust is trying too hard to stay steady. You should try to pick one that has an appropriate decibel level and adds a little horsepower to your ride.

  1. Custom paint job

This is something people tend to go too overboard with. A custom paint job should help your vehicle stand out from the crowd in a good way. It’s better to opt for a decent color and avoid bright flashy colors or a tie dyed paint job. Let’s try and dodge the bad ideas when thinking about a paint job. Pick a color that’s genuinely unique and isn’t too flashy to add some heads turn when you ride past. This paint is often rubbed into the steel or sprayed upon. -The same thing if you are painting your walls, paint primers make the walls more durable and protected. If you’re looking for paint primers suitable for walls, BestOfMachinery will be the best guide on your purchase

  1. Custom upholstery

While you’re working on your vehicle’s exterior look, it’s only fair to customize the interiors as well. Keeping track of your chosen color for the paint job, try to pick a decent color for the interior that complements the exterior. Keep it simple and classy, with a nice custom leather and avoid choosing more than two colors.

  1. Speakers

When you love music, you might have noticed that listening to your favorite tracks on bad speakers is one of the worse things ever. It’s important to opt for speakers that let you enjoy the lyrics when you can actually hear them. A good quality of speakers plays a significant role so you need to remember that quality should be considered rather than volume.

As you can see, there are many easy and affordable ways to customize your vehicle and add class to your ride without overdoing it. Keep track of all these basic pointers while thinking of refurbishing your wheels.

E-Liquid Law Loophole Could Affect Safety of “Short Fills”


A loophole in the regulations covering certain
e-liquid products could mean that users of short fills are at risk, according
to industry expert Mark Fawcett. 

Fawcett, who is the manager of GoSmokeFree.co.uk,
has stated that current regulations leave short fills — a popular type of
zero-nicotine, flavoured e-liquid that’s used with an additional shot of
nicotine — unprotected by laws such as the Tobacco Products Directive 2016.

Short fills are a type of e-liquid that does
not contain any nicotine. They’re typically packaged in bottles of 60mL or
larger and intentionally left underfilled, allowing end users to add a shot
that contains up to 20mg of nicotine.

Since these products don’t contain nicotine,
they aren’t covered under existing regulations. This means that unscrupulous,
unethical manufacturers unconcerned about user safety could market products
that put end users at risk.

According to Mr Fawcett, the “whole situation
is out of control”, with consumers at risk due to the actions of certain

“The government put legislation in place to
make sure everyone could be held accountable for the products they put into
circulation. Now, with these short fill bottles, this legislation is being

“The MHRA is not regulating these products and
that’s a big mistake, as no one is patrolling the products vapers are using on
a day to day basis.”

Mr Fawcett notes that many unregulated
manufacturers are drawn to producing short fills due to the relative simplicity
of these e-liquids.

““Professional e-liquid manufacturers spend
thousands of pounds on testing to make sure their products are safe for
consumer use and don’t contain any nasties.”

“Due to the move in the market towards short
fills, unscrupulous people are producing e-liquids from the comfort of their
homes with no knowledge of safety or good manufacturing practices.”

These short fills are then distributed to
vendors, who sell them on to consumers. Others are sold using online
marketplaces such as eBay.

“People buying the liquids have no idea what
has gone into their liquid or if it was manufactured in a clean environment.
Potentially, someone could make a deliberately bad batch of liquid, sell it
locally and never have to deal with the consequences – that can’t be right.”

Many of these unregulated short fills use
ingredients from countries such as China and others in East Asia, where few
regulations cover product safety. Mr Fawcett stated that he’s seen a short fill
from Malaysia that contained a spider, raising questions about manufacturing

To avoid being sold a potentially unsafe
product, Mark recommends that potential buyers take steps to check that they’re
dealing with a reliable manufacturer. This can include checking that
manufacturers are properly registered by the MHRA, a process that can be completed online.

Consumers should also check whether they’re
dealing with a manufacturer that produces their own e-liquids or a reseller
that outsources production by looking at the product’s labeling.

“Often, homemade short fills will have on the
packaging, ‘manufactured for’ followed by the name of a wholesaler, rather than
‘manufactured by’, which provides accountability.”

Scaling up? What to anticipate when moving your business


Congratulations! You clearly have managed to navigate your way through the cut-throat nature of business in order to make sure that yours has managed to stay ahead of your competition. Better yet, you have actually managed to make your brand flourish. That is why you have finally decided that it is time to upgrade your business by moving its headquarters to a brand-new area. Here is what you should expect should you decide to go ahead with scaling up.

Moving your Business is like moving Home

The office you are currently located at will be full of items that have been used to conduct your business. Whether you are working in a store or an office, you may have extremely delicate software that can be easily broken or lost during the move. Make sure to organise your stock accordingly and get a trustworthy moving company to transfer all of your company’s stock safely. If you are feeling a little unsure about which removal company is best, you can go online to look for comparison websites, like Compare The Man and the Van, to uncover the best quotes.  You may also want to consider asking your employees to help transfer their items in preparation for the move in return for extra pay.

Get the Essentials Set Up

Remember that if you decide to move your business during the working week, you may end up having to close for business in order to fully set up your new office. That means that you will not be making money and may even end up closing whilst you get the office set up. Be sure to move on a day of the week that your brand is usually closed on. That way you will not be wasting time or money. You should also make sure that you all of your essentials set up in preparation for you to move your business into its new building. This includes electricity, water, heating and wi-fi.

Employee Concerns

This is a sad truth but not all of your workers will be able to move alongside your business, especially if you aim to move far away. Unless you have placed a mobility clause in your employee’s contract then you may find that unless the move is reasonable, your employees may be entitled to redundancy pay or simply decide to find a new job. Keep this in mind when you are moving and always give your employees enough time to consider their own situations and whether or not they can afford to keep working at your company.

Additional Marketing Requests

If you are looking to move to a different city or building, you may be questioned about the reasons why you have done this. The last thing you want to do is give people the impression that you are downscaling. So why not look into creating an advertisement campaign, like a news article or blog, that will let your clients know that you have moved. That way they can choose to keep an eye on your business if they ever visit your new location in the future.

5 Recommended Tools to Build Instagram


As one of the most prominent social networks, Instagram is at the top of every digital marketer’s mind. If this rings true for you, we’ve listed a few of the top tools and hacks to start using. Check them out below:

Host An Event

If you’re going to gain prominence on Instagram, sometimes you have to step outside what you can do on the platform. A solid first step is hosting a public event. This doesn’t mean throwing a large-scale concert or parade; just using your office as a community space can go a long way on Instagram. As noted by SplashThat, 69 percent of b2b marketers consider in-person events an effective means of marketing, which makes sense. People not only feel included but can also put a face to a name. If you’ve been looking at what you can do outside Instagram, this is the perfect solution.

Come up with a few events you can do solo or partner with someone to get the ball rolling on community engagement. This could include a speaker series, happy hour, networking event, or a product showcase. When you do get the ball rolling, make sure to market this on Instagram by including tagging, creating pre-event materials, doing live event coverage, and recapping after the event.

Hashtags For Likes

A more predictable tool than an event, Hashtags for Likes is one of the most prominent Instagram tools for gaining engagement. According to Brand24, posts with hashtags receive 12.6 percent more engagement, so it’s easy to see why utilising the right strategy can pay off. However, a big part of this is utilising hashtags that are going to give you ROI–which is exactly what Hashtags for Likes can do.

With an intuitive and easy-to-use platform, Hashtags for Likes is one of the best aggregators of hashtag information. A platform used by brands big and small, this is definitely one to throw in the mix to give yourself the best chance of increasing visibility in the right market. No matter how long you’ve been managing your brand’s Instagram account, we can’t recommend Hashtags for Likes enough for that extra boost.

Bringing On An Influencer Campaign

We’ve all heard about the success of influencer campaigns on Instagram, but actually going through and running the numbers is an entirely different beast. On average, an influencer campaign brings $6.50 for every dollar spent; however, there are several factors involved. For example, some influencers charge solely based on their follower count (for example, every 10,000 followers is $100), while some are able to charge more because of their local influence. Looking into how you can strategise an influencer campaign can be quite advantageous.

In looking for an influencer, decide what type of market you’d like to tap. Some niche businesses have a limited scope with the type of influencer they can pursue (for example, there’s a limited number of fishing influencers versus contemporary fashion ones). Determine the quality of their followers and the average ROI. It’s also not a bad idea to ask the influencer what results they’ve seen in terms of response and average revenues from campaigns. Even if they don’t have this information off the top, the ultimate goal for any influencer campaign is finding someone you think represents your brand well and gives what you consider a satisfying return.


A core component of Instagram is visual consistency. Not only will this help with keeping the identity of your brand, but it will also signal people to associate different colours with your aesthetic. As noted by Zimmer Communications, colour increases brand recognition by up to 80 percent, which means that if your brand maintains a colour scheme, it could help you to grow on Instagram. The best Instagram tools teach you visual tricks and cues to help you keep it consistent.

VSCO is a filter and photo editing app. Lauded for its simplicity and functionality, VSCO makes it easy to save preset filters as well as create and save your own adjustments. Considered one of the best photo editing apps, check out VSCO if you’re looking for a solution to keeping your visuals consistent.


Linkin.bio might be the most common call-to-action on Instagram, which is why the team over at Later created Linkin.bio–a solution that does exactly what it says. By utilising a tile format that mirrors an Instagram page, users have found it useful to link to outside content–a key part of any social media plan. The other half of the equation is knowing the best time to reach your base. SproutSocial recommends Tuesday between 9 am and 6 pm. Whatever you end up choosing, Linkin.bio is an excellent tool to gain more traction with your posts.

What are some tools and tricks you use to boost your Instagram presence? Comment with your insights below!

Operating Medical Equipment with the Right Power Solutions


Medical equipment is used in a number of different environments, including hospitals, hospices, ambulances and even in home care settings. Used by professionals and those who have been trained, the right medical equipment can quite literally be lifesaving. 

Whether it’s an emergency or a long-term illness, the use of medical equipment happens every day across the world.

One particularly important piece of medical equipment is a syringe driver, or syringe pump. They are used to gradually administer the right amount of fluids or medicine to a patient. Often used in the environments mentioned previously, they are designed to help safe and simple administration of medication, often amongst cancer patients. 

Important features of syringe drivers

Syringe drivers are used by the NHS and hospices around the UK. They are created with some highly beneficial features that make administrating medicine as straightforward as possible. They are often used to help manage pain, sickness or agitation.

Syringe drivers work by delivering the medicine at a constant rate. They can be used if patients find it difficult to take medicine orally, or if your symptoms simply can’t be managed with tablets or injections. Syringe drivers are also often used in the last weeks of life.

With that in mind, they are incredibly important in medicating patients and managing symptoms. Many syringe drivers are equipped with automatic calculation and volume detection features to make sure the medicine is administered correctly. A lot of them will also have an in-built computer and a display screen so you can see exactly what is being prescribed and if there are any problems with the driver itself.

The computer and screen may also allow you to view the infusion history and pump event log, which can be very helpful. Without the screen, which is powered by the battery, administrators could miss crucial data about the infusion and other related information.

Using the right battery

A syringe driver is powered by a battery, which allows the pump to work correctly and also mean that the driver is a portable device. The right battery for most syringe drivers is known as a 6LR61; a version of the 9V battery. It’s crucial to remember this when replacing the battery, as there is also a 9V 6LP3146 battery which is bigger and won’t fit in the device.

6LR61 batteries are made of 6 x LR61 (AAAA) cylindrical cells, which allow the battery casing to wrap tighter around the construction. Being slightly smaller, the 6LR61 battery fits in the syringe driver compartment without getting stuck. The recommended battery for use is the Duracell Ultra 6LR61.

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